Summary: This message was preached for my present church’s 40th Anniversary and it calls us to ’cross the Jordan’ and move into the "Land of Promise."


Deuteronomy 30:11-20

* My personal intent for today’s message was to entitle this “From the Wilderness to the Promised Land” and draw a parallel between the COI and HBC. However, God had other ideas, not about this message or the parallel, but about the title.

* In context, 40 years earlier God brought the COI to Kadesh which is on the southern border of the land of Canaan. Canaan was the land which God had promised to Abraham generations earlier and now it was time to claim what God had promised them. God had said “you can take it” and they responded, “We can’t and we won’t.” Recently, I have heard 2 different preachers give 2 unique thoughts on what transpired at Kadesh. The first preacher suggested that the “Land Acquisition” committee changed their mission. They were told to scout the land, see what’s there, and bring back some fruit. Instead they came back that it was ‘unfeasible to take the land.’ The other preacher suggested that the failure at Kadesh was a leadership failure. His words were that Moses caved into the majority instead of following what God had told Him. While I can certainly argue this case, I sympathize with Moses. That said, historically the majority tend to get things wrong because the majority tends to be logical and ‘bottom-line’ oriented instead of God led. In scripture God calls a man, not committees, to lead.

* When the committee returned, gave the bad report, and the majority said, “We’re not going to do this,” in an over simplistic translation God’s response was, “Fine. Try forty years of wandering around in the wilderness.” And by the way adults because you decided to disbelieve and be disobedient, you won’t ever get to see the land flowing with milk and honey because you will die in the wilderness.”

* As an aside, the thought of spending 40 years wandering is tough. To wander is to go about aimlessly, with no sense of purpose, no clear direction; it is simply to exist by doing today what you did yesterday and repeating that behavior again tomorrow, simply because you have always done it that way. However, to spend life wandering in a wilderness is unthinkable, but to die there is unimaginable. Today, there are many believers and congregations who are wandering in the wilderness of this culture. We live today like we did yesterday and like we plan on living tomorrow – with no sense of God’s purpose or direction – and before we know it, a lifetime has come and gone, & we have little or nothing to show for it.

* It all comes back to ‘Choices’ or ‘decisions’! Every day we make decisions, both personally and collectively. These daily decision, while seemingly small, can have far-reaching consequences. For instance, the decision you make today will determine how you act, what you say, and how you live – tomorrow. How you live tomorrow, may well determine the eternal destiny of someone you meet.

* Let’s put a personal touch to this story then draw the Biblical parallel for life.

* In 1971 a tragedy occurred in Hueytown, Alabama. Because, based on the word of God and His call for unity, anytime God’s people experience disunity, it is an affront to God. The people who made up a church determined to go in two different directions. One group stayed in the church while the other group, almost a year later, constituted a new church. Even after 40 years, when this topic comes up, there still exists strong emotion about ‘who was right and who was wrong.’ I stand here, at the risk of life and limb, to tell you who was right and who was wrong. God was right and people were wrong. The issue never was, never has been, and never will be, ‘who’ was right in the formation of this congregation. The real issue is “what does God think, what does God want, and what does God expect?” For you see, it is all about HIM and not at all about US!

Next week we cross the threshold of 40 years in service. During this time many people have come and gone. In fact, some of us in this room have come, gone, come, gone, come, and gone (and come). While this may be uncomfortable for some of us, if we expect God to bless, we will have to get honest. Think about the experiences of the Children of Israel. To read their story is to ‘think’ that they are about to ‘get it together’ with Jehovah God – only to walk away from Him in disobedience. How much do we resemble Children of Israel?! It’s frightening.

* I don’t know you, but I have long been tired of ‘wandering in the wilderness.’ My prayer for this past year has been for God to send a revival among us and that this month be a symbolic ‘crossing over Jordan.’ Over the past couple of months, I have sensed from those who are involved in ministry that we are ready to cross the river and leave the barren wilderness behind. God’s Promised Land is a new land with new focus with the birth of new soul is made possible because of a new commitment to a God who makes all things new.

* It going to require us to make a decision. At Kadesh, they made their decision. They decided to follow the wrong crowd, the wrong people, and the wrong counsel, for all the wrong reasons. And it cost them their lives. They could have been living in the land flowing with milk and honey but they got the wilderness. They didn’t want to pay the price, step to the line of service, and commit. So God said, “Fine” and gave them what they deserved.

* In our text, 40 years have passed, and Moses is readying them to cross Jordan under new leadership and to take the land. As he is giving his farewell speech, he gives them several decisions to make if they are to cross the river.

* Know what I have come to believe about this congregation? I believe we are tired of wandering, tired of the wilderness, and are READY to cross Jordan (as it were).

* Instead of fighting with God, God’s leadership, or even each other; we are ready to join God in fighting the real enemy and possess the Land. If we are ready for this, God has a word for us. That word is ‘decision time.’ Let us see our choices.

1. Personal choices – To read verses 11-14 is to hear the Moses heart for his people. He knows that his people do not have good track record of making decisions. He is trying to make this as easy to understand, comprehend, and comply with as is possible. He says, “The command I give you”. He is not giving them a suggestion because he knows they won’t take it. The word command is the same word that is used in Exodus 20 and 24 when referring to the Decalogue. He does on to say that your decision is not something you are incapable of understanding and doing. In fact, it is in your heart & mouth.

* If we are going to cross the Jordan, possess God’s land of promise for us, if we are going to become known as a Jesus Church, it has to be written on our hearts. I ask you right now, “What is on your heart?” What do you spend your time thinking about? What consumes your thought life? Whatever you spend your time thinking about is truly what is in your heart. Remember these New Testament truths, “Out of the Heart flow the issues of life,” “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks,” and “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Your heart’s content reveals much about whom and what we are.

* The question remains, “What is in your heart today?” Or better asked, “Where does the Lord rank in your heart?” Our Lord gives one call and it is, “Follow Me.” Nothing else is acceptable.

2. Practical choices – Verse 15 gives us a practical word about our choices. The Bible says that you have only two choices. It will serve us well to comprehend and embrace this Biblical truth; ‘there are no gray areas in God’s eyes.’ We only have two choices. Here they are termed ‘life and prosperity’ or ‘death and adversity.’ Let’s simplify this; the two choices are ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ We don’t particularly like this, but we don’t get a say. When we come to a decision, there may be several options which are still right and several options that are wrong, but in the final analysis, all our decisions fall into only two categories before God, right or wrong. And if we are going to cross Jordan and enter the Promised Land, we have to look to Him for our answer. This is true in time as well as eternity. Jesus said, there are only two road, two ways, or two gates. One way leads to life and one to death. When faced with a decision of any type, there are only two options. One is the wrong way and the other is God’s way (God’s way is always the right way!!) For most people there seems to be 3 options; the wrong way, the right way, and MY way! Proverbs 14 & 16 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end is the way of death.” If we make the right choice, God will bless us!

3. Problematic Choices – These are the wrong choices that we make (and yes, we can make wrong choices!) Look in verses 17-18 and let these words burn with in you. (READ) Does this sound like a ‘no-big-deal’ to anyone? Does this sound like ‘fair warning’ to God’s people? Verse 17 gives three areas of warning; these are your love, your life and your loyalty. He begins with your heart by saying ‘if your heart turns away’ which means if you become like the church at Ephesus and leave your first love. Today we have already spoken about the heart – can you honestly say that our Lord has full control and full commitment of your heart? When our heats turn away, this means that something else occupies the throne in our life. He next points to our life itself by saying “If you do not listen.” The word ‘listen’ in the Hebrew is “shama’” which means listen and perceive to the point of obedience. We listen to sermons, Sunday school lesson, and more, but do we listen to the point of adjusting our lives to what we hear. Scripture says, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” and implies that to be a doer only is to deceive you. The message is, “If you don’t listen and change your life a consequence awaits.” Finally he says, “If you are led astray to bow down and worship other Gods.” We should not that this breaks the first commandment. We should also note the progressive nature of what Moses is saying. (RECAP) The result is found in verse 18 and I submit this is where many people live today.

4. Present choices – Two words are found in the middle of verse 19 which says, “Choose Life.” Today these words are the clarion call for those of us who are ‘anti-abortionists.’ Candidly, anytime there is an abortion, someone dies. The call from Moses to ‘choose life’ is a national call extended to the entire nation. He wants the children of Israel to survive because he knows if that they have to make another decision about Jehovah God and their history is not so good when it comes to choosing God. I heard Ed Stetzer say this, “People never change until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change.” I hope we are there!

* Our present choice is to choose life or death. Choosing death requires nothing. When we do what we have always done, we’ll be what we’ve always been. Here is how we ‘CHOOSE LIFE.’ We love the Lord God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. I submit that when we love something or someone with all that we are, that or they is an integral part of our lives & are not relegated to one day a week. It is like a wife, husband, or child who has a part in our daily life. Next, we obey Him. Have you ever considered all that He tells us to do? He tell us to be saved, be a part of a church family, & to be transformed, reformed & conformed into His image. Then we are to ‘remain faithful to Him.’ To do this as a family of believers is to cast aside our personal pride, to admit our wrongs, and to surrender all that we are to Him. This requires a conscious decision.

* We look back at the previous 40 years and all of us put our own spin on it. Sadly, because we have imperfect humans, we tend to view things through our flawed sight. Wonder what God would say? Would He be please or might He say, “The past is what it is, now HBC prepare to cross over Jordan and possess the land that I still want to give you.” This requires a decision on our part and one of the most difficult things which we battle is our pride.

* In the summer of 1986, two ships collided in the Black Sea off the coast of Russia. Hundreds of passengers died as they were hurled into the icy waters below. News of the disaster was further darkened when an investigation revealed the cause of the accident. It wasn’t a technology problem like radar malfunction-or even thick fog. The cause was human stubbornness. Each captain was aware of the other ship’s presence nearby. Both could have steered clear, but according to news reports, neither captain wanted to give way to the other. Each was too proud to yield first. By the time they came to their senses, it was too late.

* What is your part and what is God calling you to do today? It is decision-time?