Summary: Peter and the disciples are struggling across the lake on a cold stormy night. They are tired, worn out from rowing, their muscles are aching, they are cold and they feel like a dirty beaten rug. In that moment of fatigue they see something walking on the

Sermon - Come away with me!

Thesis: Peter and the disciples are struggling across the lake on a cold stormy night. They are tired, worn out from rowing, their muscles are aching, they are cold and they feel like a dirty beaten rug. In that moment of fatigue they see something walking on the water coming to them. Terror and fear grips their hearts Jesus sees this and cries out “Take Courage – it is I – Do not fear!” Peter gets energized at this low point and asks to come meet Jesus and He gets out of the boat and literally for a moment walks on the water. He experiences a miracle!


Jesus Culture sings a song which says:

Come away with me - Open up your heart and let me in – It’s not to late.

The premise of the song is this:

You have to love Him and connect with Him - you have to open up your heart and let Him in. You have to be willing to go away with Him when He invites you too.

Jesus says come all of you who are burdened with life for I can lighten the load. JESUS says come - come - you are invited with me - I want you by my side, I want you to come - come on - come away with me. Leave the fear and take courage it is I! Come be a part of a miracle!

We all at times find ourselves in the journey of life – struggling to move forward - we fight, we row against the wind of the world – we get tossed around like rag dolls and we become tired and fatigued. But in these moments we can see Jesus – we can if we take the time to listen to hear his voice: “Take courage – It is I – Do not be afraid!”

Some of you are tired and weary and looking to hear Jesus’ words of comfort for your situation of life today – I believe you have come to right place today to hear from Him:

But maybe some of you need to hear Him say something specific to you today:

“It’s going to be okay you will see – press forward!”

“It’s going to be made right in His sight - just wait and see”!

“It –my message- is going to help you see the light in the midst of the dark stormy night!”

“I want you to participate in my light today so open your eyes and see me in the night!”

“Come to me and I will make you strong for the fight all you have to do is step out of the boat!”

“Take courage – it is I – do not be afraid!”

“Come to me and you will experience a miracle.”

Scripture Text: Matthew 14:22-36:22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” 34 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret. 35 And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him 36 and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.

Observations from the Text:

Observation point 1: Jesus sent the disciples on ahead of Him in the boat and tells them he will meet with them on the other side. He dismissed the crowd that he had just miraculously feed over 5,000 people. He told them all to go home!

Observation point 2: Then he went up the mountain to pray - away from the crowd - away from the cheers - Jesus needed time alone with the Father.

• Notice: Jesus was never one to be a crowd pleaser or one to hang onto the crowds. His wisdom and understanding which transcends ours thought pattern is so different. His priorities were not focused on pleasing the crowd but instead spending time with Abba Father - he needed direction from the Father, insight, wisdom, understanding for his next move.

• He receives from Abba – strength and revelation and leaves His place of prayer to walk on the water to the disciples struggling in the boat.

• Let me ask you today: “Do your prayer times with the Lord cause you to walk on top of the world?”

Observation point 3: Jesus catches up with the boat as he walks on top of the water, think about this sight for a moment - He is walking on the water - the lake is not frozen - he is defying gravity.

• He is engulfed in something which would be called supernatural - not natural - Jesus is walking on water and He is not sinking - the water from the text tells us that the boat was being beat by the waves and the winds so the skilled fishermen were not making much headway in the sea.

• Listen carefully: The wind is beating against the front of the boat - no tail wind like we had coming back from Phx. Which helped us go faster - not slower – they are struggling but Jesus is coming to them and then out of the darkness of the night in the middle of lake they see a figure which is approaching them –and it is walking right toward them on the water and the waves – heading right for the disciples. It’s eerie!

• Notice what emotion overcomes the disciples -terror-fear they see a figure and they start screaming "It’s a ghost! - "It’s a coming to get us!" Have you ever thought what a bunch of sissies - scardy cats - they are panicking because they think a demon ghost is coming for them.

• I don’t know about you but I sometimes wonder about the disciples - they seem like a bunch of toddlers out for a row boat ride.

• THEY SEEM TO BE AFRAID OF SO MANY THINGS! How about you today are you afraid?

Observation 4: Jesus yells out to the boat filled with freaking out - scared crying disciples - "Take courage!" In other words - "Get a grip guys - it’s me Jesus - quit screaming - quit freaking out -it’s not a ghost or demon!"

• IN MY MIND I wonder about the full dialogue: "What has gotten into you guys - calm down - get some courage!" These are definitely not David’s fighting men filled with faith and courage. No they are a bunch of fear filled grown men - who by the way later become Jesus’ mighty men. Don’t forget that!

• Courage is the ability to be fearless in the midst of danger! The inner strength to stand up to a force greater than you!

• For some reason these soon to be mighty men lacked something called courage - at this moment in time. It could have been that they were tired worn out – fatigued from all the rowing and really making little progress.

• A story of courage:

Application point 1 of the story today:

• Have you been in the place the disciples find themselves in? A dark windy and stormy night and fear takes hold?

• The journey of life is hard. It’s dark sometimes and you feel tossed around like a sock in a dryer. You are fighting against the winds of the world. The boat of life seems to be going nowhere, you are tired, worn out, your muscles ache and you are thinking where was Jesus? He sent us away, why? You are thinking about the day - the miracle you saw and all the people but now you are in a storm just inching your way forward with no Jesus in sight! Fear rolls in taking hold of your mind and your heart - it grips you like a death grip!

• Satan always likes to torment our minds with fear. Then you see something moving toward you that looks like a ghost - a demon - a tormentor - so you panic - you scream - you cry out. Why? You are tired and exhausted!

• Then you hear a voice saying "Take courage - it is I -Don’t be afraid. Relax I have come to you - I told you I would meet you on the other side!”

• Can I repeat a promise of Jesus – “I will meet you on the other side of the journey!”

• Remember - Jesus can be heard and seen in the darkness of the night - in the midst of fear and fatigue! We just need to believe!


Observation 5: Peter responds to Jesus voice and sees him walking on the water and responds with a request: "Jesus can I come to you?"

• Peter finds himself right in the middle of the lake of life tossed by the wind, tired, muscles aching from so much rowing. He is worn out and afraid in the dark. But he sees - he witnesses another supernatural miracle from Jesus - and he wants to be a part of it - he wants to experience a miracle himself - he wants to go to Jesus and he wants to walk on the water like him.

• Does that seem like an unreasonable request to you?

• So Peter asks if he could come experience this miracle did you see that coming - from fatigue - to fear - to asking to be a part of a miracle!

• When was the last time you asked Jesus to be a part of one of his miracles?

• Are you afraid he may say "No" you cannot come - Peter boldly asks, "Can I come to you Jesus?" "Can I experience this miracle with you?"

Observation 6: Jesus responds: "Come on Peter - experience the power of the spirit!"

• Did you know that you could also ask to be a part of one of Jesus miracles to! All you have to do is ask?

• Scripture Text: Ask and the door will be open!

o Ask and the door will be open to you - seek and you will find Jesus own words - a promise to those who believe he can do the impossible and if you want to be a part of it you just have to ask.

• Do you want to be a part of something supernatural today? I am asking you today? Do you? Do you believe Jesus still does miracles and you can be a apart of them.

Word of knowledge for some today:

• There is a man here this morning - you came to church and said "If I don’t encounter God today then I am ending it!" Jesus says, "Take courage - do not be afraid a miracle is on the way - yes a financial miracle. Take my hand - receive what I have for you!"

• There is a women here today who feels like you have been swimming and swimming against the current and you have given up and you feel that you are going under for the last time. Jesus says take courage - I am here to pull you out - take my hand and I will pull you out of the water and into my presence. You will not drown but be lifted above this storm of life.

• There is a teenager here this morning - you have a broken home - a scary home and Jesus says "Take courage I am here in the storm - reach out and take my hand and I will pull you through the storm."

• Can I encourage all of you this morning: Come to Jesus even when it looks impossible or even scary like Peter. Jesus is saying come away with me - take my hand - don’t be afraid!

Application point 2: The natural mind would have told Peter and it is telling many of us today the same thing:

• To stay in the boat.

• To be afraid of the supernatural

• To stay in what is familiar.

• To stay in a place that is safe.

• To stay in your comfort zone of life.

• To not take that step of faith.

• To not think that you could do what Jesus said you could do.

• To doubt the call of Jesus - To doubt that he said "Come"

• To doubt that he is looking at you - yes you and saying come - believe - receive -be a part of a supernatural miracle.

• To stay in a state of unbelief.

• To stay frozen in fear in a life that is going nowhere!

o PETER had to open up his heart and respond to JESUS. First he had to let Him in his head-his emotions of fear -his senses had to yield to his heart of faith. His faith rose up - His state of faith - rose to be a part of a miracle - to defy gravity - to walk on the waters - to beat back the fear of the impossible. To say I did it with the help of the Lord! Driving back the emotion of fear - it’s holding the church back today - it’s holding some of you back today! Come on look into His eyes and step out of the boat.

o Fear is not of God - love cast out that type of fear that holds you trapped in a boat going no were!

o I John 4:16-18: 16And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

o Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom to know the Holy One is understanding.

o Peter went to a new level spiritually in that boat that dark stormy night - He believed in the impossible - he believed he could walk on the water to Jesus - he beat back the fear with courage and he stepped out of the boat.

o Listen friends you have to get out of the boat to walk on water. Ortberg states:

 Fear makes people disobedient to the calling of the master. Recently a friend asked me a question about an area in my life for which the true answer would have been embarrassing, and I didn’t want to be embarrassed. So I just lied. I had to go back and do repair work that was very painful for me. When I look back on it, I wonder, Why did I lie? Why do I ever lie? Usually to avoid pain. I am afraid of what will happen if I tell the truth. Fear prompts me to lie. And it’s not just deceit. When people are gossiping, I join in even though I know it’s wrong because I am afraid of being left out. I hoard possessions because I am afraid I’ll be bored or insecure if I don’t have a lot of stuff. I flatter someone because I am afraid he or she won’t like me if I don’t. Fear of being poor is what made Jacob deceive his father. Fear made the Israelites in the wilderness slight God’s calling and care and clamor to return to Egypt. Fear of having to suffer is what made the disciples run away from Jesus. And what made Peter deny Jesus three times? Fear made these disciples betray their deepest value to their best friend at his hour of greatest need. Look at most sin-yours mine-and underneath it you will find fear. I am afraid that if I risk obeying God, he will not take care of me. I will not be all right and something will happen that I cannot handle. In Scripture, when God calls Moses, Joshua, Gideon, or Esther to do something great for him, the single greatest obstacle that stands in the way is fear” (You have to get out of the Boat, page 44).

o Peter gets up - steps out of the water and he walks toward Jesus - listen -hear this - he did walk on the water and by the way he was not alone in that boat - the others stayed put - they were not going to step out in faith. They liked the boat! Even though it was not moving forward to fast!

o PETER gets out of the boat - he asks to come! Jesus says "yes" and he steps onto the water with all of its waves, it’s intimidating wind, its stormy conditions - but he looks into Jesus eyes - he believes and he walks toward Jesus like a toddler walking toward mom and dad with their first steps. Jesus is proud of Peter! He sees his faith - his courage - he sees what he will be!

Observation point 7: But then it happens - Peter looks away from Jesus eyes - he sees the wind, the waves, the water - have you been there? Your spiritual victory collapses around you! His faith is crushed by sight - his head says stop - Don’t do it - you cannot be doing this – you are going to sink. You are going to fall.

• We experienced the sensation of the natural mind this week when we went to the Grand Canyon - we would get to the rim of the Canyon look down and your mind would freak out - show pictures. You had to fight back the fear - you had to say no I am looking at this great sight created by God.

• But for Peter the heaviness of fear makes him doubt - doubt gives in to fear and he starts to sink - his mind says you cannot do this! You cannot walk over your problems - you cannot go against gravity - you cannot beat back the fear and the sense of hopelessness! So you start to sink.

• Doubt gives way to unbelief and you start going down!

• Stop: Been there? Faith gets overtaken by fear and the spiritual high is gone!

• John Ortberg states:

o The decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life. And that’s sobering news to most of us, because we’re into comfort…but water walkers master failure… Did Peter fail?...Failure is not an event, but rather a judgment about an event. Failure is not something that happens to us or a label we attach to things. It is a way we think about outcomes…Did Peter fail? Well, I suppose in a way he did. His faith wasn’t strong enough. His doubts were stronger. ‘He saw the wind.’ He took his eyes off of where they should have been. He sank. He failed. But here is what I think. I think there were eleven bigger failures sitting in the boat. They failed quietly. They failed privately. Their failure went unnoticed, unobserved, uncriticized. Only Peter knew the shame of the public failure. But only Peter knew two other things as well. Only peter knew other things as well. Only peter knew the glory of walking on water. He alone knew what it was to attempt to do what he was not capable of doing on his own, then feeling euphoria of being empowered by God to actually do it. Once you walk on water, you never forget it-not for the rest of your life! (page 21-23).

Observation 8: Peter cries out save me Lord!

• And you know what Jesus extends his hand and pulls him out of the raging sea of life- I am sure for a split moment Peter was saying "YES I am doing it-I am walking on the WATER!"

• Literally he was walking on top of the world. He was experiencing a miracle - Jesus - was watching him exercise his faith - he was overcoming his situation - he was partaking of a miracle. For a moment it was there but now it’s gone - life crashes in - you start to sink -What do you do - Peter shows us - "You cry out to Jesus to save you - to rescue you! He will!

• Peter sunk but Jesus saved him from going under - listen to me church - Jesus is not going to let you go under!

Let’s recap: Peter heard Jesus say "Come" - Do you hear him saying to you "Come!" If you do then you need to come - you need to respond to Jesus - you must open up your hearts - it is not to late.

Application point 3 of our Story: I want you to see something else in our passage again today Peter first asked Jesus if he could come out to him, to participate in the miracle before his eyes. He asked Jesus to be a part! Have you recently asked the Lord to become part of one of his miracles to participate in the supernatural?

A word for the Christian Hills Church: Our FCA Convention was amazing his last week – on Thursday night I received a few Prophetic Words for the church as well as did Beth - I have also added a few we received this last year at The Vineyard Conference:

Christian Hills Church is going to move more into the gifts of the Spirit -the supernatural dimension of Jesus. It will start flowing in services as long as we have the courage to allow it to flow. Don’t be afraid of gifts – let them flow!

Yes the river is already flowing but it will soon be raging forth in power like the Colorado River. It will be raging with the force of the Holy Spirit - man is not doing it the Spirit will be driving it.

Sunday night is going to a new spiritual dimension. Miracles will occur - the presence of the Holy Spirit will escalate.

Workers will be sent to the Church and they will help bring in the new harvest.

The voice of the Prophetic will be released.

The word of knowledge will be revealed.

Ch is going to explode with conversion growth not transfer growth.

People will be given favor by those who judge and they will be imparted with the gift of faith.

Many will laugh at what God places on the hearts of the leadership of the church and they will mock the vision. But fear not God will bring forth the vision!

The Church will become once again an influential church in the community. The people will no longer be talking about the past but will be testifying about the here and now. The church will impact Chicago.

Your Gift of faith will rise up - you asked for souls – the Lord will give 600,000 new souls to the Kingdom of Heaven in Chicago in this upcoming wave of revival!

The Revival of the church is starting to flow because the dam is broken down and the water of life is surging forward.

God is going to work out financial miracles in the church and for the people of Christian Hills.

Finances are coming to the church to be used for the Lord’s Kingdom - because you were not afraid to use the money for my glory continue to put your trust in the Lord not in money.

People will start to share testimonies of how God is saving homes and businesses from foreclosure and they will find favor with financial institutions.

The Healing of the heart by God is happening at Christian Hills and this resurrected heart is going to pump health and wholeness through the whole church. Healing is beginning to flow through the veins of the church with the blood of Jesus. Past relationships will be restored - people will return home- Jesus will bring them home - to be a part of the supernatural work of the Spirit at Christian Hills Church – miracles are on the way.

Leadership development of young people is coming - we will be training - equipping young people - to start churches, to do worship, to lead worship - we are going to raise up new missionaries - new young ones.

We will be planting churches, here and there - at home and on the mission field.

As I took in these words which I believe are from the Lord – my faith raised up – like Peter’s did in the boat when he saw Jesus walking on the water. I cried out to the Lord “I’m not afraid – can I come to you on the water – can I be a part of a supernatural miracle that rises above this world and brings you the glory – I felt in my heart this word “Come!”

So now I ask you Christian Hills Church – do you want to come to Jesus and be a part of a supernatural miracle? Then jump aborad what God is doing at Christian Hills.


Video Illustration to close the message: from

Matthew 11:28-30: 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus came and He called us all to come – that means saint and sinner alike!

Matthew 9:13: But go and learn what that means, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Come to him if you are a sinner because he has come for you - yes for you - he is saying come to me - do not be afraid – Have courage – It is I!

John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Jesus came to give you an abundant life! So come experience it! Come to Him today!