Summary: verse by verse through Acts

[Living vicariously through reality television illustration.]

You know we have our own form of reality tv right here in church as we study through the book of Acts. The book of Acts is basically the true story of the [2] gospel adventure and how it changed the face of the world by changing lives one at a time.

Now just what is the gospel? The gospel literally means “the good news”. So when we say the gospel adventure we’re taking about how the good news of Jesus Christ has traveled from one person to another throughout history.

The Acts story starts out with Jesus instructing the disciples to reach the world and then He miraculously ascends into the heavens. The disciples go preach and start speaking in tongues and thousands of people get saved right then and there. Amazing! Then you’ve got people being thrown into prison, people being killed, people being healed, people being raised from the dead, exorcisms and all kinds of crazy stuff. The guy who hated the church the most get’s blinded and then saved and then he becomes one of the church’s greatest leaders. The book of Acts is one dramatic account of real life! It is a gospel adventure!

But let me ask you this, did God have this book written just to entertain us or to inspire us? As we read the book of Acts should we just be entertained by the story or should we be inspired by the story? Inspired to be a part of the gospel adventure! So let’s get inspired this morning!

Turn with me to Acts chapter fourteen where we’ll see the church’s first ever missionary journey come to an end. Paul and Barnabas have been on the road for almost two years now and have traveled 700 miles by land and 500 miles by sea. They’ve done ministry in many cities and have seen God do some amazing things.

But it wasn’t always easy. As with any important endeavor, difficulties will arise and Paul and Barnabas have had their share of them. The last time we saw them they had went into the city of Pisidian and a great revival broke out. People’s lives were being transformed left and right. But the Jewish officials, as usual, had them kicked out of their region.

So Paul and Barnabas joyfully moved on the next town. Again, as they preached, many, many people got excited about the reality of Jesus Christ. But the Jewish officials would have none of that and successfully caused division in the city. You see, the [3] gospel adventure will bring division.

[Read Acts 14:1-7.]

Paul and Barnabas stayed as long as they could trying to help people get to know Jesus better. But even though their words were confirmed by their miracles, and even though many people believed and had their lives renewed, the city remained divided over whether Jesus was the Christ or not. The gospel adventure will bring division.

Now I know that in today’s world people want unity more than anything else. And in many arenas we should do everything we can to achieve unity. Unity in our homes, unity in our churches, unity in our country, and even unity in the world with other likeminded nations.

Many times unity is good and achievable.

But when it comes to Jesus Christ, you either believe that He’s the Son of God or you don’t. And that kind of exclusivity can be divisive. And the reason it’s so divisive is because that’s what we build our world view upon. We either believe we’ve encountered God through Jesus Christ and we live accordingly, or we think that Jesus was just another man and we build our world view upon some other set of beliefs. Those are two ways of thinking and living and often division is the outcome.

[Christmas family gathering story.]

The gospel adventure can be divisive. [4] The gospel adventure can also be misunderstood. Paul and Barnabas are now in Lystra where some amazing and even perplexing things happen.

[Read Acts 14:8-18.]

Paul comes upon a cripple in Lystra who had the faith to be healed. So by the power of God he restored his feet and the man got up and walked. But the superstitious people who saw it thought that Greek mythology was coming true right in front of them. So they told the pagan priest and he decided to offer sacrifices for Paul and Barnabas the Greek gods that had come to their city. Well Paul and Barnabas were horrified by what was happening so they did everything they could to show the people that they were men just like them. The gospel adventure will be misunderstood at times.

How many times have you tried to tell someone of a “God-thing” that happened in your life and they tried to turn it into a “human-thing”?

You say it was an answer to prayer – they say you got lucky.

You say, “God blessed me” – they say you earned it.

You say, “I felt led of the Spirit” – they say you had indigestion.

People who don’t have a relationship with the Lord will often misunderstand what the Lord is doing in and through you. Misunderstanding is simply a part of the adventure.

And sometimes that misunderstanding can turn into opposition. Yes, [5] the gospel adventure will be opposed.

For a while there the crowds thought Paul and Barnabas were gods. In their ignorance they misunderstood what God had done for the crippled man. But just as quick as they began to worship them, they just as quick turned on them in fierce opposition.

[Read Acts 14:19.]

I think the reason it was so easy for the Jews to turn the crowds against Paul was because for one, the people would have been incredibly disappointed and even embarrassed once they realized Paul was just a man. They probably also bought the lies that came with these Jews that had traveled all that way just to try and destroy Paul’s ministry. The crowd who quickly ran to worship Paul now quickly ran to kill him. The gospel adventure will be opposed.

There are some people in this world who just don’t want to hear about Jesus Christ. You can talk to them about morality. You can talk to them about philosophy. You might even be able to generically talk to them about God. But bring up Jesus Christ, and some people will do whatever it takes to shut you up.

[Creation documentary presentation at Texas A & M University story.]

The gospel adventure will be opposed.

Now as we’ve looked at the gospel adventure of Paul and Barnabas, we’ve seen them go through some really difficult times just to get the good news of Jesus out to the world. They’ve been met with division, misunderstanding and fierce opposition. Was it worth it? I mean, why go through all of this?

Well, because [6] the gospel adventure will transform lives! All along the path of difficulties were countless people who’s lives were renewed; who’s lives were restored; who’s sins were forgiven; who will now be in Heaven instead of Hell some day! You bet it was worth it!

Listen, anything worth while in this life is going to take some work. Anything worth while in this life will be met with opposition. Marriage is difficult at times – but so worth the effort to make it work. Raising kids has it’s challenges – but the results are priceless. Climbing the corporate ladder, staying in shape, starting a business, learning a new language, all have it’s share of tough times. But the true adventure is when we keep climbing that mountain until we get to the top. We don’t give up because it’s hard. We keep going with our eyes on the prize!

The gospel adventure is no different. Except with the gospel adventure, people’s eternal souls are at stake. Paul and Barnabas knew that so they pushed through every obstacle to make sure as many people as possible could come to know Jesus. And through their ministry, not only did thousands of people come to know the Lord, but churches and pastors were set up so they could carry on the work themselves.

[Read Acts 14:20.]

The disciples were probably praying for Paul and the Lord restored his health. So Paul gets up and resumes the adventure by revisiting all the cities they had been through.

[Read Acts 14:21-25.]

Paul and Barnabas went back to where all these people had gotten saved to make sure they were doing well in their new faith. They encouraged the people, helped them get organized, and even helped to install pastoral leadership that would continue the work in those cities. Through all the hardships God had done some amazing things through Paul and Barnabas and they left behind changed lived and new churches all over the place to prove it.

They finally make their way back to Antioch, to the church that sent them out almost two years earlier, and man did they have a story to tell.

[Read Acts 14:26-28.]

[Paul’s story to the church.]

So let me ask you again, is the book of Acts a real story intended to entertain us or is it intended to inspire us?

God wants us to get excited about reaching people for Him. First of all, Jesus told us to do this. Secondly, people need to hear the gospel so they can become heaven-bound instead of hell-bent. Finally, becoming a part of the gospel adventure will enrich your life like you never thought it could.

[David/Facebook in Mansfield story.]

[Track challenge.]

Be a part of the gospel adventure. Live the dream! And watch the Lord work in and though you for His kingdom. [7]