Summary: In this message this us learn some characteristics of our Redeemer and Lord. Let us learn how wonderful Jesus is in our lives.

Colossians 1:14-20

Introduction: Paul was writing to the Colossians, praying for them to continue in faith and also revealing to them the preeminence of Christ in creation and redemption.

Here Paul will reveal 7 characteristics of Jesus Christ.

Let us also see just how wonderful He is, and certainly just how worthy He is of our praise.

What about Jesus?

1. He is the Image of the Invisible God (14-15a).

A. Paul reveals earlier that we are delivered by Jesus from the darkness of this world in sin, we have claim to the spiritual life through Jesus also (13). The reason we can proclaim this is because Jesus, as the Messiah, shed His blood for the payment for our sins. We now know that we have forgiveness through the blood of Jesus (14).

B. What gives Jesus this power to forgive sins, and to deliver mankind from the darkness of sin? The fact that He is God Himself. We learn that Jesus is both God or deity and eternal in the writings of John (John 1:1). We also know that Jesus is equal to God in knowledge, honor, and judgment (John 5:20, 23, and 27). Literally, Paul is saying here, that if you want to see God, look to Jesus. One final note, some have said that Jesus was the shadow of God, this is not true. The next time you are outside in the sun, look for your shadow, is it the exact image of yourself? No, it is either smaller or larger than you are. Jesus is not the shadow of God, Jesus is the manifestation of God. Paul would later write to the Colossians that within Jesus we find the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9) (15a).

2. He is the Firstborn of Every Creature (15b).

A. Being firstborn, we understand once again that the eternality of Jesus is being addressed. We will soon come to understand that Jesus is the Creator, as Paul will share, therefore we can understand that Jesus has always existed. Notice even the Bible begins by addressing Him and His creative work (Genesis 1:1).

B. Jesus will also share a title given to Him by Himself. Jesus said, more than once, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending..." (Revelation 1:8,11; 22:13). Although illustrated as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, it does share with us that before all things, He existed.

C. Further, before commissioning John to write what he saw, the book of Revelation, Jesus said, "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys to hell and death." (Revelation 1:18). Jesus always was, is, and shall be, he is eternal (15b).

3. He is the Creator God (16-17).

A. As I just mentioned, Jesus is indeed the Creator. Genesis 1:1, tells us that God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1-2, tell us about the creation of all things. As the Trinity would work, God the Father would decree the existence of all things, God the Son would create, and God The Holy Spirit would make sure that all of creation would know the power of God. Notice Paul said that Jesus, as the Creator, created all things in heaven and earth, just as we are told in Genesis, but also we are told that He created all things visible or tangible, and all things spiritual or unseen. All things are created by him, and for His purpose (16).

B. Certainly, the Creator is greater than that which he creates. Paul therefore, tells us that He is before all things or superior to all. We also learn that by Him all things consist. This shows the preserving power of God. It is by the power and will of God that the world continues to exist and to live (17).

4. He is the Head of the Church (18a).

A. Unlike many pastors, I know my position. I am not the head of the local congregation, I am under the calling of God. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. The church is not a building, it is a body of born-again believers. When you consider Jesus as the head, remember in relation to your body, the head contains the brain, and the brain tells all other members of your body what to do or how to function. Thus, Jesus is the One Who tells us what we should do, how to function, and we must do what He wants us to do at all times.

B. As the head, we must also come to recognize, He is the leader. Where He leads, we must follow, what He tells us to do, we must accomplish for His glory. Let us all understand our position, God is greater than all, I am weak and I need His strength to serve (18a).

5. He is the Firstborn from the Dead (18b,c).

A. As the firstborn from the dead, this means that Jesus was not the only person to rise from the dead, but that He was the only person to rise from the dead by His own power. Remember, Lazarus (John 11:43-44), Jairus' daughter (Luke 8:54-55), and the widow's son (Luke 7:14-15) all rose from the dead, but it was by the power of Jesus that they rose. When Jesus rose, He rose within His own power. Remember Jesus promised He would come again (John 14:3) (18b).

B. Since Jesus has the power over life and death, truly He deserves to be #1. Paul says that in all things, he should be preeminent, that means He should be first. Jesus even said that we should focus on God or seek first God's kingdom, then all things shall be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). Where is God on your list of priorities? Is He first, in the middle, or is He last? Where you place Him will determine how He can use you in His service (18c).

6. He is the One In Whom All Fulness Dwells (19).

A. God the Father is well pleased to proclaim that in Jesus there is full and complete deity. Remember it was the Father Who proclaimed to the disciples that He was pleased with Jesus and that they should listen to Him (Matthew 17:5).

B. Further, even the resurrection of Jesus, reveals that His sacrifice was accepted, the payment for sin was made, the debt is now PAID IN FULL! How wonderful it is to proclaim that Jesus is so great and He is God with power (Isaiah 9:6-7) (19).

7. He is the Great Reconciler (20).

A. We were enemies with God, but Jesus brought us back into a relationship with God. Remember even in the book of Genesis, the early gospel said, the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Satan, the serpent, is seeking to destroy lives, Jesus, the seed of the woman, is seeking to restore them.

B. Jesus, as Paul said, is the mediator between God and man (I Timothy 2:5). In order to be a good mediator, you must have knowledge of both sides of the argument. Jesus is first of all God, so He understands all about God, but He also became a man, and understands all about man. Truly, when Jesus made His sacrifice on Calvary, He became sin for us (II Corinthians 5:21), He took our place and experienced the full wrath of God ("the cup" or separation from God the Father) (Matthew 26:39, 42), but now in Him, we who should suffer condemnation, instead through Jesus, have peace with God (Romans 5:1). Once in the Old Testament, only the high priest could come before God, but now, on account of Jesus, we can approach Him boldy and bring our petitions unto Him directly (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Conclusion: As you see, Jesus certainly is our Redeemer and Lord. These 7 characteristics for Him have made it possible for you and me to know Him and to have Him part of our lives each day.

Will you consider Jesus as your Redeemer and Lord? Each of us need to take a moment and consider our eternal destiny. Have you accepted Jesus into your heart? If not, why not today?