Summary: Just before Jesus took Him place in Heaven He told the disciples to wait. They were to wait for the Holy Spirit to give them power. Today, Jesus may still be telling us to wait for His power. We must take a position of prayer and patience until the Holy S

I. Background of Acts

A. Written by Luke

1. Was a physician

2. Possibly cared for Paul when he was ill

B. Written to Theophilus - vs. 1

1. His name means “Friend of God” or “lover of God”

2. Luke 1:3-4, Luke calls him “Most Excellent Theophilus” which is a title to a Roman ruler

3. Both Acts and Luke are written to him

4. People pressure that he is a Christian

5. Possibly written to aid in Paul’s defense

C. The “follow up” volume to the gospel of Luke

1. Was written about 60-62 A.D.

2. You could call it Luke 2

D. Theme: The spread of the church through the power of the Holy Spirit

E. Main Characters: The Holy Spirit, Peter and Paul

F. The book of Acts is not complete. It is a continuing story

II. Jesus’ last days on earth - vs. 2-3

A. Spend 40 days after His resurrection

1. What is the significance of 40 days?

a) It rained for 40 days and nights during the flood

b) Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness


B. He proved He was alive through many infallible proofs

1. Jesus made his appearance to Thomas

2. He appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus

C. Taught on things pertaining to the kingdom of God

III. Jesus’ last command - vs. 4-5

A. It wasn’t the Great Commission

B. It was to WAIT until the baptism of the Holy Spirit

1. God wants to do something for us that’s bigger that what we can imagine

a) He wants us to rely on him through the good and the bad

b) We cannot great things for God without the power of the Holy Spirit

2. Wait for the promise of the Father - Luke 12:49-50; John 16:7-11

3. It was the baptism of the Holy Spirit

a) Jesus already told the disciples he was sending the Holy Spirit - John 14:16-17

b) Jesus already gave the disciples the Holy Spirit - John 20:19-22

c) Jesus is not giving them power through the Holy Spirit - vs. 8

4. They had to wait for 10 days

IV. Man’s narrow thinking - vs. 6-7

A. The disciples were focused on what they wanted and expected

1. Are we focused on what we want

2. Are we focused on what we expect God to do for us.

B. Jesus reminded them that it’s not for them to know about that time

V. God’s gift to the Church - vs. 8

A. We shall receive power

B. We shall be witnesses

1. In Jerusalem

2. In Judea and Samaria

3. Into the uttermost parts of the world

VI. Jesus departs - vs. 9-11

A. They are on the Mount of Olives

B. There are two others that show up...who could they be?

C. He’s coming back just the way that he left

VII. The disciples wait - vs. 12-14

A. They continued with one accord in prayer and supplication

They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer, the women included. Also Jesus’ mother, Mary, and his brothers. - The Message

A. We need to continue in prayer and fasting

B. Remember the disciples were scared to death. It wasn’t until the Spirit came upon them with power that they changed the world.

Upcoming topics

• The day of Pentecost

• The picture of the first church

Notes about starting a church

• We need to pray and fast over this decision.

• It will take a great commitment from everyone involved

• The reason I chose Agape is because it means sacrificial Love

• Sacrifice time

• Sacrifice Money

• Sacrifice Talents

• The best way for a church to grow is through Word of Mouth

• The would be a non-denominational church based on the Acts 2 chuch

• There will be a leadership structure where every leader (including the pastor) will be held accountable

• We cannot recruit people from other churches

• If God is in this, He will open the doors to establish it

• We already have a possible place to meet

• The vision of Agape Christian Center

• Ministries

• Daycare center

• Classes that cover life topics

• Homeschool rooms

• Cafeteria for family and homeless

• Thrift store

• Book store

• Coffee Shop (Life Tree Cafe)

• Usual church ministries

• Pastor is the earthly head of the church with an elder board that hold him accountable

• A group of people that simply do life together

• People that rely on each other

• People that pray for each other

• People that help each other

1 Peterson, E. H. (2002). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Ac 1:14). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.