Summary: As Christians in the world we often try to hide our faith out of fear but God has given us his Holy Spirit to overcome our fears and be bold witnesses in this world.

Camouflage. It’s something very well known today. Besides being worn just as a fashion today by some boys and men, why is camouflage used?

First, to be able to attack without being seen. This is the whole purpose in war. Soldiers are dressed up in camouflage so that they can sneak through the land and not be seen by the enemy and then attack when not expected.

Second, camouflage is used to avoid being a victim. This is most seen in nature. A fish looks like a rock instead of a meal. A chameleon changes colors to match his environment to avoid being seen.

Do we as Christians do the same? Do we camouflage our faith in order to fit in? To avoid being a victim? It’s simply easier to live in this world if you are not radically different. No one likes to be rejected. We don’t like to be whispered about. We don’t like it when those in town avoid us instead of wanting to be with us. So what is the common way of living? We are very quiet about our faith. “in quietness and trust is your strength.” We say things like, “I just need to be a nice person and that’s my witness. No need to talk about God or Jesus. That would be too radical. And of course never talk about sin. This might turn people off.” We don’t let people see any deeper than one millimeter into our skin. We don’t reveal our heart – our love – our Savior. That’s too personal and too great a risk. Stay camouflaged and stay safe!

What is the problem with us today? We are timid instead of bold. 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has NOT given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” What is timid? “lacking in courage or self-confidence, Fearful.” Shy, bashful. The Greek word means: fearful or cowardice. Hiding in the shadows.

What has happened? We have been bullied by the enemy into believing that we are second rate people. That we must sneak around as Christians and be something like spies against the enemy. But Jesus NEVER used camouflage methods and neither did any of his followers. They were different and obviously different and boldly different. Not controlled by fear.

Jesus used this word for timid when he rebuked the disciples in the middle of a storm: “Why are you afraid you men of little faith?” Why were the disciples timid? Why were they cowards in the storm? They thought Jesus couldn’t handle things. They thought they were on their own! What a ridiculous thought! Jesus’ question is not meant to be answered but it is a confrontation – of course you don’t have to be afraid – I am with you! The Son of God, creator, King of Kings!

The Lord wants to encourage us today to put away the camouflage and fear not – he will provide!

The first encouragement we have in moments when we are tempted to run away and hide in fear: Remember that the Spirit of the Lord is with us! Jesus may or may not still the storm. He may lead you into the valley of the shadow of death. But remember what Psalm 23 reminds us? “Your rod and staff comfort me.” He’s there, with you and no matter what the trouble or danger, he will be next to you to comfort, strengthen, and help you get through the valley, or the storm, or the trial.

What were Jesus last words in the Gospel of Matthew? "I am with you to the end of the age." Trust His Word! He will not abandon you.

In our text, Paul reminds us of the kind of spirit we have from God. And this brings us to the second encouragement from the Lord: we have a Spirit not of fear but of POWER! In moments of fear we need to remember that the power of God’s Spirit is with us. If only the disciples realized that with one word Jesus could calm the storm. We don’t know what exactly he said but probably a simple word like “Quiet!”

We forget also that the Word of God alone has power to touch the heart of people. We might think that people aren’t going to listen to it or respond to it. We hear that you have to use a multi-media presentation and make it attractive for the audience. There is nothing wrong with doing that either. But it is THE WORD which is like a hammer that crushes a rock. It breaks man’s heart. It also opens the eyes and brings healing with the Gospel.

Do you walk in the power of the Lord or in the power of your own producing? Before democracy arrived in Poland, the country was run by Lords and rich landowners – the nobility from all over the country. The senate filled with these noblemen would make decisions for the country but they always had a hard time getting much done – why? Because every member of the senate had veto power. With one word any member could stop a decision of the senate. In America we have only one man with that power which is the president. The ability to put a veto on any bill is his greatest power.

Jesus is the only one with the power over Satan. He can veto any of Satan’s moves over his children if we call upon him to do so. He defeated Satan on the cross and made us holy by his blood, cleansing us of our sins. And yet how often do we call upon the power of Jesus over the enemy? How often do we use the Words of our Lord in this world today? We are too timid…or of little faith. We don’t need to camouflage the Scripture message so it’s acceptable today. It must confront sin and it must bring people to repentance. God’s word has power to change lives, not my words!

The next encouragement from the Lord when we are timid or fearful is to remember that we have a spirit of love. 1 John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.”

One of the most radical differences between a follower of Jesus and the rest of the world is love for the enemy. Not vengeance. Not getting our rights. Not putting people in their place. But loving for our enemies, praying for them, wishing their welfare, seeking reconciliation with them.

Whenever we are filled with hate and unforgiveness, we can know one thing for certain – this is not from God. He has not given you a spirit of hatred and unforgiveness! It’s from your own flesh, or the world, or the devil himself.

In Matthew 5:44 Jesus says "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” In other words, there is not a person in this world we should not pray for! That’s radical! Boldly love one another! And this doesn’t mean we accept everything a person does – Jesus certainly didn’t accept the prostitute’s behavior when she was caught. That WAS adultery. But he loved her and forgave her and sent her out to serve him.

True love is boldly reconciling sinners to God. This is our goal and not self-defense, revenge, getting-back. That is only helping myself. But the Lord wants us to boldly save the lost who are deceived. Anger, hatred and vengeance won’t help my enemy but keep them my enemy and God’s enemy. What can help the situation? Prayer for them will! Forgiveness will! Blessing them will! Can you bless your enemy??? This is our ministry of boldness and not camouflage! Boldly love the unlovable because Jesus boldly loved us when we were unlovable.

But let’s go a step farther here. It’s important to recognize that we also camouflage ourselves from our own brothers and sisters in the faith. We fear opening up before those around us concerning our hurts, our needs, our burdens. We camouflage our lives with a smile and nice polite words while all the time we are devastated. That’s not fellowship! That’s a masquerade in order to protect ourselves. Why do we do that? To keep from anyone seeing our weaknesses, from criticizing our personal lives, from thinking that we might not have it together. We want to appear that we are doing so well and healthy.

But this is why we need fellowship. Fellowship is not about talking about the weather but it’s about leaning on each other – being transparent, coming alongside each other. We are all on the same team and we are in this together – two or three team members can’t win a game – it takes everyone side by side. So we need to be transparent and make ourselves vulnerable in order to do that – in order to find the encouragement and help we need. God has given us a “spirit of love” and not of fear or timidity. Pray that God would give you a spirit of love for those around you – fear will then disappear.

A final encouragement from the Lord in moments of fear: we have a Spirit of self-discipline or self-control. This means that in moments of fear, we can walk straight ahead in perseverance and not retreat. The natural reaction is what? Run and hide! Or else join the enemy. The Holy Spirit gives us that ability to stand strong and courageous!

Soldiers go through intensive training of hardship – little sleep, physical strain, stress. They are pushed to physical and emotional limits. Why? So that when the battle comes, they don’t run away or lose their mind, or drop out of fear. They simply follow their orders and commands to complete their mission. Some of you men who have served know what it is like to face those fears. What would happen if our soldiers ran away every time they were afraid? Would we ever win a conflict???

Self-control is the work of God’s Spirit in us to follow God’s commands no matter what happens - no matter what the circumstances or trials. We trust his leading and directing. We know his power is behind us and we are motivated by his love.

We are able to trust in God and follow him into deep and dark valleys and storms. The Holy Spirit gives us the discipline to walk after the Lord in all times and all circumstances. Sometimes self-discipline means that we run away from certain situations that will lead us into sin. That also is not easy. It takes courage.

God’s Spirit isn’t cowardly, weak, hateful, and lacking control. That’s what WE are naturally. Timothy likely had a problem with fear which is why Paul wrote such words to him. But the Spirit enabled him to be bold and trusting. And he will do the same with you!

When we receive Jesus as our Lord, he fills us with his Spirit and no longer do we need to be afraid. We aren’t weak – we have God’s power. We can love our enemy instead of hate. We can control our behavior instead of being controlled by the world. And so although every day is a battle for us in this world, we don’t need to be in fear!

Jesus promises peace . John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

Camouflage was not used by soldiers until about 200 years ago and then very rarely. Most armies in the eighteenth and 19th century tended to use bright colors and bold, impressive designs. The brightest were the “Red Coats” – bright uniforms of British soldiers. These were intended to daunt the enemy, attract recruits, foster unit cohesion, or allow easier identification of units.

That is the example that Paul is giving us – be bold soldiers clearly identified in this world. We don’t need to be camouflaged because we have a spirit of power, of love, of self-discipline which can overcome the world. Let’s be bold servants of Christ!
