Summary: This culture is longing for an authentic view of Christianity and God demands it. This series paints a picture of the Authentic Christian.


“Authentic Christianity” - #1 of 4

Jerry Watts

Matthew 6:19-24

* What do you think when you hear the word “Authentic?” Most think of the text book definition; real, genuine, and even original. Unless you’re a collector, you might forget the simple truth that authentic is more valuable than a copy.

* A full-set of a first edition of the Gutenberg Bible (1456) is reported worth $35m+, while a collection of Shakespeare’s works (1632) are worth approximately $6m, and a first edition copy of the Declaration of Independence approximately $8m. It seems to be that there is something to be said for being ‘authentic’ because we understand each time a copy is made, the value goes down because it is less like the original.

* A great illustration of this truth can be seen in the ‘key’ to your house. Over time you make many keys until at some point the newly made key doesn’t work. While it may resemble the original, it is not close enough to turn the tumblers or better said, “Work right.” This means being able to perform the task for which it was designed.

* It is this concept about being ‘authentic’ that, for the next four weeks, we will look at. An authentic Christian is a Biblical Christian. He/She is worth her weight in gold (and more because of influence, live style, and activity. This person is the one in whom the world looks and see non-other but Jesus.

* From the beginnings of His earthly ministry – His call was simply, “Follow Me.”

* Based on His words, think about the walk of the authentic believer in His FOLLOWSHIP. Acts 16:32 is a familiar verse, but Acts 16:31 asks, “What must I do?”

1. We Follow Him in Salvation – Following Jesus in salvation is, without a doubt, one of the most misunderstood truths of the Bible. That is why, right now, there are untold scores of people sitting at home, on their boats, on the golf course, and in bed, who if asked would say this, “Yes I am a Christian. I have trusted Christ as my Savior.” Quite likely, there are those in this room who would say, “Well if they prayed the prayer, then they’ll make heaven.” Theologians (& others) would say, “Are you about to favor what is called “REFORMED” theology.” My answer is no. I support FORMED theology – that is, the truth as spoke by Jesus and the Apostles. The truth that, YES the sinner’s prayer can & needs to be the point in time or better said the vehicle to faith in Christ but, at the same time, the person who demonstrates no walk of faith, change in life, no ongoing relationship with Jesus, and bases their eternal destiny on a ‘prayer’ is trusting more in the prayer than they are in Jesus. For to follow Jesus in salvation means Jesus becomes the center of our lives.

* Jesus says that there is no other way to the Father except through HIM. This means we come to know Him personally, intimately, and walk with Him consistently. Authentic Christianity is birthed in a life-changing, mind-renewing, and soul-saving experience with Jesus Christ of Calvary. This type of experience is one which re-charts a person’s outlook, uplook, inlook, their life forever.

* To follow Jesus in salvation is to hitch our wagon to Him and go where He tells us to. In salvation, we lose our control of our personal lives. If you are running your life today, then guess who has been left out. There is only one way to be saved. It is Jesus. And there are only two ways to KNOW that you’re saved; fruit & love.

* Do you believe that Jesus is the answer for you to get to heaven? Do you believe that Jesus is the answer for you to get to your house or to lunch today? We seem to want to trust Jesus with our eternity, our tomorrows, and our hope – but we want to control today. It doesn’t work that way.

* To be saved means the Holy Spirit of God spoke to our hearts, convicting us of our need, He brought to a place where we knew that our sin dammed us to hell and that we understood Jesus was the only answer. And without Jesus, we would have no hope. You see this happening in Acts 2:37 when they were cut to the heart.

* If the Holy Spirit has never cut your heart, then it is possible you placed faith in a prayer & not a person. This is critical for us to understand today. Salvation is of the Lord, by the Lord, and through the Lord Jesus – our part is to respond to His call.

* There are at least two groups of people in this room, let me speak to both of you; Some have never prayed to trust Jesus, responded to His call, & have never heard His knocking. Is Jesus knocking? Yes, you do respond in prayer when He knocks? Also, there are others who have ‘prayed a prayer’ – but deep in the recesses of your heart, where you rarely go, you know this was not a ‘life-changing experience.’

* In fact, when someone speaks of a life-change, it kind of leaves you cold. To these two groups of people, please know this has eternal consequences. Search your life & your heart. To realize that this is YOU will bring about the conviction that you need Jesus- only the Spirit of Holy God can pierce your heart in this way and lead you to be saved. We used to sing, “O Why not tonight?” Why not be saved today?

* The third group consists of those who met Jesus & it changed your life. (Illus)

2. We Follow Him in Sanctification – Let’s turn to Matthew 6, reading verse 19-24. I am aware that this big word is used very little today, but it is a Biblical word. In simple terms, Sanctification is the process of making us more like Jesus. One dictionary says it like this, “It is the carrying on to perfection the work begun in regeneration.” This is spoken of in Romans, Corinthians, Colossians, Galatians, 1 John, and more. As an authentic follower of Christ, our mark or goal is to become like Him. How? Are We?

* (Read) I am deeply burdened by the scores of people who profess Christ & yet give Him very little of their lives. It is almost like we’re doing God a favor to show up. The Sanctification spoken of in scripture is NOT optional, it is required. This text was a part of my personal time not long ago & I believe, God gave me a word about these thoughts being a check up for me and us. So I think I’m being sanctified?

a) Check Your Storage – Vs 19-21 – Scripture tells us that we only have 2 possibilities for storage and only 2 types of things to store. Pretty simple. The only two storage places are earth and heaven. Whatever you’re doing or storing can be found there.

* By the way, wherever you are storing your ‘stuff’ is where your heart is & It is either of this world or of the world to come. As far as I can tell the only thing in heaven which is manmade are the scars in the hands of Jesus. So where are you making the investment? This is the law of sowing & reaping at its best. You will receive a harvest of what you have planted.

* From 2 Corinthians 3 it appears that we are either building on gold, silver, and costly stones OR with wood, hay and straw. This is huge because what you do with your life will be tried by the fire of God and will either burn up or burn down. Earthly works (work, hay, & straw) will burn up or be destroyed. This is eternal destruction. For those who have been so busy living that that forgot to build a life, this will be devastating. All they have worked for will be gone. For something to burn down means that it has endured the fire & come through it better. Gold & silver are heated to remove the impurity. After the fire, they are purer than before.

* What you’re putting your life into; will it stand up & through the fire of God?

b) Check Your Sight – Vs 22-23 – Nothing is more frightening than the loss of eye-sight. Never forget that we still see through a ‘glass darkly’ which means indistinctly. Our eye-sight or how we see things determines much. To follow Jesus & be authentic in faith, we must ‘see’ like Jesus. Jesus saw the multitudes & was moved with disgust because they were doing wrong? Is that what the scripture says? NO. Seeing their waywardness, Jesus was moved with compassion.

* In fact, He was so moved that He did something. He gave all He had. The only time it appears that Jesus was moved with disgust was about anytime He had to deal with the church people of the day. When they brought the woman caught in adultery, He was feeling some kind of righteous indignation, but not at the guilty party, at the religious bunch. You know the ones; they sat on the back row judging those who were not as ‘spiritual’ as they. Under God, how we see people says much about the authenticity of our walk with Christ. The text says, “If you don’t see right, you’re full of the devil.” Ouch. How we see things say much about us.

c) Check Your Schedule – Vs 24 – This truth will hurt because it is so revealing. When Billy Graham was reaching thousands in mass evangelism, one of the marks of his preaching was, “And the Bible says.” And the Bible says, “No one can serve two masters.” Did you hear that & get it? Now will you receive it & apply you’re your master is whatever or whoever controls your schedule. Don’t wimp out by saying, “I’ve got a job & boss.” That is not what this passage speaks to, and you know it. Today, Americans have more free time that EVER & they give less of it to the Lord. In fact, I’ll take it a step further. Today’s attitude is something like, “I’ll give my money to pay someone else to do what I don’t want to do.” So, our schedules are full of everything but HIM. We cannot work in but one hour a week for gathering when the 1st century group gathered every day or an hour for prayer or an hour to help someone in need. Schedules reveal priorities. What would God do to yours?

3. We Follow Him in Service – Matt. 20:25-28 – These words of Jesus should become a sword to our hearts. We live in a culture which breeds a ‘what’s in it for me’ or ‘what have you done for me, today’ mentality. Jesus’ words & His call cuts across the grain of this culture. (READ) In John 20:12 Jesus says, “As the Father sent me, I now send you.” The authentic Christian’s mindset is not the same as the world because their mind has been renewed & they have the mind of Christ. This new mind is focused ‘how I can serve others.’ For some of us we can cook. We don’t like to, but we can & God wants us to. For others, we can help with the nursery, we may not like to or want to, but we can and should. For others, we can teach Sunday school, we may not like to or want to, but we should. And the list goes on. To be clear, this message has nothing to do with calling for volunteers. Do you know why? As far as I can tell, the word ‘volunteer’ never appears in God’s word. Jesus didn’t die to assemble volunteers. When Jesus puts His nail-scarred hand on a person, He calls them into service. The apostle Paul called himself a servant & a bond-slave which is the term ‘doulos’ which means ‘one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will.’ We serve Him when we learn to serve others. Do remember the old hymn (Broadman ‘40) entitled ‘Others.’ “Lord, help me live from day to day in such a self-forgetful way, that even when I kneel to pray, my prayer will be for Others. Others Lord, Yes others, let this my motto be. Help me to live for others, that I might live like Thee.” One of the secret of authentic Christianity is following Jesus.

* Who or what you are following determines who or what you are. Whose servant are you? Better said, who or what is your master? The world around you knows.

* Do those who see you see you following your own dream or do they see you following Jesus? If you don’t follow Him, if you are not storing up treasures in heaven, if you are not giving your schedule to Him, if you are not engage in His service, then why should they be?

* The call of Jesus is not to be serve, but to serve because following Jesus is about action.