Summary: Religion to most is external- what you look like. Jesus says that a religion that is worth anything begins internally with a relationship with Him and will be lived out to the widows and orphans that we meet in life.

Having a religion that is worth something

James 1:19-1:27


We are continuing to be in the series Nuts and Bolts of life.

We have looked at relationships, both with God and others.

We have looked last week at trusting God when we are in difficult times, and this morning we will look at religion.

Religion has caused wars.

Religion is what has torn countries apart and it has caused brother to hate brother.

Our country was founded on the belief that they could come here and find religious freedom. Yet this country is divided on what that means.

Anyone who disagrees with another on religion or religious freedom throws out the word in-tolerant.

Must we be tolerant, or can we be respectful?

Can we do that and still maintain our faith and trust in our beliefs?

Tolerant usually means 2 things-

(1) keeps people from speaking their minds because someone else or a group has told them that it would not be nice if they shared their views.

(2) the people who should be quiet believe that they have a God given right to say whatever they want, no matter how it hurts anyone else because of their :first amendment right.”

Forgetting that others have that same first amendment right.

What does God say about it?

You see I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.

I care what He says about things.

Between the cover of this Bible is the truths that I hold true and base my life on what He says.

I would not expect someone of another faith to sit here this morning and agree with Jesus teachings, but I also don’t expect that someone from another religion would not expect to have the right to sit here and pollute and tear down our beliefs.

They should be quiet and go worship where they are joined by people of like minded faith. That is not being in-tolerant, it is being respectful! There is a difference!

James 1:19-1:27

I want you to see some facts, no truths this morning in God’s Word.

It is not religion that we embrace- it is Christianity! Being Christ-like.

It is not any one denomination- Baptist, Pentecostal, church of God, Methodist, Nazarene. These are bodies of believers that we choose to worship Christ with.

Christ-like followers of Jesus Christ. Christianity.

I am tired of listening to a world that tells believers of Jesus Christ to “Zip it” because we do not line up with others religions. I don’t follow other religions- I follow Jesus Christ!

I am also tired of believers who do not follow the very teachings that they confess out of their mouths.

There are distinct characteristics of a Christian, and we will recognize them by their fruit.

If you look, and act, and taste like an apple- don’t tell me you are a banana! And don’t make me feel guilty because I call you a banana.

God’s Word (Bible) gives us needed answers.

James takes a whole chapter to tell believers to keep control of our tongue and what we say. That does not mean that we must keep quiet about our faith or about the truth of God.

He tells us (19) chapter one that everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Nowhere does it say to water down God’s Word or accept false teachings as true because someone disagrees with you.

In fact (22) “Do not merely listen to God’s Word, and so deceive yourself, do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word, but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”

The real test of religion worth anything is this:

I. Controlled speech

II. compassionate deeds

III. cleansed life

The moral and ethical teaching of Christianity, evidenced in the Old and New Testament of the Bible, based upon God’s 10 Commandments and completed and perfected by our Savior Jesus Christ!

That should be preached in every Christian church in America!

Now, lets break that up a bit

Controlled speech

Compassionate deeds

Cleansed life

I. Controlled speech

We have looked at the difference between tolerant and in-tolerant. Standing up for your faith and letting someone pollute what you believe.

Religion for a believer is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Receiving God’s Word into our lives.

All 3 of these points hinge on God’s Word applied to our lives. Where the problem comes in is when we do not let the Word of God do what it is intended to do in our lives.

A right relationship with Christ is a tamed tongue.

We do not have a right to say everything that is on our mind or in our heart.

We choose to allow the Holy Spirit to direct our mouths to say what lines up with God’s Word.

Religion is external- what you put on.

Relationship with Christ is what He does on the inside and evidenced by what you do.

Listen, there is power in the word of God

if you are going to be a vibrant Christian, it is allowing the Word of God to be lived out in your life and controlled by the Holy Spirit of God.

You know what keeps your pastor going? Its not emotions. I see people high one moment, low the next. Charged up, then beat down. It is not how you feel, it is the truth that I know- the Lord everyday is working on me, everyday trying to get more of God’s Word in my life.

Illustration (SermonCentral)

1961 Redbook magazine did a survey of people who came out of seminary of what they believed.

71 % rejected life after death

54 % didn’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ

56% rejected the virgin birth

These people came out of seminary and polluted the minds of many.

My point- God word has to be received- not picked apart like a Smorgasboard.

Picking what you like and leaving what you don’t understand or disagree with.

II Compassionate deeds

(22) “Do not merely listen to the word, do what it says!

There is action required.

There is a response required.

His word should cause us to do something with it!

Are you teachable?

Some do not welcome the word because that would mean they would have to receive the word.

That would mean that they would have to make changes in their life as the Lord directs.

Some have notebooks full of sermons, libraries and tapes of music and have no intention of changing or obeying God’s word.

“Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.”

Peter Lord

“What we believe, we live by, the rest is religious talk.”

The new phrase is “Don’t judge me” Matthew 7 at its best.

They take it out of context, but that is not new.

They are right about one thing- only God knows your heart, but just like what is in your heart comes out of your mouth, your actions speak of what is important to you.

They are your priorities.

Where’s God in your time, talents and your checkbook!

That should preach in all churches also!

III. last one- Real religion is a cleansed life

(27) “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless (unstained) is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

External religion only means something to God when we are Christ-like (repeat)

The only acceptable religion is to keep oneself from being polluted by this world.

Welcome God’s word with repentance

Receive it with readiness

Respond to God’s word.

Illustration- (SermonCentral)

In the forest of Northern Europe lives the ermine, a small animal known best for its white fur. Instinctively this animal protects it glossy coat of fur with great care lest it become soiled. Hunters often capitalize on this trait. Instead of setting a mechanical trap to catch the ermine, they find its home in a cleft of a rock or a hollow tree and daub the entrance and the interior with tar. Then their dogs start the chase, and the frightened ermine runs toward its home. But finding it covered with filth, he spurns his place of safety. Rather than soil his white fur, he courageously faces the yelping dogs who hold him at bay until the hunters capture him. To the ermine, purity is dearer than life.

The Lord wants us to be people of purity.

Are we perfect? No!

but we should see change-

we should be desiring change.

Allowing God to change us from the inside.

Wednesday night at Bible study

The human mind has a way of listening to what it wants to hear. (selective hearing)

There is none so blind as those who refuse to see.


There is this kind of wishful thinking which believes that the unpleasant truth cannot really be truth. That the thing we do not want to happen cannot happen.

Putting our heads in the sand does not make things go away!’

Pretending does not make things better.

What have you done to welcome God’s word into your heart?

What changes are you going to allow God to do in your life?

As God changes you inside- it should affect what you do and say on the outside.


Buzzard needs 10-12 feet to run before flight. If he was in a open space 6X8 with an open top he would not be able to get out.

Bat- cannot take off on a level spot. Unless it is elevated it cannot fly.

Bumble Bee- put into a jar it will die. It will never look for an escape at the top. It will never look up. It persists on trying to find an opening on the bottom or the sides at the bottom. It will destroy itself before it looks up.

What do these animals have in common? Left in their own natural state, they will die if they are left to get out of their own problems. In our own natural state, we cannot fix ourselves or save ourselves, we need the Lord to intervene.

We don’t want religion, we want relationship with Jesus Christ.

We don’t want to just hear the word of God, we need to apply the word of God

The power of the word of God can change your life! You have to obey the word.

You have to let Him do it.
