Summary: In the first place, God can OVERTHOW Satan whenever He wants. Since Satan is called, the ACCUSER, he is accusing God of INABILITY to perform a RIGHTEOUS and upright JUDGEMENT! So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILI

"What is man that You should think of him, and the Son of man that You should care for him?

For a little while you made him lower than the angels, and YOU CROWNED HIM with GLORY and HONOR. YOU GAVE HIM AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS [Subjection Under His Feet, KJV].” (Hebrews 2:6-8, NLT)

Long ago, millions even billions of years since God CREATED the Entire UNIVERSE, it was PERFECT and AWESOME. The UNIVERSE was inhabited by Angels. God set an Archangel on a THRONE, the Great Cherub Lucifer, to GOVERN them and ADMINISTER the KINGDOM of God. This Lucifer was positioned at the very THRONE of God. He was TRAINED and experienced in the KINGDOM of God to ADMINISTER a perfect LAW and ORDER. There was joy, PEACE, harmony and PERFECT LOVE. It could’ve been millions times millions that the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE was in PERFECT ORDER. It could’ve been a “Happy Ever After” story. It was a SAD story, it was a TRAGEDY!

Since, God created Angels with MINDS capable of THINKING, REASONING, making CHOICES and DECISIONS with FREE-WILL. Lucifer allowed thoughts of JEALOUSY, envy, GREED, resentment and REBELLION. These NEGATIVE THOUGHTS occupied his heart and MIND! His MIND became PERVERTED and TWISTED. Lucifer made a DECISION to REBEL! Lucifer decided to REVOLT!

Since Angels were CREATED with FREE-WILL DECISION, he persuaded up to one-thirds of Angels in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE. He tried to INVADE and take over the KINGDOM of God. This was the reason why Lucifer was DISQUALIFIED to ADMINISTER God’s LAW. Read Ezekiel 14:15-19 in your own Bible, please. It was in him that INIQUITY was found! It was him who caused man to sin, in the first place! Man doesn’t deserve a PUNISHMENT of an “ENDLESS SUFFERING”. The PUNISHMENT was RESERVED ONLY for Satan and his demons, not man at all!

God casted him out of his POSITION and changed his name to what he became, Satan, the devil, which means COMPETITOR, adversary or ENEMY. Satan became an author of ERROR, EVIL, darkness, DISEASE, decrease, discrimination, DEPRESSION, WAR, defeat, DESTRUCTION and DEATH. This shall answer the “Gap Theory” for Theologians. “And the earth was WITHOUT FORM, and VOID; & DARKNESS was upon the face of the deep.” (Genesis 1:2). Lucifer was also transformed into a dragon (Revelations 12:9, 20:2). Satan, the dragon. caused the UNIVERSE to become DESOLATE and CHAOTIC. Out of millions of Gigantic planets in the UNIVERSE, God CHOSE this TINY, USELESS and WASTED planet called earth. God RESTORED and DESIGNED the planet earth to establish His KINGDOM as the “HEADQUARTER” to GOVERN the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE.

On the other hand, the “Absalom REBELLION” pictures the rebellion of Lucifer. Absalom tried to ENVADE the KINGDOM of God through the ADMINISTRATION of King David. In 2nd Book of Samuel, chapter 15, using NLT,

When people brought a case to the king for judgment, Absalom would ask where they were from, & they would tell him their tribe. Then Absalom would say, “You’ve really got a strong case here! It’s too bad the king doesn’t have anyone to hear it. I wish I were the judge… and I would give them justice!” And when people tried to bow before him, Absalom wouldn’t let them. Instead, he took them by the hand & embraced them. So in this way, ABSALOM STOLE the HEARTS of ALL the PEOPLE of Israel. After 4 yrs., he sent SECRET MESSENGER to every part of Israel to STIR UP A REBELLION against the king. “As soon as you hear the trumpets,” his message read, “you will know that Absalom has been crowned king in Hebron.” He took 200 men from Jerusalem w/ him as guests, but they knew nothing of his INTENTIONS. While he was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel, one of David’s counselors who lived in Giloh. soon, MANY OTHERS also JOINED Absalom and the CONSPIRACY GAINED MOMENTUM.

Notice how Absalom DECEIVED the people of Israel and gained their hearts. Imagine, the CONSPIRACY took 4 years! Until, the REBELLION exploded! Then after, Absalom thought he won the VICTORY! If we continue to read the story of Absalom’s rebellion, he died in DISGRACE! A SHAMEFUL death!

This method of conspiracy was, probably, used by Lucifer! It could have taken millions of millions of years before Lucifer gained the favor of one-third of Angels in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE! Lucifer, who is now called Satan, the devil, uses this method until NOW! The devil plants NEGATIVE thoughts, NEGATIVE feelings, NEGATIVE emotions, NEGATIVE attitudes and NEGATIVE words, LUSTFUL desires and SELFISH ambition that causes GREED, PRIDE, FEAR, JEALOUSY, RESENTMENT, ANGER, UNFORGIVENESS, etc… It will create, misunderstanding, disunity, COMPETITION, COMPARISSON and DIVISION! Satan is the “Father of Lies and CONFUSION”! You should UNDERSTAND that we are FIGHTING against HUMAN, we are FIGHTING against the devil and his demons.

This method was happened first to Adam and Eve. Because of PRIDE, they BLAMED one another. Instead of REPENTANCE, they refused to ACCEPT their FAULT! Satan too, after and FALL of Man, thought he won, like Absalom! But the ORIGINAL PLAN and PURPOSE of God will never change! “I am sure that God, who BEGAN THE GOOD WORK within you, WILL CONTINUE HIS WORK until it is FINALLY FINISHED on that day when Christ Jesus COMES BACK AGAIN.” (Philippians 1:6, NLT). God will COMPLETE His GOOD WORK, His PURPOSE and PLAN, Himself. But God CHOSE us to COMPLETE it! He gave us AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS (Hebrews 2:6-8).

What a GREAT PRIVILEGE that the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE have CHOSEN us HUMAN to ADMINISTER God’s LAW OVER ALL CREATION in Heaven and on earth.

“For what if SOME DID NOT BELIEVE? Shall their UNBELIEF make the FAITH of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let GOD be TRUE and every man a LIAR! As it is written, ‘That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings, and mightiest OVERCOME when thou art JUDGED.’”

(Romans 3:3-4.)

Will the FAULT of Adam makes the PURPOSE and PLAN of God of no effect? Will the FAULT of ONE MAN leads MANY to SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT in a “Hell Fire”? Does the UNBELIEF of some EARLY CHRISTIANS can CHANGE the PURPOSE and PLAN of God? HUMANITY was SAVED from the PUNISHMENT of sin! For, what if some do not BELIEVE? God is TRUE! Please read Romans 3:3-4 again in your own Bible. God is waiting for someone who will BELIEVE Him and OBEY His Word. He is waiting for you! That’s why you need to UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD!

Whenever Satan thinks he won a great VICTORY, unknowingly, that will be his great DEFEAT! What’s the OUTCOME of the DEATH of Jesus Christ? Our SINS were already FORGIVEN! IT IS FINISHED!

“…He FORGAVE ALL our sins. He CANCELED the record that contained the CHARGES AGAINST US. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s CROSS. In this way, God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He SHAMED them publicly by His VICTORY over them on the CROSS of Christ. (Colossians 2:13-15, NLT)

Evil will never PREVAIL! In the END, God’s PURPOSE of creating HUMAN will be FULFILLED. Keep in mind, DESTRUCTION or “Hell Fire” is not the GOOD WORK and PLEASURE of God for you!

THE WISDOM OF GOD is really hard to GRASP and COMPREHEND. God ALLOWS things to happen, even the things we DON’T WANT TO DO. Although, our THOUGHTS, even Angels’, are not the THOUGHT of the ALL-KNOWING God, but we know where to STAND! In His PROMISES, in His WORD. God, the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE have REVEALED Himself through the Bible. Therefore, we can have ACCESS and UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD through the Bible.

The FALL of Lucifer:

“How art thou FALLEN from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine HEART, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt MY THRONE ABOVE the stars of God: I will SIT ALSO upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ASCEND ABOVE THE HEIGHTS of the clouds;

I will be LIKE the Most High.’ Yet thou shalt be BROUGHT DOWN to HELL, to the sides of the PIT. (Isaiah 14:12-15).

Now, look! Lucifer’s REBELLION caused God to create Human out of the dust of the ground. A LOWLY creature, considered WORM! “But I am a WORM, and no man; a reproach of men, and DESPISED of the people” (Psalm 22:6). You are PREDESTINED to Administer God’s LAW! To RULE OVER ALL creation!

In the first place, God can OVERTHROW Satan whenever He wants. Since Satan is called, the ACCUSER, he is accusing God of INABILITY to perform a RIGHTEOUS and upright JUDGEMENT! So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILITY to KNOW THINGS, to make DECISIONS, and to DISCERN the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. So we can learn to UNDERSTAND His COUNSEL, His PLAN. As we GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of God, He will REVEAL to us the MYSTERY of His PLAN even BEFORE the world began. Only then, we can UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD. So that we might DEVELOP a RIGHTEOUS, a HOLY, and GODLY CHARACTER.

“According as He hath in Him before the FOUNDATION of the world, that we should be HOLY and

without BLAME…” (Ephesians 1:4).

The devil tried to hinder this PLAN of God and LED HUMANITY to DISOBEY God. The devil taught us to REBEL and became an ENEMY of God. Do you think God ALLOWED these and then HUMANITY will SUFFER an ENDLESS PUNISHMENT in a “Hell Fire”? Then, you are telling that the LOVING God is CRUEL! That God created HUMAN to be DECEIVED by Satan then live for FEW YEARS, and then, “ENDLESS SUFFERING”? Let God be TRUE and every man a LIAR! God’s LOVE, ENDURES forever and will not FAIL, no matter what!

And I am CONVINCED that God’s LOVE assures us an OVERWHELMING VICTORY! Even when TROUBLES come, or CALAMITIES, or even we are PERSECUTED, or in DANGER, or THREATENED with DEATH. One thing for sure, NOTHING can SEPARATE us from the UNFAILING and ENDURING LOVE of God!

You should UNDERSTAND that Satan cannot do whatever he wants. Satan can only do what God ALLOWS! No matter what the devil has done against MANKIND, it doesn’t change the PURPOSE and PLAN of God. God’s WILL in the BEGINNING is still His WILL in the END. It doesn’t change at all! He never CHANGE at all (Hebrews 13:8)!

In the Book of Job, it reveals to us that Satan seeks the APPROVAL of the Sovereign God. It reveals that God PERMITS Satan to STEAL, to KILL and to DESTROY! In addition, Satan is looking for any reasons to ACCUSE us and use it to DEFEND his position to the Almighty God. God ALLOWS the devil because He wants you to learn to TRUST Him, and be BLAMELESS and without FAULT.

In Chess, there are many instances that when a player taught he won the game, without noticing, it’s part of the plan of the opponent to COUNTER his move, then, CHECK MATE! Also, in movies, it pictures that the “GOOD” will always PREVAIL in the END. The same manner, whenever Satan thinks he won a great VICTORY, unknowingly that will be his great DEFEAT! THE WISDOM OF GOD can never GRASP by Satan. Why? Because his mind is PERVERTED, DISTORTED and TWISTED.

The Almighty God has a GREAT PURPOSE when He ALLOWS the LIAR, the DESTROYER, which is Satan, to DECEIVE us by his ERRORS that cause CONFUSION, DIVISION and DESTRUCTION!

The ETERNAL God says, “Declaring the END from the BEGINNING… My COUNSEL [Plan] shall stand and I Will do ALL MY PLEASURE.” (Isaiah 46:10). What’s the PLEASURE of God? To live in this earthly life for FEW YEARS and then, “ENDLESS SUFFERING”? Is this the PLEASURE of the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE why He created HUMAN? In the BEGINNING, God knew us in ADVANCE, before we were BORN, and even from the CREATION of the world!

Now, let’s go back to the Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians,

“Having PREDESTINED us unto the ADOPTION of children by Jesus Christ to Himself [ETERNAL God] according to the GOOD PLEASURE of His Will… Having made known unto us the MYSTERY of His Will, according to His GOOD PLEASURE which He hath PURPOSED for Himself.” (Ephesians 1:5,9)

Please, open your mind and RECEIVE this GOOD NEWS! We, HUMAN, have WONDERFUL, GREAT PURPOSE and SUPERNATURAL MISSION here on EARTH. You have TREMENDOUS potential in this earthly life! You were born for GREATNESS and POWER! You are DESIGNED by the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE! To GROW in the KNOWLEDGE of His PURPOSE and PLAN. So that we might UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD.