Summary: Mother Teresa said become God's sign in your community. We must point others to Christ


Aug 14 2011 J Robison JN 1:43-51 PS 139:1-6 13-18 2 COR 5:16-21

Title for today’s message comes from quote Mother Theresa

Make it a special point to become God’s sign in your community

Becoming a sign for God in US has become increasingly difficult

Yr ago this week Anne Rice author of hugely popular vampire novels

Announced that she was quitting Christianity because it is

“simply impossible…to ‘belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile,

disputatious, & deservedly infamous group.”

Rice said questions use of the word “Christian” to define American

followers of Christ, says she refuses “to be anti-gay, anti-feminist,

anti-artificial birth control, anti-Democrat, anti-secular humanism,

anti-science, and anti-life in the name of Christ.”

She concluded with the statement, “In the name of Christ, I quit

Christianity and being Christian it is an immortal group.”

However, Rice says a connection with Jesus is central to her life.

She having just come from outside the church challenges us

Can be complacent about God in lives, complacent about worship,

So complacent about evangelism no reaching out

Oswald Chambers our job to be part of reconciling entire human race

And God. Jesus started it in redemption

We not here to focus on own spiritual life what Jesus does for me

But to have realization of Jesus and share him with others

“God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself” 1 Cor

In John 1 Jesus gives ideas for becoming God’s sign in community

This was at very beginning of what would be Christian movement

1. God Knows ALL ABOUT US

Believe it or not God knows everything about you

May be a little painful I don’t like everything about me

There are things I am ashamed of, want to hide,

Jesus, found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” Vs 43 NKJV

Jesus approaches Philip who was not a follower

He was not just sharing an anybody who will come invitation

But I believe he looked Philip in the eye knowing him

Said follow me

Follow me is an invitation to KNOW JESUS

Jesus did not give him a task to complete

Something to memorize but just get to know me

Jesus does not say KEEP THE LAW, BE PERFECT


He does not say be a good person but first of all follow me

All those other things will fall in to place

First things first we are called to follow Jesus

If we fall in love with Jesus, want to know him better

Seek to learn more about him, walk with him

All other relationships will fall in to place follow him first


John gives us background about Philip

Where he was from and who his family was

Jesus knows all about you and me as well

And still calls us to follow


Philip came to see convinced about Jesus we do not have

Listed here all of the interaction between Jesus and Philip

Clearly they had other talks John gives us the highlights

Philip was convinced about Jesus

Christianity is based on A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP W\JESUS

Bible can’t be clearer: Christianity, eternal life, heaven—all based

on what you know and think about Jesus.

Not intimate knowledge of rituals, ceremonies, philosophies or laws

Christianity is about a person. Jesus Christ

People who meet Jesus ARE CHANGED

(Philip said) We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and

also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

Vs 45 NKJV

Rice appears to have no problem with Jesus

It’s the organized church where she has the miss givings

Certainly the church means people like you and me

Can discourage Vs encourage, squelch rather than cheer faith

Pastor Mark Driscoll wrote in Newsweek Anne Rice is in a season

many, if not all, Christian’s experience: the great joy of coming to

personally embrace the love, forgiveness, and new life that Jesus

offers is then followed by the troubles and trials of learning the

teachings of the Bible and living with fellow Christians.

Truthfully, both are difficult. every Christian has seasons in which

he or she struggles to lovingly live in community with fellow

Christians as the church. Some Christians are so self-righteous,

mean spirited, & just plain annoying

even pastors are occasionally tempted to preach in one

of those "Jesus, Please Save Me from Your Followers" T-shirts.

Driscoll believes Rice struggling how to be Xian while hurting.

She lost her daughter Michele to leukemia in 1972,

buried her gay best friend John Preston, died of AIDS in 1994,

in 2002 she buried her husband of forty-one years, Stan Rice.

Her son, best-selling author Christopher Rice, is a gay rights

activist whom she loves even while she reads the Bible's denial of

his lifestyle as a God-honoring one.

So, let her fellow Christians pray, love, and wait for Jesus to keep

working on her as he is on us, thanking him that at least our

struggles are not as publicly scrutinized as hers.

Come and see difference Jesus makes in you then

Viewmont is a place where you can struggle with questions

Our God is big enough to deal with your anger hurt and questions


It will take some effort so many people stop with God for them

Missionary asked if liked what was doing. Response was shocking.

"Do I like this work?" "No. Wife and I do not like dirt have refined

sensibilities. Do not like crawling into vile huts through goat refuse

Are we to do nothing for Christ we do not like? God pity us if not.

Liking or disliking has nothing to do with it.

We have orders to ”Go," and we go. Love constrains us."


This is intentional not by chance

Philip knew as a follower of Jesus called to care for others

If all your friends are Christians go find some new ones

Good to be around positive encouraging people

But call of God is to risk intentional friendships

With people who do not share our most treasured beliefs

God is reconciling world to self given us ministry of reconciliation People not just going to fall in to this church have to go get them

1st things Philip did after finding Jesus was find Nathanael

We’ve found the Messiah the Christ. Immediately led him to Jesus.

It was a natural thing to want to tell others about Jesus.

When people met God’s son—the Word become flesh,

God dwelling with us-------they naturally told others.

Good news always needs to be shared because so much bad news

Most evangelism by people w\faith story of what happened to them

Have you ever taken someone’s recommendation?

Tried product saw movie or ate at restaurant because recommended

Of course we all have I have taken your recommendations

When look for people around us to tell about Jesus or invite to VBC

We are recommending someone Jesus and a family VBC

Evangelism is recommending what has blessed us to others

People are seeking today, for answers, To life that does not make sense people are hurting Good Questions: Do you believe in God? Have you ever thought about spiritual things?

God can deal with OUR BAGGAGE

May say the people I try to share with have baggage

They are addicted to drugs or alcohol

Or they are addicted to things, they are too smart for Jesus

They have a negative attitude


Did you hear Nathanael’s response to Philip’s recommendation

Jesus is from Nazareth? That hick town nothing good from there

Jesus never scolds anyone for questions or honest doubts.

He welcomes the opportunity to deal with honest skeptics

Some people have questions but never seek them

Or are elitist arrogant so never really engage those around them

He is truth; he holds the truth; & welcomes all who seek the truth.

Nathanael seems to throw up a wall oh I’ve heard all that stuff

before there cannot be anything to it church is full of hypocrites

Philip encounters Nathanael’s resistance and is not deterred

He does not enter in to an argument about Christ takes to him

Jesus knows all about Nathanael just like he did about Philip

Says you are Israelite in whom there is no guile, genuine integrity

John 4 Jesus meets woman at well scourged by her society

She has had 5 husbands and running around now

He told me everything about me implied but did not turn away

Sometimes it’s freeing to have Jesus know all about you

Interesting\puzzling conversation between Jesus & Nathanael.

“How do you know me?” Nathanael asks, with a bit of suspicion.

Then Jesus says I saw you under the fig tree. Vs 48

Vs 48 Jesus says I saw you under the fig tree

The fig tree was an ideal setting THINKING ABOUT LIFE

Often Rabbis used phrase under the fig tree discussing theology

Where we deal with heart questions of life, life at its guts

As if Jesus says I saw you lying awake at night worried about kids

Saw you leaving work wondering if you would lose job

Saw you in hospital room crying, or when tried to run from me

Saw you leaving cemetery heartbroken saw you home after fight

Jesus maybe saying to Nathanael, “I saw you praying.

I heard your questions. I know you are seeking God’s truth.”

Still the same today

Vs 49 Philip calls Jesus THE SON OF JOSEPH

In introducing him to Nathanael

Vs 51 Nathanael calls Jesus THE SON OF GOD

It is clear now to him that Jesus is the son of God

And the Christian movement, the church grew by one

Jesus met Philip. Jesus invites him to join him on his road trip

Note what Philip does first he shares Jesus with a friend.

Philip was brand-new disciple may not even have half understood

what he believed yet. But he knew Jesus was the best thing he had

ever heard of. Jesus was simply too good to keep to himself.

He had to talk about him. He had to tell his friend.

What a difference if we would do the same

New Christian was standing outside after church one Sunday

when veteran member noticed he had tears in his eyes.

Older member asked what problem “I just started thinking about

all the lost souls out there. There are so many people who need

the Lord & we seem to be having such a small effect on them!” Veteran sought to console the new comer. “Don’t worry. After you

have been here a while, you will get over it.”

He responded, “Yes, I know. That’s why I am crying!”

How are we doing at showing Jesus to Hickory?

Response of others is not up to us but sharing with them is