Summary: Cheeks bright red. Eyes averted. Head ducked in shame. There are some questions that should still embarrass us. However, red cheeks may just lead to changed hearts!


Pt. 3 - Pool Parties or Pity Parties?

Cheek coloring moments. We all hate them. That instance in which you would like to crawl in a hole. You thought no one noticed and you discover that everyone saw you fall, fail, make a fool of yourself. You find yourself with a blush.

Like . . .

Society likes to portray and paint Jesus as this passive, gentle, and even soft man. Yet, the truth is that He was controversial, confrontational, and had a tendency to ask people questions that would have reddened their cheeks in embarrassment. I told you last week that Jesus asked some questions that were knee bucklers. He would look someone right square in the eyes and pose questions that would cause folks to blush.

So in week 1 we began in Luke 4:46 and we were asked, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and still don't do the things I say to do?" And out of that we declared that we must become more than followers. We must become obeyers. We must be life locked to Jesus and not just lip locked. Our walk must line up with His talk!

In the 2nd week we examined Mark 4:35-41. It was the account of the disciples blushing at the question "Why don't you have faith yet?" Remember, we have more than enough proof to believe in Jesus! We must have enough faith for our own miracle and we must take Him at and place our trust in His Word!

So, let's wrap this up by looking at another red faced moment that Jesus caused.

Text: John 5:1-9

Soon another Feast came around and Jesus was back in Jerusalem. Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem there was a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, with five alcoves. Hundreds of sick people—blind, crippled, paralyzed—were in these alcoves. Sometimes an angel of the Lord came down to the pool and stirred up the water. After the angel did this, the first person to go into the pool was healed from any sickness he had. One man had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him stretched out by the pool and knew how long he had been there, he said, “Do you want to get well?” The sick man said, “Sir, when the water is stirred, I don’t have anybody to put me in the pool. By the time I get there, somebody else is already in.” Jesus said, “Get up, take your bedroll, start walking.” The man was healed on the spot. He picked up his bedroll and walked off.

Jesus is so powerful that people could touch Him and be instantly made whole. He didn't have to notice them. He didn't have to address them. He didn't have to dialogue with them. His power was enough. However, this is an interesting case. Jesus walks into what is basically a hospital ward filled with the sickest of the sick. Those who had tried every means to find wholeness and have miserably come up short. So now they spend their days hoping against hope that they can outrun their sick neighbor to gain access to a healing lottery. Days would go by with no move. Weeks could pass with no water trimmer. Months and no angel siting. It is into this depressing, morbid, hopeless scene that Jesus strolls and stops in front of a long time resident. In fact, Scripture says this man has spent the better part of his life in this place. Jesus knowing this asks either a really stupid or one of the most embarrassing and revealing question He ever posed in Scripture. He asks this 38 year pool side veteran, "Do you want to be whole?" or "Do you want to be healed?"

Of all the gall! I have been here for 38 years every day trying to get healed. I have exited my normal life to wait here for healing. What a ridiculous question. The man answers the question as if Jesus asked him, "Why aren't you healed?" But that isn't what Jesus asked. His question cut right to the quick of the man's heart and I am sure brings about a blush! The same question does the same to us today. Do you want to be whole?

a. Why are we comfortable with our sickness?

The text says this man had been sick for 38 years. He had become accustomed to his disease. His routine was wrapped up in his chains. He probably had his reserved spot around the pool. His comrades had become his friends. He is so wrapped up in his condition that when confronted with an opportunity for change he remains locked in his past rather than seeing the possibility of that moment. He is comfortable with his sickness but Jesus isn’t!

Some of us have become very comfortable and settled in our sickness and in our sin. We have had the same issue for so long that we choose to remain in the issue rather than pushing to freedom.

Some of you have been angry so long that anger has become natural, expected, and accepted. Some of you have been the victim for so long you are comfortable with that role. Some of you have been overlooked for so long that you now hide. Some of you have been rejected so long that you now pull out of opportunities and relationships before anyone can hurt you! You are so used to be knocked down that you now lay down for anyone and everything.

How long is long enough? How long will you remain satisfied or comfortable with what Jesus has the ability to change? This man who had already endured his sickness for 38 years was just about to stay sick forever simply because he had grown comfortable in his sickness.

b. Excuses turn pool parties into pity parties.

The arrival of Jesus in this place of sickness should have started a pool party. The fact that Jesus stops and speaks to this man and even presents him with an opportunity to be healed should have been the highlight of his life. Hand picked, hand selected, everyone else passed over to get to him! Instead when presented with a life altering, future changing encounter this man turns a pool party into a pity party! When asked if he wants to be made whole he either fails to or chooses not to answer the question! Instead he lists the reasons he can't be whole. His friends are slack. His timing is terrible. His speed is suspect. His strength is diminished.

It strikes me that this passage is timeless because it reveals that almost without exception we all make excuses. And our excuses almost always come down to blaming someone else for our lack! The problem with that is that when we are healed, set free, or delivered if we have become addicted to excuses, then when the change we have so desperately long for takes place and we are now faced with stewarding the responsibility that always comes with the miracle we will return to the comfort of excuses! The miracle wasn't enough. The healing didn't come the way I wanted. The change was too hard! And those excuses that kept us being healed will now return and force us back to bondage.

Jesus' question cuts straight to this man's will . . . not his lack of ability or resources. He didn’t ask why he wasn’t healed! Jesus asked do you want to be healed!

It may be time realize that our can'ts are in fact won'ts! It isn't I can't be healthy it is I won't make the right choice necessary to be healthy. It isn't I can't have a good relationship with my spouse it is I won't guard my mouth or do the hard work of getting along! It isn't that I can't make enough money it is I won’t make the right choices so that I can live on what I make! It isn't I can't forgive it is I won't release the pain!

Are we spiritually one of those folks who hold up the sign "Will work for food" but are unwilling to really to do the work for food? Superficially wanting healing but unwilling to take the steps necessary to be healed! Advertising that we need freedom but unwilling to accept it or move towards it!

Jesus demands that excuses be excused! Some of us are missing Jesus moments . . . pool parties . . . simply because we have excused our way into a pity party!

c. Are we waiting on the right one? Or are we waiting on others to produce a miracle that only Jesus can bring?

This man had spent 38 years waiting on someone to position him for healing. His wait would have continued. Waiting is not bad unless you are waiting on the wrong person.

No one can do for you what only Jesus can do for you! If you are waiting on restoration to come from an uncle or a friend you will remain sick! The only solution, answer, remedy is Jesus! We will amen that statement but then refuse to embrace the truth of that statement!

I would be healed if my ex would ask for forgiveness. What if they never seek forgiveness? I could be happy if that uncle that did that to me would admit it. What if they refuse to own up to what they did? I would be whole if that investment pays off. What if it goes in the tank? I would be free if my teachers would have given me a break. What if they have no mercy? I would be free if my upbringing would have been different! You can't change one day that has gone by only the one that you are in right now and the one you will face tomorrow!

Jesus demands that we come to the place where we realize that our trust must be in Him alone! The man's trust was misplaced! He trusted his friends and he remained sick. He trusted local legends and he remained sick. He trusted timing and he was always a day late and a dollar short. It is Jesus and Jesus alone that can move the people that need to be moved, provide the break that we so desperately need, and alter the timing in our favor.

He is THE source. He is THE solution. He is THE healing. He is THE miracle we need! He is THE breakthrough. He is THE move we need. We must stop waiting on anyone or anything but Jesus! He alone is our hope. He alone is trustworthy!

Anyone here ready to own up to their excuses? Drop all excuses and move into miracle. Anyone willing to admit that they have grown comfortable with their bondage? Jesus isn't willing to allow you to stay there. In fact, He has searched for you, sought you out, handpicked you, and put you on the spot today!