Summary: If it had not been for the divine plan of grace we could not have ascended to God Neither could God in justice come down to us.

Shell Point Baptist Church 15 April 2012

John 14:6

"I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life"


When Adam was perfect in the garden of Eden, God walked with him in the cool of the day.

• God/man held/most intimate/affectionate/bond with one another.

• Man was a happy creature

• God was a condescending Creator, and the two met together and held sweet conversation and communion.

But from the moment when Adam touched the forbidden fruit, the way from God to man became blocked up, the bridge was broken down,

• If it had not been for the divine plan of grace

• we could not have ascended to God

• Neither could God in justice come down to us.

Let us think for a moment of Jesus Christ as the way to God.

The reason man cannot come/God as he did in the garden is

• That God is the same, but man is changed.

• God is as affectionate and as condescending as ever

• But man is unholy and impure.

Now, God is as pure as he is affectionate

• God is love it

• God is infinitely just and holy.

• His holy eyes cannot endure iniquity.

Come into the presence of God, O sinner, and you might as well march into a consuming fire.

As Nebuchadnezzar's furnace burned the men who came to throw in the three holy children so must God, the consuming fire, burn and destroy us, even if we approach him with our prayers and thanksgivings, were it not for the interposition of Jesus Christ the Mediator.

• This is a necessity of his nature.

• God is necessarily just, and justice cannot endure a sin.

• God is necessarily pure and holy:

• He might sooner cease to be God than cease to be pure.

• The approach of impurity to him he must repel.

His nature is, "I will by no means clear the guilty."

• He is slow to anger, he is great in power

• he is ready to forgive

• but so long as guilt lies unforgiven he is also ready to punish

• He must punish or else cease to be.

Consequently, no man can come to God as a sinner, unless he comes to him to be utterly destroyed, and without remedy.

• You do not wish so to come to God.

• Happy is it, where we can come with joy and gladness to the Father, through Jesus Christ.


If you want a figure of him, remember the memorable dream of Jacob.

• He lay down in a solitary place, and he dreamed a dream

• It was something more substantial than anything he had seen with his eyes wide open.

• He saw a ladder, the foot rested upon earth, and the top reached to heaven itself.

• Upon this ladder he saw angels ascending and descending.

• Now this ladder was Christ.

Christ in his humanity rested upon the earth, he is bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh.

In his divinity he reaches to the highest heaven, for he is very God of very God.

• When our prayers ascend on high they must tread the steps of this ladder

• and when God's blessings descend to us

• This marvelous ladder must be the means of their descent.


Never has a prayer ascended to God w/o Jesus Christ.

Never has a blessing come down to man w/o the same Divine Mediator.

There is now a highway, a way of holiness where the redeemed can walk to God, and God can come to us.

The king's highway through Jesus Christ. The way, and the truth.

I. How many ways are there to God?

• This is an important question today.

• It is important because almost everyone claims to believe in God.

• Almost everyone wants to establish some kind of relationship with God.

• People want to find a way to connect with God.

• How many ways are there to God?

In our text for this morning Jesus answers this question for Thomas and Philip and us too. Jn 14:6…

In these statements Jesus wants us to think of God speaking to Moses out of the burning bush;

• At that time God identified Himself as "I Am Who I Am."

• By using the same expression, Jesus claims divinity

• He claims to be God's equal

• He claims to be part of the eternal Godhead.


A. There are many men today going as far as they can from him.

• Nothing would delight such men to be rid clean of his presence

• To be entirely escaped from the bounds of his dominions.

• They would be content to make their bed in hell

Their hearts are at enmity with God; they hate his words and his ways.

• They know that God is angry with them

• And they in return are angry with God.

B. There is another class of men. Who are but very little in advance of these.

• With the same emphatic meaning, they run from him.

• Perhaps they would indignantly repel a charge of abhorring God,

• but nevertheless, it is true of them

• That they live in utter disregard of him.

• God is not in all their thoughts.

They think much of time, and sense, and of the things the world.

• as to eternity and its substantial realities,

• things that are unseen and everlasting

• These things they scarcely think about.

The wicked shall be turned into hell." those who hate God shall feel his torment, but so shall their companions, for the Bible says,

"The wicked shall be cast into hell with all the nations that forget God."

• It is not needful that you should hate God

• that you should go to war with him in order to destroy yourself

• The simple neglect of him is enough to ruin you.

The apostle put it, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?"

• Neglect of God is the open gate of damnation.

• To forget God is to ensure a portion in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.

C. Then there is a third class of men

• They would not like to be in the class/enemies of God.

• They would prefer to be numbered with those who are seeking God.

• Their desire is to go to their Father.

• Their profession is to desire to worship God

• to come before him with thanksgiving

• To show themselves glad in him.

It is to this very character, I shall address myself particularly this morning

• But indeed, to everyone in this assembly, I desire to preach the great truth of the text.

• No man—so earnestly desire, that labor so diligently

• No man cometh unto the Father, but by Jesus Christ.

I Other Paths to God?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

• People today want to believe all paths, all roads, and all faiths lead to God

• They want to believe that all religions are equal.

• People want to believe that all people will be saved.

They believe Mohammed, Buddha, and Confucius are on a par with Jesus and the faiths/religions started by these men are as valid as the Christian faith in bringing one to God and heaven.


A study of the Bible shows us that humankind has tried all sorts of ways to get to God and heaven.

During the Old Testament period

• Israel's neighbors thought they could get in touch with God through the sacrifice of their children

• Or by dancing/screaming as they did with Baal in the contest against Elijah.

During the New Testament period

• there were those in Israel – like the Pharisees –

• Who thought they could get in touch with God by observing the Law and its rules and regulations.

Others, today, attempt to get to God and heaven by killing themselves in order to join aliens behind a comet

• Remember the Heaven's Gate Cult.

• Because they are promised an instant trip to Paradise, suicide bombers from the Middle East blow themselves up or fly planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

How many ways are there to God?

• People want/believe there are as many different ways as there are different people and beliefs.

• I'm always taken back by anyone who thinks all roads lead to God, that all religions are equally valid.

And, I think we would have to confess, that some Christians have not obeyed the command imbedded in this verse.

• They have shared/truth/Gospel but they have not done so in gentleness or respect.

• In India there is a proverb that says, Once you cut off a person's nose, there is no point in giving him a rose to smell.

• Mahatma Gandhi once said, I like their Christ, but I don't like their Christians.

• Friedrich Nietzshe had a similar experience for he once commented, I will believe in the Redeemer when the Christian [acts] a little more redeemed.

• We Christians must stop treating people who don't believe as we do like the enemy.

• For, they are not our enemies.

• They are victims of the enemy.

Jesus Himself spares us from having to dabble in all sorts of religious activity.

• We don't have to try and make a connection with God.

• We don't have to earn our way into heaven and the presence of God.

• We don't have to believe weird things and do weird things.

All that we need is Jesus.


Even in the way of repentance, no man can come to God except through Jesus Christ.

• Those tears in your eyes

• when Jesus the sun of righteousness shines on them

• They are as diamonds in the esteem of the God of mercy;

• but even your tears, and sighs, and groans, cannot prevail with the heart of God

• Unless they are mingled with humble faith in Jesus Christ his only Son.

In vain you weep till your eyes are red to blindness;

…you groan till your ribs burst with your expanding heart of agony

…you kneel till your knees are stiff with prayer:

• God hears you not, he accepts you not

• Until you make mention of Jesus the crucified, his Son

• The Savior of mankind.

• Oh! It is mournful to see how men try to approach God in any way but through Jesus Christ.

When we come to God in repentance we must bring but one donation, for there is but one way of offering acceptable atonement to God, and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord.

• Perhaps a man has been guilty

• But he desires to be forgiven.

• "Oh!" says he, "I know I am guilty;

• I feel that I deserve God's wrath.

• I will promise I will never be drunk again;

• I will swear to make a resolution that I will be better."

• Ah! friend; You will never come to God in repentance that way.

Dear sinner, that way—that way of works—is a way of death.

• Go on with your resolves; try to carry them out;

• You will find that this road of yours will grow more difficult every day.

• The more you do, the more you have to do;

• When you climb that hill, you will see a mountain beyond, when you ford through a stream of trial, you will see a sea before you, and no means of crossing it.

The way to heaven through good works would be a very hard one, even if it were a possible one.

• Conscience is like the world’s folly—it always cries,

• "Give, give, give."

• Conscience is never satisfied with the best works that we can do; it always wants more.

• But I remind you, that if you go on in that way of works

• And seek to be forgiven through it, your destruction is as sure as your way of sin.


Shell Point, the Jews of old would not accept the righteousness of Christ

• They went about to establish their own righteousness

• They would not submit themselves to the righteousness of Christ

• And they perished, and that without mercy.

And so shall you. Turn from that way! God will not receive you in it; turn from it!

• If you were perfect

• and had never broken God's law at all

• then might you be saved by the law;

• But one sin breaks the law to shivers, and you cannot mend the breach.

You are lost if you stand on the footing of works. Come away! come away! come to the cross of Christ!

• There is no way to heaven but by Jesus Christ; come!

• both from your works and your sins;

• look to him and live;

• look to him and see your sins forgiven;

• look to him, and behold your penitence accepted

• And a gracious answer given.

I am sure you get the picture – it is impossible to believe that all roads, all faiths, and all religions lead to God and heaven; that all are equally valid.

II Jesus: the Only Way

A Jesus cuts through all this nonsense about other paths, other faiths, other ways in our text for this morning:

(Jn 14:6) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

You need to realize that this is an intolerant teaching and it makes the Christian faith an intolerant religion.

• It gives no saving credit to other religions.

• I know this is heresy from the world's point-of-view.

• I know the worst sin today is the sin of intolerance.

• But the fact is, Jesus Himself is intolerant of any other religion or faith.

• Jesus tells us there is only one path that leads to God – Jesus.

• All paths do not lead to God and heaven. Only one path does. And that path is Jesus.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus is not the only person who used the expression "the way."

Shortly after Jesus ascended into heaven it was used to identify the early church.

• Saul, before he became Paul, went to Damascus to persecute members of "the Way" (Acts 9:2).

• And later at Ephesus there arose a great disturbance about "the Way," when Demetrius stirred up the silversmiths (Acts 19:23).

• Before the governor Felix, Paul admitted he was "a follower of the Way" which the Jews "call a sect" (Acts 24:14).

Within the Old Testament this idea of "the way" appears often.

• The Exodus, for instance, is the way out from the slavery of Egypt to the Promised Land.

• And, throughout the Psalms we read of the way laid out for man by God:

(Ps 27:11) Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.

(Ps 32:8) I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

(Isa 40:3) A voice of one calling: "In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God."

In our text for this morning, Jesus has all of this in mind – and more!

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

What exactly does Jesus have in mind when He says this?

"Lord," asked Thomas, "how can we know the way?"

• Jesus answered, "I am the way ..."

• The way is a person.

• The way is to follow Jesus Himself, not a system of doctrine.

• So, if you know your theology, if you fly through Seminary with a 4.0 GPA, if you know all your SS answers,

• if you memorize vast sections of the Bible

• But have not made personal contact with Jesus Christ Himself,

• Then you are not following "the Way."

• To follow the Way, you need a personal, living relationship with the Lord Jesus in which you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

D "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

• This tells us that Jesus is the Way of Salvation.

• Don't forget, Jesus says this just before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion.

• He says "I am the way," just before He hangs impotent upon the cross.

• He says "I am the truth," just before the lies of evil men nail Him to the tree. He says "I am the life,"

• Just before He Himself is placed in the tomb.

• Jesus is the Way of Salvation.

The slave girl with the spirit of prediction who followed Paul and Silas in Philippi clearly saw this.

She shouted, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved" (Acts 16:17).

Her demon knew that Paul and Silas showed the Way of Salvation through preaching Christ crucified (1 Cor 2:2).

Now, Jesus – and Jesus alone – is the way, the truth, and the life. There is only one Mediator between God and man – Jesus.

• Moses could meditate on the law.

• Mohammed could brandish a sword.

• Buddha could give personal counsel.

• Confucius could offer wise sayings.

• But only Jesus offers an atonement for the sins of the world.

Because of His death and resurrection, Jesus is the Way of Salvation.

Jesus is the Way because He died for our sins.

• That's a picture of Christ.

• We broke the rules, we are the sinners,

• we have offended God's majesty,

• we have strayed from the Way,

• Yet it is Christ who paid the penalty.

• The result?

• Through Christ and His cross we have a way to God and heaven and eternal life. Through Christ we are saved!


Have I here to-day?—I am sure I have—some timid soul that is afraid to come to God through Christ?

• Ah! my dear brother, I know your fear, and I can pity you; but I know your fear, and I can blame you too.

• Go to him just as you are, without making yourself any better;

• Go straight away, rags, and sin, and leprosy, and blotches,

• Sores, and all, straight away to him.

• Do not be afraid that the Father will reject you if you come alone through him.

• Let me lead you my poor timid brother to this way.

• Come with me. Do you see the cross?

• Do you mark that glorious man dying on it in agony that cannot be described?

• Do you not think that those sufferings are enough to compensate the wrath of God?

• Why, hear him! Will you not believe what he says?—

• "It is finished!" he cries and he gives up the spirit.

Now, if Jesus thought it finished, wouldn’t you think also?

He thought he had done enough, is that not enough for you?

• Come boldly, for Jesus smiles upon you.

• His blood is dropping;

• His heart is still flowing with the blood and water.

• Come! none ever were cast out;

• Those arms are nailed to the cross are wide open

• To show that they can receive the biggest of sinners.

• Those feet that are nailed to the cross are fastened there as if they meant to stop there, and wait to be gracious to you.

O see his pierced side, it seems as if it said to thee, "My heart is not hard to reach.

Come, breathe your sighs into my heart, and I will hear and answer." Come, soul! Come to this way.

This gory pathway to the throne of God, I now entreat you to enter.

• Jesus made it; Jesus smoothed it;

• Jesus dyed it with his blood.

• The stain ran; all along a purple clue.

• To guide you through the maze of all your doubts and fears.

• Come, come away poor soul!

• Come put your trust alone in Jesus

• And then, you don’t need to come to God the Father with trembling and with dismay.

• God help thee, timid one, God help thee.

• Jesus said he will cast out none that come to him by faith.

Come, now, you that have nothing to bring

• Come to Christ this morning, you perishing

• You guilty and you lost.

• God an ambassador stands before you, and as though Christ did woo you, he pleads with you to come to Jesus now.

• You that are under conviction of sin, and want salvation, believe on him now.


Now, why is it that so many people today resist this fact?

Why do they have such a hard time embracing Christ as the only way...the only truth?

Well, I think one reason is that we live in a very selfish world and to accept the claims of Christ requires us to obey His command and die to self.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus involves a commitment to let Him rule your life and live in and through you.

And many people just aren't willing to do that.

It is too much of a threat to their power and autonomy.

They want to live their lives as they see fit, not according to the will of God.

This is a tragic mistake for as any Christian knows, when we give our lives to God to use, we always get back far more than we give.

Well, what about you this morning? Are you willing to die to self and follow Jesus?

Are you ready to put your trust ONLY in Him Who is the only way...the only truth?

We invite you to make that all important decision so this morning.

Talk to God right where you are; Admit to Him your sin. Believe that Jesus is His only Son and that He died for you on Calvary's cross.

Commit to Him your life to use as He sees fit.

And, if you are already a Christian looking for a church home, then I encourage you to ask God if this is the place He wants you to serve.

Whatever decision you have to make we urge you to make it public by walking the aisle and sharing it with myself or Ralph as we stand together now and sing.