Summary: God responds to faith. Watch where you place your faith. The emphasis is not on the size of faith but the placement of your faith. Watch the motivation of your heart.

Mark 9:14-29 Having the Faith of a Mustard Seed 4 Mar 2012 1743

Read also Matthew’s account: Matt 17:14-21

A young boy was tormented by a demon. He could not control himself, throwing himself into the fire or water to kill himself.

• His father was at a lost what to do, and brought him to the disciples of Jesus.

• It was one of the most embarrassing situations for the disciples. They could not deliver the boy.

Jesus was not around. He was up on the high mountain with Peter, James and John.

• The nine other disciples were left to fend for themselves without their Master.

• They tried but nothing happened. It was not for the lack of trying.

This problem wasn’t entirely new to them. They had encounter demon-possessed victims early with Jesus – in Mark 1 and 5.

• In fact, Jesus had earlier called them together and “gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” (Matt 10:1)

• But they failed this time. A large crowd had already gathered.

Finally Jesus came, and with authority, commanded the deaf and mute spirit to leave.

• The son was delivered. The father was grateful. Everyone was happy, except the disciples. They were disturbed.

• After Jesus had gone indoors, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

What was the heart of the problem?

• Jesus did not say, “You did not say the right words.” The problem wasn’t about a method or formula.

• Jesus did not say, “You did not try long enough.” The problem wasn’t about hard work or trying harder.

• Jesus did not say, “You need certain skill or experience.”

• And definitely not because “the demons were too powerful.” Not a question of divine authority or power.

Jesus put His finger on just one thing – Matt 17:20 “Because you have so little faith.”

• His first reaction to the problem was: “O unbelieving generation!”

• His respond to the father was: “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

(1) God Responds to FAITH

God always respond to faith – we see that with Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Martha (raising of Lazarus), Jairus…

Heb 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

• God wants us to trust Him in order to experience Him. If we want to see God’s works, we need to have faith.

• It has little to do with how bad the situation was. It has to do with what’s going on in our hearts.

• What is happening INSIDE of you is more important than what is happening on the OUTSIDE. Watch your heart when you are facing a crisis. Cling on to God in faith.

The degree of difficulty, the complexities, and even the length of the problem – “from childhood he has been like that” – does not really matter to Jesus.

• All of these external factors are immaterial to Jesus.

The father says, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” (Mark 9:22)

• Jesus: “If you can?” That’s the wrong start. “You are half-believing that some things I cannot or will not.”

• Jesus corrected him: “Everything is possible for him who believes.” (9:23)

• The man responded, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” (9:24)

That’s what we should be concerned about! Not the problem but our faith in God.

• Pray, “Lord, help me overcome my unbelief. I’m beginning to doubt you, please help me overcome that!”

• That’s our concern - we want to believe God. We choose not to doubt God. We don’t entertain the slightest unbelief.

Don’t focus on the problem. Don’t focus on the “impossibilities”. Don’t focus on the externals. Watch your heart.

• JESUS: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” (Jn 14:1)

(2) Watch Where You PLACE Your Faith

Jesus’ explanation to the disciples is enlightening - Matt 17:19-20

19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

If the problem is this “so little faith”, then the logical solution is to have BIG faith.

• I expected this: “You failed because you have little faith; if only you have a BIG faith, then you will succeed!”

• Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain…”

• It’s almost like saying: “Your faith is small. Actually, that’s enough. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, that will do!”

The mustard seed is the smallest garden seed known to them.

• “Small as a mustard seed” is a common idiom that referred to something unusually small. And “removing mountains” is a figure of speech used to describe something impossible or difficult.

• It really doesn’t matter how BIG your problem is, you just need to have a SMALL faith in God, and you can see His amazing works.

• You just need a SMALL faith in a BIG God! If you focus on a BIG God, you need not fear a BIG mountain. Nothing is big relative to God!

The emphasis is not on FAITH, not on the SIZE of faith, but on the PLACEMENT of your faith.

• When you say, “I believe”, what exactly are you believing? Or WHO exactly are you believing in?

• Jesus’ first reaction was: “O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?” (v.17)

• The hint here is that the people are not placing their faith IN HIM.

Where then are they placing their faith? Where can their faith be in?

• Many possibilities - probably in themselves - being close disciples of Christ, they might have thought that proximity with Christ give them special powers.

• Having seen miracles close-up with Jesus, they could have gotten confident – confidence in themselves, feeling that they have special privileges.

• They could have seen the way Jesus performed the miracles and decided to do the same, simply copying what He says and the way He does it.

• It was likely that their faith have shifted away from God – to themselves, to a particular method, or a certain way of doing things.

It can happen to us too. After many years as a believer, having gotten more bible knowledge, read up more books, and gained greater experience - we can end up trusting ourselves more, placing our faith in our hard work, in certain strategies, or in our skills or wisdom.

• Like the Pharisees in Jesus’ times - they have chosen to put their faith in their obedience to the Law and their righteous deeds. They have faith in themselves.

• Outwardly, it looks like a religious faith in God, but in reality, they trust themselves.

Pray that God will keep us from such a delusion. Our faith must always be in God. He does not always do things OUR way. It does not matter; we trust Him.

• Our focus is not the size of our faith, but the size of our God.

• The more you know God, the stronger your faith becomes. The way to grow your faith is to focus on God. We did that in the last series and I believe you’ve experience a change.

• Ask God to help you see Him more. Ask God to help you overcome your doubts.

If you trust God, Jesus says, then “nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt 17:21).

• Why? Because nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

• The power lies with God. Our faith is in God. Our faith is always IN GOD.

(3) Watch the MOTIVATION of Your Heart

Why do you want God to do what only He can do? Could it be that the nine disciples hope to perform this healing miracle to glorifying themselves?

• Right after this event, we read that the disciples were quarrelling among themselves, arguing about who is the greatest. What was uppermost in their minds?

• It could well be, that the disciples’ motivation at this point wasn’t pure. It wasn’t out of compassion for the plight of the boy or for the glory of God. It was a time for them to show off; to show the people what they could do.

• No wonder God did not show up. God will not aid you to glorifying yourself.

In some manuscripts, Jesus was recorded to have said one more line: “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.”

• In order words, power flows through the one who truly seeks God, who is really serious with Him, who fully depends on Him.

• The one who fast and pray, the seeker of God, will see the works of God.

No wonder God’s power wasn’t flowing. Something was obstructing His move.

• Before God can manifest His glory through a miracle, He has to strip away that which keeps us from trusting Him wholeheartedly. That stuff is on the INSIDE – it could be our pride, our ego, or our self-centred desires.

• Do I want this church to grow big so that I can become famous? Am I driven my personal ego and pride, or a true passion for Jesus? Do I want a successful ministry so that I can make a name for myself, and people will praise me?

We pray that God will help us keep our motives pure as we serve Him and build His church.

• We will surely see His miracles and His supernatural blessings among us, if we remain humble, submissive and keep our motivations pure.

• Our one and only passion must be the glory of God and His glory alone.

Bros & Sis, if you place your faith anywhere else apart from God – you are going to be disappointed and discouraged.

• Keep your eyes on Jesus, on His glory and power and majesty.

• Jesus: “Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt 17:21) Everything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)