Summary: Shame is one of the most painful experiences in our lives - dealing with it is crucial and the key is looking toward Jesus who both bore our shame and rejected shame that he was not guilty of.

Looking to Jesus is not something natural for us. Normally we don’t look to Jesus but we look to other things. As you know we used to live in Poland. We rented a house with the most beautiful view of the mountains from our living room and bedroom. It was spectacular! But one year the field next to our house was bought by a superstore (like Target or Wal-mart). And in the weeks and months to follow we witnessed major activity and lots of noise every day. My office was located in the house (on the second floor) so as I worked and studied I could see the work going on. Often I would watch the backhoes, the bulldozers, the cement mixers …it was very interesting. But what was the cost – a lot of lost time. I wasn’t able to concentrate and work normally because my eyes were looking at something completely different. Do you ever get distracted like that? What is in front of YOUR eyes?

Most often in life, quite honestly, we look at ourselves – we may not look at a mirror. But we ask: What do I need? How do I look? What do people think about me? How do I feel? This week we saw in our small group bible studies that thinking only about ourselves will derail good communication. What happens when we look only at ourselves? We fall into traps.

A first trap we fall into is called pride.

We think to ourselves: “Look at all I’ve done and who I am. I see all the wonderful things which I’ve done for people, for family, for God. I’m a pretty good person!”

We begin to praise our self and think too much about our self. Now none of us would probably say these things but we would see ourselves on a higher level than others. Like: “We’re the GOOD Lutherans. Those who are faithful to the Scripture.” Or „We’re better Christians because we pray more.” „We’re closer to God.” „We stay faithful when others give up.” It’s so easy to fall into these types of thinking. „I don’t drink, do drugs, swear, or have any tattoos – I’m a cut above.” Now again, we’re not going to say any of this – but we WILL catch ourselves thinking these thoughts over and over again.

Pride is a very dangerous trap because it slowly blinds us and then we don’t see God but we slowly become our own god. It destroys our relationship with God. We forget that if it wasn’t for the grace of God, that person could be me. And then God’s Word must once again crush our heart, humble us, and bring us to repentance. Otherwise there is not hope. Pride is a horrible trap!

A second trap when we look at ourselves is shame.

No one likes the feeling of shame. I believe that nothing hurts us more in life that the suffering that comes from shame. When you are ashamed for some reason and do nothing about it – shame can destroy you. People would rather die than live with shame.

For example King Saul chose to kill himself rather that to be killed by the Philistines in battle. Shame can shape our lives from childhood. But if shame is a result of sin, it can lead us to repentance and then trust in God’s salvation through Christ.

You might think to yourself: „I am a hopeless case. I am without any value. Nothing good can every really come out of my life. Others around me are successful but look at me – I’m always behind. I never will be good enough. I might work day and night but it will never be enough.”

Have you ever found yourself thinking those thoughts? Even for a moment? This is the trap of shame and the result is depression, pain, self-destruction.

God’s Word gives us a solution to these two traps: „Look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” This is the way to escape these terrible traps. When we look to Jesus we don’t see our holy lifestyle and good actions but we see the holiness of Jesus. We confess our imperfections and trust in the Lord. Our hope is not in ourselves but in Jesus who lived the life we HAVEN’T lived.

What do you see when you look to Jesus? Do you see Jesus who is angry at you and points his finger in accusation? Or do you see Jesus who comes to you with open arms ready to receive you? If you believe, if you have confessed your sins and trust in the Lord, it means that he’s not ashamed of you. He wants you to fall into his arms and receive his love. Why? Because the Lord created you and completed that which you are not able to do. He is the “perfecter” of faith.

He lived like you are not able to live. He suffered the shame of your sins – and paid for them. Look to Jesus! Don’t look at the past and your failures. Every day we look to Jesus who has brought us together with the Father.

This morning I also want our eyes to look to Jesus in order to see the way Jesus dealt with the horrible situation he found himself in. What do I mean by that? Well, think for a moment – did Jesus have an easy life? Of course not! He was ridiculed, laughed at. For the entire three years of his ministry he experienced false accusations and insults. How did he survive those accusations that were piled on him?

His own family even treated him with disrespect – that he was going crazy. Mark 3:21 says: And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind." Was Jesus really losing his mind? Of course not! But that’s how all his family talked about him. Don’t you think that hurt to hear?

More well known is the treatment of the religious authorities. John 8:52 says, “The Jews said to him, ‘Now we know that you have a demon! Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, “If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.”’” Did Jesus really have a demon? Of course not! But he heard those kinds of accusations from those who were the most conservative, Bible believing teachers of the day. How did that feel?

His closest friends rejected him. Remember how Peter rejected Jesus saying “I don’t know him!” The rest of the disciples ran away when he was in his greatest need. Abandoned by his friends – that hurt!

The greatest religious authority of his day – the high priest – accused him of blasphemy, of cursing God and then (Matt 26:67) “they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him,”

Even when he was hanging on the cross and dying, he heard insults from those below him: Matthew 27:42-43 "He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. 43 He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him. For he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"

Jesus experienced many words of accusation and insult. Was Jesus guilty of any of them? Not even ONE accusation was true! But our text in Hebrews says that he “endured the cross.”

How did he bear it all? We could say “Oh Jesus is simply God and it’s easier for him.” But Jesus was also 100% man and had emotions just like we do. But there is a huge difference between him and us: Jesus knew how to react. How did Jesus react to humiliation?

Every time people tried to accuse him of false accusations and insults, Jesus rejected those words. He didn’t allow them to touch his heart. Our text says that Jesus “despised the shame.” He knew how to react to shame and humiliation: Don’t pay any attention to it! Why? Because it is not His sin. It is not his guilt.

His family, the religious authorities, his friends, and the crowds wanted to throw upon him guilt and shame. But Jesus didn’t allow it. Jesus is free from their accusations. It’s easier said than done but this is the key to dealing with shame.

Friends, this is a very important lesson that we need to learn when looking at Jesus. Every one of us knows what it means to hear false accusations. Some of us from childhood have heard those same kinds of things that Jesus heard: “You’re no good!” “You’re a failure!” “You will always be nobody!” Some know what is it to be humiliated physically and to feel that horrible shame.

When we believe the words of accusation and focus on the shame we end up destroying ourselves from the inside. You begin thinking that you are truly evil. That you are not needed, that you are a problem.

Listen to the story of William: He’s forty years old and suffers from depression. Why? As a child he never knew the love of his father. His dad always yelled at him and never praised him even when he did something good. Little Billy thought that he never was able to do anything good. He was ashamed of himself and thought that was the reason his father never hugged him and didn’t love him.

Do you see the lies that are told and believed by this boy and later man? But the young boy didn’t see the lies and lived with the feeling of shame for 40 years. I believe that this story is fairly common today. Maybe it’s your story and experience. So many of us have experienced accusations filled with words of shame: “I’m never good enough. I’ll never be able to accept myself.” So we live day after day with hidden shame. You can be 80 years old and still suffer from wounds inflicted from your youngest years because you concentrate on your shame and accusations.

What is the solution? Look to Jesus! Don’t look at your shame. Allow the shame to be placed at the foot of the accuser. It is not yours. It doesn’t belong to you. Look to Jesus who says, „You are my beloved child. You are my precious Son…my precious daughter. Fall into my arms. I want to hug you!”

No one has to bear insults or live with shame. Shame is like a prison but as a son or daughter of the King, you have a key to freedom. You don’t have to fall into that trap.

Now if you have sinned, confess that sin today. Jesus paid for that – he experienced all the shame and put it to death on the cross. You don’t have to pay any more with suffering and good deeds. Jesus is the “founder and perfecter of our faith.”

If you haven’t sinned but you hear the accusations and feel the shame, look to Jesus who “despised the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus threw out the lies and sat in the place which belongs to him – the right hand of God’s throne. He stands on the truth and doesn’t listen to lies.

Where is the place where you belong? Colossians 3:1 reminds us “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Did you hear that? Your life is hidden together with Christ in God. When? NOW! We don’t have to deserve God’s acceptance. We have it NOW because of Jesus.

How does God the Father treat an infant? He loves her and receives her and says “You’re mine! You are my own possession, precious and beloved child.” Does a baby say “I don’t want you. I am not worthy. I don’t have a good character to be your child. I cry too much. I drink too much (milk). My diapers are too dirty. I don’t have enough love for you.”? No! A baby receives the love of the Father. That’s the character of a little child which Jesus praises and gives as an example: Mark 10:15 “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” A baby is an example of what it means to receive God’s love. A baby looks to Jesus and doesn’t feel shame.

And this is the attitude towards God that is needed not only when we’re children but our whole life. Granted, there are times when we have failed and need to confess our guilt and sin. But can you receive God’s love and acceptance today? Can you say that God loves you?

So don’t look to yourself. Don’t look to the past. Don’t look to your shame and failures. But look to your beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Look at his life. Look at his wide open arms. And listen to his words which say „I love you my beloved child! Come to me!” Receive the words – that great honor and joy every day. It’s a gift from your beloved Father thanks to Jesus Christ.