Summary: First Sunday with new media projection and spoke on defeating giants in your life.

God, Giants, and Grasshoppers

Numbers chapter 13:1, 14:6-9

Introduction- Image- God, Giants, Grasshoppers

Did I tell you how excited I am to see the great blessing that the Lord has given us and the tremendous amount of hard work by so many to make this happen.

5 years ago this was just a wish on a long wish list.

3 years ago a dream with expectation of going to the next level for our church.

Almost a year ago, stepping out in faith and beginning to plan and budget for the renovation and installation of our multi-media projection project.

Watching God supply what we needed and make it happen! Praise the Lord!

This is an answer to pray and it is casting vision and allowing God to be the main character in your plans.

Our text this morning comes from the book of Numbers. It is the 4th book in the Bible and it is a story of casting vision and believing God to do what He has said He would do.

So that we don’t take the time to read almost 2 chapters, would you allow me to set this up for us this morning?

Chapter 13:1- Blank image

God instructs Moses to set up a team of men to explore the land of Canaan and report back to Moses what they found.

“Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites.”

Key being that the Lord has already promised that it was their land.

He told them:

See what it was like

See if the people are strong or weak

Is the land good or bad?

Are there cites un-walled or fortified?

Bring some fruit back that you find.

They were sent on this spying adventure for 40 days.

Moses sent 12 spies, one from each tribe of Israel and they brought back their report.

All 12 spies agreed that the land was just as good as God said it was.

In fact, it took two men to carry the grapes on a pole to show just how big the grapes were in the Promised Land.

10 came back to Moses and said, yes, Moses, this land is flowing with milk and honey. It is everything that God said it would be, butt….. that word gets us into a lot of trouble with God.

The people are powerful

The cities are fortified

Their giants that live there

Their descendants of Goliath, that giant that terrorized us in the past.

But there was only two – Joshua and Caleb of the 12 that came back and said,

“We should take the land that the Lord has given us.”

The text this morning

14:6-10 (read from Bible) Text put on image

“Joshua, son of Nun, Caleb, Son of Jephunnah, who were among those who explored the land, tore their clothes, and said to the entire Israel assembly, the land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into the land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. So do not be afraid of them.”

Which report would you bring back?

(10) -who came back and said, yes it is good, but… and then begins all the negativity of why we cannot take possession of something that the Lord said they could have.

Those 10 who we cannot even remember their names.

(2)- Joshua and Caleb- that said it is exactly what God said it was and take possession just like God said that they should.

We have to define a giant image- Giant

For years for this church, the Goliath, our giant was the sound room, and the inability to move forward with technology that would enhance our worship experience.

A giant defined- is anything that stands between you and God’s plan for you.

A giant is- anything that seems bigger than you and your desire to serve the Lord.

A giant is stronger than you and cannot be face alone.

What is the giant for you this morning? Identify it right now to yourself!

The trouble with giants is that they:

Steal the peace from God’s people

Seize the possessions of God’s people

There are physical and spiritual giants that put barriers in front of you to keep you from accomplishing what God intends for your life.

I shared already that I am uncomfortable being called by my first name and desire to be called Pastor Tony or Pastor. (I’m strange but you have to love me)

Because I will stand before God as your pastor before I stand before him as your friend.

Being a pastor is strange

I proclaim a message with the power of God to change people, but I cannot change myself. I need the power of God also.

I shepherd the flock of God, but I am just a sheep like anyone else.

I call people to do what they cannot do, with the authority that is not our own, and then have to stand before God for each one of you.

But there is no other job in the world right now I’d rather be doing. (Because, I am called to do it.

Giants don’t go away! They have to be faced and defeated. Image-facing giant

Let’s apply some of this!

The problem with the 10 negative spies is that they focused on themselves. What they could do!

Joshua and Caleb focused on God’s power and God’s resources.

All of the spies saw the same thing, but drew different conclusions.

Do you find yourself backing away from challenges saying;

I’ve never done that before

I don’t know how

I don’t have the time

We don’t have the money for that

I’m afraid

People might not like it

What will people say?

Some of you are on the edge of greatness! I mean it!

Greatness is not determined by attendance, offerings, size. It is being all you can be in the place where God has placed you.

I have some friends here today from our neighboring church- we are not in competition. There are plenty of souls that need the Lord.

Greatness is at the intersection of opportunity and choice. (repeat)

Moses sent them out to look at the land that God was giving them and seized the opportunity.

One thing that will stop you from greatness is fear! Image- Fear!

That 4 letter word that destroys people.

Some focus on the giants- some keep their eyes on the Lord

Some compare themselves to the giants and feel like grasshoppers.- some will compare their obstacles against God.

The question is not “how big is the problem” or “how big am I”, but “how big is my God.”

“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, and of power and of self discipline.”

Fear will kill you!

The second thing that will stop you from greatness is staying in your comfort zone.

Image of comfort zone and image of getting out of comfort zone

No risk- no growth!

If you can do it yourself, God is not in it!

When God is doing something- it begins with difficulty

When God is doing something miraculous- it begins with impossible!

Let me wind this down, people know me that I may close a couple of times, it’s not over to the Amen.

God has called you, or is calling you- which report are you going to give?

He has commissioned you

He wants to send you into the mission field of life.

He desires a report and sometimes you have to go to a debriefing!

Are you going to give a negative report- it is everything that you said it would be Lord, but…

Not today

Not now!

Or are you going to be the one that goes against the majority- I’m stoked Lord, it is exactly like you said it would be and I want it!

I believe you and I want to seize it

You can be visionary or a vandal this morning- your choice.

Joshua and Caleb- visionary

Walls, no problem. Image- walls coming down or Goliath being defeated.

Giants, no problem.

I remember goliath, and I remember young David took him down.

Impossible, nor problem- God size task!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

10 were visionary vandals-

Walls, can’t get through

Giants- too big, too strong, too ugly

Possible- no way! Forget about it!

I am starting a new series next week “Nuts and bolts of life”

Nuts and bolts series image with text of following 4 bullet points

How to fix and maintain relationships

How to heal hurts from the past

How to get free from habits and addictions that hurt you

How to believe God in difficult times.

Why? Because the giants are winning in most people lives. God desires to give us victories.

Closing, really closing!

Maybe you are here this morning and you just have to say to the Lord this morning- I have never acknowledged you as Lord of my Life- today I want to do that!

Would you just slip your hand up, I want to pray for you this morning.

Today, be a visionary- God size task through God size eyes

Maybe you’re here this morning and you would have to say- I know the Lord, but the giants are winning! My focus has been on them and not the Lord. I want to pray for you also.

Today the giants stop winning and the grasshoppers win! What do you say?

Today is the day that you allow God His rightful place in your life. Show me your hand this morning.

God and grasshoppers means victory every time.

Great opportunity

What giants are keeping you back?

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