Summary: A sermon that focuses on the congregation and individual members being encouragers, equippers and trainers of children, youth and families

This week we explore what it means for us as individuals and God’s congregation to be encouragers, equippers and trainers of children, youth and families…

Today’s reading from Mark 10:13-14 highlights how the Christian faith is different from many views in the world about children

At the time of Jesus many in society did not think children were important.

They were often treated very poorly.

They were used for cheap labour.

Father’s used their children to increase their wealth.

If they were a nuisance, disabled or of little value they were left to die.

And their opinions were never considered.

It is hard to imagine, considering how precious many of us see children today, what it would have been like in Jesus time.

But the reality was that children were viewed as worthwhile as an unloved sick dirty tom cat.

However Jesus publicly demonstrated that he had a very different view of children

For Jesus children are very important and precious.

They were be taken notice of

and probably even more offensive for the disciples and the crowds, adults could learn something from them.

That being, the most precious thing available, can only be obtained if you are like a child.

So I wonder how would we take it if Jesus said to you,

I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Think about the things that people believe give them prestige:

old age


education status


hard work

how independent they are

family name

overseas holidays

property holdings

owning particular makes of cars

And when it comes to your relationship with God

What do you believe is important?

Being and looking good.

Your years of being a Christian.

Your knowledge of Christianity.

But in Mark 10:13-15 Jesus hits us with the reality…

If you want to be part of the kingdom of God….

you need to be like a little child…

Not just a child but a little child.

So what is Jesus saying here?

On a number of occasions Jesus tried to help people see that those who are first in this world will be last in the kingdom of God

and those who are last in this world will be first in the kingdom of God.

In the very next story in Mark 10:17-31 Jesus says to a rich man

But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

In other words how God values people is very different to how the world values people.

And so as the busy Jesus interacted with children, when his disciples were rebuking the children, Jesus was highlighting that God wanted children and people who are like children to be part of His kingdom, even though they were being overlooked and even abused by others in society.

And when we think about children, especially little children we are reminded that they are vulnerable, they need help and they depend on others.

Think about it this way.

Can you remember your holidays as a child?

You didn’t have to organise them.

You didn’t have to find the money for them.

In the early days you didn’t even have to pack your own bags.

You simply went along for the ride.

You didn’t have to organise the food.

But these holidays didn’t just happen.

Someone organised them for you.

Someone paid for them.

All you had to do is to go on the holiday and depend on your parents or a good friend who made sure the holiday happened.

Likewise entering the kingdom of God means we need to be like little children.

We need to rely on God to make it possible.

The only way we can enter the kingdom of God is to be dependent on Jesus’.

In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

We can’t earn our place in God’s kingdom.

We can’t push our way in

We don’t have any right to be in God’s kingdom because of our family name or the positions we hold in society.

We simply need to be like little children and rely on Jesus to enter God’s kingdom and be part of God’s kingdom.

Brennan Manning, an author and priest says it like this, “The Gospel declares that no matter how dutiful or prayerful we are, we can’t save ourselves…but when we acknowledge that we are paupers at the door of God’s mercy, then God can make something beautiful of us.”

Being like a little child, in the way Jesus wants us to be a little child is most likely a challenge for most of us.

We live in a world and amongst people who value highly:

People being mature and independent

Superior education and knowledge

Hard work

Family names


Superior achievements


But Jesus reveals that these things are worthless in His eyes when it comes to our relationship with Him

He says, “be like a little child, depend on me, and you will enter the kingdom of God.

And in depending on me you will be blessed.”

Now what does this mean for us as disciples of Jesus.

For a start it doesn’t mean that we do nothing.

and it doesn’t mean we dispense with praying, attending worship, bible reading and study, nurturing our relationships, serving others, giving or making the effort to share the gospel.

These activities are important ways we depend on Jesus.

They help us to listen to Him.

They help us to be shaped by Him.

They help us learn from Him.

They help us to be guided by Him.

Jesus uses these activities to bless us.

These activities in themselves are useful only because they help us be like a little child and rely on Jesus.

However if we think we will earn God’s favour by the number of hours of praying we do, or by how well we can memorise a bible verse or story, then we have missed the point.

The point is God uses these activities to help us grow in our relationship with Him and other believers..

Secondly when it comes to our relationship with God

as soon as we want to be more than a little child.

And we want to be like a teenager or an adult then our relationship with God is often negatively affected.

We become less trusting.

We strive to prove ourselves.

We look for more attractive things to satisfy us.

Rules dictate how we relate to God.

We get disappointed because God doesn’t respond to our hard work in the ways we want.

And so rather than being dependant on Jesus,

we rely on ourselves to earn God’s favour,

which Jesus reminds us will prevent us from entering God’s kingdom.

So how are you going in your relationship with God

Are you depending on God?

Are you allowing God to love and bless you?

Again listen to our reading from Mark 10

Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.

So how important do you see the children, youth and families in our congregation and school and who are part of your family.

Do you see them like Jesus?

People who need to be encouraged in their relationship with Him.

Are you willing to spend time and money on them so that they know they are loved by you and more importantly loved by God?

Are you willing to prioritise them in your life and in the life of the congregation?

As disciples of Jesus Christ we have a calling to be welcoming children and encouraging them to have a relationship with Jesus so they can be blessed and as Genesis 12:2 says, so they can then bless others.

Paul Tripp a pastor and author who works significantly in children and family ministries, makes the following comment,

My job as a parent is not only to teach my children these are the things you’re supposed to do, but teach my children that they’re supposed to be part of God’s mission as well. It’s not just that I raise obedient children. I want to raise Kingdom minded children as well.

And this is where we as a congregation and as families need to be focussed.

We are not just wanting young people to be good

We are not just wanting young people to be clever

Our primary calling as a church is to help young people be in a growing relationship with Jesus, so that they know they are loved by God and that God has invited them to be part of His mission on earth.

And here is the reality

In today’s current climate for this to happen it is essential that we work together as a team to be effective in children, youth and family ministry.

Rollie Martinson from Vibrant Faith highlighted when he visited us a couple of years ago that research consistently shows that

the most effective ministry to children, youth and families is when

the congregation, the school, youth ministries and families are all on the same page and working together.

Why? because when it comes to faith

Well one reason faith in Jesus is more caught than taught.

In other words our relationships with children and youth are essential.

Teaching is still important

Spending time learning the bible, Jesus and life is essential.

However teaching needs to be supported by relationships.

Relationships that encourage the young people to grow as disciples and help people to connect with God and each other.

And there are a number of types of relationships that are important

First are relationships with people of similar ages, that is why we have Bible Alive, Junior and Senior Youth

Please continue to encourage the young people you know to attend the ministries that are for their age group as this will help them grow with other disciples.

Second are relationships between a younger person and someone of faith who is older

Robyn Kuchel the LCA’s tertiary ministry co-ordinator recently sent out a newsletter which had the following article, which asked someone who or what has encouraged you in your faith?

A 20 year old male replied:

There was an old guy, Ron. He rang me every week; said, “How ya goin’?”

We had dinner together about every three weeks. I really miss him.

What about you?

Are you willing to regularly encourage a young person in our congregation?

You will be amazed how God will use the time you spend with them.

If you are interested in developing a relationship with an young person in our church to help them in their faith journey, please contact Pastor Richard.

Third is your relationships in your family.

Spending time with each other as family is important.

And remember part of this time should be helping each other in their relationship with God, as Paul Tripp says, we are not just looking to raise children who do the right thing, we are looking to raise children to be part of God’s kingdom.

As a congregation there are 3 ways we try to help with this.

1. is our family nights that we hold occasionally. These are great opportunities for us to get together as a community, but they are also designed to help you as a family.

2. In the bulletin every week we have faith at home, which is usually on page 6. Faith @ home have 4 proven faith practices which families are encouraged to do together….faith talk, devotional practices, service and rituals and traditions..

3. For those who have children attending Bible Alive….each week our children receive a magazine to take home to use with their parents to explore further what they have learnt in Bible Alive. This is a great opportunity for parents to reinforce what is being taught in Bible Alive.

The blessings of these relationships is that God uses these relationships to strengthen faith, to help us be helped and to help others.

So as a disciple of Jesus.

Live a life reflecting Jesus.

Give a priority to the young people you see.

Because as Jesus says,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

And watch what God gets up to as we encourage, equip and train children, youth and families
