Summary: Boldness, transformation, influence



Gen. 41: 39-40 (p 332) May 1, 2011


I have a concern I need to share with you this morning…its one that absolutely burdens my heart when it comes to the church…and I'm not talking about the building that sits at 9419 Seatonville Road….or any other building for that matter….I'm talking about the people who make up the "the body of Christ", those whom God has called to His family."

Despite the fact that 70-80% of Americans claim to believe in Jesus as the Son of God, we're not doing so hot. Collectively, as the church of Jesus Christ---the church against which the gates of hell shall not prevail - we're struggling.

I've received a couple of letters lately, had some conversations with committed individuals. even answered some question on Facebook that got me to thinking about "Why the Church Jesus is struggling?"

Is it because we're not taking the stands against sin that we should? Maybe….there have been many churches that bear His name that have become "super tolerant"…no longer believe certain things are sinful…so let me say plainly. I believe God's word teaches that homosexuality is a sin…I believe that life is a gift of God and it begins at conception according to Palms 139. I believe it's wrong to steal, to lie, to murder, to gossip and to commit adultery.

Spreading the truth of God's unchanging Holy Nature is absolutely important…but I'm not sure I believe this is where conservative churches are struggling the most.

Here at Fern Creek Christian for example…this morning in our sanctuary…I'd bet the majority…I mean 99% of us hold many of the same views when it comes to huge moral" issues that divide our country outside the churches walls. We believe the Bible is God's inspired word to his people…it's view of sin being sin is our view.

I could get fervent Amen's about abortion and homosexuality being horrible sins that have impacted our Nation…after all this is my home court…and we're the home teacm.

It reminds me a little bit of this story:

There is an old story about a church of ducks. Every week they would waddle to Sunday services, open the duck book, sing duck songs, and listen to the duck preacher expound on the meaning of being a duck. One particular Sunday all of the ducks waddles in the service began. Shortly after, the duck preacher opened the duck book and began to preach. This Sunday, however, the message was different. With a new determination and fire in his eyes, the duck preacher began to convey a new message.

"We are ducks!" he said with confidence.

"Amen!" said all of the ducks. 1.

We have waddled too long!", he continued. "We have wings! We can fly!" he shouted as all of the ducks joined together in a resounding "amen!" The service came alive as all of the ducks began to see their potential. "We have been confined to this mundane existence of waddling for far too long!" exclaimed the duck preacher. "We can spread our wings and fly!" The service continued with enthusiasm for over an hour as shouts of "amen" filled the duck church.

When the duck preacher concluded the service, the congregation of ducks applauded and closed their duck books. Then they all waddled home.

If I share with you that we've waddled too long…We have been given wings to fly…All the "Amens" in the world don't mean a thing if "you waddle home".

I believe with all my heart that the church of Jesus Christ is struggling primarily because of our "waddle" outside these doors.

It's what's convicted to me to put together this series of messages called "Becoming Lambs that Roar"

Our text this morning from the book of Genesis is about Joseph's ability to soar like an Eagle in the culture of Egypt….Most of us know the story…Joseph is Jacob's favorite son…"remember that coat of many colors…He's a dreamer…even telling his brothers that his dreams had them bowing down and serving him…not well taken…they sell him into slavery…he ends up in Egypt…He distinguishes himself in Potiphera's house. .but ends up falsely accused of "attempted rape" and in prison…seemingly forgotten…but his ability to interpret dreams brings him to Pharoah's attention…he ends up as 2nd in power…when a famine hits the land he devises a God inspired plan…And the plan seemed so good to Pharoah and his officials…Pharoah says…."Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God" (v 38)

And then our text:

"Then Pharaoh said to Joseph. "Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you"

Joseph was surrounded by an idol worshipping culture…He found himself in the midst of a sex dominated power hungry system… God did not remove him from this culture…He empowered Him to change it from within…and because of Joseph's character it was plan to Pharoah and everyone else who was working within him.

Why didn't he say



That's how many people in this world see the church…you don't agree with me politically…you don't agree with my lifestyle…you don't agree with my appearance…And I can tell you think I'm going hell…and you almost seem glad about it.

[We've all heard of the Westbrook Baptist Church in Topeka KS. Fred Phelps is its pastor. They are the church that believes soldiers die in war because God is punishing America for its tolerance of homosexuality. They protest funerals of dead soldiers. The Web site isn't Wesboro or anything so mundane…it's following this is there mission statement…God Hates Fags- is a profound theological statement which this world needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water or bread…the doctrine of God's Hate involving eternal retribution or everlasting punishment of most of mankind to Hell forever is a certainty for all impenitent sodomites…and then they list scripture Romans 1: 18-32, 1 Cor 6: 9-11, etc)]

Their ministry (if you call if that) is God Hates you and you're going to Hell…and it seems they're more than glad to tell you this.

Joseph could have established his own website in Egypt if he thought like that…GodHatesIdlator's com…or God Hates Immoral

But instead He choose a different website God Will Use Me Judging others sins is an easy choice from many Christians, because it lets me believe I am defending truth….but the dangerous zone of doing this is makes me feel superior to those I've judged and instead of loving them…I hate them…or at least believe "They'll get what they deserve"

I can feel like I've defended God and put "those" people in their place

The problem with this philosophy is…it the exact opposite of what Jesus did.

In Luke 5: 31-32 in response to the Pharisees question "why do you eat and drink with the collectors and sinners" Jesus response "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance".

It's amazing to me that many who bear the name of Christ have become much more like those who killed him, than the one who lay down his life for others.

Joseph earned the right to be heard…His wisdom was recognized as coming from the Spirit of God…His discernment and wisdom was respected enough he ascended to a place of influence among the Egyptian…not because he separated himself, but because He was among them.

Craig Gross in his amazing book "The Gutter: where life is meant to be lived says..

Jesus was sent to this earth through the gutter, to become a bridge of hope for


those who live in the gutter. Regardless of how long they have been there or what

circumstance took them there, they are still in the gutter. Jesus called them the "whosever" in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." The Gospel is open to everyone, including those who live in the gutter.

Many times I have discovered that I banish people to the gutter when they don't believe like me, act like me, speak like me, or look like me, but it is in the gutter that Jesus defined His model for the most effective ministry. When I miss Jesus' example to the gutter, it's only because I have forgotten the pain I felt when I was in my own gutter. We forget the gutter is the one thing that we all have in common-it's the great equalizer. Why? Because we are people who have all experienced problems and pain only a gutter can produce. To go to the gutter is to be changed by the gutter. Those who are most opposed to the gutter are the ones who have been there the least.

There are tons of lions that roar…Bears that growl, but Jesus was a lamb that roared…and if you really want the world to be changed…if you really want to impact your culture.. It won't be from the outside looking in…or from a soap box with a bull horn..

You've got to earn the right to tell people the truth…they have to be convinced they are more important then the point your getting across. you can absolutely be dead on in your belief system but if your heart says "You're all going to Hell and I don't want anything to do with you" You sound a lot more like the Pharisees than the Son of God "who came to seek and save that which is lost."

Let me end this challenge with one final thought:


The difference is our discovery of Jesus and how that discovery made a huge difference in our lives…

People who haven't made that discovery are still separated from God…In the church we use the word "Lost". I'm not to fond of that word because I think God knows exactly where we are.

Salvation is a gift…it's freely given by God by grace…and it's accepted by us through faith.

He save me…He called me…He dies for me…He rose and conquered death for me…He offers me this salvation… He offers it "everyone" "whosoever will" …To those we have worked all day and those who have worked an hour…to those who have stained their garments black and those who have some white still showing. It doesn't matter.. I've sinned, you've sinned, we've all sinned…No good thing I ever do will excuse my past…only the blood of Christ can do that. (What can wash away my sin?)


It's my fear that we say those words…but forget we are saved by a gift and not by our goodness and righteousness…in fact we'd still be where we were apart from that gift.

[It's the people that realize this great truth that become lambs that roar…People who remember where they were and return to it in ministry…soap boxes don't effect people nearly as often as basins and towels. Joseph influenced Egypt because God used him and empowered him to meet the needs of a famine; he kept his integrity from within and showed Pharoah the power of God.

The Pharisees denounced sin and ostracized sinful people…Jesus ate and drank with sinners, served them, forgave them, and then died for them…He is our model…not the Pharisees. LuAnn and Steve Johnson do foster care for children…they have seen the gutter, addicted moms, abused babies, terrible stuff…and yet their hearts haven't been hardened…instead of hating these Moms…they have asked for these parents and these children… if everything works out…they will adopt one of these children as their own…Peyton….sometimes the system is horrible, sometimes its frustrating, but God continues to use them from within…I believe that’s exactly what becoming a lamb that roars involves…being in the world, but not of the world…its harder than standing on a soap box, but much more effective….

Are you ready to Roar?