Summary: Followers Make Good Soldiers

Lesson 02 of the Follow Me Series.

Followers Make Good Soldiers

Grady Henley

Key Verse:

1 Tim 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:

1 Tim 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.


Our service to Jesus Christ is often compared to different occupations such as:

a. An athlete, 1 Co 9:24-27; 2 Ti 4:7-8

b. Laborers in the harvest Lk 10:2

c. Sowers of the word, Luke 8:5.

Another occupation used to describe our service is that of a soldier, 2 Ti 2:3-4. Not just a regular

soldier, but “a good soldier,” one that seeks to please the One that enlisted them. If you doubt for a minute that your primary occupation is that of soldier, never forget that we have an enemy whose name is Satan. This enemy knows our weaknesses. He has one ultimate goal: destroy us. Fact is that is his name: the Destroyer or Abaddon, Rev 9:11. Ex. 12:23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

Knowing you have an enemy and that he is out to destroy you automatically makes you a soldier. Still have doubts? God equipped us to fight this enemy, Eph 6:11, with the weapons belonging to a soldier. Therefore, accept the fact you are a soldier and get ready to do battle.

Do not be surprised when the attacks come. Be leery when all is quite. Be ready to fight! Know your enemy. There is no place in the army of God for a conscientious objector. “You are in the army now.”


There is a call sent forth from days of old to this very day for the willing and able volunteers to rise and take up their arms and defend their homes, their families, and their country against invading foes. Stirring speeches delivered by men and women cause many to realize some things are worth fighting to maintain. Once the costs are weighed, one realizes it is a reasonable service to defend their home and those freedoms enjoyed. Some have gone so far as to give their lives so that others may live free.

Even so, it is the duty of every born again child of God to remember our reasonable service is to present our bodies a living sacrifice in the service of our Captain. What is reasonable service? Consider that the Captain of our salvation, Heb 2:10, does not ask us to do:

a. Anything that goes beyond His ability to control.

b. He never sends us into battle without equipping us to meet the foe.

c. He never demands more than what He already gave.

Our Commander cares not for dead sacrifices. He had thousands of them under the Law of Moses. He wants a living soul fully dedicated unto Him so that others might see the benefits of joining His ranks.

Our Captain does not ask us to commit suicide. All He asks us to do is stand. If it cost our lives, so be it. The Captain of our salvation does not asks us to do as the kamikaze pilots did in WWII or to engage in activities of the Jihad Muslims who blow themselves up and kill innocent by standers. To even associate the activities of those with the life of a Christian is to wrest the scripture to destruction, 2 Pet 3:16.


Does the life of soldier in salvation army of the Lord sound exciting and interesting? Do you long for the opportunity to see far away places and meet interesting people? Why not join this elite rank?

We do not one day just decide to be a soldier for the Lord. No man takes it upon himself to serve the Lord. The reason we do not choose to serve the Lord has nothing to do with the error known as Calvinism or predestination. The reason we do not choose to serve the Lord is the natural man, (lost in sin) has no desire to do the things of God. 1 Cor 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The most foolish thing in the world from a lost man’s perspective is to see a man preach the gospel, 1 Cor 1:18. The heart of man is desperately wicked, Jer. 17:9, and is not set on deliberate service save to satisfy self. For such reasons, in His great love for us, He chose us for service.

1. Chosen, 2 Ti 2:4.

The word chosen means “to gather or select.” The deeper meaning is something related to the armed forces of the United States choosing service people. When the militaries of our nation began their selection process, they do not accept just any and everyone. There was a time when they did and what they took was anybody, regardless of their character, reputation, etc.

What they look for now is volunteers. Not just any volunteer, but those of quality.

One of the best biblical characters whose life illustrate that the lost cannot please God is the Apostle Paul. Before his conversion, he thought he was doing the things that really pleased God.

Saul, as his name was before his conversion, had the Old Testament mentality of the Jews conquering the Holy Land under Captain Joshua. This is seen in that Saul went about persecuting those did not convert to Judaism and even so far as killing those that converted to Christianity. Gal 1:13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted Once he got his heart right with God, he ceased being a soldier for Satan and became a willing vessel for the Lord.

God chose Paul, Acts 9:13-16. If you are born again, it is because you responded to God’s calling. Now that you responded to the calling, respond to the choosing and become an active full time soldier in His salvation army.

2. Peculiar, Titus 2:14.

The soldiers in the Lord’s army are not your regular ‘run of the mill’ or cookie cutter people walking about doing good deeds as do the boy scouts. There is something peculiar about His soldiers. They conduct themselves so that the lost world realizes there is something different about them. Most often the lost world has not a clue as to why there is a difference, but they are aware of it.

God told Israel they were to be His peculiar treasure, Deu 14:2 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth. Note in particular the phrase: unto himself. Israel was not to peculiar so that people would look at the nation and ohh and ahh over how religious they were. They were to be peculiar so that people would see the holiness of God. This part of God’s plan for the nation of Israel was were they went to extremes and in so doing they ceased to be a useful vessel for the Lord.


Many years ago outside the recruiting offices of the armed forces, there was an advertisement by the mythical person known as ‘Uncle Sam.’ This advertisement was in the form of picture wherein he had a stern look on his face and his finger pointed at you with the captions, “I want you.”

Such is what the Holy Spirit of God does. He points the finger of God at us and reveals our lost and undone condition. Upon realizing our eternal state, those of us that were wise, volunteered and joined His salvation army.

The army of Christ is an “all voluntary” army. We were not drafted against our will, and our attitude should reflect our willingness to do our part. No one in the service of the Lord was ever forced to serve against his or her will. (Some decided that it was easier to serve than to endure present hardship.) God wants willing and useable vessels.

When a lost soul feels the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, there is something in the convicting process that inspires one to relinquish their will and take up His cross and enlist.

Those of us that responded by faith to the call of the gospel, 2 Th 2:13-14, left our earthly occupation and began anew in an entirely different field. Paul told the church that God from the beginning, (Contextually, the word beginning here mean from the beginning of the time wherein God called and you accepted His salvation.) called them to salvation.

Just because God knows all things, regardless of how they could, would, or did happen, Psa 139:2-6, had nothing to do with those of us that willingly followed His call. God elected to redeem those that would believe in Him. Man often elects himself as god and in so doing he refuses God’s salvation.

The followers of God that seek His will for their lives make good soldiers. We looked at both sides of the issue and decided that the Lord had a position and it was worth fighting to maintain.


Once we realize we are volunteers and followers, we ought to become more dedicated and accustomed to doing His will. One of the problems facing George Washington during the British occupation of America was dealing with volunteers in his volunteer army. The problem he faced during our countries early struggle for independence was his was not dedication to the conflict.

Many of his soldiers would be there for a day or two perhaps even a week, and then they would be up and gone. It might be two to three months before they returned, if they even returned. If the Commander-in-Chief was to succeed, he needed an army dedicated to the common cause to the very end.

Such it is with the army of the Lord. He needs soldiers that are dedicated to the fight as long as there is breath in their bodies. Too many times people take up the banner of Christ and seeing the enemy face to face, they retreat. Sill others, upon finding themselves in a lull often seek rest and relaxation and never return to the battle, 2 Tim 4:10.

God expects His followers to be as dedicated to the cause as He. His is the only cause that will remain after all else has passed away. It is an eternal cause and therefore, dedication is the mainstay of the followers in His army.

A. Longsuffering.

Soldiers marching off to war carry their basic necessities for survival in their rucksacks. These backpacks may weigh anywhere from 20 to 50 pounds depending on what the soldier thinks he will need to sustain him. It takes dedication to trudge along in the mud, dusk, rain, sweat, heat, cold, and a hundred other situations of which the average civilian is oblivious.

It will not be long after the soldier decided to be dedicated to the work that he realized that other items were tucked away in that backpack. These items are the intangible things; things felt instead of seen. Regardless, these must be carried with the same enthusiasms as all the other necessities. Though they have no physical weight, these have the capability to burden the solider more than all the material items needed to do the job. These unseen burdens are thoughts like:

· It appears to me that I am making no headway.

· I am alone. Elijah thought so, 1 Ki 19:10-13.

· I am laughed to scorn. Jeremiah was ridiculed.

Once the soldier realizes that many of the unseen weights are as necessary as the others, he must get under the load and bear it with much longsuffering. Longsuffering means just what it says: suffer long. Bear the burden, the hurt, the humiliation, the pain, and the tears for as long as it takes to get the job done. Bear it as long as you live.

The word longsuffering appears 17 times in the God honored King James bible. Of those occurrences over half of them refer to the longsuffering of God. What does that tell us? If God can suffer long with us until He brings us to where we need to be in His will, we ought to be able to endure what it takes to get there. Furthermore, if we were not so stiff-necked and rebellious, our suffering might not be so long.

B. Some Are For Show; Some Are For Go.

Along with dedication and longsuffering, the soldier following the Lord will realize that there are several types of soldiers in this army of armies. Some of these soldiers will excel and receive greater rewards than others. Some are more dedicated. This fact is illustrated in 2 Sam. 23, and in other passages found in the parables of the faithful stewards receiving varying rewards for their service, and in the parable of the sower, Luke 8, where some brought forth 40, 60, and 100 fold.

There are soldiers that remain by the stuff, 1 Sam 30:24. While there is not as much glory or honor in remaining by the stuff, it is a job that needs to be done, it has its rewards, and those doing it should give it there all as do those that give their lives. “No guts! No glory!”

1. Rear echelon

For every soldier in the trenches it takes at least five more to keep him there. The soldier in the front lines must have: (1) food – cooks, (2) Records—payroll, (3) clothing—quartermaster (4) supplies. (5) Medical service. Each of these must be faithful in maintaining their post, and if necessary, they must be ready to back fill for the troops in the front lines.

Imagine the morale that runs through the ranks of the front line troops when they are in dire need of food. Upon receiving it, the food is not fit for human consumption. Napoleon said an army moves on its stomach.

If the battle is every going to be fought successfully, it will take every soldier doing his or her part. Regardless of where one is called to serve, if they are faithful in their duty, a reward awaits them for their faithfulness, 1 Cor 4:2.

If a follower of the Lord is not going to be faithful, perform sloppy service, serve only when it is convenient, etc. it would be better for the faithful, if the slacker would just desert. That way none of the other faithful followers would be depending upon the slacker to do something.

2. What shall this man do, John 21:21.

In the armed forces of the United States there are several types of soldiers. Some of the soldiers are for show and some are for go. Those that are for show, take much ridicule from those that fight the enemy in the trenches.

This is one area wherein a dedicated soldier must exercise discipline. Else they will be more concerned about what others are doing instead of maintaining diligence over their assigned tasks.

Peter had that problem early in his personal ministry. He did not mind doing what Jesus wanted him to do. However, Peter wanted to make certain that John the Beloved did not get by with a free ride. The Lord told Peter to not worry about His will for John’s life. All Peter had to do was worry about Peter.

If a follower is going to make a good soldier, one cannot worry about what the other man is or is not doing. Watching the ministry of another is a sure way to meet defeat head on for in so doing, the follower ceases looking at the Lord and become more concerned about what the other preachers, pastors, or missionaries are accomplishing, 2 Tim 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Make a full proof of the ministry wherein God called one means we ought to know what God wants us to do, where

He wants it done, and how He wants it done. It also means that if a man says he is a minister, and all believers are ministers, we ought to be able to show by proof, James 2:14-26. In the mouths of two or more witnesses shall every fact be established.

C. Must Endure Hardness, 2 Ti 2:3.

Another area wherein one must be dedicated is in the area of enduring hardness. It is akin to longsuffering yet it different because enduring hardness is a growth process whereby we endure the conflicts of battle. Paul said this was enduring hardness.

Endure hardness in this context refers to one meeting the test that warfare brings to a person and surviving. Hardness is not a one-time process. Note that the context says we are to endure hardness. What we often do instead of enduring the hardness is we get hard-hearted and indifferent. The conflict is not supposed to make us hard towards our fellowman. Instead, we endure the hardness so that we do not quit fighting.

To show that hardness is an on going process consider Nathan the prophet under the reign of King David. Nathan is one of the great-unsung heroes of the bible in that he confronted King David every time God called him. The first time Nathan confronted King David was over the sin of presumptuousness regarding the building of the temple, 2 Sam. 7. The second time the prophet confronted King David it was regarding David’s sins of murder and adultery, 2 Sam 12. It takes strength to confront the king. If Nathan could not confront King David over who would build the temple, Nathan in no wise could confront the king over his sins worthy of death. Line upon line; Isa 28:10, precept upon precept; here a little; there a little.

1. Soldiers often endure great hardship in their service for their country

If anyone ever served in the armed forces during wartime, they are acutely aware that hardships are part and parcel with pain. There are thousands of stories recorded in the pages of American History of men and women that suffered overwhelming hardships for the freedoms we enjoy.

2. Should Christians be any less willing to suffer hardship?

There is a misconception in the ranks of many churches today that deceived people into thinking that being a follower of the Lord is a simple easy process. This type of thinking is predominant in folks who faithfully attend one service a week. These deluded souls have no idea of what it means to be Christ like.

The great men of God that turned the world upside down, Acts 17:6, did not do so by following a teaching or a teacher on a weekly basis. They did it by following the man, Christ Jesus, everyday and in every situation. These people suffered for the cause of Christ and loved not their lives unto death.

The big problem in the army of the Lord today is people love their lives and will sacrifice anything, whether it belongs to them or others, just so they can maintain the lifestyle unto which they are accustomed. Do not inconvenience the average born again person. Do not preach too long. Do not speak of any sins that may apply directly to them.

The person that is willing to suffer hardships today is the one that is standing for what is right in a world that loves the wrong. When was the last time someone you knew personally suffered for the gospel of Christ, 2 Ti 1:8? For the kingdom of God, Mt 5:10-12?


Those that are willing to suffer for the Lord’s sake go at it 100% and upon doing so, they cast off the politics of this life and become dedicated to the work of the Lord.

1. The affairs of this life, 2 Ti 2:4.

Jesus Christ entangled Himself with the kingdoms of this world long enough to pay His taxes. He did not get sidetracked with siding with any individual over a personal matter, save their relationship with God, Luke 12:13 And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me. 12:14 And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?

This is a simple to learn. If we expect to be a good soldier for the Lord, we must not become entangled with the affairs of this world. Once we do it affects our relations with our physical families. The Lord must come first, Mt 10:37. The Lord placed His Father in heaven first, Mt 12:46-50.

Folks who loose their focus are those that get caught up in the passion of the moment and say they will be out for visitation. However, if it comes down to choosing between visitation and working overtime, which one do we choose? Mat 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

What we need to do is understand the purpose of our labors, Ac 20:34-35; Ep 4:28. Our labor should not be for great gain or to save all we can and pass it on to someone who will not respect it, Eccl 2:18 Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me. Eccl 2:19 And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured, and wherein I have showed myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity. Our labor ought to be providing for our families, provide for our retirement, and to be able to help those in need.

A follower of the Lord engaged in full time service, cannot get involved with the affairs of this life. Followers of the Lord must be careful so they are not distracted by the world. Else, they fail to bring forth fruit to maturity, Luke 8:14. Regardless of the warning, some opt to drown themselves in destruction, 1 Tim 6:9-12.

2. Soldiers must concentrate on the task at hand to survive

God never expected us to be so heavenly minded that we were no earthly good. The soldiers on the battlefield, those that take the ground with blood, sweat, and tears, are not afraid to get their hands dirty.

The Lord was not afraid to associate with sinners. A careful study of His life reveals the Lord got along better with sinners than He did the righteous Pharisees and scribes.

3. Devoted.

The reason we need to remain devoted and focused is so we may be able to please the One that called us, 2 Ti 2:4. Just as a good soldiers desire to please their commander, even so we ought to be desire to please the Captain of our salvation. Paul had one main objective and that was to be accepted by the Lord, 2 Co 5:9. His one concern was that those that he ministered unto would walk worthy of their calling and that they would be fruitful followers, Col. 1:10.

The next time you see a soldier who serves his or her country with honor, ask yourself: “Do I serve my Lord and His kingdom with the same dedication?”

D. Keep Rank.

1 Chr 12:33 of Zebulun, such as went forth to battle, expert in war, with all instruments of war, fifty thousand, which could keep rank: they were not of double heart. 1 Chr 12:38 All these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to hebron, to make david king over all israel: and all the rest also of israel were of one heart to make david king.

Look at what God says about these men in these verses:

1. Expert in war

Been in the battle and knew how to fight the enemy.

2. Expert in all instruments of war.

They knew how to pray; how to read and study their bible; knew who to use their sword on and knew when to use their sword.

3. Could keep rank.

Can you imagine marching off to war and some fall out of rank. I was in the Marines and I know about people who fell out of rank. Some fell out for physical reasons; some because they did not keep themselves fit for the battle which is bad enough. How about those who fell out just because they did not like the way the captain of the army was leading? We called those who fell out for this reason "deserters".

What is the point? I noticed that many were at church Sunday morning were not there last night. Some, perhaps because of work. Many thought that it is only the children’s ministry and I will not tarry for that. I'll just stay home tonight.”

These that stayed home, did not keep rank. They deserted not only God but their fellow soldiers. How would it be if we all had and practiced the same attitude towards all the ministries of our church? If you do not like the way the visitation program is handled, is that any reason to stay home? Do you merely desert and fail to keep rank? How about those who do not like the way the Sunday school is being run and decide that they will just come to church? They did not keep rank.

God commended these great men for their ability to keep rank with the whole. What was possible because they kept rank? 1 Chr 12:33 of Zebulun, such as went forth to battle, expert in war, with all instruments of war, fifty thousand, which could keep rank: they were not of double heart. 1 Chr 12:38 all these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king.

These people were not of a double heart. They had a perfect heart; were of one heart. The reason they were expert in war was because they knew how to use their instruments of war. They could keep rank right in the heart of battle. They had the right attitude: Make "David" their king.

Could I be so bold as to apply David as a type of the lord Jesus Christ and say that the reason we all should do our part to become not only expert in war; not only expert in all instruments of war; but also be counted as one of the great men of god "that can keep rank" with the rest of the army; and do it for this reason and this reason alone: to make "Jesus" our King! III. THE NATURE OF OUR SERVICE, Col. 3:23.

One of the big problems facing pastors today is finding men and women that are dedicated. Many will take up a task because it sounds new and exciting. However, once they realize that they will have to give some of their time their faithfulness begins to wane. Next they cease doing a good job. For example, there are some that want to sing specials. However, they do not want to practice. Furthermore, some do not have a voice fit for singing.

What these folks really desire is for someone to come around tell them how good a job they did so that their ego is stroked. If they do not get the praise they desire, their feelings are hurt. These folks rather get up before a congregation and make everyone miserable with their pathetic excuse for singing than they had to practice.

If a person volunteers to do a work for the Lord, they ought to do it with all their heart and with all their soul, Mat 22:37. There is no place in this army for part timers. 1 Tim 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. The nature of our service is unto God. God gave us His best! Should we give Him leftovers? Mal 1:8 And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the LORD of hosts.


Every day we live, we face a physical world wherein evils, spiritual and physical, abound. Every moment of every passing day we are subject to battle. Some of these evil entities walk with us. Some live within us. Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

We have two enemies we are told to destroy or render useless: self and the flesh. One enemy is spiritual; the other is physical. This spiritual enemy that lives within our hearts causes us to be self-centered, greedy, unthankful, and unholy, Mat 15:11-20. The other enemy, the flesh, has a horde of combatants as well. These are listed in Gal 5:19- 21. Paul goes into detail about this in Rom. 6-7.

If the faithful followers of the Lord are to be successful soldiers, they must know what they are facing. The reason that the lost soul does not realize he has an enemy or what they are facing is because the average professing born again convert (note that I did not say Christian for there is a vast difference in a Christian and one born again) dresses, acts, walks, talks, looks, conducts self as does the lost soul on the road to hell.

To say the least, it is a strange war we fight and the battlefield is anywhere. We fight an enemy on two fronts. Fighting an enemy on two fronts caused some of the greatest general in the annals of history to win many battles, but ultimately loose the war. If we think we are going to fight these enemies on two fronts without any help from the Lord or His word, we are already defeated and deluded.

A. The Enemies We Face.

Years ago there was a movie called “The Great Escape.” It is actually a good movie based on true facts. Some of the captured Allied forces, during WWII, plan and carry out a mass escape from a German prison of war camp. Those that escaped tried to “blend in” with the locals so as to avoid detection.

Such is the problem with many of those in the salvation army today. They are blending very well with the world and in so doing they stand out in the church as being spiritually weak, unfruitful, and lazy. These blend in and do not see the enemy, (They can not see the forest for the trees.) These folks are in reality enemies of the cross of Christ.

1. Spiritual wicked forces, Ep 6:10-13.

There is a false teaching running rampant in many local organizations that pass themselves off as churches. This false teaching tells the babes in Christ they have the power through the name of Jesus to defeat the devil and cast out demons. If you watch and listen to some of the religious talk shows on TV and pay heed to some of the songs they sing, you will be so hyped up you will feel like going and looking for the devil just to pick a fight.

Only a fool would act as such. The only man that ever faced Satan and won was the man Christ Jesus, 1 Tim 2:5, Mat. 4. For a man to even consider whipping the devil is to go against the word of God. When it comes time to battle the devil, the Lord will take care of him. Even Michael the Arch Angel did not rebuke Satan, Jude 1:9, so where does man get the idea he can?

Zec 3:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? (Have you ever noticed the unique wording of Zech 3:2? Instead of the passage reading And the LORD said unto Satan, I rebuke thee…it reads as if the Holy Trinity is doing the rebuking.)

Satan is a spiritual enemy. If he is defeated, it will be by way of the word of God acting in and through one that is a faithful follower of the Lord. Someone that is in church for one hour once a week and in the world the remainder has no chance at all. One who spends more time in the world than the do in the word, has no hope of winning.

If such a one even tried to rebuke the devil, he would run behind the first corner and laugh behind his hand at their foolishness. It takes a dedicated faithful soldier to live a victorious life through the power of His might. One does not get the power and might needed to win a spiritual battle from one hour a week in the house of God. When there is dust and rust on the (s)word, the flesh (dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return) has no hope

2. Physical lusts wages war against the soul, 1 Pe 2:11.

Not only do we face spiritual battles, we face physical lust that are so attractive they can cause you to cast aside your testimony that you worked a life time to build for a few minutes of pleasure.

Consider King David in his moment of weakness and do not think for one moment you are a mightier warrior than he. How many Psalms have your written? How many Psalms can you quote? How many giants did you fell?

a. Rear guard.

Every once in a while the (in)experienced soldier that follows the Lord must engage in a rear guard action. Plainly stated, there are times when we must retreat. If the soldier of the Lord is aware of whom and what his enemy is, he will know when to make a frontal assault, and when to fight a retreating rear guard action. If you will note, most folks spend more time running from the Lord than from the devil. When they do, they fall prey to some enemies instead of having the enemy fall before them.

b. Fighting in the rear guard

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The man that does not submit himself to God will not flee the following evils.

1. 1 Cor 6:18 Flee fornication….

2. 1 Cor 10:14 …flee from idolatry.

3. 1 Tim 6:11 flee the love of money

4. 2 Tim 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts:

It is interesting that two of the things we were told to flee from were first told to a carnal church. This church was told to flee fornication and idolatry. Those two sins were manifested in that early church.

The second things we were told to flee from were first told to a young convert name Timothy. Paul told him to flee the love of money and youthful lust. The love of money and youthful lust will lure one’s heart away from God. In so doing, you begin to pursue the way of Balaam, 2 Pet 2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

If a person ever hopes to win battles for the Lord, they must not try winning while sinning in one of the above area. Fornication will destroy your flesh. Idolatry will corrupt you mind. The love of money will cause you to lust for power and youthful lust will render your life useless.

3. The unrighteousness and ungodliness of men, Ro 1:18-32.

If fighting those enemies listed above were not enough, the Lord also warned us that in this world we would have tribulation. This tribulation would come from areas wherein we did not expect it.

Tribulation works patience and tribulation comes without having to pray for it.

Tribulation arises when the lost and even those out of fellowship with God begin to take note our stand. Once we make our stand and draw that proverbial line in the sand, tribulation will come from some of the most unexpected places. (As the writers of the ‘Old West’ novels said a man must have some sand in him to hold his position.) Sometimes the tribulation comes from our families, Mat 10:36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. Was it not the Lord’s brothers, family violence, that nailed Him to the cross?

Not only will must the dedicated follower of the Lord fight the ungodly, we have to fight those that are given over to vile affections and passions. Ungodly people will kill those that comes between them and their favorite sin. A man given over to drugs is doing one or all of the following: looking for drugs, coming down, or going up on drugs. Do not get between him and his passion. He will kill you. Acts 19:28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. Acts 19:29 And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.

The faithful follower of the Lord should be aware of these things before they arise, Acts 20:29-31.

4. Friendly fire.

Another area wherein we fight is called friendly fire. ‘Friendly fire’ is a term that means we killed those on our side because we received the wrong information or someone was in the wrong location, or there was deceit and malice in what we thought was a brother. That brother then rises up and attacks us. Zec 13:6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

Friendly fire is costly. It is said that the Christian army is the only army that shoot its wounded.

Friendly fire occurs from the immature in the Lord and His work more so than from the mature. (There are many immature people in the church body that can tell you they were born again 40 years ago. However, they live an unfruitful life.) Those that follow the Lord from afar, Mat 26:58, are those that slay the wrong enemy. A brother or sisters will say or do something that is trivial and immediately that offended soul will unleash a torrent of terror upon the unsuspecting. When we act as such we fight the wrong enemy, use the wrong weapons, and follow the wrong leader and plan of action.

Nowhere in the New Testament does it say we are to physically slay our enemies or those that walk disorderly.. We were told to:

· Know them, Rom 16:17.

· Stay out of their way, Gen 31:51-52.

· Live peaceably with all men, Rom 12:18.

· Bridle (y)our tongue, James 1:26,

· Do not render evil for good, Rom 13:7.

There are some that profess to be soldiers in the Lord’s army that believe God called them to label those that disagree with their personal theology as heretics and then if they do not recant or repent, they are to be killed. Such is a false teaching. This type of thinking was behind The Inquisition and with many of the Muslim religion today.


Every good soldier in the front ranks of the war knows what the primary and secondary objectives are. In order for them to achieve their goals, there is a plan of action wherein each member of the squad has a part to play.

Plan your work; work your plan. Luke 14:31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 14:32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.

A wise leader does not send his men on to the battlefield without each member of the team knowing their roles. In order for the squad to achieve their objective, each member of the team must pull their weight, do their share, stand in the gap, take up their cross, survey the terrain so that pitfalls are avoided, and be faithful in doing what they say they will do. Each soldier in a combat squad may not be aware of the overall battle strategy. However, each one knows their responsibility.

In 2 Sam 10 the armies of Israel were about to fight a battle They were not sure of what the outcome would be nor of the number of troops they would be facing. Regardless, some of the greatest words of wisdom ever spoken were uttered that day when General Joab said, 2 Sam 10:12 Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God: and the LORD do that which seemeth him good.

As faithful followers in the Lord’s army, do we know what are objectives are and do we have a plan for achieving them? Have we trained our bodies and our minds so that we are capable of performing that which is expected of us? Consider the objectives listed below. This list is not a final list. It is one to generate thinking.

Objective 01: Plant the gospel seeds wherever we go.

· We are all ministers of the gospel. As such we have beautiful feet, shod and ready to spread the word, Rom 10:15, Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

· How will this objective be reached?

1. Spend time in the word.

2. Spend time in prayer.

3. Maintain (y)our testimony.

4, Attend church visitation regularly

Objective 02: Produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, Ga 5:16-23.

· The fruit is always on the vine. A mature tree brings forth good fruit. What kind of fruit are we producing? Did you note that you were only to produce the fruit of the Spirit? Nowhere are we told that we are to pick the fruit in this life. Why is this? It is because others harvest the fruit of the Spirit produced in our lives. Right the opposite is true for the works of the flesh. We harvest the works of the flesh, sometimes in this life and for sure in the one hereafter, Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

How do we produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives? Rom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Follow the Spirit of God.

Objective 03: Bring every thought into submission to Christ, 2 Co 10:5.

· Faithful followers feed upon the meat of the word. They are not carnal in their actions, thoughts, or deeds, 1 Cor 3:3-5. It will be impossible to share the gospel and gossip at the same time. James 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

What steps should a faithful soldier of the Lord take to bring their thoughts under subjection to the Lord? Prov 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:…

1. Hide the word in (y)our heart, Ps. 119.

2. Meditate on the word, Luke 2:19.

3. Do the things contained in the word

4. Know for certain you have the word.

Objective 04: Help those ensnared by the devil to escape, 2 Ti 2:26.

· Sometimes in combat, the enemy captures a soldier. Many times their capture results in torture and deplorable living conditions. Sometimes when such is the case, a rescue attempt is made. Often these attempts are successful.

· Such is true in the Lord’s army as well. Some will be ensnared by sin and fall prey to the wiles of Satan. It is the responsibility of the mature in the work and word to attempt to rescue those in bondage.

· Rescuing does not mean ridiculing them for falling. Faithful soldiers of the Lord exhort those ensnared to escape and show them the way. Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

How do we know when one is about to be captured? The faithful followers of the Lord will keep a close watch on those within the local body, especially the babes in the Lord. Once these babes miss two services, it is time for the pastor, Sunday school teacher, or soul winning captain to make a call or a visit, 1 Th 5:14.

Objective 05: Having done all, just continue to stand, Eph 6:13.

· After you have done all you can do, just keep standing. Hold on to the word of God with the grip that Eleazar had in 2 Sam 23:9. Stand and hold on to the (s)word of the Lord until your hand is locked unto it. Do not release your grip.

Objective 06: Fight the good fight of faith, 1 Tim 6:12.

· Without faith it is impossible to please the Lord, Heb 11:6. As you make you stand and as you stand, you realize there are none standing with you, Isa 63:5, Psa 142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. Do you have faith that what you are fighting and standing for is worth the effort? Are you fighting for the faith once delivered unto the saints, Jude 1:3?

How do you know your stand and fight is noble and just? The answer lies in what is written.

1. Did you note that this faith was delivered one time? Not twice. This faith is based on the Truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If this faith is lost, it will not be delivered again.

2. Did you note that in the days of Jude, certain men crept in unaware and begin to sow doubts in the hearts of the believers so they would forget and loose the faith delivered.

3. Do you realize that if we do not fight to keep this faith, we cannot commit it unto those that follow us, 2 Tim 2:2.

4. If we do not know where to bestow our faith, how can we defend it? The answer to this question is found in the section under our weapons of warfare.

Objective 06: Occupy until He comes, Luke 19:13.

· An occupational force does not become a citizen of the country of which they are occupying. Once they do they cease to be an occupying force and their influence as such wanes. The occupying force does not blend in with the scenery of a country. The occupying force should be outstanding!

· It should come as not surprise that the faithful followers of the Lord should not think or act as citizens of this world. We are only occupying a plot of ground. This world is not our home and heaven help us should we even think as such.

What are some telltale signs that we are blending in instead of standing out in society? One of the surest ways is when we begin to love the things that God hates. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Objective 07: Defend this plot of beans, (lentiles:) 2 Sam 23:11.

· Back about 1970 I joined the US Army. Each week there was one thing that we had religiously at mess and that was beans. The United States Army in those days had what I thought was 101 recipes for cooking beans and the mess hall cooks tried everyone of them it seemed.

· Beans are a cheap commodity and sure staple for proteins. We think of beans as being something cheap and refer to some item of little to no value as “not being worth a hill of beans.” However, Shammah, one of King David’s mighty warriors fought for a plot lentils (beans). He stood in the midst of his plot (his field of labor) and defended it with every fiber of his being and God blessed his efforts.

As a soldier of the Lord, do you know where your plot is located? Do you have a battle plan? Will you defend this plot of ground (your ministry) with every fiber of your being? You are fighting for beans. Do you think the beans are worth the effort? If you consider them unworthy, your heart will not be in the fight.

Objective 08: Defend your family.

· Every soldier that goes and fights has this thought in mind: “I will go and fight so that my son and grand son can enjoy the freedoms I’ve enjoyed and hopefully, they will not have to go!”

· The faithful followers of the Lord believe what the bible says about the devil and eternal judgment. Knowing the horrors that awaits the lost ought to be enough for any convert to defend their loved ones do all that is within their might to ensure that their loved ones knows the Lord as Saviour.

· The eternity of our children, grandchildren and great grand children are at stake. Are those little precious souls not worth defending? They were a heritage of (coming from) the Lord, Psa 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Have you ever wondered what the Lord would get out of all this fighting? His reward is the fruit of the womb: children that accept Him as Lord and Saviour are His reward and eternal glory as He redeemed those that believe unto Himself.

· Moses told the nation of Israel to teach their children the ways of the Lord, Deu 6:7-

10. If a man does not raise his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, these same children will grow up to be sons of Belial, Judg 19:22. These same children will be provoked unto the paths of wrath because fathers did not teach them to fear the Lord, Eph. 6:4. Children are our heritage and they ensure that a part of us lives on until the Lord returns.

Are you taking steps to ensure that your children are raised as the Lord commanded? Do you send them to church or do you go with them? Do you recognized those signs of rebellion that are manifested in the lives of children? If so, what are you doing to correct them?

General Joab recognized that the opposition was mighty. Regardless, he set the battle in array and left the results up to the Lord. Say what you may about General Joab, he did recognize in this particular battle, 2 Sam 10:12, that the objectives were noble. That advice he gave is still good for us: Be of good courage and be men concerning our testimony. Get out there in the battle and let the Lord use us. We know what His plans and objectives are.


When I entered the US Army, the latter part of January 1970, at Ft. Polk, Louisiana there was one thing I learned very quickly in basic training and this basic instruction stayed with me for the most part even until this day. What I learned in basic training was that no matter where I was or what I was doing, my weapon (rifle) is with me. Each time I checked that weapon out of the armory, that rifle was to be my constant companion. I even slept with it. Furthermore, there were a few nights when we were in the boondocks that I did not take a bath. However, that rifle was cleaned to perfection after each usage. The US Army also made certain that I had confidence in it. I was reminded over and over that the M-16 was the best weapon the combat infantry soldier could use.

As Christians, we know our enemy. We know our objectives. We know what we must do in order to be victorious. Knowing all of this, there is still one other thing we must know in order for us to have success and that is we must know and have unwavering confidence in our weapons.


If the faithful followers of the Lord are going to carry out a successful warfare, we must understand the nature of our weapons and why our Creator issued them to us.

Paul compared the armor worn by Christians to soldiers preparing themselves for battle. What Paul compared the Christian armour to were the soldiers of his day, they being Roman. Probably, some of these soldiers and Paul were well acquainted. Looking at their armour, the

Holy Spirit used what we call ‘show and tell’ to reveal to the great Apostle the warfare and the protecting armour.

1. Our warfare, 2 Co 10:3-4; Jn 18:36.

Our warfare is spiritual. Therefore, we fight with spiritual weapons. It is folly to try and fight a spiritual warfare with physical weapons. It is also folly to try and fight your battles in another’s armour. The lad David forsook the armour of King Saul, 1 Sam. 17. Instead, young David girded on the armour of the Lord and killed the giant. (Those engaged in a gunfight, use the knife as a last resort.) Thus, we do not use a physical sword or other such weapons to fight, Mt 26:52. Nor are we to use works of the flesh (e.g., anger, wrath) 2 Co 10:1-3; cf. Ga 5:19-21. God already provided us with the weapons of His choosing.

2. Weapons.

Our weapons are not carnal. They are spiritual and were especially forged for the warfare where unto we are engaged. What are our weapons? (Where are our weapons and what shape are the in is another study.) Eph 6:12-18 provides the answer. Let us briefly look at our arsenal of weapons.

a. Loins girded about with truth, Eph. 6:14.

The loins are in the abdominal area. With this verse begins the categorization of the Christian's armor, using by way of illustration the armour of the Roman soldier. The loins area was protected with an armored belt. This belt was very important, for without it, none of the other pieces of armor would stay in place

The stomach was once believed to be the seat of emotions. To a large degree, it still is, for when we are scared or happy, we feel it in our stomach. When our emotions run high, the stomach will become tied into knots and will make the entire body sick. When something is not exactly right, but we cannot determine it exactly, we say, “I had this gut feeling in my stomach…”

No wonder truth is to girded about the stomach. The stomach area is the center of the body, the trunk, and it is the biggest target. Furthermore, there are no bones protecting this area. This armoured belt protected the Roman soldier.

Knowing that the armoured belt protected the Roman soldier, look what it does for the Christian soldier. What does this girth of Truth represent to our loins? What is the knowledge and belief of the Truth? Just what are we to believe? How do we know we have the Truth? What can Satan do to us if he can only get us to doubt? The first Satan will attempt is to get someone to doubt the Truth.

Stand therefore... should be taken in context "as standing in military rank." One thing a soldier learns early in training is do not break rank. If the ranks are broken, there is a breech that the enemy can use to divide and conquer. Before one can stand, they must be outfitted and trained. This is the main reason why young converts are lead astray by Satan. They do not get into a bible believing, bible teaching church, and sometimes, those that do, do not attend faithful and practice even less what they were taught. Truth ceases to be important. This is one area of service where the seasoned soldiers fail their Commander in that we do not ‘make disciples’ out of them.

We make our stand in the truth. Without the truth, we stand for lies. Having your loins girt about with the truth meant in Paul’s day a Roman soldier placed around his waist a very wide belt which was the holder for the bulk of his armour. Without his belt, his armour would not remain in place.

With truth. refers to truth taught accurately. This is the belt of the Christian soldier. What are some of the campaign medals and ribbons we should have stitched into our belts? One of the most important things we should grasp is the fact that Jesus Christ is the Truth? John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses; but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth. and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

b. Breastplate of righteousness.

The breastplate is the second piece or weaponry. It protects the ribs, heart, and back. A wound to the heart in combat would be fatal. A jab in the ribs can put the warrior on the sidelines. The breastplate formed a fundamental part of the warrior’s armor, offering protection from an enemy attacking from the rear.

Even so with Christians, it is equally important that we wear the spiritual breastplate of righteousness. Righteous is a state where man is as he ought to be: In an acceptable position with God; or right with God.

So the questions we must ask ourselves are: Am I right with God? If so, how did I get that way? How will I stay that way? What does the spiritual breastplate protect? If I am not right with God, that is lost, what must I do to be saved? If I am saved and not right with God, what was it that I allowed to penetrate my armor? Why am I remaining out of fellowship?

…And having put on the breastplate of righteousness. This was attached to the belt (Girt of Truth) and provided protection for the upper torso, front and back. In the ancient world, breastplates were of layers of cloth, sometimes with metal greaves attached. The Greeks introduced a bronze breastplate, with bronze plates covering vital areas or the torso, held together with leather or cloth connections. Some Samaritans noticed that horses' hooves, cattle horns, etc., were made of very hard material, so they began to use horns sewed to cloth to protect from blows.

The Romans had the ideas for armor designs that provided lightweight combined with ease of movement and protection from blows. The best type was called the thorax stadias, or "breastplate which stands by itself.” This breastplate was attached to the belt by leather thongs passed through rings on the bottom to keep it solidly attached. It was anchored to the belt, and it was above the belt. It is most important to note that the belt had to be put on first, then the breastplate.

Of righteousness... The righteousness of God is basic protection for the believer. The belt of truth combined with the breastplate of righteousness is the basis for the edification of the Christian, Eph. 4:12, 16, 29, 6:14 "Stand, therefore, having about your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.

c. Feet shod for spreading the gospel of peace.

Shod means "to bind with sandals." The sandal was to the Roman soldier what the GI boondocker (combat boot) was for the American soldier.

The Greek soldier wore greaves to protect his ankles. The Roman soldier wore a heavy soled sandal with metal studs on the bottom for good footing on uneven or slippery ground. This shoe was known in Latin as the caligula, so the foot soldier was called caligatus.

During the Vietnam War the U. S. soldiers needed a boot that would protect the feet of the fighting men. The USA went to Vietnam with basically the same equipment used in the Korean Conflict. The combat boots from the 1950’s did not give adequate protection to the American soldier fighting in the jungles of Vietnam. Once the old shoes become wet, they did not dry quickly. Thus, the soldier’s feet stayed wet. This caused sever blisters and infections. A soldier who cannot move on their feet are at high risk for casualties. One thing that will keep you out of the fight is your feet.

Christian soldiers must be ready at all times to spread the gospel. Be prepared to spread the gospel just as you would be prepared for a frontal assault from the hordes of hell. This preparation refers to full preparedness, being able to march great distances without breaking rank, over a long period of time, and upon arriving be ready to use our weapons effectively.

If we get anywhere in this life, our feet will be the vehicle by which we arrive at our destination. If we have a soul winner’s crown awaiting us in heaven, it will because we had our feet shod with the gospel message and we took that message wherever our Commander said take it.

The faithful followers of the Lord ought to be prepared to fight to defend and deliver the gospel at a moments notice. Preparation implies the ability to fight. Preparation means flexibility and the ability to use God's Word in witnessing. Knowledge of the basic doctrines of salvation is necessary for witnessing (not salesmanship techniques). Know at all times the location of your armour and furthermore, be a master at using it.

Once the feet are sore, we become weary all over. Pains from the feet travel the entire length of the body to the brain, causing the entire body to ache. Pain will often accompany us on our marches to deliver the gospel message. Regardless of the pain, we are to keep the gospel message shod to our feet at all times. Be instant in season and out.

d. Shield of faith

Our shield of faith is primarily a defensive weapon. However, it can be used as an offensive weapon as well. Paul told the warriors in Eph. 6:16 Above all means in addition., This phrase does not mean that the following item of equipment is greater, but that it is simply to be added to the above. Taking the shield of faith means to pick up something, as from the ground, repeatedly.

The shield, when used by an experienced soldier in hand-to-hand combat, has many unique abilities. When use properly it protects the body, while not being directly connected to the body except by the hand and arm. Thus, the soldier keeps the enemy at arms length. By holding the shield a few inches from the body the experienced soldier hides behind the shield when the enemy lays down a barrage. The shield absorbs the impact.

The veteran Christian fighting the good fight, and keeping their eyes on Jesus, will know when to hold the shield near the body and when to extend it to arms length.

The Romans had a long, rectangular, knees-to-chin shield, which protected from arrows and spears and could be knelt behind during an arrow barrage. It was heavier and clumsier that the smaller Greek circular shield; but there was a series of exercises, a manual of arms, designed to give the soldier flexibility and strength in the use of the shield. Groups of soldier who were besieging a town could form close together and hold their shields over their heads to make a huge testudo, or "turtle", to protect the group from missiles.

The Romans were known by some of their enemies as the soldiers who carried a "door" (thureos) into battle. The Franks of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul ridiculed these smaller men because of the great cumbersome shields they carried. But the barbarians were surprised in battle when the little Romans, with their great discipline, their consummate fighting skills, and their mental attitude of victory, wiped up the ground with the disorganized, vacillating Gauls.

In this verse, the Roman shield stands for the faith of the believer in the promises of God. The value of faith lies not in the person exercising it, but in the object. Faith is something that all people possess and use every day. It is a non-meritorious system of thinking and decision-making. Most of what we learn, we learn by faith.

When Christians band together to worship; band together to do is will collectively, they are as one moving body surrounded by shields of faith. Satan said of Job that God had a hedge about him. This is how our shields of faith should be.

Some in the church body hold their shields overhead to protect from overhead attacks. Others, hold their shields on the right, left, front, and rear sides as the body moves forward. There are others who act as flanks and rear guards. It is imperative that the body be in synchronization, march in time to one beat of the drum; listen for the trumpet to know what moves to make. We ought to look like a giant tank meeting the enemy head on.

One person effectively using their faith can bring down an empire. Just imagine what millions of Christians could do, if each was a master at handling the shield of faith on the battlefield.

e. Helmut of salvation.

Every soldier going into battle has a helmet of some type to protect the head. Over the years these protecting devices have changed. The knights of old wore a different helmet than the Roman soldiers. The soldiers in today’s armies wear a variety of helmets. Many are equipped with buzzers and alarms to warn them of impending attacks. Some are equipped with infrared glasses that aid the soldier in seeing at night. Regardless of the generation or the design of the helmet, its main function is to provide protection for the one wearing it. Unless it is in its proper place, it will not do the job it was designed for.

The design of the physical helmet offered protection to the head and brain, for a soldier is no good without a sane mind. If the soldier is not in control of his senses, he cannot effectively use his weapons and armor.

Even so, with the physical, so also is the spiritual. The Christian soldier must protect his mind and thought processes by wearing the helmet of salvation. This helmet is not a device to be used for saving him or others as much as it is worn to protect the individual. Please note it is the helmet of salvation, not salvation itself. The feet shod with the gospel are designed to take the gospel message of salvation.

The helmet of salvation protects us from false doctrines. It protects the fertile fields of the mind. One of the main reasons why it is necessary to protect the mind is because Satan will do his best to sow seeds of another gospel of salvation in the fertile field of the mind, or mess up our thinking with false teachings. He wants everyone to have three or four different ways of getting to heaven, and value their opinion over the word of the Lord.

This is where the helmet of salvation comes in as a necessary part of the Christian soldier’s armor. Whatever is planted in this field will reproduce in like kind. The helmet of salvation gives us that assurance or our eternal destination. If Satan can get us to doubt our salvation, he renders us useless in the battle.

He is very good at getting and keeping young converts and those not rooted and grounded in the faith confused about their eternal destiny and other Christian doctrines. He knows that if we do not know we are going to heaven when we die, there is no way we can tell someone else with authority where they should place their faith.

The helmet of salvation offers us that sure word of prophecy, 2 Pet 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts Paul told the church in Thessalonia 1 Th 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. Rev 19:10.

f. Sword of the Spirit.

The (s)word of the Spirit is the word of God. The (s)word of God comes in many forms: thought, concept, word, deed, and spoken. Regardless, it is still the words of God. In order to be an effective soldier for the Lord, the faithful follower must have faith that what (s)he holds in their hands is the words of God in all its simplicity and truth. Doubt the word and fear will dominate the day.

Suffice it to day there are numerous books on the authority of the King James Bible. In a lesson of this nature, there is not enough time to go into an in depth study. May I summarize and say that if one doubts the power of the words of God as found in the King James Bible, they will not win many battles.

g. Prayer, Eph 6:18.

Prayer is as old as man. It is as universal as religion, an as instinctive as breathing, Gen. 4:26. It is practiced in some form by men of all faiths. Prayer springs from the heart with a need, a need greater than man's ability to encounter. Prayer is man's acknowledgment to a being higher than himself.

There are two kinds of prayer: The prayer that does not reach God and the prayer that does. This is illustrated by our Lord in the parable of the Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14.

Both men went to the same place, at the same time, for same purpose, that being--to pray.

The publican came to God in great humility, conscious of his unworthiness, confessing himself a sinner and begging for mercy. This is the kind of prayer that does reach God. This is a righteous prayer.

It is a rare privilege to pray, because it brings us into close fellowship with God, admitting our need for Him and our utter dependence upon Him. Thus, prayer is one of our weapons we ought to use daily. For the soldier in the heat of battle one thing is certainly true: “There are no atheist in a foxhole.”

No soldier of the Lord should ever consider engaging the enemy or any other service for the Lord without prayer and fasting. If we even considered such, we would be the reality of that adage “He doesn’t have a prayer!” There are volumes written on the subject of prayer. In all things give thanks and 1 Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. Use this weapon in conjunction with the word of God. From these two sources you will gather all the information needed to meet the enemy and be victorious.

h. Watching, Eph 6:18.

Usually when one hears a sermon on the armour of the Christian, the message text stops with v. 17. Be that as it may, I firmly believe there is another weapon listed and available for service to the Christian. This last piece of armour is called vigilance. Sermons on vigilance do not normally fall as last in the series relating to the Christian’s armour. The reason I submit it as a weapon is because the safety of those resting and the unsuspecting is entrusted to the faithful soldier who can recognize evil for what it is and sound the warning.

When I was in the US Army, it was a criminal offense to be caught sleeping while on guard duty! One that was caught sleeping when they were supposed to be alert was punished and was also the subject of much ridicule. It is for this reason that as faithful followers and soldiers of the Lord, we must maintain our vigilance. We are on guard duty every day that we live.

The word watchman appears eighteen times in scripture. The context of each is the watchman is on duty in the tower or on the wall that surrounded the city. It was his responsibility to sound the alarm to warn those inside that danger was approaching. The well being of those inside the walls depended upon his early warning.

God told Ezekiel that He had set him as a watchman over the house of Israel and that it was his responsibility to warn them, Ezek 33:7. Ezekiel’s orders were to warn the wicked that judgment was coming. It was then the responsibility of the unrighteous to get right with God. If Ezekiel failed, the blood of his fellowman would be held to his account.

When the Lord spent time praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, He took His disciples with Him and told them to …“Sit ye here…Mat26:36. He came back and found them asleep and said: “What, could ye not watch with me one hour, Mat 26:40?” Mat 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Why did He tell us to watch and pray? Because there are evils that we face each and every day that we cannot see. Evil abounds that looks on the surface as harmless. We see them as such and soon we are enslaved to sin. Psa 127:1 A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Trojan horses are real. They are real threats in the computer world. They are threats to our spiritual well being as well. The vigilant soldiers of the Lord will only see evils when we begin to have the mind of Christ and see the world and its system as it really is.

Faithful follower must maintain their vigilance. A soul or testimony is at stake. We have an enemy. He is a roaring lion out to destroy everyone. 1 Pet 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

We cannot be faithful followers of the Lord, soldiers in His army, and not be faithful in maintaining our watch so that our children are not destroyed by our adversary. If we drop our guard for a mere second, the devil will launch an all out attack upon us and all that we hold dear. If we are not vigilance, Satan will have us in his snares for a snare is something that is not seen as a trap. If we are not vigilant, we will lay our armour aside and forget where we left it. Temptation looks harmless. Be vigilant!


So why should we be so particular with our weapons and why would we drill our hearts and minds with the principles and precepts found in the words of the Lord? The reason is each battle produces its own rewards to those that remain committed to His cause.

Each war produces a rank of soldiers that are decorated for bravery. The highest honor awarded to those in the US Military is the Medal of Honor.

“The President, in the name of Congress, has awarded more than 3,400 Medals of Honor to our nation's bravest Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen since the decoration's creation in 1861. For years, the citations highlighting these acts of bravery and heroism resided in dusty archives and only sporadically were printed. In 1973, the U.S. Senate ordered the citations compiled and printed as Committee on Veterans' Affairs, U.S. Senate, Medal of Honor Recipients: 1863-1973 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973). This book was later updated and reprinted in 1979.

Audie Murphy received every decoration for valor that this country had to offer plus five decorations presented to him by France and Belgium. He was considered a brave man in battle by his superiors.

One of these days the Captain of our salvation, Jesus, Heb 2:10, will reward us just as King David rewarded the men over which he was captain, 1 Sam 22:2, 2 Sam. 23. The list of heroes in 2 Sam. 23 reads like the stories of men that earned the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is not given. It is earned.

Salvation is free. However, all the medals, the crowns, the jewels and precious stones are the rewards for service rendered, 1 Cor 3:12-13. Furthermore, God has at least five crowns to reward to the faithful followers.


1. The Victor's Crown, 1 Cor. 9: 25-27. This crown is also called the "Incorruptible Crown." It will be rewarded to those who keep their bodies under subjection and do not allow the lust of the world to have rule over them. The context seems to refer to those who say they are Christians and then they back up this statement with their actions - a living sacrifice.

2. The Crown Of Life, Rev. 2:16. This crown is promised to those who can resist temptation, James 1:12, and this crown is also the martyr's crown. If we will not love living more than we love Him, He has promised us a crown of life.

3. The Crown Of Glory, 1 Pet 5: 2-4. This crown is to be given to the shepherd of a flock, such as a pastor, a teacher-I believe a male or female, a missionary, etc. It is to be given to those who are called to an office of service and not to those who say they have a calling but in reality they do it for money.

4. The Crown Of Righteousness, 2 Tim 4:8. This crown is promised to those who are looking and longing for the appearance of the Son of Man in the clouds of Glory.

5. The Crown Of Rejoicing, 1 Thes 2:19-20, Lk 15:7, Heaven rejoices when a sinner is saved. This is the crown that is given to the soul winner, you might say it is a people crown, for that is what the church is in business for, saving the lost.

This is just a partial list of the honors awaiting those that are faithful unto His calling. 1 Cor 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.


In the army of Christ, we seek to save our testimony, save our loved ones, even when we battle those with whom we fight. It is a noble objective, one that requires a noble service as “Soldiers Of Jesus Christ.” Are you therefore willing to endure hardship, and thus please Him who enlisted you as a soldier? The combat infantryman fights with the least glamour and the highest casualties.

The US Army has an infantry patch, (pictured below) with the words ‘Follow Me’ stitched across the top. Please note the soldier on the badge: right hand raised, looking back over his shoulder mouthing the words “Let’s go! Follow me!” At one time, this was the badge used to denote one that was trained or had been attached to the special forces branches of the United States Army.

Though there are many people making up many areas of service, only those authorized to wear this patch could do so. The patch was not just handed out to anyone. One must volunteer, endure the training, and pass the test before they could wear it. Plainly stated one had to earn the patch.

At one time outside the entrance to Ft. Bragg, N. C. there was a statue of ‘Iron Mike’ with one hand raised. It is a noble statue and the image it portrays is that of a veteran leading men into combat.

Follow me is the command given by Captain Jesus. Will you be one that will follow His lead? Will you be a soldier that pleases Him so much He takes glory in your testimony?