Summary: in the acknowledgement of the prayer life of Jesus, the disciples desired to know how to pray and asked Jesus to teached them how to pray effectively.

TEXT: MATHEW 6:5-8; Luke 11:1

Title: lord, teach us to pray


Prayer is one of the greatest acts of the Christian. It is an act of fellowship with God. The concern of Jesus here is not whether we do pray or not but the motive behind the prayer.

The disciples have taken notice of Jesus prayer life and they beseech Jesus to teach them how to pray.

Haven’t they been praying before?

How was John the Baptist prayers like?

Were his prayers different with that of Christ?

 During his baptism (Luke. 3:21).

 Withdrew to pray in the wilderness Luke 5:16

 He went to the mountain side to pray before chosen the 12 apostles Luke 6:12.

 The disciples saw him praying in the private Luke 9:18.

 His transfiguration in Luke 9:28-29.

 Healed a demon possessed boy Luke 9:37-43.

In chapter 11:1 they applied themselves to him in direction on prayer by saying, “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY”. In other words Lord, we have seen something spectacular in your prayer life, please tell us the secret behind that?

Note: The gifts and grace of others should excite us to covet earnestly the same attitude. Their zeal should provoke us to a holy imitation and emulation; why should we not do as well as them? Observe, they came to him with this request.

Prayer is not an easy task, only Jesus can pray and as well teach on how to pray. In a concise way, the sentence, teach us to pray, is a model or rule by which we are to go into praying.

I. Lord, teach us the meaning of prayer.

II. Lord excites and quickens me to the duty of prayer life.

III. Lord, direct me on what to pray for.

IV. Lord made available the grace for me that I may serve God acceptable in prayer each day.

V. Lord, teach me to pray in proper words, Rom 8:26-27.

VI. Lord, give me a mouth and wisdom in prayer that I may speak as I ought.

Note: Jesus did not ask them why such request because that was his duty to teach them the proper way to please God and the proper way to channel their request to God (humility).

--JUST AS JOHN TOUGHT HIS DISCIPLES. what kind of prayer did John taught his disciples?

John taught his disciples the Jewish pattern of prayer which includes three parts.

ADORATION ---------------------- PRAISES TO GOD------------------- DOXOLOGY

Ps 103,113,115, Lk 17:17; Ps 103:2-5 Ps 115:18; 113:9

140-150 Mk 3:22-23

John taught his disciples such prayers as were more filled up with petitions and requests; for it is said of them that they did make prayers, Luke 5:33. The word signifies such prayers as are properly petitioner. "Now, Lord, teach us other way of prayer to be added to those benedictions which we have been accustomed to from our childhood." Christ did here teach them a prayer consisting wholly of petitions, and even omitting the doxology which had been affixed; and the Amen, which was usually said in the giving of thanks (1 Cor 14:16), and in the Psalms, is added to doxologies only. Jesus taught them prayer consisting of, ADORATION, CONFESSION, THANKSGIVING, and PETTITION.


a. A sincere fellowship with God is the most important aspect in the Christian life, Mk 1:35; Luke 5:17.

b. Prayer should be our first option and not the last, Jas 5:13.

c. Only God can tell of the number of angels that minister to us during the time of prayer, Rom 8:26-27.

 Jesus taught them a simple mathematical prayer of one plus one.

 He therefore continues by first of all giving them the rules.

 When you pray do not be like the hypocrites.

 How do the hypocrites and the Pharisees love to pray? Vs 5

a) Jesus then opened their mind to understand the meaning and the principles of prayer.

b) He started by given them rules or a caution, vs 5,7.

c) He began by telling them the common mistakes in Jewish prayer.

i. Place: in the high way or street corners; note, there were two major ways into the synagogues.

Thought 1: Some love to pray publicly, love representing the group, because they are fluent in prayer, but lack that essential love for private prayer. While for some, they pray before their family (meal, family prayer, in church when called upon, and while eating in restaurants, but seldom pray in private. Christ said how destitute their prayer is.

Thought 2: the man who prays in public pray for just one reason, recognition, not that he love to pray. The sin is not failing to pray, but the sin is only praying in the church and in public (to be seen or hard by men). Public prayer poses danger he is admired and seen as an eloquent praying person. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know, 1Cor.8:2

ii. Standing position: Mark 11:25 and when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

Mark 12:38 as he taught, Jesus said, "Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces.

Matt 23:6-7 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi.'

In Lk 22:41, we are told that Jesus knelt down and prayed. Stephen in Acts 7:6o knelt down to pray with a loud voice, likewise Paul in Eph 3:14.

Note: their standing while praying is a sign of pride, arrogance and self- confidence. Kneeling signifies humility, reverence, obedience and dependence upon God.

Luke 18:9-12, to some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men-robbers, evildoers, adulterers-or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' They don’t love prayer as a command but using it as a way to show up.

iii. There product vs. 5, they have received their reward. What will it avail us to have the good word of our fellow-servants, if our Master do not say, Well done?

Since our prayers are directed to God then, why need praise from men?

Note: those that would approve themselves to God by their integrity in their religion, must have to regard the praise of men.

We are not praying to men, but to God and not from them we expect the answer.

They are not to be our judges because they are dust and ashes like us.

What passes between God and our souls must be out of sight of men.

In our place of worship, we must avoid everything that tends to make our personal devotion remarkable Isa 58:4.

Public places are not proper for a private solemn prayer.

iv. Jesus Christ here teaches us humility and sincerity. Examples includes,

• Jacob and the Angel Gen 32:24-29.

• Elisha raised a widows son 2king 4:33.

• Jesus and his disciples in Mt 14:23; 26:36-39.

• Peter in Acts 9:40 and Cornelius in Acts 10:30.

In vs 6, Jesus said, inter a place of privacy. Isaac went to pray in his closet Gen 24:63. Peter went to a housetop and prayed. Thus, our father who is in secret, who understand the heart of men and the intention of he that is praying to him, will apportion reward accordingly. Zach 7:5-6.Praying in secret, we acknowledge God presence everywhere and He drive such comfort from it. The encouraging words are,

He will reward you.

His eyes are on you, Nathaniel Jh 1:48; Paul Acts 9:11.

Rewards here refer to GRACE (receiving honorably).

Though there is an open reward over our enemies.

Thought 1: the reason why believers should pray in secrete as Christ instructed is because,

 God is unseen, therefore a person can only meet him in secrete. Even in public worship you are to focus on God who is unseen. There must be a secret heart-to-heart meeting and communion with the father.

 God is unseen, therefore he is not interested in show, but in substance which is secretes and quiet.

Thought 2: many people today pray on the run, few pray in secrete, why?

i. Many say they do not have the time, so they do not take the time.

ii. Most have the time; but they do not just take the time they neglect the opportunity.

iii. Many have not been thought the importance and benefit of a quiet time with God every day.

iv. Some have not yet learned to discipline themselves and to be consistent in their spiritual lives.

1. From verse 7&8, we should not keep on babbling – tautology, battology (idle repetitions over the same words again and again to no purpose.

Eccl. 10:14, a fool also multiplies words. Note that repetition in prayer is not here condemned but vain repetitions. Christ prayed saying the same words in Mt 26:44.

Many words: pagans believed that arguing with God, with well informed words draw his attention because men love to here themselves talk in a convincing manner.

a. Some people think long prayers convince God.

b. Some think they need long prayer to explain the situation to God.

c. Some think long prayers make them spiritual, mature and more devoted.

d. While some think they are just demanded from a believer.

e. For some it shows God that they are more sincere therefore they secure his approval.

f. And some think long prayer impress people.

Though there are instances where by long prayers are offer to God in a special hour e.g. Acts 16; 12; Mt 4:1-11.

• Let thy words be few, Eccl 5:2.

• Choose out words Job 9:14.

God knows our needs, he is our father we should approach him in obedience, patience and in a humbly manner with words that will honor His Name.

A child need not to use long, convincing or many words to address his father in request.

He always foresees the situation before we speak, 2Chronic 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him “before they call I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear.”

Eph 3:20, “now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Therefore when you pray and the answer is not fort coming, remember that he knows. Sometimes His answers to us are,

• Son, you don’t need that now.

• Son, what you are requesting is not good for you.

• Son, I will give you a better thing than these.

• Son, wait.

• No.

We should remember the words of encouragement from Rom 8:26-27

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

Conclusion: My prayer this hour is Lord, teach me to pray.