Summary: In the midst of the judgment and chaos, God's hand of grace is extended.

God’s Hand Extended

Revelation 6:12-7:10

* We have just read an extended portion of scripture because we needed to keep perspective on the events which are unfolding. The church has been raptured away. The saints & all residents of heaven are in high worship while the residents of earth are experiencing hell on earth. Jesus has opened 6 seals and with each seal things have become progressively worse. Picture the progression.

* Millions are caught away in the rapture so chaos comes to the earth. The first seal is opened and a charismatic leader steps forward on earth to bring a peace. Yes, it is a peace but it is a peace at any cost, a false peace, and a temporary peace. This is the only kind of peace which this leader can offer. When everyone on earth doesn’t buy into his world wide program of peace, in heaven the second seal snaps and the peace is now replaced with war. The same leader who was so ‘peace-minded’ is now turning up the heat on those who are not getting in line with his policies and programs so he unleashes his army (he’s the only one who is left with this kind of power) on the dissidents. This war takes its toll on life & property. On earth, many are dead & the land is wounded, in heaven the 3rd seal is broken, and famine follows. Multitudes go hungry and suffer mal-nutrition. Then the 4th seal comes and almost 3 billion people are dead.

* Earth is more like a ‘planet-graveyard’ a death factory because finally, God’s judgment has come. With the 5th seal, those who have been killed for their faith in Christ are seen in heaven.

* The earth-dwellers are probably thinking ‘how much worse can it get?’ and I will say this to you, “Judgment has just begun!” God is bringing judgment so He can redeem this world. This is still God desire, to redeem. God is not willing that any should perish according to Peter so, in His holiness, He mete out judgment so that redemption can be possible. In our text, we see God’s hand extended. From our extended text, let me walk us through 5 thoughts which points to redemption.

1. A Shaking of the People – Why or how in the world is the 6th seal (an earthquake) God extending His hand of grace. Throughout the previous 5 seals, the attitude on earth is based on pride, arrogance, and human ingenuity. Their hearts are cold, calloused, and calculating. With the sixth seals the Kings, commanders, ‘great’ men, the ‘rich’ men, the free men, and even the slave comes face to face with the truth that God is in control.

* Most of us remember the “Left Behind” series of novels, written by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Johnston. While those we terrible theology, they were phenomenal reading that made people aware of the end times in Biblical terms. Thinking about the earthquake from the 6th seal, Tim Lahaye tells the story that several years ago he was ask to address the Lion’s Club in San Diego. As he, a preacher, stood to speak everyone kind of had a ‘ho-hum’ attitude. A few minutes later they had a small earthquake where the ground shook, the chandeliers swung to and fro, and the lights flickered. Tim said, “Now I had their undivided attention.” When we get ‘shaken’ things change.

* Think of the aftermath of 9/11. For 3 weeks, so say the experts, people were paying attention because they had been shaken to their very core.

* Can you imagine what a planet wide shaking would do? I would to God that He would shake us today. It is only when we are shaken, when we’re reminded of our frailty and mortality that our pride is reduced to humility. But read verse 15-16 & see their wrong response. God is giving them an opportunity to return.

* Many scholars agree that Chapter 7 is a parenthesis in the action. It’s kind of like a deep breath between the 6th and 7th seal but it holds much significance for us. Let these truths speak to your heart.

2. A Sealing of the People – Verse 3 says, ‘Don’t harm anything until God’s people are sealed on their foreheads.’ Some are saying, “Didn’t the church get raptured?” The answer is yes. One thing which passes by most 21st century Americans is this: God still has a place in His heart and plans for the Jewish people. They were His people throughout the Old Testament and they are still His people today. Before God allows any more devastation on Earth, He places His angels at 4 strategic positions on Earth (I.E. North, South, East, and West) with the assignment of holding back any further ‘winds’ (or happenings) until His people are sealed. For now, the word is ‘Hold off because the time is not right.’ This stay of judgment is temporary and only lasts until God’s protection is in place.

* The sealing is very interesting today. We hear much about the mark of the beast and little about the mark of God. Yet, both marks (of the Beast & of God) come at about the same time. By the way, these marks are indelible. That is, whoever receives the mark of God will be His for eternity & whoever receives the mark of the beast will spend eternity with Satan in the lake of fire. In days past, ranchers would mark their cows with a ‘brand.’ This speaks of ownership. In the Bible we read of the seal of the spirit, bearing the marks of Christ, and of man having God’s seal on him. No doubt, God’s seal on a man is the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

* Now look at this 144k. Who are they? Many groups try to say, “It’s us.” Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist, & the “flying roll” group are but 3 who say it’s us. Here is what we know: We know that this 144,000 are all Jews. I am not adding or taking anything from this text to read the names of these tribes and declare them Jewish. By and large today in the church age, the Jewish people have a veil over their spiritual eyes and cannot accept Jesus. Their traditions and teachings do not allow them to see Jesus as God’s Son. Romans 9-11 gives us understanding that Israel’s rejection of Jesus is not all.

* Here is what I have observed: When a Jew receives Jesus (in this church age) and becomes a “Completed Jew”, 2 Corinthians 3 is lived out and this person becomes a ‘flaming’ evangelist. When the Holy Spirit fills a Jews, incredible things happen. Yet today in large measure the veil is in place.

* However, in Chapter 7, rising with the sun is the angel of God comes to seal 144,000 Jews to be evangelist in this tattered-war-torn world. This list of people is interesting and deserves deeper study. But suffice it to say, that they wear the seal on their foreheads but the sealing is manifest with an Ephesians 2 type of sealing, that is, sealed with the spirit of God. They are anointed, saved, & called Jewish evangelists who evangelize this world.

* To read the first 8 verses of chapter 7 is to understand that God paused His judgment to appoint, anoint, and seal His people. These people will be protected by Him and empowered by Him. For -

3. A Saving of the People – Whoa, are you saying that people can be saved after the rapture? The obvious, simplistic, and Biblical answer to this question has to be ‘yes.’ Verse 9 paints a picture of a ‘vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language’ standing before the throne & the Lamb. The number is such that NO ONE can count and next week we’ll discover that these are people who have been saved during the tribulation.

* Look at their song, their shout, and their cry, “Salvation belongs to the Lord.” Quite likely, these are people who have been saved by the testimonies of the 144,000 evangelists and then were martyred because of their belief. Dear folks, ‘during the tribulation – faith in Christ is a terminal disease.’ Some of you who think, “If people can be saved during the tribulation, I’ll wait until then and give my life to Christ at that time.” For you who hear this message, then will be too late.

* Let me explain why. First of all, if you do not respond to Christ call today when it is so easy, you will not respond when to do so is certain death. I remember the Christian movies from Years ago which depicted these days. The series of three movies were: A Thief in the Night, A Distant Thunder, and The Image of the Beast. As a Distant Thunder ended, a Church going girl who had been left behind and understood what was happening refused to take the mark of the beast. The last scene was where she was brought to see her fate. Without showing the viewers, she started screaming, saying “No, No, No.” When The Image of the Beast opened, it was at this place – and she was facing a guillotine. If you refuse Christ’s offer today, you will not respond when facing this type of death.

* Next, 2 Thessalonians 2 teaches us that when the ‘lawless one’ is in power God will send a strong delusion on people so that they will believe a lie. This is like in Egypt where God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. This means that for those who have had opportunity before the rapture, no hope exist because of this delusion.

* Finally look at verse 10. They shouted, “Salvation belongs to the Lord.” Most of the time we misquote David in Psalm 51. He doesn’t say, “Restore to me the joy of MY salvation” rather His words are, “Restore to me the joy of YOUR salvation.” Salvation belongs to God which means, God offers it as He wills, God gives it as He wills, and God withdraws it as He wills. I know that the scripture says, “God is not willing that any should perish, but it also says, “God will not always strive with man.”

* Here is the deal; God’s hand of grace is extended to you. If you sense Him speaking to you today, NOW is the time, TODAY is the day of your salvation. Tomorrow can be eternally too late. You do not come to Him on YOUR terms, you only come on His at HIS invitation.