Summary: Sometimes in our zeal of serving God we begin to take the reigns and can actually not really trust and rely on Jesus for the very work He has called us to.

Some Christians find themselves in a never ending quest to earn the right to deserve their relationship with God. We feel so bad about ourselves and feel that God had to do so much to save us that we need to spend our lives trying really hard to please Him so He’ll feel better about what He’s done for us. For others there is a drive to perform. God has given us a great gift of salvation and so we, in turn, must try to match His great gift by performing great things for Him. Others do not have a positive enough sense of self to be able to say “no.” If you identify with any of these three attitudes—and there are more—you may find yourself at times “burning out for the Lord.” I think the portion of Mark 6 we are going to look at today will be a comfort and a challenge to you as we see the Lord’s compassion with our plight and His provision for everything we need to serve Him.

30 -31

We don’t know how long they were gone but at some prearranged time they group meets back at Capernaum for an after action report. They are now officially “apostles” which means “sent ones.” Later it became a title for the twelve, but in the aspect of its meaning, you too are apostles of Jesus, sent to preach the good news. Apparently there was much to tell of the demons cast out and the lives changed. There really is something exhilarating about being actively involved in sharing the gospel, and it’s great to come back together and bring the whole thing to the Lord for His feedback.

Jesus recognized that this was now a time for them to get away and rest. The trip itself had been exhausting but now there were so many people crowding around they couldn’t even eat. This ought to be a word for anyone who labors for the gospel. Sometimes we think that we must completely spend ourselves because, after all, Jesus gave His all for us. In reality, the Lord knows that this is not a sprint but a marathon. You should work hard for the Lord but also not overdo it. You are really of no long term use if you burn out!

32 – 34

Luke tells us (Luke 9:10) that they went by boat to Bethsaida. The disciples were now as well-known as Jesus. The crowds follow along and go ahead of them—no doubt having heard that where one man was doing miracles, now there are twelve additional opportunities for healing. When Jesus saw them, His innate compassion came forth—not for their physical healing, but for their spiritual health. Just as Moses prayed for God to provide a leader so that the people would not be “sheep without a shepherd” (Numbers 27:17). The Lord appointed Joshua, which is “Jesus” in Hebrew. We are indeed sheep—though we don’t like to admit it. We easily follow the person with the most interesting rap or the most intriguing personality or the one who promises the most return on our investment. Jesus comes as “the good Shepherd” to lead us to true green pasture (Psalms 23).

35 – 36

It’s interesting to me that Jesus waited for the disciples to come to Him. I’m reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 that “man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” It was actually more important for them to listen to the life-giving words of God than in getting food for their bellies. The disciples, still focusing mostly on this age, aren’t yet ready for that truth so they come to Jesus. What He tells them to do is astounding!

37 – 40

It was after 3pm. With sunset approaching, the men were wise in wanting the people to reach a village before the sun was gone to get food and lodging. They had done miracles in Jesus’ name but when it came to feeding a crowd, their minds just couldn’t comprehend what to do other than buy it. A denarii was a Roman coin equal to a day’s wage. Perhaps this was the total amount they had in their possession, or an amount they calculated it would take to feed them all. When faced with a need, their first thought was “how can we do this.” Jesus is setting them up. They couldn’t do it, yet Jesus had commanded them to. How often do we find ourselves in situations like that where Jesus prompts us to do something we have no way of accomplishing? Our minds first go to the physical impossibility of it all and we give up. Had they but asked “Okay Jesus. Clearly we can’t do this. What do you propose?” they would have seen that depending on Jesus to do what we cannot is exactly the position He wants us in constantly. John 15:5 “You can do nothing without Me.” And Philippians 4:3 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

So the first thing Jesus asks them to do is check their resources. This is key because this is the source Jesus is going to use. He will take what they have and multiply it, just as Jesus takes what we offer and infuses it with Holy Spirit reality to multiply it beyond our wildest dreams.

John records for us that all they could muster up was the lunch of a small boy (John 6:9). I wonder if that’s all the crowd had, or that the boy was the only one willing to give up what his mom had packed for him. It’s amazing what one small act of generosity can accomplish in the hands of the Master.

The task of the disciples was to give what they had to Jesus, and then organize the distribution. We don’t know why the people were put in groups of hundreds and fifties, but likely the women and children were separated from the men in customary Jewish fashion.

41 – 44

This miracle, by the way, is recorded in all four gospels. Jesus blessed, broke, and gave. The verbs are interesting here. “Broke” is in a tense suggesting a onetime act, while “gave” suggests a continuous action. I think there is a parallel to the ultimate work of Jesus who was “broken” once for sin, but whose gift of eternal nourishment never stops.

In the end they picked up a basket for each of the disciples. The disciples were no doubt famished by this time. Verse 31 says they were so pressed by service that they had not eaten. Perhaps they began thinking that their physical needs would not be attended to, but now each had entire basket to eat!

This is a great second overall lesson. Even as Jesus desires for us to rejuvenate and not burn out from service, He also cares about our physical needs. By the way, the number 5,000 is only “male individuals” so the total could easily have been 10,000. Now, perhaps because His men were in danger of starting to take credit for this miracle, Jesus shoos them away. In John 6 we learn that the people were about to take Jesus and make Him king. He was king already, but He will not take His earthly throne until the Second Coming and after the resurrection, so He dismisses the crowd and retires to pray.

45 – 46

Jesus often went alone to pray. Perhaps it was to focus His mind on His mission of suffering and against the temptation of popularity. This is something we should always consider. Being liked can become more important than being obedient. It is also good to pray after success, to set the mind to Who actually did the work and what it was for.

47 – 52

So the disciples were attempting to obey Jesus, but the environment was against them. A head wind made it so they couldn’t sail but had to strain at the oars for hours, only making about 3 or 4 miles out into the lake. Notice again the compassion of Jesus. He “saw them being battered” and decided to head out. Not having a boat was no obstacle; He just walked on top of the water. Verse 48 says “He wanted to pass by them.” I don’t think it means He meant to leave them behind, but perhaps it is “pass their way” – that He meant all along to come to them.

You can imagine their fear. In the dim light of the boat’s lantern Jesus would have appeared very “ghostly”. And, after all, people don’t walk on water, do they? It could be that Jesus walked very close to the boat without anyone seeing Him. Then Jesus speaks those incredible words: “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Literally what He said was “I am.” Does that remind you of anything? It is the same thing as saying “Yahweh is here.” When Jesus is with you, there is no need for fear but for boldness (the root for “courage.”). Sometimes it is circumstances that frighten us. But here it was the act of God Himself that caused the fear. Sometimes God does things in our lives that frighten or trouble us—urging us to move deeper in our relationship or trust Him with an impossible circumstance. We think: “God can’t be asking me to do this, could He?” Just remember those words: have courage, the I AM is here, there is no need for fear.

Notice it wasn’t the sight of Jesus that calmed them, but the words of Jesus. You don’t see Jesus physically, but you have His Word always with you to bring comfort.

In John’s gospel, Peter walks on the water. Why did he not include this in the stories Mark wrote down? Could Peter have been embarrassed? Was his rivalry with John showing through?

Why walk on the water? It was the most unusual miracle Jesus did, but it was absolutely undeniably a miracle. It shows that Jesus even has charge of the molecules and atoms of the creation. Jesus is in the midst of maturing these men. They really have no idea who they are dealing with and misunderstood the feeding of the 5,000 – so Jesus tweaks their minds again. He is not only the Messiah; He is the Son of God!


This portion of the chapter is about the compassion of Jesus and the provision by Jesus.

We see Jesus’ compassion with His disciples after their missionary internship—wanting them to rest and recuperate. We see His compassion with the crowds who are hungry and shepherdless. And we see the provision of Jesus—making a place for rest, a place for nourishment, a place for prayer, and a place for comfort, and courage.

Do you have one of the three needs expressed in this part of the chapter?

Are you weary?

Hebrews 4:9-11 Sabbath rest remains, therefore, for God's people. 10 For the person who has entered His rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from His.

You don’t have to earn His favor or deserve His gift or perform so much that you burn out. He has done it all. He has then prepared good works for you to “walk” in, not be overburdened in (Ephesians 2:10).

Are you hungry?

I’m not thinking primarily of physical hunger here, though Jesus promised to provide for our physical needs:

Matt 6:25-26 "This is why I tell you: Don't worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the sky: they don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them.”

But in terms of lacking in your soul—perhaps it is time to look to the Lord’s provision. 2 Corinthians 9:8-9 And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.

Are you afraid?

John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world."

Don’t be afraid of anything in this age because Jesus has conquered it. And don’t be afraid of the next age, though you don’t really understand the Lord you follow. Let Him be your guide knowing that He will never leave you or forsake you.

Are you selling Jesus short? Do you really realize who He is?

In Jesus you have the resources you need at your disposal. You have no need to worry.

Jesus knows your situation and has compassion for you. Never forget that. Jesus also has provision for your every need.