Summary: Expansion of the phrase Jesus said "I will build My church".

Our son Jeremy loves building things with Legos. Now he is a project manager for a commercial construction company. When he started college his major was as an architect. During the Christmas break we were talking and he came to the conclusion that he wanted to build things and not draw them. Where he got this ability to build things, he didn’t get it from me.

Jesus is a great builder! He declared in Matthew 16:18 that He would build His Church. Please turn in your copy of God’s Word and stand in honor of the reading of the Word of God. READ verses 13-18.

Let’s learn how Jesus will build His Church. What tools will He use? What resources will He access? (slide 2)

I. My Church

A. Personal

In verse 18 twice in this phrase Jesus uses personal pronouns - “I and My” to emphasize that the Church is something very personal to Him. It is personal to Him because the Church is His Bride. It is also described as the body of which He is head of it. Jesus started the Church. Jesus loves His Church and anyone who loves Jesus will love His Church as well.

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B. What is the Church?

It is in this text that Jesus uses for the first time the word “church” in relation to His ministry. The Greek word used to for “church” is a word that means “the called out ones”. People who are Christians are called out of the darkness of sin into the marvelous light of Jesus and His salvation.

Some people are confused about the church and think it is something that it is not. Sometimes it is easier to understand what something is by understanding what it is not. The church of Jesus Christ is not: (slide 3 point 2)

1. It is not an institution.

Some people think of the church much like they do a college or hospital institution. They see a brick and mortar building and think that is a church. The Church of Jesus Christ is the people who profess their faith in Jesus. We are the local body of believers known as Heritage Hills Baptist Church. The church is the people and not the building. We are very blessed to have the building and facilities we have to do the ministry God has called us to do, but even if we didn’t have these facilities, we would still be a church wherever we met.

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2. It is not a social club.

The church is not a social club. I have met a few people over the years who viewed the church much like it was a social club. The church is not for the purpose of partying or making business contacts. Although a church is not a social club, we are to have fellowship with one another. It is through the relationships and friendships we build at church that we find encouragement and help in a time of trouble. As a church we depend on Sunday School classes and small groups to help meet each other’s needs. True Christian fellowship is called “koinonia”. We must get beyond the surface level of relations and get to this higher level of trust and deeper level of love for one another. If all you are doing is coming to the this morning worship service, then I urge you to get into a SS class and take your faith to the next level.

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3. It is not a civic organization.

I have been part of some civic organizations and many of them do a great job helping with building homes, organizing sports for children or helping people in need. However, a church is not a civic organization but it does do ministry. Two differences I see in a civic organization and the church is purpose and power. The reason a church does the ministry it does is so that Jesus will be glorified through that action or ministry.

The power to change lives that is available to the church comes from God Himself blessing the actions and ministry of His servants.

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II. Will Build

Look again at verse 18. What does this passage tell us Jesus will do? He will build His church. God is the architect and He is able to design and build whatever He wants to build. Jesus is the master builder and knows how to build a church that will stand the test of time.

The wording of Jesus in this verse indicates intention “I will build” is future tense. Not that He had built at that point, but was going to build His Church when the time was right.

(slide 4 point 2) The question comes, “How will Jesus build His Church?” What tools, resources will He use? (slide 4 point 3)

1. Through doctrine

Jesus will build His Church through doctrine. Look back at our text at verses 15, 16 – Peter’s confession of faith is that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God! This establishes the doctrine of salvation. In the ABC’s of salvation we teach the children – B is for believe. What do we want the children and adults to believe about Jesus? That He is the Christ the Son of God. The same thing Peter professed.

Have you come to a time in your life that you believe Jesus is the Christ and invited Him into your heart to be your Savior? If not, do so today.

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2. Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit

The second way Jesus will build His Church is through the work of the Holy Spirit. We see in verse 17 that the truth about Jesus was “revealed” to Peter by the Holy Spirit. There are so many ways the Holy Spirit works in the church to bring glory to Jesus. The Holy Spirit:

• reveals truth

• gives comfort

• guides us to God’s will

• empowers us with the Fruit of the Spirit to accomplish great things for God

• Prays for us when we cannot speak

The Lord’s work requires the Lord’s power. We cannot accomplish what God desires with fleshly, finite, weak, earthly human power. We need the strength of the mighty Holy Spirit of God to perform the work He has given us to do. What God has called us to lift requires the muscle of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to give you strength.

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3. Through the courage and dedication of His disciples

Jesus will build His Church through the courage and dedication of His disciples. Jesus says in verse 18 the “gates of Hades will not overcome it”. The reference to gates is to authority or power. Gates allowed people to enter or exit the city – it gave them power to do that.

The word “Hades” refers to the realm of the dead. The KJV uses the word “hell”, but this is not the final destination of all unsaved people. This is Hades “the abode of the dead” or grave. When we pull both of these words together we refer to the authority and power of Satan and death. Jesus broke this power when He was resurrected from the dead. Therefore, the disciples of Jesus do not have to fear death because Jesus has proven Himself victorious over it.

Martin Luther, the great reformation leader, wrote a hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” from a Psalm and this verse to give courage to believers to fight the good fight of faith against the forces of evil. Earlier in the service you sang this great hymn of the faith. Some take the word prevail and think it means the church is on the defense against the attacks of Satan. Thus the song “My Fortress”. Others see the church on the attack charging the gates of Hades. Either way God and His Church wins!

How does God want you to show courage and dedication to His kingdom? Be courageous to be a witness

Be courageous to take on a new ministry out of your comfort zone.


We have the promise from Jesus that He is going to build His Church. We must work with Him to be His hands and feet. To be His voice and presence to the body of Christ and to the community. Renew your commitment to Christ today to be that for Him.