Summary: Exactly what does the Bible mean when it speaks of a Spiritual Gift?

I heard a story about 3 sons who left home & went out to make their mark upon the world & did quite well. One day the sons talked about the different ways they were able to pay back their elderly mother for all of her generous sacrifices.

1. The 1st son said, “I built a big house for our mother.”

2. The 2nd son said, “I bought her a new Cadillac + got someone to be mom’s personal chauffer.”

3. The 3rd son said, “You remember how our mother enjoys reading the Bible. Now she can’t see very well. So I purchased for her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took the elders in the church 12 yrs to teach him. Mom just has to name the chapter & verse & the parrot can recite it.”

Shortly thereafter, their mother sent out 3 short notes of appreciation:

1. Milton, she wrote, “the house you built is so large, I live in 1 room, but have to clean the whole house.”

2. Gerald, she wrote, “I am too old to travel. I stay at home most of the time, so I rarely use the Cadillac, and that driver you hired = he is so rude, such a pain”

3. “But Donald,” she wrote, “that little chicken you sent = was absolutely delicious!” 

Today we are going to talk about those unique gifts, that God specifically gives each of us, upon our conversion to Christ = Bible calls them ‘Spiritual Gifts’

I. So, exactly what does the Bible mean when it speaks of a Spiritual Gift?

Paul writes in I Corinthians 12: 1 “…regarding your question about the special abilities-gifts the Spirit gives us, I don’t want you to misunderstand this.”

A. 1st, Spiritual Gifts are NOT...

1. To be confused w/the FRUITS of the Spirit as mentioned in Galatians 5: 22: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self control. [next week]

2. Spiritual Gifts are NOT equivalent to personality types or profiles such as being a Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholy

3. Spiritual Gifts are NOT naturally given abilities we received @ birth

God’s word makes a clear distinction between a natural ability & a spiritual gift:

4. God deeply values natural ability:

a. Exodus 31: 6 – 11= craftsmanship God says, “I have given special skill to all the naturally talented craftsmen so they can make all the things I have instructed you to make: the Tabernacle itself.”

b. I Samuel 17: 49 – 50a = use of the sling Bible says, “Reaching into his shepherd’s bag & taking out a stone, he hurled if from his sling & hit the Philistine in the forehead. The stone sank in, & and Goliath stumbled & fell face downward to the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine giant w/only a stone & sling.”

c. I Chronicles 6: 31 – 32a = musical ability Bible says, “David assigned the following men to lead the music at the house of the Lord after he put the Ark there. They ministered w/music there at the Tabernacle.”

B. However = Spiritual Gifts ARE given by God at re-birth

1. Upon your confession that Jesus is your Lord & Savior.

2. Every Christ-follower is given at least 1 spiritual gift.

C. Original definition of Spiritual Gifts...

1. The word “gifts” in the original language is “charismata;” it comes from the same root word as the word grace = charis

2. [Literally], ‘Spiritual Gifts’ are your “grace capacity” given by God, to make other persons lives better in Jesus’ name!

II. So, what is the actual purpose of having a ‘Spiritual Gift?’

A. 2 scriptures that will help answer this for us:

• 1st = (R) I Thessalonians 3: 1 – 5 or p. 906 in pew Bible

• The text is very clear that ‘Spiritual Gifts’ are intended for strengthening others ; that God has given each of us specific gift in order to ‘give courage or to strengthen’ others who may be weary from being beaten down by the enemy in their faith!

• To strengthen someone by a ‘Spiritual Gift’ means to help their faith not give way as easily when trouble enters their life.

• Bible is very clear ~ that we are to give away our ‘Spiritual Gifts;’ they are not intended to be hoarded ~ that God intends each of us to use our unique gifts to strengthen the faith of others who are struggling – being beaten down.

God designed ‘Spiritual Gifts’ intentionally so that we would need each other

1. Counter cultural = b-c we have been conditioned since childhood to equate maturity w-independence.

2. II Corinthians 12: 9 says, “My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness”

Sadly Spiritual Gifts being used in the church are like a football game:

• There are 22,000 people in the stands in desperate need of exercise, watching 22 people play ball who are in desperate need of a rest

• When you do not use your ‘Spiritual Gift’ good people suffer!

I CHALLENGE YOU to pray about becoming that person who prays daily about allowing the Holy Spirit to re-create you from the inside-out:

• Human nature is naturally prone to tear down than it is to build up the path of least resistance leads to grumbling + criticism + gossiping about others.

• Bible says that God gave each of us a ‘Spiritual Gift’ that was intended to strengthen others faith that are struggling.

• ASK GOD each morning = to grant that at the end of this day someone’s life + someone’s faith in God would be strengthened as a result of crossing your path & the result of allowing your ‘Spiritual Gift’ to encourage someone by God’s grace.

• 2nd = Ephesians 4: 12, “Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”

• Interestingly ~ Nowhere in the N.T. does Paul define a spiritual gift ~ but he does say that the gifts are to be used to edify = to build up those around them!

B. Earthy picture of using our ‘Spiritual Gifts’ (Peanuts cartoon)

• Lucy demanded that Linus change TV channels, threatening him w-her fist if he didn’t!

• What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over? Asks Linus.

• “These 5 fingers,” says Lucy. “Individually they’re nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold.”

• “Which channel do you want?” asks Linus. Turning away, he looks at his fingers and says, “Why can’t you guys get organized like that?”

When we use our ‘Spiritual Gifts’ as God intended ~ the church is an unstoppable force:

“Since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping Him with holy fear & awe. For our God is a consuming fire!” Hebrews 12: 28 – 29

Let’s make this real practical ~ it’s critical that you i.d. your own ‘Spiritual Gift’ and begin using it today to strengthen & build up others:

It’s critical to know the difference between all the ‘Spiritual Gifts’ listed in the N.T. before you can use them properly:

III. The 3 Categories of Gifts w/in the N.T.

A. 1st category are the Supernatural Gifts

1. (R) I Corinthians 12: 7 – 11or p. 877 in pew Bible

2. WRCC embraces these gifts: wisdom / knowledge / faith / healing /miracles / prophecy / discernment / tongues / & interpretation

3. These gifts are supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit at work thru a believer; God uses a clean vessel to administer His gift

4. Distinction… it is the person who is being ministered to who actually receives the gift.

5. Personal experience w-being a recipient of a supernatural gift:

• Such as when Jesus heals the blind & crippled… the disabled person receives benefit

• MY EXPERIENCE = 2nd yr. in seminary – walking pneumonia & ear infection; classmate Jackson claimed he had this gifting (I doubted) but antibiotics no use; I confessed my doubt & Jackson said, “you can doubt me its not my gift, its God’s blessing, He chooses to use me as an available vessel.” Prayed over me warm sensation told me to go lie down & in 45 minutes I woke up w-ear wax & broken fever.

B. 2nd category are the Ministry Gifts

1. (R) Ephesians 4: 7 – 13 or p. 897 in pew Bible

2. Jesus presented gifts of people who were called & equipped to [lead & train] the rest of the Body of Christ.

3. These are NOT gifts that we personally possess but rather they’re people: apostles / prophets / evangelists / pastors / teachers that are [equipped & gifted] to strengthen Christ’s bride = His church

C. 3rd category are the Practical Gifts

1. (R) Romans 12: 6 – 8 or p. 866 in pew Bible

2. Charisma is the original word used here & is the same word used in I Peter 4: 10. I believe this is the same category of gifts were what Peter was referring to when he encouraged us to “manage our gifts well” to benefit one another.

3. God has built into every believer at least 1 of these 7 practical gifts:

4. HOMEWORK = discover which one you have by:

a. 1st studying this list in Romans 12: 6 - 8 = God’s Word will match your gift w-your passion

b. 2nd asking God thru prayer to reveal your special gift.

c. 3rd checking our ‘Spiritual Gifts’ assessment at

d. 4th = if you know your unique ‘Spiritual Gift’ write it on the back of your ‘Connection Card’ please share where you are being led presently by the Holy Spirit to use your gift.

100 % Rule: You will never be more satisfied w/Jesus than when you are dialed into your Spiritual Gift!

I’ll close w-some practical advice on identifying your unique gifting:

 Somewhere the false idea has been pushed around in Christian circles that doing what God wants you to do is always going to be unpleasant

 The idea that Christians have to make choices between doing what they want to do + being happy verses doing what God wants them to do & being completely miserable.

 Nothing could be further removed from the truth = the exercise of a ‘Spiritual Gift’ is always a satisfying + enjoyable experience {EXCEPTION} on occasion you may experience a lull = deflated feeling; hang in there!

 Jesus said it was His constant delight to do the will of the One who sent Him!

 PRACTICAL QUESTION = what are you good at?

 IF you are constantly asking to fulfill a ministry at church but are constantly failing and feeling frustrated: it’s likely that you are not connected into your actual ‘Spiritual Gifting.’

 Interesting how God chooses to distribute the gifts according to our individual personality types & passions

 What kind of gifts do you admire? Summer of 2002 I volunteered Becky & me (1st grade – tour of duty) I knew this would be a piece of cake. They ate my lunch… Pretty lady up front would say 1,2,3 eyes on me (got quiet & listened)

 Unless our gifts are properly channeled & utilized we will continually be disappointed and frustrated.

 Remember, if God is blessing, if you are seeing spiritual fruit from your efforts; you are probably on the track.