Summary: What if the revival that we and the Psalmist pray for comes? What are some of the results? These beautiful words describe a people restored, forgiven and blessed. When God’s people return to Him the result is that revival’s blessings penetrates our la

Revivals of the Bible Series: PSALMS 85: 8-13


[Leviticus 26:3-13]

The Psalmist has just prayed, “Will You not Yourself revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” It is the cry of one who wanted God’s people to come alive to and in His grace and power. That is what revival is all about –the restoration of something to its true nature and purpose. We were all created to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever. Revival simply fulfills God’s desire for us to know Him in the fullness of His Spirit and declare His praise to the ends of the earth.

Few will question the need for such an awakening today. For many good people, even within the church, life has lost its meaning. There is no sparkle in the eye, no spring in the step. As the religious community flounders in mediocrity, the world plunges deeper into sin. Moral standards in public and private are debased. Everything is unsettled. Lawlessness abounds. All the while a cloud of nuclear and natural destruction gathers overhead.

The day of reckoning is sure to come. Degeneration has its limits. The crises must be resolved, revival must come, or the end may come quicker than we guess. Though our present distress calls for anguish, at the same time it calls for confident prayer. For we have a God that has entered into covenant relationship with us. With such a loving and faithful God the future can be bright for God’s people so that we might fulfill the purpose for our being created.

But what if the revival that we and the Psalmist pray for comes? What are some of the results? These beautiful words describe a people restored, forgiven and blessed. When God’s people return to Him the result is that revival’s blessings penetrates our land (C.I.T.).



The desperate request for revival having been prayed, the prayer now listens for God’s response beginning in verse 8. “I will hear what God the LORD will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; But let them not turn back to folly.

Having expressed His plea to God in the belief that God hears, the Psalmists now expresses the peoples’ willingness “to hear God” and abide by what He says. It is only natural that if we want God to hear us, we must listen to hear Him. We hear God most clearly, most faithfully in His Word, the Bible, which we listen to so that we might obey God’s precepts.

JOHN BUNYAN wrote his influential allegory Pilgrim’s Progress only after mastering the Scriptures and taking them into his heart. He often told people not to become discouraged if they couldn’t fully understand a particular Bible passage. He said, “Although you may have no commentaries at hand, continue to read the Word and pray; for a little from God is better than a great deal received from man.” Too many are content to listen to what comes from men’s mouths, without searching and kneeling before God to know the real truth. That which we receive directly from the Lord through the study of His Word is from the ‘minting house’ itself. Even old truths are fresh if they come to us with the smell of Heaven upon them.” As Christians we must consult God’s wonderful love letter daily with receptive hearts that say I will hear what God the Lord will say.

The second clause gives the reason for this willingness of the repentant soul to hear; “for He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones.” The result of waiting on God is that God promises peace. Even though His voice is stern with rebuke when we disobey, when we are obedient our Father resumes His natural tone of gentleness and compassionate interest.

Speaking this peace is something only the Lord can do. Peace is not only protection from one’s enemies and productivity for the Lord (Lev. 26) but God’s Shalom is the result of everything that He will do for His people materially, physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. Now this is not the me- centered message of health, wealth and prosperity. But it is what occurs in revival. Wherever God’s voice has been obeyed fully God’s people have experienced the peace of God that passes all understanding. This peace has both inner and outer aspects that cannot be compared to any get God in order to get rich program you can name and claim.

The promise is for the repentant people of God. He they are called “His people, His godly ones.” What a privilege it is to belong to God and to be chosen to be His special possession (Ex. 19:5-6), to be His godly ones or Saints. Like the N.T., the O.T. also calls His people Saints (or those set apart for God). This seems so distant from us but even the brethren in the messed-up church at Corinth were called Saints (1 Cor. 1:2).

The third clause is a warning against the failure to continue to comply with God’s requirements for peace and revival given to both individuals and churches. “But let them not turn back to folly.” Often when everything is going ok in our lives we turn to other dreams and purposes other than glorifying God and rejoicing in Him. God jealously desires the Spirit He has given to live within us. To turn back to folly after tasting of God’s goodness is worse than being foolish initially. It indicates a turning from following God, His Word, His directions. Turn back implies a willful stubbornness. There is no fool like the man who will be a stubborn fool, cost him what it may. Such a reversal of directions would be tantamount to pigs who jump back in the mud after being cleaned up or dogs who return to their vomit instead of their master’s wholesome dish (2 Pet. 2:22).

Verse 9 indicates that God sanctifies those who fear and glorify Him. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land.

Those who belong to the Lord are now called “those who fear Him.” Faith knows that a saving God is near at hand but only to those who fear Him. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 111:102, 112:1-9; Prov. 1:7; 9:10). No matter our dilemma or tribulation, if we fear God His deliverance is always close. What sweet encouragement that is to our being.

The promise for those meeting the conditions to be revived by God is that “the glory of God may dwell in the land.” “The glory of God” indicates nothing less than His very own presence. What awesome glory it would be that the presence of God would come down to people who had called up to heaven for revival in the land. What greater exchange could there be for all the decadence and rampant evil than to have the glorious presence of God dwelling with us in neighborhoods, towns, and cities that are now all but given over to lawlessness. Is it not more than reason enough for us to plea for a fresh work of God in our churches?


In verses 10-13 the Lord God announces future blessings He would send, if His people continue to walk in Him. God’s attributes are seen as coming together in verse 10 to accomplish revival. Loving-kindness and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

In revival, because of what Jesus Christ has done, things that seem humanly opposed to each other begin to work together for our good. If the truth of God was strictly adhered to no one could gain His favor. But the loving-kindness or grace of Jesus Christ is interposed in our behalf and we can now be joined to God’s truth. God’s revival of grace brings us undeservingly in-line with His truth.

The reconciliation continues with God’s righteousness or justice, which is beyond human attainment, being attained for us by Jesus Christ so that we have peace, immunity from all disturbing causes, and prosperity of every kind, instead of the judgment which would have been ours without revival. Righteousness and peace not only come together, but they embrace and kiss each other.

Surely we glimpse here the person and work of Jesus Christ. For only through Him and His cross have mercy and truth for mankind’s sake become friends and righteousness and peace join together for fallen man.

The Psalmist continues with the picture of revival in verse 11.

“Truth springs from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.

This picture of revival may be looked at from two different places. From the terrestrial side, truth (or faithfulness-NIV) is seen as springing forth from the earth in an abundance of productiveness. God’s promises to us on earth are true but they have often been left laying unfulfilled like buried seed. During the special visitation of God’s grace once these dormant seeds will spring up and yield great harvests of joy. Men and women renewed by God’s great grace will become true to God and each other and abhor the falsehood in which they once lived and loved.

The earth will spring forth truth for society so that communities and nations will also will experience the results of revival. This is what has happen in the past when slavery was abolished, child labor laws were enacted, work hours were shortened, missionary organizations were formed, the YMCA was begun in many cities of the world, slums were cleared, the Sunday School movement began, homes for unwed mothers were provided, abortion was condemned, law and order was restored to the major urban centers and streets. These blessings and many similar reforms were enacted by revived consciences of restored believers moving out into the marketplaces of the world and our society at large [Walter Kaiser, Jr. Revives Us Again. Broadman & Holman Publ. Nashville, TN. 1999. P. 28].

The second clause of verse 11 is that from the heavenly direction comes righteousness. The word translated looks down pictures the Lord God bending over and leaning forward to look upon His people because He is anxious to find how and where He can help and provide for them. Yes, rain and sunbeams send their blessings from heaven but even more God desires to send good upon His good creation. There is nothing of greater goodness that God can give us than righteousness, His imputed righteousness and our experiential righteousness, as we mature in Christ-likeness.

Verse 12 teaches that when we come into harmony with God, the land comes into fruitful harmony with us. “Indeed, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its produce (increase).

Being pure goodness Himself, God delights to turn from His anger and bring good to His repentant people and to His earth. The good here promised is material good which is consistently bestowed where spiritual good abounds. There is a close alliance between virtuous conduct and physical well-being in individual and community life. When God revives His people, even the land experiences a substantial healing which is but a small shadow of the full restoration of the whole of creation that will occur when our Lord returns for a second time to earth (Rom. 8:20-22). Part of the covenant blessings promised in Leviticus 26:4 is that “the ground will yield its crops” when God’s people obey Him. Generally the most prosperous times in English and American history were directly connected as aftermaths of revivals from God.

[THE PILGRIM’S PESSIMISM] Just as the sun can be blotted out by an eclipse, so moods of pessimism and doubt can plunge us into spiritual darkness. At times our situation may seem so desperate that we think even God Almighty can’t carry us through.

Things were becoming desperate on the MAYFLOWER in1620. This darkness was reflected in gloomy attitude of Robert Cushman. Cushman recorded his despair when he wrote, “If we ever make plantations [farms] in New England, God works a miracle! Especially considering how scant we shall be of victuals [vittles], and (worst of all) ununited amongst ourselves. If I should write you of all the things that foretell our ruin, I should overcharge my weak head and grieve your tender heart. Only this I pray you. Prepare for evil tidings of us everyday, I see not in reason how we can escape. Pray for us instantly.” In spite of Cushman’s fears, God brought the pilgrims to their destination and enabled them to establish a home in the wilderness. It does not matter the desperateness of our condition, if we cry out to God for revival, He can do it again!

The third mentioning of righteousness in verse 13 calls righteousness God’s herald. “Righteousness will go before Him and will make His footsteps into a way.”

The only way that God can act or “go” is in “righteousness.” This same righteousness that smote sin in justice will also make away for His people to walk in it. In fact it already has! Jesus Christ walked in the way of righteousness all the days of His pilgrimage upon the earth. He forged the way of righteousness and the way to God. He established the way from earth to Heaven and also the way in which that His people should walk. We are to follow in His footsteps. In times of revivals many join us in the straight and narrow until this infrequently trodden path becomes a way, for it is the way of discipleship and fellowship, and the only way to God.

Proverbs 14:34 is still true: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” It is also exceedingly true that “where there is no revelation [i.e., preaching of the Word of God to God’s people or to any nation], the people cast off restraint” (Proverbs 29:18). May we as God’s people follow in the way of righteousness, ordering our steps and plans according to His divine will. We know not if this will bring revival, but it is the way of the redeemed.


The Psalm heralds a new day for the people of God, once they fully turn back to Him. A will be a day in which God’s salvation would be evident in the land’s prosperity, but even more importantly, in the people’s godly lives. What a blessing to know that God has forged a path for us to follow. How frequently in our low times we have ask for guidance and for leadership. In times of revival that guidance and leadership is clear and certain.

What a blessing revival is to both the land and to its inhabitants. God delivers His repentant people from the power of present evils by His all-sufficient enabling. When God’s presence is manifested in the church it is a sure sign that He wants to bring revival. If we will rejoice and glory in His presence, God will send revival to the land. Then many will follow His footsteps that lead in His righteous way and forsake their man-made variety. Come Lord Jesus into our worship and lives that we may enter Your presence and rejoice in Thee!