Summary: A sermon for the 3rd sunday of Epiphany, Year A from Matthew 4: 12-25

Matthew 4: 12-25 Darkness shattering, light following, Disciples

I was washing dishes Friday night,

[Yeah, I do that sort of thing]

And everything suddenly

Went dark.

Our electric power,

Along with the electric power

of a few neighbors,

Went out.

You know what the first thing I did was?

I started


for the nearest


I knew where a flash light was,

And went right over to where I thought it was.

Of course, I knocked the little flashlight off the counter

And had to feel around for it on the floor, for a little while,

But eventually,

I had


And with that first light

In my hand,

I went for even more light,

Then more light,

Till we’d rounded up the other flashlights,

Lit the candles,

And turned on the gas fireplace.

Which was a good idea,

Since the power was off

Till almost midnight.

Well, I’m sure you’ve had

Similar experiences.

You know what it is

To be in darkness

And search for


But, it isn’t just

A home

Without electric power,

Or a street

When a transformer goes,

That gets




In the gospel of Matthew,

It is a whole land,

An entire people,






For the


This is not the kind of darkness

That falls

When a light switch is flipped.

The people, all of them,

Dwell in the shadows

Of death.

This, clearly,

Is no easy darkness.

Indeed, from the beginning

Of Matthew’s story of Jesus,

we have already seen

the shadows of darkness

And death

At work.

It’s darkness falling

when the children (of Bethlehem)

Are easily killed, at the say-so of a powerful man.

And mothers weep and wail.

It’s darkness falling

when a young family led by Joseph,

Is forced to leave their home in the night.

It’s darkness falling

when people turn away from God

And the purposes of God

And turn toward sin.

It’s darkness falling

when the devil - (before Jesus no less!)

Claims ownership over the world

And all its splendor.

It’s darkness falling

when God’s prophet,

John the Baptist,

is imprisoned.

And an attempt is made

To silence God’s word.

It’s darkness falling

In the land of Zebulon and Naphtali

When people lived in poverty,

Struggling to survive

The brutality of the day,

While some ruled in luxury.

It’s darkness falling

When people live with

“various diseases and pain”

Without relief,

Without help.

For just the first four chapters of Matthew,

That’s a lot of shadows!

That’s a lot of darkness!

It’s too much.

But, as I consider the kind

Of dark and shadowy things

That happen in the opening chapters of Matthew,

And find those same things happening

In our world, in our time,

in our land, among too many people,

Children killed,

9 year olds murdered,

Legs of an infant broken,

Families forced from their homes,

Foreclosed, suddenly homeless,

The word of God silenced,

those who speak it persecuted:

arrested, bombed,

In Egypt, in Iran, In Pakistan,

And people in pain,

Physically, emotionally, spiritually,

And many people openly turned

Against the purposes and will of God

It seems that there is also

Too much darkness

In our time,


We grope about,

Lost and confused,

Among the shadows.

We sit in the darkness,

Like the people

Of Capernaum,

Of Zebulon and Naphtali.

But, it is to those

Who sit in darkness,

Who dwell in darkness,

Who live, night and day, in darkness,

That the gospel is bold to proclaim:

A light, a great light, dawns,

And a new morning begins.

Because of Jesus.

It seems

John the Baptist

Has been


So, Jesus

Moves from Nazareth

To Capernau,

By way of the Sea of Galilee.

Let this in no way

Be taken as a kind of escape for Jesus,

Or as a desire on his part

To get away from the risks.

In fact,


Was even bigger, busier place

than Nazareth,

And there, Jesus would have access

to more people.

So, rather than getting away,

Jesus is chosen that very public place,

That place of darkness,

To begin shining

His light.

In doing so,

Jesus fulfills the scriptures.

He’s making it clear,

The Word of God

Lives in him.

And in fact, Jesus lives his life,

Turned completely, totally to

The will and purposes of God.

And in doing so,

His life

And light

Shatter the darkness

And defeat the power

Of death.

Now, at this point in the gospel,

We don’t know all that ways

And all the places

And all the people

That his death defeating,

Darkness shattering,

Light is gonna shine

We don’t know - yet,

How it will keep shining

on a cross,

Or how it will burst through

And empty a tomb,

That will happen.

But we can

Even from this far into the story,

Already see where

The light is penetrating

The darkness.

The light shines

in the darkness,

As Jesus calls people

To turn away from their sins,

To repent and turn toward

The purposes of God.

Suddenly, people don’t have to

Sit where they sat,

Or keep on stumbling in the shadows!

The light of Jesus is showing them

It’s really possible to GO another way,

And to live another way.

The light shines

In the darkness,

As Jesus tells people,

The Kingdom of Heaven,

God’s kingdom,

where God’s rules

And God’s ways,

And God’s will,

Are done on earth,

That’s near at hand.

The devil might claim

The kingdoms of this “world,”

But the kingdom of heaven --

it’s even closer

Than they ever imagined.

It’s on its way.

It has … arrived!

People don’t have to live

In the devil’s domain.

With its darkness,

With its death.

Not anymore.

God’s reign

Had begun!

It was light,

shining in the darkness

Whenever Jesus went into the synagogues

And taught and preached

That good news

To the people.

It was light,

Shining in the darkness,

Whenever Jesus healed the people

And set them free -

Free indeed

Free from their captivity,

Free from their bondage to the demons,

To sickness

To pain,

To the power

of death.

In Jesus,

Light rose upon the people,

Just as that birth star rose

in the eastern night, at his birth.

And wherever Jesus went,

Wherever his light shined,

The people came to him --

People from Galilee,

The Ten Cities,

Jerusalem, Judea,

And people from beyond the Jordan,

They were on him,

Like bugs on a porch light

At night!

They wanted to hear his teaching, his preaching.

They wanted his healing.

They wanted


Well, Where else

Were you going to go

When you’re sitting in darkness?

Dwelling in the shadows?

You go to the light.

You find the light.

And Jesus,

God’s son, Emmanuel,


The one who’d save his people,

From their sins,


With his good news

About the kingdom of heaven,

With his call to repentance,

With his healing




You know

that light shined in the darkness so bright,

That no darkness,

can dim it,

And no darkness

Can ever, ever,

put it


Once Jesus shattered the darkness,

It was shattered

for good.

So, I’m telling you,

That light of Jesus still shines.

And if this world,

If this land,

If this people,

If you and I,

Want to find a way


Of the messy,

deadly darkness


Groping around in,

Stumbling in,

Sitting in,




We need

To turn from the darkness,

Where people turn against the purposes of God,

Silence His Word,

Where people are in pain,

Emotionally, spiritually, physically,

Toward Jesus’ Light.

That happens

To four men

Four fisher men,

in this story.

While they’re working,

Jesus goes to them,

Calls to them,

“Come to me … Follow me,”

And they

Turn and follow him.

They’re not just part of the crowd

Surrounding Jesus.

They’re his disciples.

One day,

Jesus will ask these fisherman

Not just to “fish for people”

But to let

THEIR light shine

In the darkness, too.

In fact, Jesus, the one through whom

The light of a new dawn begin to shine,

Will tell his followers,

“YOU are

The LIGHT of the World.“

And through the disciples of Jesus,

The light of the world

The light of Jesus

Does still shine.

Which means,

That light

Can Shine through us,

That light

Can be ours,

Even if where we are

And where we start,

Is very dark indeed.

Let us,

Like four fisherman

Of long ago,

We too can

Answer the call

To follow Jesus.

And let us today

begin a journey with Jesus,

One step at a time,

One step at a time,

Out of the darkness

Out of the darkness

And into the light

Until the darkness shattering,

Death defeating

light shines on

Through us.