Summary: A talk about the true character and love of God for His people.

Text: Psalm 36, Title: Under Attack, Date/Place: NRBC, 3.11.12, AM

A. Opening illustration: the attack last week

B. Background to passage: What the first line of the title leaves out is “against me.” Demonstrated by the last three verses, the “wicked” in this psalm are people that are coming against David, the Servant of the Lord. And David provides us an example of what to do when we are attacked directly or indirectly. We all have times when we feel attacked: at work, in the home, from those in the church, or those in the community. Our reactions differ from person to person, situation to situation. And our tendency is to worry, dwell upon them, focus on them, and thus reap the rewards of stress in our lives. All the while, the God of grace stands awaiting with His reserviors of love, grace, mercy, and satisfaction, waiting for us to reach out to Him. But reaching out to Him is not normall our first reaction.

C. Main thought: when under attack, we turn to Him

A. The Foundation of God (v. 5-6)

1. Note the character and behavior of the wicked: loves himself and evil, hates you. But immediately after this description, he begins to exalt God’s attributes. He runs headlong into worship when confronted with attacks. In praise, he calls to mind God’s mercy (chesed). This word is translated mercy, lovingkindness, kindness, or tender mercies. David calls to mind that which God actively applies to relieve suffering, pain, guilt, hardship, etc. David also calls to mind the truth that God is always faithful. Not once has He every let anyone down! Neglect or failure can never rightly be charged to God’s account. Then David rejoices in God’s righteousness, His holiness, His wholy otherness, His perfections. No moral failures on His part; one never has to question His motivations or His methologies. He doesn’t have the capacity to err. And finally, David calls to mind God’s judgments, or actions among men. He reminds himself that God is completely just and right in everything that He does on the earth. He is sovereign, which we looked at last week.

2. Lam 3:22, Neh 9:31, Ps 145:8-9, 97:2, Isa 40:28, Rom 11:33

3. Illustration: “He never fails, nor forgets, nor falters, nor forfeits his every word of threat or promise, prophecy or covenant, the Lord has exactly adhered, for he is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent.” –Spurgeon,

4. This is not natural to react like this. Natural is self-defense, anger, counter attack, self-justification, and the like. This is one of the reasons that it is such a testimony to Christ—it’s something that God does inside of us. Preach to yourself that everything He does is mingled with mercy. Know that God wants to show you kindness. Your mind, your culture, your false friends will lie to you and tell you that God is mad, or unkind, or is punishing you, but don’t buy it! The world, the flesh, and the devil will tell you that God has failed you, or will fail you. Don’t buy it. Isn’t it great to serve a Savior who is pure and perfect in every way? We never have to wonder if God’s motivations were good.

B. The Provision of God (v. 7-9)

1. There are six precious provisions God makes for those under attack. 1) Protection – under His wings. This picture of God is presented often in scripture. God always limits the scope of, the depth of, the pain of, the length of, and the width of any tribulation. 2) Satisfaction. Even under attack, God can keep you satisfied in Him. 3) Pleasure. God is said to have rivers of it that He will give to those under attack. This is not one of the things that you and I usually associate with God. 4) Sustenance and refreshment. The imagery here is that of a spring of freshwater in the desert. It was distinct from standing water, salt water, jarred water, or that caught in a cistern. It was the only water that cleansed from uncleanness. It was also probably alluding to the water of life in the garde of Eden. God has the ability to sustain you and fresh you while you are under attack. 6) Illumination. David says that as we gaze upon the Light of the World, we can see out of the darkness in which we are entrapped.

2. Neh 8:10, Psa 63:1-3, 42:1, 65:4, 118:14-15, 16:11, Isa 41:10, Matt 11:28

3. Illustration: Fearfighter, a kind of psychiatric computer, is one of two programs endorsed by Britain’s health advisory watchdog for people with panic attacks, mild depression, or phobias. People uncomfortable with getting advice from a computer can still choose to see therapists, but the option of logging on for help is now available — and will be paid for by the government-run National Health Service. Though it cannot prescribe medicine, the computerized treatment is possible because people with phobias, from fear of spiders to fear of heights, tend to get the same basic therapy. The program asks patients to identify the personal triggers that set off their panic attacks. They're told to be more observant of these red flags and to keep a diary of things they avoid because it makes them nervous. Then, the computer gives them homework. Words to It is Well With My Soul,

4. 1) God will shield you from anything that He knows you can’t handle. He will always provide grace to overcome or escape the temptation. Don’t run away from the wing, run to Him. 2) You can live a fulfilling life during 80 years of suffering. Why? Because the fullness of who He is is more than enough to satisfy your deepest longings even in suffering. We are always longing and looking for something during pain: delieverance from, provision of, love, intimacy, sex, peace, joy, and the things that we are normally looking in are empty wells; they don’t satisfy. He always does! 3) How you link God and pleasure is related to from where you draw your pleasure. Most pleasure we derive from temporary things, earthly things (good or bad). But if we can learn to derive our pleasure from being with God, and being satisfied in Him. Pleasure is a grea thing to pursue spiritually as long as it is in God. Hunt for it, long for it, seek it: pleasure. And if you do, once you arrive in heaven, your experience will be expressible joy for you will be in the conscious, physical, literal presense of the object of your highest joy. 4) When you think that you cannot go any longer...when you think that you cannot hold out...when you are sure that you are going to die, God can sustain you. Ever know those folks that are handling things that you know you couldn’t handle? They are doing it through Him! Even during those seasons when the trial just doesn’t seem to end, He can provide refreshment for your soul. It may be through a person, a sermon, a book, a vacation, but he can give you rest. Don’t you want to run to that God? You have the opportunity today to drink from the well and be satisfied! You have the opp to be cleansed and healed! You have the opportunity to run into the shadow of His wings and receive His life! Come now. Tell of the story of the young man at Louise’s church who got saved last week. 5) Do you feel like you are in the darkness, and it won’t lift? Feel like you don’t know where you are going, and you don’t like it? Felt like that for a while? Fix your gaze upon His blazing brightness! Cast yourself at His feet in repentance and faith! He is calling you! He wants to shower your life with blessings, and lettt you find your highest joy ever in the greatest treasure ever!

A. Closing illustration: Moses’ reaction to attacks in Num 16, Ronnie Owens’ dad getting on his knees on the front porch of an arch enemy. How could he do that? The foundation and provision of God. “Oh, continue Your lovingkindness to those who know You, And Your righteousness to the upright in heart”

B. Recap

C. Invitation to commitment

Additional Notes

1. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,

It is well, it is well, with my soul.

○ Refrain:

It is well, with my soul,

It is well, it is well, with my soul.

2. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,

Let this blest assurance control,

That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,

And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

3. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!

My sin, not in part but the whole,

Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

4. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:

If Jordan above me shall roll,

No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life

Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

5. But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,

The sky, not the grave, is our goal;

Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!

Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

6. And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;

The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,

Even so, it is well with my soul.