Summary: I have called you to step out of your comfort zone and get involved with serving God, but is this something God is calling us to do that He himself is not willing to do? Let's look at Phil 2 and see...

Sermon Brief

Date Written: March 15, 2013

Date Preached: March 17, 2013

Where Preached: OPBC (AM)

Sermon Details:

Series Title: Easter Series

Sermon Title: Did God Step Out of His Comfort Zone?

Sermon Text: Philippians 2:4-8 [ESV]


For the past several weeks… well since the 1st of the year you have heard me speak about the building up of our church… on how we can GROW our church!

I have talked about the ‘elephant’ in the room… I called it “the empty seats” & I told you that these empty seats do NOT represent a church that needs more members; these ‘empty seats’ represent a community that needs Jesus! And I have said over and over again that WE are the instrument God is going to use to reach them!

All along these past few weeks I have asked you the question, “Do you want to grow?” The answer I keep getting is YES WE WANT TO GROW! So you then saw me put out four tables that revealed four areas of service that our church should be addressing…

Prayer (to draw us closer to God and in line with His plan and purpose in our times of worship, study, ministry and outreach!)

Discipleship (to help us grow closer to Him and become more like Him!)

Ministry (to force us to focus on Jesus and others rather than seeking to please ourselves and becoming a church of INWARD focused members)

Outreach (to get us UP and take us OUT of our comfort zone here in our beautiful bldg and force us OUT into the community to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him)

I challenged EVERY member to step out on faith and to come and put your name on the tables and to commit to service in at least one of these areas… I was pleased to see that MANY of you did just that! I praise God for the great response that we had!

Then we came to a point where the people of Israel surrendered in CORPORATE confession… confessing their sin… the sin of their fathers…and seeking repentance and forgiveness for those sins!

I called on you one more time! I called you to repent and confess our sin before God… our individual sin and the sin of those who have come before us here at OP…

Once again I was very pleased by the response! People came and prayed and I believe God was moving greatly that morning here in our fellowship!

Then this past week I spoke on how the people of Nehemiah’s day AFTER they had confessed their sin and repented… they decided to make a commitment to God, to serve and obey Him!

The people fashioned a covenant and had their leaders and all the people sign it and commit to is in a public place and they had a desire that God would hold them accountable for this covenant.

Yet one more time I called on you to respond… this time it was something radical in the realm of church life as we know it! I called on you to make a radical commitment of obedience to God!

I challenged you to place your faith and trust in God and actually write a BLANK check to God! I challenged all of us to become a church that wants God to know that ANYTIME He calls we will be ready… for ANYTHING He wants we are ready to DO!

Another good response flowed forward as last week, 32 people PUBLICY stood before God and wrote a blank check calling for God to call on them no matter WHAT… no matter WHEN… no matter WHERE!

I will be honest with you, I had actually believed that there would be more to sign this covenant, but I also want you to know that I am extremely thankful for those 32 of you who were courageous enough to step out on faith and step out publicly and make such a radical and open commitment of service to God! That is what it is all about!

So as of last week, I had completed my sermon series in Nehemiah and it was my full intention to head in a totally new direction this week as I was planning on moving toward the Easter season and the Passion of Christ and the resurrection…

However, as I prayed about the sermon for this week… AND as I was going thru my quiet time this week… God really kept dealing with my heart about what we had just finished! God was impressing upon me that we were not finished with this subject!

I prayed and discovered that God wanted me to continue to put forth this vision that He wants us to make an open and public commitment FOR Him in this church… and TO this community!

It is the desire of God to have Oak Park filled with WILLING servant… servants willing to work in any area and do anything for Him! This is exactly what those blank checks were about… this helps us to lay out the foundation for service to God…

HOWEVER, this week God laid it upon my heart to preach a sermon that would give you a great example of how to love God and illustrate what it REALLY means to lay it on the line… what it really means to totally commit to service to God…what it really means to ‘write a blank check’ to God…

With all this in mind, I want you to turn in your bibles to Philippians 2:4-8 (ESV)—it will be on the screen if you do NOT have your Bible! [READ Scripture HERE]

4Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

What we see here in this passage is a wonderful EXAMPLE of One who was WILLING to serve, regardless of the cost.

What we see here is One who was willing to give no matter what it took… What we have here is a great example for us to pattern our lives after! Who is this example, it is Jesus!

I have called on this church to repent and submit to the Lordship of Christ and publicly surrender to His authority in your life! Today we look at Jesus as our example for doing JUST THAT!

This morning I want us to ONCE again look at what God wants from US as a church: Once again what does it mean to serve God and be the church He has called us to be?

The first point I want to make this morning is one I believe we ALL will agree with in word, but far too many of us fight this tooth and nail:

It’s NOT about you…!

Let’s look at v4 and what Paul is saying. 4Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

In our world today, things ALWAYS boil down to the sentiment, “What is in it for me?” OR “What am I going to get out of it?” Taking care of #1 is the mantra of our society.

And the reasoning for this cultural focus on self preservation is that God has been removed from the public’s eye for so long that people actually believe that there is NO ONE else who cares more about them than they do themselves!

Paul understood that this was a natural human condition and here he is addressing the Philippian church and telling them that they cannot focus on themselves but their focus must be like the focus of Jesus… Jesus focused on OTHERS!

We live in a world that promotes a culture of ‘what is in it for me’ and many believers have adopted that outlook and attitude when it comes to their church!

People go to a church and the 1st thought in their mind is what does this church have to offer me & my family! We have become believers who are driven by a consumer based mentality!

It is as if Christianity and the church is some sort of department store and we are looking for the product we want or what we think we need…and if one church does not have it, we go somewhere else to see if it is there!

I want you to know that this is NOT a modern day phenomenon… Satan has used this ploy on believers since day 1 of the church!

Do you remember the picture that is drawn of the church in Acts 2 where all have come together and all are sharing and they have all things in common… reaching out to each other meeting each other’s needs… do you remember that?

Well as that was happening, I am sure that the Enemy was getting into the hearts of some new believers and leading them to think that the church was good because it OFFERED this or that to them… the focus was taken OFF of God and service, and placed onto what the church was going to do for them!

Now some 2000 yrs later things are still like that… People come to church to be filled OR to have their needs met or ministered to…

I want you to understand that the church IS here to minister TO the fellowship, but I want you to understand YOU are the church! The people ARE the church… YOU are called to BE the minister!

Our calling is NOT to be ministered TO, but to serve God and minister to others as He directs us… as needs come to light! We are called to see the need of OTHERS and not focus on ourselves!

People the church is NOT about YOU! It is NOT about ME! The church is about Jesus! The church is about souls being saved and people’s lives being changed when they meet the Savior! This is NOT going to happen if we are too concerned about what the church can do for us…

So first… the church is NOT about YOU! But what else does Paul say here?

Look to Jesus as Your Example:

5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,

Paul offers THE ultimate example of ONE who understood what God wanted and how we should be acting as believers! Paul said that we should have the same mind or attitude as Jesus did…

Several years ago there was book written called In His Steps. This book was a story about a town that made the decision to base all of their lives and decisions on what Jesus would do or how Jesus would act.

These townspeople all agreed to put aside their own desire and want! They all agreed to lay down their own attitude and selfish heart and they all embraced an attitude of what Christ would want them to do and how Christ would desire them to live their lives!

This book inspired the saying that we hear all the time now… “What would Jesus Do?” And while this is a great saying and thought, I believe it is NOT a prevalent attitude among believers today!

I know we hear this phrase used in Christian circles, but is it really something believers live by? I believe that there are many believers who actually use this as a comment of sarcasm or in joking about their decisions.

Here is what is so sad about this particular attitude among believers… This is NOT a joking matter! How we live our lives, and IF we are willing to submit our lives fully to Lordship of Christ is NOT joke fodder, but a matter of reverence and honor to God! People if we can justify joking about this… how do you think the world can take you serious when you begin to share Jesus with them?

The fact of this matter is that Jesus IS our example; and we MUST look to Him for all leadership and guidance in everything we do! When it comes to humility and submissive service to God, Jesus is our example!

This is what Paul says here in v5…we are called to look to Jesus as OUR example; Jesus is to be our focus--NOT ourselves!

Let’s take a look at just WHAT Jesus did to set the example for us…

Jesus SET the Example for Us to Follow:

Here in these next few verses we can see Paul giving us 3 very distinct instances where Jesus SET the example...

The first instance or example Jesus gives us is found in v6:

6who, though he [Jesus] was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,

In the book of John Jesus is presented like this… “In the beginning was the Word [Jesus] and the Word [Jesus] was with God and the Word [Jesus] was God…”

In Col 1:15-21 Paul describes Jesus as:

- the visible image of God (physical manifestation of God in this world)

- Pre existing the world/supreme over all creation

- thru Him all things were created

- FOR Him all things were created

- BY Him all things were created, things we can see and things we cannot see

- The sustainer of life and holds all of creation together

- Head of the church

- the beginning of all things/first in everything

- God was pleased for ALL His fullness dwell in Jesus

- Thru Jesus the world can be reconciled to God

Jesus also said when He was here teaching: “…I and the Father are One…”

I say all this to simply emphasize a point that most Christians know but I believe simply don’t appreciate and that is Jesus IS God! Jesus also proclaims his deity on many occasions throughout Scripture.

To the Pharisees he said, BEFORE Abraham was, I am! Letting them know of his eternal nature…

Jesus IS God! Jesus was in glory before anything else was… Jesus preexists all things… Jesus IS God!

BUT what Paul is saying here is that although Jesus WAS and STILL IS God, he did NOT believe HE and His position in glory was TOO important to ignore you…

Sin had taken humanity… it was a barrier blocking humanity from its creator… God desired to break that barrier, and Jesus was His answer! Here we see that Jesus did NOT think He was too important to be doing the will of God! He put YOU first!

Jesus is our example and the 1st thing is that he did for us as an example is that he did NOT believe he was TOO important to reach out to those who had strayed and needed His love!

Let’s look at yet another instance or example of what Jesus did… We saw he was WILLING, but how did Jesus submit to God’s plan?

What we can see is that Jesus willingly left the royalty of Heaven to step into a role that was FAR beneath Him, the role of a servant… look at v7 with me…

7but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

Over the course of centuries MANY theologians have debated over this phrase ‘emptied himself’. The Greek word used here is the Greek verb ekoh-noh-sen which means to be made void, to empty one’s self, to destroy…

What Paul was attempting to get across in this verse was that Jesus was WILLING to step out of his comfort zone! Jesus was willing to literally void out His glory…He was willing to literally empty himself of his standing in the heavens… ALL because he loved us!

Willing to set aside all of who He was… Today’s English Version translation of this verse puts it like this:

“Instead, of his (Jesus’) own free will he gave it all up [royalty in heaven, and all that comes with eternity and an eternal being] and took on the nature of a servant…”

Just what is the nature of a servant, what is Paul saying here? A servant or a slave is defined as somebody who is forced to work for somebody else for no payment and is regarded as the property of that person…

But here is the thing… no one FORCED Jesus to do this! He did it willingly! He did this and in doing so paid our sin debt so that we could enjoy reconciliation with God!

Jesus WILLINGLY surrendered his position and gave up everything that was rightfully his…

So that he could become a slave!

So that he could be a servant of God for humanity!

So that they would come to know redemption!

What a great picture of love and compassion for those who are in need!

But not only was Jesus willing to give up everything for us AND accept a place of lowly standing to serve God’s plan and purpose BUT we also see Jesus was willing to pay the ultimate price for our redemption…

Look at v8 with me right now…

8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Found in human form… Jesus stepped out of glory and wrapped himself in flesh! All of his glory and all of his majesty, laid aside so he could become human…

Jesus did this for a very specific purpose and Paul details that purpose very quickly here in v8… He did to carry out the plan of God for the redemption of humanity! God’s plan called for a sacrifice, and Jesus came to BE that sacrifice!

Paul tells us that Jesus was HUMBLE and OBEDIENT to the plan and purpose of God and that Jesus was fully willing to do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish God’s will! Jesus paid the ultimate price as a human for our redemption.

On the cross of Calvary, Jesus gave himself for the salvation of humanity… He suffered through great agony and pain so that we could know a Savior!

Jesus was willing to give UP everything for us… He was willing to surrender all of who he was for us… and finally He was willing to sacrifice his very life for our redemption!

What love is this… that Christ left His home in heaven to help settle MY eternal destination! What great love He has shown!


We have seen 1st that this is NOT about ME! As difficult as it is to accept… church and serving God is NOT about YOU… When it comes to service in the Kingdom of God it is NOT about us at all… In fact, we are called by Jesus to deny ourselves, so how COULD it be about us?

We have also seen that, in Jesus, we have a great example to look to… Jesus has done all that needs to be done and has shown us what we are called to do and how we are called to live!

Finally we can see that Jesus was not only willing to step out of glory and wrap himself in flesh, but Jesus took the initiative and took action on OUR behalf to bring us redemption…

If you desire to be what God wants you to be, we need to LOOK to Jesus!

People if we want to become the church God desires for us to become… we need to look to Jesus!

We have to realize that church is NOT about us!

Church is not about ME as pastor!

It is NOT about the Deacons!

It is NOT about the children’s or youth ministry!

It is NOT about the Live Oak ministry!

This is NOT about the Preschool!

This is NOT about our finances!

This is NOT about our buildings!

It is NOT about US!

What church IS about is Jesus… It is about worshiping Jesus and doing what He has called us to do… We are called by Jesus as the church to be makers of disciples and teachers of His word!

Jesus is the perfect example of who we must look to so that we can see how we are to respond when God calls us to serve!

Christ was willing to step out of His glory and limit himself in a physical body… step away from his majesty to be a poor carpenter… willing to surrender His life here in this world so that we could know redemption…

Now we have focused on v.4-8 about what Christ was willing to do… but I want us to NOW take a look at v9-11. When Jesus was willing to step out of his comfort zone and serve God… God was willing to bless and honor Him for his obedient service!

9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Jesus submitted to God’s plan and God exalted Him and blessed Him greatly! He was willing to serve YOU, for YOUR good, for YOUR redemption and God honored him for that service!

We are called to serve God when we accept Christ as Savior! Christ was willing to step out of his comfort zone for us… we should be willing to step out of our comfort zone for Him! God honored Christ for service to Him… Christ will honor YOUR service to Him!

If we are willing to step out and serve Christ where He has called us to serve… He is going to honor that service and our church is going to be blessed…

If God was willing to put Jesus through all of this for US, what should we be willing to do for Him?

Are you willing to be a part of a prayer team?

Are you ready to surrender your time to study His word and grow spiritually in studying his word?

Are you willing to get involved in the Outreach of the church?

Are you willing to serve in a ministry where Christ is exalted?

People our focus cannot be on ourself! This is because it is NOT about us! It is NOT about whether or not we can do this ministry or that ministry…

The key question for us as a fellowship is, “are we going to follow the Example of Christ” OR are we going to be like so many other churches that are willing to accept Christ as Savior, but refused to allow Christ as Lord of their fellowship.

For the past several weeks I have been stressing four (4) very difficult issues as they pertain to the believer. Confession, repentance, submit and surrender! And it is ONLY when we approach these four things with a broken heart does God even listen…

Do you want to grow and prosper as a fellowship? Do you want to be the church God has called us to be? Then we have to take the focus OFF of us and place it where it MUST be… ON Jesus!

This morning He has spoken through His word… how are you going to respond? Will you respond by stepping out and committing to him? As Bro Ken comes to get ready for our hymn of invitation I want to ask you…

Maybe you are here and don’t know Christ as Savior…

Maybe you are here and know Christ as Savior but you are holding part of your heart back from God…

Maybe you are here and God has called to a particular ministry or area of service and you have refused Him…

Maybe you are here and God is now calling you to join our fellowship and begin to reach this community…

Wherever you are… God wants you to step out and surrender to Him! Come as Bro Ken leads us in our hymn of invitation…