Summary: Jesus' cleansing of the temple graphically proclaims that the temple was no only needed. Jesus is the the temple and with the Holy Spirit in us, we become a temple. God is among his people, bringing in his kingdom.

John 2:13-22 “Reflection”


I have always found the scene of Jesus cleansing the temple puzzling, if not troubling. It seems so out of character for Jesus. Certainly, he has shown anger before at the hardheartedness and judgmentalism of some people, but he has never been violent. I could catch a glimpse of the motivation for his actions in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). In those gospels, this scene is played out in the last week and it is the straw that “broke the camel’s back” in his relationship with the Jewish leaders. In John, however, the scene is play out in the beginning of his ministry.

It is the opinion of many that the writer of John has some theological points that he is communicating to the early Christians. These ideas were important to the early church and they have not lost their importance for our walks as disciples of Jesus today.


The kingdom of God has come in the person of Jesus Christ. He has brought in a new era. Previously, the temple was the dwelling place of God. God’s chosen people approached the deity with sacrifices through a system mediated by priests. Now the dwelling place of God is in the person of Jesus. Later God the Spirit chooses to dwell in the lives of Jesus’ followers. The temple is no longer needed. The temple’s physical destruction in 70ce, was anti-climatic to its destruction on the cross of Jesus.

When I was growing up, a church building was often called “the house of God.” The church was a different place than all of the other buildings. A little candle in the front of the sanctuary reminded people of God’s presence. Once we entered the doors of the sanctuary all talking stopped. We wouldn’t think of bringing in a cup of coffee or munching on a cookie. We were in God’s presence! We were mirroring an image of the church/temple that the Jews had in Jesus’ day.

Attitudes obviously have changed. It is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine God dwelling in a school cafeteria any longer than three hours on Sunday morning. We know that God is a part of our lives and of our world. Still, we often act as if God is confined to the building or to congregational activities. Many of us believe that if we want to really want to experience God we do so in a worship service. We feel that serving in a congregational ministry is a little bit more holy and sanctified than the time we spend at our work, or with our family. The temple has been destroyed, however, and Jesus has come.

Today we celebrate the baptism of Kieran and Payton Fullerton. We will rejoice in their adoption as children of God and their being filled by the Holy Spirit. We will light a candle and challenge them to let their light shine before others. Their baptism reminds us of who we are—people of God who have been sent into the world. Certainly worship is important and service through the congregation is effective in ministering to the needs of others. It is our daily lives, though, our jobs, our families, our leisure activities where we mostly shine, bear witness to God’s presence and power, and honor God. The temple has been destroyed, Jesus has come, we have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and anointed for our daily ministry.


Two times, in this short reading, the disciples are seen reflecting on Jesus’ actions and the Scripture. When Jesus overturns the moneychanger’s tables and chases out the sheep and cattle, the disciples eventually look back on these actions and remember that in the Old Testament it is written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” The disciples remembered Jesus’ words to the Jewish leaders that if they destroy the temple he [Jesus] will raise it up in three days, when they recounted the events of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The writer of John notes that their reflection caused them to believe the Scripture and the words that Jesus spoke.

God often seems to be hidden in the struggles of our everyday lives. We are tempted to rant and rave that if God really loved us he wouldn’t allow these things to happen to us. We feel troubled, anxious, and scared because of what is happening. Later, when we reflect on what happened and rejoice that we survived it, we begin to see God’s hand in all that happened. God might have been silent, but God was moving powerfully in our lives and in our world. Suddenly those Bible verses, which seemed so empty before, now are meaningful and powerful.

The temple has been destroyed, and Jesus has come. Not only are we being used daily as channels of God’s love and grace, God is also moving powerfully in our life’s circumstances.


When I read the story of Jesus cleansing of the temple, I always wonder what happened to the temple. It started out as a good thing. It was God’s dwelling place among God’s people. The people were able to sacrifice to God and approach God through the temple. Somehow, though, the temple had changed. It had become a place where worshippers were victimized and profit over ruled piety. When Jesus entered the temple, chased out the sheep and cattle, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers, the temple needed to be cleansed; changes needed to be made.

What happened to the temple is not that rare really. Things frequently start out well, but then lose their direction, or continue after they are no longer useful. I’m not entirely sure what happens, but I think we often go on cruise control; we don’t keep in close contact and pay attention to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When this happens, it is often necessary for Jesus to enter our lives and ministries and clean things out.

Martin Luther asks the question, “How is baptism a part of everyday life?” He answers that our baptism becomes “real” to us when we daily practice confession and repentance and allow the old Adam to be drowned so that we can come from the water and live with God in righteousness and purity forever. Walking close to Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to regularly dust, vacuum and clean our lives lessons the need for an extensive and sometimes violent cleaning.

The temple has been destroyed and Jesus has come. Jesus works in us so that he may move through us.


When Jesus was preparing his disciples for his departure, he assured them that when he ascended back to the Father that his followers would accomplish greater works than he was able to do. Jesus was able to say this because God is no longer confined to the temple or the church. Jesus, the kingdom of God, has come and is moving through each and every one of us. We live each day expectantly.
