Summary: Sermon based upon the thought of commitment to Christ - commitment to others.

Stand Up or Sit Down (Put Up or Shut Up)

Hebrews 10:19-25

April 13, 2008 AM Sermon

God has richly blessed our church with many decisions over the past few months. He has richly blessed us with good attendance and faithful giving. He has blessed us with His presence during worship. He’s been faithful to us. In the 10th chapter of Hebrews, His faithfulness to us is shown through the blood covenant to be shared with His believers. Christ shed His blood for us, so that if we believe in Him, our sins will be forgiven and we will have Eternal life. Once again, He’s been faithful to us.

However, have we been faithful to Him? Once we enter into this relationship with God, it is not just a fire insurance policy – it has certain responsibilities for each one of us. We are to serve, we are to share, we are to support one another, we are to be what God wants us to be. The world we live in today frowns upon this concept of a relationship with God. If a “believer” attends 1 service a month, he or she is considered active. George Barna states that 40% of members in an average church never attend services. Add to that, the “faithful” average family misses 10 Sundays a year. Recent SBC Sunday School stats say that an “average” SS teacher misses 14 Sundays a year.

How can this truly be? Jesus died on the cross for our sins/shortcomings and gave us the opportunity for Eternal life. Here’s another thought. . .

The condition of our world – have we as the Body of Christ taken stands as we should?

Friends, it is time that we either decide to Stand Up for Jesus – do what we have been commissioned to do – or sit down and let Satan be victorious.


ILL. Offensive Line vs. Defensive Line

A few words to look at today in the passage:

1. “Boldness” – when an individual accepts Jesus as Lord, he/she has the boldness to enter into the House of God and worship freely. (FREEDOM)

* You have freedom in the Holy Spirit to Worship

2. “High Priest” – That boldness/freedom that we do have is because we have a living high priest – Jesus Christ.

3. “Draw Near” – Come closer – get as close as possible

4. “True Heart with Full Assurance” – Know that you know

5. “Let us Hold Fast the Profession of Our Faith” – Be dedicated

6. “Consider one another” – You are not the only one in the world

7. “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” – we are a Kingdom of Priests (1 Pet 2:9) we are to worship together.

If we are to totally apply this passage to the theme that is set aside in Scripture on being faithful, we must as a church come together the following ways:

I. We must enter the House of God, the Holy of Holies – with a COMMON LOVE

a. Verse 19 – says we have been given the freedom to worship through the blood of Jesus Christ.

b. Deut 6:5 – Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”

1. There’s no in between – you either Love Jesus or you do not.

2. There’s no way to be 99% saved. If you are 99% saved, you are 100% lost.

c. Verse 22 – says we are to draw near with full assurance

d. James 4:8 – Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.

e. Jeremiah 29:11 – Seek ye the Lord and He shall be found

II. We must enter the House of God, the Holy of Holies – with a COMMON MISSION

a. Verse 22 – Draw Nearer to God

b. Verse 23 – Hold Fast to the Profession of our Faith

c. Verse 24 – Consider others

d. Verse 25 – Worship God Together

e. Verse 19 – With Boldness/Freedom

1. The mission of Black Creek Baptist Church is not to sit still, sit tight, and do nothing.

2. Our mission is to Reach Others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, spreading His love through Evangelism, the Preached Word, and the outward display of love from the body of Christ. Secondly, once we reach them, we are to teach them about Jesus, making them disciples – equipping them to go out and share with others. Finally, once we Reach, Teach, we are to strive to Keep them by involving them in missions, evangelism, worship, teaching, etc.

3. Your individual mission can be found this way – not from a self-help book, not from a 40 day book, but from a direct line of communication with God this morning – Have you sent Him an Knee-Mail lately?

a. Call Upon Him

b. Make sure that you are in a proper relationship with God

c. Pray for others/think of others

d. Ask for God to reveal your mission to you.

4. Look at the end of verse 23, 2 words – without wavering

a. Ragsdale called it “Khaki Christianity” – Ron Phillips calls it “Gypsy Christianity”

i. People come in, get saved, things don’t go their way – get mad – get upset – leave the church – go to another church, follow the same pattern – end up in the same boat.

ii. We are to be FAITHFUL – We are to STAND FIRM – We must not WAVER.

iii. The ultimate mission of the cause of Christ is to see people SAVED.

iv. Thus, the mission of the church is not to please ourselves – but to please God by witnessing to others and Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

5. Verse 25 – Worship Together

a. Be a member of the Church

b. Profess your Faith in Jesus

c. Actively get involved – Actively learn more about Jesus

d. Be committed

e. Don’t tear someone down – but exhort them (build them up)

f. Again, Be committed

III. We must enter the House of God, the Holy of Holies – with a COMMON JOY

a. Verse 22 – “Having our hearts sprinkled/cleansed”

b. Verse 23 – “He is faithful that has promised”

c. Verse 25 – “The day is approaching”

• If we come into this Holy of Holies and are not filled with Joy – we are not here for the right reason

• Church is not a place for social gathering – church is a place of Worship.

• When we are here for the right reason, God will show up

• Do you have that “Joy Unspeakable” and full of Glory?

• Are you glad to see people saved – both young and old?

• Do you want to see others’ life changed?

o Check your joy-stick meter – where is your level of Joy?

IV. We must enter the House of God, the Holy of Holies – with a COMMON HOPE

a. The Day is Approaching

Jerry Vines – The Bible is capsuled in three sections: JESUS IS COMING, JESUS HAS COME, and JESUS IS COMING AGAIN

Does Jesus Mean the World to You?

Is Jesus the Center of Your Life?

If not, you do not have a hope – your hope cannot be met by alcohol – not by drugs – not by sex – not by anything, except by Jesus. He’s your only hope.

The Hope is this – the Bible states 380 times of the return of Jesus Christ to take His children home, why not be one of His children.

Church? Do we have the Common Love, Common Mission, Common Joy, and Common Hope?

God has blessed us as we discussed at the very start this morning – but the fact of the matter is this – we MUST be FAITHFUL and COMMITTED to the Cause of Jesus Christ.

If that means we have to construct new space to accommodate – God will provide the money.

If that means we have to this or to do that – God will provide the resources.

The reason that churches sometimes fall off and even sometimes shut the doors completely is because they make a choice to please themselves instead of pleasing God. In our eyes – things seem impossible, but in the eyes of God – “Nothing is Impossible”

Black Creek – it is time to Stand Up, follow the vision of God for this church and this community – or sit down and let the opportunity of ministry pass by.