Summary: Life & death are powerfully influenced what comes out of our mouths, what enters our ears, and what we receive into our lives from others.Just as confessing the Word of God out of our mouths brings blessing, victory and faith to activate the supernatural

Breaking Curses

A Proverbs 18.21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

1 Life & death are powerfully influenced what comes out of our mouths, what enters our ears, and what we receive into our lives from others.

a Just as confessing the Word of God out of our mouths brings blessing, victory and faith to activate the supernatural and defeat of the enemy

b so are negative words in bringing curses, activating the demonic, a release destructive forces in our lives.

2 Our words unlock blessing or curses into the lives around us (or into our own lives.)

B Dr. Henry Malone, in his book “Shadow Boxing” suggests that there are five open doors that allow negative forces/curses to operate in your life.

1 Disobedience

a If you are willfully being disobedient to God, it brings you into captivity of the enemy.

aa Rom. 6.16

bb How does that happen?

b When our thoughts of disobedience are spoken, they give place to strongholds in our lives.

aa 2 Cor. 10.5

bb We must capture our negative & disobedient thoughts.

2 Unforgiveness

a In order to enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom of heaven no, you must forgive those who hurt you; releasing them from the prison of your heart.

aa Matt. 18.21-22

bb Forgiveness is imperative.

b Jesus dealt with forgiveness in the parable of the man who was pardoned/released from a great debt while willfully holding someone else in debt to him for far less.

aa Matt. 18.32-35

bb The tormentors are demons of depression, fear, rage, infirmity, and insomnia.

c Many times it is the words spoken or words written that people struggle to forgive.

d Forgiveness is a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit that He does through you.

3 Emotional Trauma

a This can be a result from accidents, abuse, divorce, crime, betrayal, and wrong words.

b You need healing from this things; healing from things like fear, unforgiveness, traumas, victimization, and self-pity.

4 Wrong vows & judgements

a Our wrong words give Satan access to our lives.

b Matt. 5.34-37

aa People will swear they will never do something . . . Satan hears it, and then they repeat the exact act for which they were victims.

bb I’ll never treat my kids like my mom treated me...I’ll never talk to my husband like my mom talked to my dad . . .

cc Most abusers have been abused . . . and most swore they would never do to others what happened to them.

c Also, words of judgement against others open a door for the enemy to release the same problem in your life.

aa Matt. 7.1-2

bb The power of the vow/judgement will bind you to a fleshly course of action that will control you until a vow is broken.

cc Ecc. 5.5

d BE VERY careful of words “I will never” or “I will always” (Until these words are reversed, Satan has ground.)

5 Curses (All of the above can include curses)

a A curse is an extended evil rope with you tied to one end and the other tied to something in the unseen past.

b You may be living with a curse if it seems that something repeatedly hinders you or creates struggle in a certain area of your life.

aa Curses (habits), affect families, churches, social circles, cities, and nature.

bb They are passed down through families if they are not broken.

c Curses operate in the invisible realm (spiritual) and they can be transferred by words or by objects or by actions.

C There are several things may be present in your life (physical realm) that can help you determine if you are dealing with a curse (spiritual realm.)

1 Mental State

a Insanity, personality disorders and emotional instability may be indicators of a curse.

b Deut. 28.21

2 Hereditary afflictions or chronic illness (Deut. 28.22)

3 Female problems & Child-bearing difficulties (Deut. 28.18)

a These problems may have medical explanations, but they may also be a result of a curse.

4 Family difficulties or division

a Deut. 28.41

b Family is always bickering, fighting, drama . . . sign of a curse.

5 Financial shortages

a May be a result of unwise choices, may be a indicator of a curse working in your life.

b Mal. 3.9

6 Accident-prone

a Deut. 28.28-29

b You may or may not be clumsy; you also may have the evidence of a curse working your life.

c Once it is established you’re dealing with a curse, the next step to reversing it is in exposing it.

D The Causes & Effects of Curses (Curses are always caused by something or someone in the past or present.)

1 Certain sins cause curses to consistently follow . . . rebellion & disobedience.

a 1 Sam. 15.22-23

b Samuel said rebellion releases witchcraft.

2 Children’s rebellion brings curses (Eph. 6.1-3)

3 Curses also come with the occult

a Gal. 5.19-21

b Ouja board, Satanism, wiccan, fascination with demons, the color black.

4 Curses follow those who do an injustice to others (Deut. 27.17-19

5 Curses follow sexual perversion (Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, and pornography bring curses; Deut. 27.20-23)

6 Racism & anti-Semitism

a When you think your better/superior to others.

b Gen. 12.3

7 Trusting human potential over God

a Trusting human strength, influence, potential . . . will allow a curse to fall.

b Jeremiah 17.5-6

8 Curses follow stealing & lying (Zech. 5.3-4)

a Stealing & lying also include robbing God in the tithe (Ma. 3.8-9)

9 Words spoken to those who you have authority over can result in curses.

a Gen. 31.32

b Seemingly simple or quickly spoken phrases (You’re stupid, I hate you) bring lasting effects on people’s lives.

10 Lying, gossiping, and idle religious talk releases evil.

a James 3.14-15; Proverbs 28.9

b Knowing the bible, doctrine & ignoring it’s instruction is an abomination to God.

c Once you’ve identified the curse, exposed it, the next step is expelling it.

E Getting Rid of the Curse

1 Know your saved!

a Demons consider your body their home until you are saved!

b Matt. 12.43-45

2 Confess aloud your willingness to yield to God.

a You must close every door and take away Satan’s access to your life.

b Repent of rebellion & disobedience.

aa Forgive those who have hurt you.

bb Bring all past hurt & trauma to God.

cc Cancel past vows, judgements, and wrong words (Spoken by you or to you)

3 Confess aloud that Jesus has borne every sin, hurt, and curse for you! (Gal. 3.13)

4 Renounce every spirit that has oppressed your life, and receive deliverance and praise God!

a Confess Psalm 34 as your prayer.

b Pray

Notice to Sermon Central Users:

My name is Mike Fogerson, and I pastor a Southern Baptist Church in Chester, Illinois. I have been a long-time user of Sermon Central and truly appreciate its content and contributors. Some of the best sermons I’ve ever preached have been reworked material from this website. As you use the material from my sermon bank, understand that it is work that has been done from not just myself, but from hundreds of other pastors as well. If you see part of your message, or a bunch of your message with my name on it and this upsets you, please email me and I will quickly respond and cite you as the main source. My intent is not to claim someone’s work as my own. I am disclaiming up front that I use the resources from Sermon Central and appreciate the tool. I simply want all those who use my work to know that some of these messages were inspired by the Holy Spirit working through other pastors. Because I do use the messages of other pastors I waive all claims of originality or origin of creativity for the messages posted under my messages. I pray God blesses your preaching ministry for the glory of His Kingdom.


Mike Fogerson