Summary: High Hopes – God has high hopes for us who He designed to Succeed - background of the body – facts

The Body Beautiful

Part 2

High Hopes

Designed to Succeed

We are in the midst of a new series, entitled

“The Body Beautiful”

The idea behind this series

is to get us to the place

where we not only have an understanding

of the parts of the body

and the reason for the Body of Christ,

but most importantly

this series is designed to help you

find your place in the Body

Too many Christians

are just living life – day-to-day

without an understanding of their purpose

and how important they are to the Body.

The good news for today is this

You are exceptional – you are unique –

you are designed to worship the Lord -

In fact, your perfect place in the Body of Christ –

will not only bring you great joy and peace,

but it will help bring that same peace and joy

into the lives of others

All too often –

we are trying to fit into the structure of the local church

Instead of having the church

adapt to the parts of the Body

as Christ created them.

If you have a certain gift or talent

and there is no place for you in the Body,

Chances are

you will be miserable, unfulfilled and never settled.


if the local church operates as Christ,

its founder, established it, -

the church would recognize the gifts

and make room for them to grow, develop and flourish.

1Co 12:12-31

The body of Christ has many different parts, just as any other body does.

Some of us are Jews, and others are Gentiles. Some of us are slaves, and others are free. But God's Spirit baptized each of us and made us part of the body of Christ. Now we each drink from that same Spirit.

Our bodies don't have just one part. They have many parts.

Suppose a foot says, "I'm not a hand, and so I'm not part of the body." Wouldn't the foot still belong to the body?

Or suppose an ear says, "I'm not an eye, and so I'm not part of the body." Wouldn't the ear still belong to the body?

If our bodies were only an eye, we couldn't hear a thing. And if they were only an ear, we couldn't smell a thing.

But God has put all parts of our body together in the way that he decided is best.

A body isn't really a body, unless there is more than one part.

It takes many parts to make a single body.

That's why the eyes cannot say they don't need the hands. That's also why the head cannot say it doesn't need the feet.

In fact, we cannot get along without the parts of the body that seem to be the weakest.

We take special care to dress up some parts of our bodies. We are modest about our personal parts,

but we don't have to be modest about other parts. God put our bodies together in such a way that even the parts that seem the least important are valuable.

He did this to make all parts of the body work together smoothly, with each part caring about the others.

If one part of our body hurts, we hurt all over. If one part of our body is honored, the whole body will be happy.

Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you is part of his body.

First, God chose some people to be apostles and prophets and teachers for the church. But he also chose some to work miracles or heal the sick or help others or be leaders or speak different kinds of languages.

Not everyone is an apostle. Not everyone is a prophet. Not everyone is a teacher. Not everyone can work miracles.

Not everyone can heal the sick. Not everyone can speak different kinds of languages. Not everyone can tell what these languages mean.

I want you to desire the best gifts. So I will show you a much better way.

When you are added to the Body

You bring about a more beautiful

More perfect Body

Able to accomplish its mission

Too many people are simply wandering around without a clear direction

As far as their place in the Church of Today

Let me ask you a question

As the Body of Christ – What is your part?

Now I know some of you are saying things in your head like

“I swat the flies in the summer”

“I pick up the lint on the carpet”

“I water the lawn”

You understand

I didn’t want to name actual ministries

So no one would take offence

The areas I mentioned

Are areas of service – called “helps ministry”

But they do not define


as a part of the Body of Christ

Helps are areas of need

Where we each do what we can to keep

The business of the ministry operational

But as far as your PART

In the Body of Christ

That is a completely different thing


Doing something in “Helps”

Can be a part of the expression of who you are

But it cannot define your purpose

Each of us has a purpose that relates

Directly to people

And Helps is a tool

To help you accomplish your purpose

In the body

Today we begin this series talking about

How we as a part of the Body

Were “Designed to Succeed”

We were made special

For a reason

Let’s look at another scripture

Gen. 1:26-27.

"And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … so God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female. "

For a moment

We need to look at how God created Man

Chemically, the body is unequaled for complexity.

Each one of its 30 trillion cells is a mini-chemical factory

which performs about 10,000 chemical functions.

And every cell has 1012 (one trillion) bits of data —

equal to every letter in ten million books!

Each one also replaces itself every seven years.

Each one is independent,

yet cooperates with many millions of other cells.

The body's billions of parts all work together as a team—

its 206 bones provide the framework

and its 639 muscles

enable it to move with incredible timing

balance and precision

Our body is controlled and coordinated

by over 16 billion neurons

and 120 trillion "connection boxes"

packed together into an unfathomably complex set

of neuro-passways.

The system is much like a modern nation,

inter-connected by billions of telephone wires.

All of this in a brain and spinal column

that weighs slightly over three pounds!

In comparison,

a bee has only about 900 nerve cells,

an ant only 250.

In the large gauge fibers,

nerve impulses flash along at 300 miles per hour.

All told, the human brain and nervous system

is the most complex arrangement of matter anywhere

in the universe.

One scientist estimated that our brain, on the average,

processes over 10,000 thoughts and concepts each day—

and some people process a much greater number.

The highest note on record

sung by the normal voice is C#4,

the lowest is Great E b.

The normal human voice can be heard

from as far away as 200 yards

although with practice, power, quality and volume

have enabled it to be carried for as far as six miles.

The human ear with its 24,000 "hair cells"

which convert vibrations to electrical impulses,

is capable of hearing sounds of astonishing low level acoustic energy.

Under favorable conditions

a normal person may actually perceive sound waves

with the power of only 10-16 (1/10,000,000, 000,000,000) of a watt.

This is so little energy that,

if our ears were slightly more sensitive,

we could actually hear the noise of the collision of molecules in the air.

Looking at the eye,

we find that the amount of radiation (light energy)

necessary to stimulate the human optic nerve

is so small that

if the mechanical energy

required to lift a single pea one inch up in air

was converted into light energy,

it would provide enough stimulus

to activate the optic nerve!

To work this marvelous machine,

we need energy and building materials.

Our three and one half pounds of daily food intake

is chewed by 32 teeth

where it is mixed by saliva, a mild digestant

secreted from five glands located in the mouth area.

Down the esophagus,

digestion continues in the stomach,

an amazing organ which must dissolve food

and yet not dissolve itself.

The acid in it

would eat the varnish off a kitchen table in seconds

If this precarious balance is lost, ulcers

(the process of the stomach digesting itself) results.

The food then moves into the small intestine,

a 20-foot tube which absorbs vitamins, minerals, and food into the bloodstream,

then through the 5-foot long large intestine

which absorbs water and other liquids.

The average person swallows about 2,000 times.

Our heart beats over 100,000 times daily

to move blood 168 million miles around our body

We take about 23,800 breaths per day

to bring 438 cubic feet of air to our lungs.

The airways to the lungs are lined with glands

which secrete a sticky mucous film.

The mucous acts like flypaper, catching germs and dust

so it can be swept away by cilia.

Cilia are thousands of microscopic hairs

which flow back and forth 12 times a second.

They move faster when they sweep towards the throat

than when they move towards the stomach,

pushing the thousands of bacteria in the system upward,

toward the throat,

where they are harmless in the digestive tract.

The air passes through the trachea into the lungs

whose purpose is to exchange gases

(which means taking into the body life-giving oxygen and removing poisonous carbon dioxide and other waste products of body metabolism).

This process is done by over 750 million

microscopic air sacs called aveoli.

If spread flat, they would cover over 600 square feet,

a surface area 25 times greater than that of the skin.

The body has a remarkable and complex system

to keep its temperature at about 98.6°.

The body works by burning,

literally, and burning food requires oxygen

Perspiration is used to cool the body and control the hairbreadth temperature adjustments.

The result is

about two-thirds of a quart of fluids is secreted daily.

To convey information about temperature

and other body conditions to the brain,

the skin alone has about four million structures

which are sensitive to pain.

In addition it has about one-half million

sensitive to touch

and 200 thousand to temperature.

These "report stations"

keep the brain attuned to conditions all over the body.

It is an elaborate "spy" central intelligence network

without parallel in the man-made world.

Now if we take any one of the parts of the Human Body

We just discussed

And we say

Well I’m just mucus

And that’s all

I’m not all that important

The truth is

Without mucus

The airways to the lungs

will be filled with germs and dust

and all the thousands of bacteria in the system

would be pushed down into the system

instead of upward,

toward the throat, where they are harmless in the digestive tract.

Without the mucus

We will be filled with infection and die

Just as the Body was created as a marvelous machine

Unparalleled in quality complexity and potential

So too were we created

As the Body of Christ

We were created to succeed

The issue with Today’s church is

We don’t quite know where we fit in

And how we are to work together

The Body of Christ

has become a bunch of separate organs

Trying to operate the entire body

Arguing and competing and ultimately

Failing miserably

The assignment of position

In the Body of Christ

is given by the creator

But just like the human body

When one portion

tries to perform the work of another body part

We have confusion and a potential train wreck

For instance

If I decide that my nose

is better to type with than my fingers

First I’ll find that it will be quite painful

And with a nose as large as mine

quite frustrating

As a Christian,

It is God’s desire that you find a church home,

Attach to the vision of that church

And begin to function within the workings of that body

To function as a part of the Body

You must first understand

The vision

What the Body does

Where it is heading

So you can determine

Why you are important to it

If you get these answered

You will see the plan

And know you are important

The Body of Christ is called to be

Without fault

Without spot or wrinkle

Eph 5:26-27 (CEV)

He made the church holy by the power of his word, and he made it pure by washing it with water.

Christ did this, so that he would have a glorious and holy church, without faults or spots or wrinkles or any other flaws.


We all stop here

And go home

Because individually we will never be without spot

Without wrinkle

Without fault or flaw

But that is the exciting thing

God knew that

That is why he formed the Body of Christ

Of which He is the head

When we are submitted to Him

Becoming His

Sold out to Him and His will

We reflect Him

And His perfection

The church today

You me –

Each one of us

we desire to be noticed

to do what we want

to feel what we desire

we are trying to take the world’s understanding

and apply it to the church

that’s why we have all these plans of man

that are not successful

The design

Godly design is that we all work together

To accomplish His desires

for His church

Not your desires

for your ministry

Or my desires for my ministry

Understanding that you were designed to succeed

Is just the beginning

But yet it’s necessary

So you can know

That who you are

Is important to the Kingdom of God

And when you find the place

To where God has guided you

You can know with complete assurance

That you fit into the plan God has

Already established for that Body

Too many times

People move on to another church

Looking to find


They want more of something

But actually

They rarely find it


Because what they are looking for

Is actually

what they need to give

in seed form

To begin to receive

Back to themselves

The purpose of their existence

Let me explain;

I will use the Number 1 reason

People leave churches

Maybe you know what that is

That is the #1 reason people leave

They need something deeper

More substantive


What they have failed to see

Is that they needed to give depth

But in most cases – they began to back away

And back away – instead of pressing in and going deeper

If they were to press deeper

Give more

What they would find is:

What they had to give

Would help more people

Than they ever knew possible

And in the process of helping others

They would be set free and

Realize their calling and purpose

Most people who leave church

Are too guarded

About their personal lives

But yet they are miserable

Not happy and unfulfilled

But when they press in

Unload the burden

Create deeper relationships

Freedom comes

God always places people around you

That ONLY YOU can minister too

That is usually the beginning of knowing your purpose

But if you are too closed to

Establishing relationships

You miss out

It’s the people who

Shy away from events


And people

That need the most and also have the most to give

That’s part of the enemy’s lies

He does the same old thing

All the time

And most of us fall for it

So many people abandon their body

To find another Body

But God designed you

Specifically for One Body

No man is called to be a church hopper

Or an uncommitted church member

God didn’t call anyone to be a seat warmer

He called you to be a Part of the Body

Churches today are less personal

Than ever in history

And that is a direct reflection of society

A few months ago we talked about how impersonal

We have become

iphone - ipad - I I I

we text so we don’t have to talk

we have virtual meetings

to avoid getting together

and so what we have in church today

is a whole lot of individuals

with little interaction

outside of the church

What would happen if our body acted that way?

Only one day week

Would the body work together and communicate

The rest of the time

Every part was doing its own thing

It would be pretty sad –

To not have control over

Your hands

Or feet

Or mouth

O I’m sorry –

Most of us have already lost

Control over our mouths


So what about the Body

What are the Parts to the Body?

1 Cor. 12:5-7

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord (Jesus Christ); and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God (the Father) who inspires them all in every one. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

1. Apostle (apostolos). The Greek word means "one sent forth" (on an official errand), i.e., an ambassador

2. Prophet, prophecy. (prophetes), lit: "to speak forth," to proclaim the mind and counsel of God,

3. Evangelist, evangelism. (evangelistes) from eu = well, plus angelos = messenger. The gift of bringing the good news of God to unbelievers individually and in groups.

4. Pastor- shepherd

5. Teacher – gift of teaching

6. Administration. (kubernesis = government). To pilot, guide, or steer as one steers a ship.

7. Leadership, (proistemi) "to stand before" that is attend to with care and diligence, as the head of a family does.

8. Faith. (pistis), Faith-vision: the ability to believe God for new direction and power---visionary faith that sets in motion events others can join in and follow.

9. Knowledge. (logos gnoseos), lit: "word of knowledge," systematic understanding of truth in broad, sweeping terms so that others may be trained and instructed.

10. Wisdom (logos sophias), lit: "word of wisdom." The ability to make wise choices and decisions at critical forks in the road.

11. Exhortation, encouragement. (paraklesis), to call alongside, comfort, strengthen, to counsel, exhort, bring aid, admonish.

12. Discernment (of spirits) (diakriseis pneumaton), is a gift to judge or evaluate the spirits so as to distinguish whether something is from God or from an evil source

13. Ministering (diakonia), to serve (hence our word deacons). A wide variety of activities one performs with the help of God to comfort, encourage, support and build up God's people.

14. Service - Helps - (antilempsis), "to lay hold of (and support)", especially the weak and needy. To minister to others and meet their needs.

15. Giving, (metadidomi), is the gift of sharing and imparting, not only money but other resources.

16. Tongues (that is, "kinds of languages") (gene glossan). The ability to speak in other languages not previously learned, but known languages to men.

17. Interpretation of Tongues. The ability to translate unknown languages so as to edify and instruct others regarding what has been said.

18. Miracles. (energemata dunameon) The ability to raise men from the dead, call fire down from heaven and otherwise present signs that authenticate the power of God in certain situations.

19. Healing(s). (charismata iamaton) (plural). Ability to heal at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

20. Mercy (eleos) An ability to touch inwardly with compassion. To be exercised with "cheerfulness".

21. Hospitality. (philoxenia), lit: "love of strangers." May not be a spiritual gift but definitely a Christian virtue.

22. Healing. Gift to bring miraculous healing to the Body and the World

In my nearly 30 years of experience

Every person fits into at least one of these areas

And many have more than one area of calling

how does the Body Work?

Let’s take one area

like Helps

We talked about this one earlier

Many feel comfortable in this area,

Especially helping in serving others

But let’s look closer at that ministry

Most take it to mean

By waiting on others or serving them physically

But everything we do has a Spiritual component

The spiritual component to serving is

To not just serve them a drink of water

But to serve them the love and grace

That will eventually open a door

To their heart

Helps should bring you to seek a closer relationship

To become a part of others lives

Not just on Sunday

But a part of their life

A desire to serve them goes to a deeper level

As the Lord reveals to you

A person who is successful at hospitality

Or Helps

Will create relationships where people will seek you out

In their moment of need

At a time of trial

During difficulties

And even to share the mountain top experiences

Jesus was our example

And when He was with someone

They felt like

They were the only person in the world at that moment

If you are called to the area of helps

This is in you

And only when you pursue it and seek after it

And walk in it

Will you begin to see the fruit of your purpose.

Now that you know you were created special

Designed to succeed

Within the Body of Christ

Next week we are going to get into

Some deeper things

About how well you fit

Right where you are

And why the enemy

Tries to tell us

We don’t fit in here

It’s not for me

I have no way of accomplishing my purpose here


I can’t speak for any other church

Any other Body of Christ but this one

But we were tried by God

We heard clearly

That we are to be a place where anyone

With a purpose in the Kingdom

Can get their ministry started or propelled here

We are not jealous

We are excited about your talent

We love to have those who are better

Than we are

We consider it a blessing

If you think you can get your purpose fulfilled elsewhere

You are hearing a lie of the enemy

There are so few churches

That will give you the freedom to grow

The environment to excel

And the support to succeed in ministry than here

You may not believe it

But many who have moved on

Have found that to be

absolute truth

I don’t say that to

Brag on us

But the truth is

If the Pastor is fearful of someone preaching better than him

Or someone knowing more than him

Then that church will never allow you to excel in your calling

Turn to your neighbor and say

You are beautiful

And this is a beautiful Body of Christ

You were designed to succeed

God created you successful

Successful in every area of life

You need to see yourself the way God sees you

The road to personal success and happiness

Is not about what you do

It’s about who you are

You are – special

And created that way

So that you can reach others

Others that no one else could

The Body of Christ is more

than a meeting place of people

It is

people meeting

To place people

in the Kingdom

There is no greater purpose under heaven


And you were called to that purpose

You are uniquely qualified by God

Ordained from the foundations of the world

To live that life you have

Don’t despise it

Don’t complain about it

Don’t think its unimportant

Your life was born in purpose

The videos we opened with

Show people who were hungry for God

Hunger is born out of deep desire

To want more out of life

God created you with a plan

Jeremiah 1:5 (MSG)

"Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you:

Psalms 139:16 (NKJV)

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

You are all called

• You are called to promote truth and unity - Ephesians 4:25 says, "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body."

• You are called to service - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 outlines the importance of using your God-given spiritual gift. Your gift is unique and equally important. It is essential to the body that you use your special gift in service to God.

• You are called to share Jesus - Romans 1:16 says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…" As part of the body of Christ, you are to share your life-changing story with others!

• You are called to worship - "It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night" (Psalm 92:1-2).

• You are called to love each another - "1 John 4:11 says, "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."

In closing

You were born to succeed –

Born with purpose to change the world around you

Yes you can – change your world

The days ahead of you are better than the ones behind you

Your future is bright

It is not dependent on the economy

The president, your job, or anyone else

Your future is bright and filled with potential

Because God said it was

And all He desires is that you seek Him first

Mat 22:36-37

"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"


If you need to place your trust in God

Greater than you have been

Then today is that day

Don’t wait, stand if that is you