Summary: A sermon on spiritual gifts, serving and meeting needs (Material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell's book, "The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study", chapter 7)


The former editor of Christianity Today, Kenneth Kantzer, commented once that he never knew what his gift was. He just served where he saw the need. If a man of this experience and caliber never knew what his gift was but just served where he saw a need, then this should serve as a good example to all of us. (From Kenneth Berding's book, "What are Spiritual Gifts?" pg. 273)


Talked about the indwelling presence of the HS in us as Christians. What is the HS doing?

He is sanctifying us, but he is also equipping us with gifts by which we can serve others.

The HS comes into our hearts, bodies and lives and with His presence He also gives “spiritual gifts.” The gift gives us gifts.

Thesis: Talk about the concept, the purpose, and the types of spiritual gifts.

For instances:

The Concept of Spiritual gifts

How do we find out our spiritual gift(s)? A common approach is that we should examine ourselves, discern our God given strengths and abilities, and dedicate these as gifts from the Spirit to service in God’s kingdom. Many even have Spiritual Gift Inventory tests that can be taken. These can be valuable. However, if this is the only way that we can find out our spiritual gifts why didn’t God give us free of charge tests in His Word?

One mistake is to equate natural gifts with spiritual gifts. Most of us have things in our lives that are gifts that were evident from birth. Saw this in them from a young age.

Most people were born with natural endowments, whether they are Christians or not. People can use these things for good or for evil as seen throughout history. The fact that such inclinations or tendencies or talents are present does not make them spiritual gifts. At best we may call them providential gifts. God in his general providence has permitted such talents to be present and/or developed. This does not constitute spiritual giftedness.

The primary aspect of a spiritual gift is not a talent but a task. One may indeed has an innate ability in a particular area and the HS could very well enhance or tweak that ability and use it for God’s glory. But the main point of receiving a spiritual gift is to be given a specific task to perform within the body of Christ, whether this comes from the HS or not.

One key to identifying one’s spiritual gift is to be called by the HS into a particular task or office or area of service. In Bible times when God gave direct revelation such a calling was clear like to Moses in Exodus 3, and Saul or Tarsus in Acts 9 f. Sometimes the calling was made by God’s people, guided by general instructions from God.

Such calls are issued to people who may or may not have any natural ability for the specified task. When miraculous gifts are involved, such as tongues or healing, an innate ability will by nature be absent. People do not have natural abilities to do supernatural things. Moses did not grow up parting the Nile river. Regarding nonmiraculous gifts, most often we can expect the Spirit to call someone who already has some ability in that area. When this happens, the role of the Spirit is to enhance, sharpen, and focus that talent for the task.

Many examples from the OT. In Exodus the Lord gave detailed instructions to the Israelites to build the tabernacle. Needed many skilled craftsmen to do this. Called two men to head up the project, Bezalel and Oholiab. These two were probably given some new skills to accomplish this. Others came around them and these already had skills in this area but God enhanced and consecrated these skills and made them even better at their tasks.

Another OT example is in Numbers where Moses needs others to help with his leadership burden in Numbers 11. God gives Moses general instructions concerning who should be chosen and then the people chose the 70.

NT examples is the office of apostle. Jesus through the Spirit called individuals to perform the task or function of apostle. We are not told anything about the 12 special talents but we know that Jesus called them and told them that God would use them for a special work.

Another NT example is the appointing of the 7 deacons in Acts 6. There is no indication that these 7 had special talents for this task.

We can see that a spiritual gift is a calling to perform a task within the church. Having an ability for the task is good, but this is not the important issue. The Spirit may call someone with a talent, and then enhance and focus that talent toward the task. Or the Spirit may call someone without a talent, an then bestow the ability if needed.

The important thing is the calling. In Bible times God himself called individuals for service, such as Moses and the Apostles. Today the call comes indirectly from God many times through the needs of the church and/or the church’s officers.

We need to understand that when we are called to perform some task it is not some subjective, mysterious reality that we must struggle to discern. Today when we think about our own gifts, the first thing we must consider is: to what task is the church calling me?

We also must understand that the possession of an ability as such is not equivalent to possessing a gift from the HS. Ability alone is not equivalent to “giftedness,” especially where God’s Word specifies certain limitations and qualifications for those who may be called to certain tasks. Stipulations like 1 Timothy 2:9-3:13 must be considered and taken seriously.

The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts

To equip Christians to meet the needs of God’s people as a whole. The HS’s equipping work is for the building up of the whole church. The Spirit gives gifts according to need.

1 Corinthians 12:7: Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

The NT uses the body illustration to help us to understand. Romans 12:4-5: Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

We do not have the same gifts and thanks be we don’t. 1 Corinthians 12:17: If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?

But we see that the gifts are given to meet the needs of the body. Just as the members of our bodies do not exist and function independent of the other members, and do not simply serve themselves, so also do individual Christians not exist by themselves and for themselves. They do not use their spiritual gifts for their own gratification, but for making the complete body of Christ function smoothy and harmoniously. 1 Corinthians 12:21: The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”

The needs of the body do not remain constant. The things needed in one era are not necessarily needed in later times. Gifts needed in the OT era are not needed in the NT era.

Types of spiritual gifts

Lists of gifts for NT age in Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; 12:28-30; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 4:10-11. We need not conclude that these lists are exhaustive. For example, nothing about music is mentioned, nor are modern skills such as computer and technology.

We are mainly talking about needs here. Some are temporary and some permanent.

Temporary gifts

Apostle is mentioned in two lists. The apostles were needed to set up the church and also for several years thereafter to communicate inspired revelation and other authoritative teaching from God to the church. This need was later filled by the completed New Testament.

Another one is prophet or prophecy. We can spiritualize this and say that when we teach the NT we are being prophets. True, but what is in mind here that the apostles could not be in all the places where teaching was needed so the HS gave prophets to give out the Word. Ephesians 2:20: built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

Other gifts of supernatural knowledge are wisdom, inspired knowledge, discerning of spirits, and tongues when interpreted.

Also gifts of miraculous powers are not longer needed. Miracles, miracle working faith, miraculous healing, and uninterpreted tongues.

Permanent gifts

Gifts of leading or ruling, refers mainly to the eldership. Gifts of administration.

Pastor and teachers. Exhortation. Evangelists.

Gift of service or helps. Gift of sharing or giving. Showing mercy. Office of deacon.

Conclusion and invitation:

In discerning one’s spiritual gift, one should listen first of all to the call God gives, not in some subjective, elusive way but through the church. Where does the church want me to serve? What would the leadership of the church want me to do? What need is not being met in the church that I can be used to meet? How can I be sure I am doing what God wants? 6 things here.

Doing of service. Get involved to discover what I am best equipped.

Desire. Take account of my personal inclinations

Dedication. Dedicate natural talents and desires to God, He will open doors for their use.

Development. As a good steward, make every effort to exercise and sharpen our talents

Delight. Take delight in serving God

Discernment by others. Listen to others' assessment of my talents and inclinations