Summary: This was a Men's Day Message that focuses on men leading by example.

United To Lead

Men’s Day Message 3/24/2013

Scripture: Ezekiel 22:30-31; 1 Peter 5:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:12


I am honored and blessed to be here today as the guest speaker for your Men’s Day program. Your Men’s Day theme is “Men of GOD united, called to step up and lead by example in Church and Community.” As I read your theme the question that came to my mind is “Are you?” Are you men who are united and know you’ve been called by God as you lead by example in your Church and community? My message this afternoon will focus on four words of your theme: united, called, lead, and example and I want you to think about being “United to Lead.” Although the message is applicable for everyone, I will be speaking to the men specifically today as it is their Men’s Day service.

We do not live in a vacuum, but in a community. Our communities consists of our families, friends, church members, co-workers, and even the strangers who may not know anything about us but see us outside in the larger community from time to time. Because we do not live in a vacuum but within communities, we have the ability to impact other people. One ways in which we are to do this is through sharing Christ with other. This is accomplished directly when we are witnessing (sharing our story) to others about Christ and the goodness of God. It is also accomplished indirectly in how we walk in our faith on a daily basis. Men who are walking with God are constantly placed in a position where they must decide between walking in their faith and living in this world and according to the world system. You see, our world does not value the things of God and when we take a stand for God through decisions we make, those decisions often become a testing point for us. Our lives whether we recognize it or not, are on display for the world to see. Our enemy loves nothing more than for men of God to show up, mess up and then try to cover up. Our messes are often paraded through the news media, if we are well-known, or through our network of friends, co-workers and our communities at large. You know a man has messed up whenever you hear someone who knows him make the statement: “I thought he was supposed to be such a good Christian!” These words are not used when we get it right; but come out when we get it wrong. So as a man, it costs something to be called by God for service – any and all service. And in case you have not figured it out yet, everyone under the sound of my voice, male and female, child and adult, have been called by God into service for Him. It will vary depending on the person, but what you have been called to do is important to God because He called you. So let’s begin with the first word of the afternoon, united.

I. United

The definition of the word united is: to be made one; being in agreement. Its means unity – being of the same mind and purpose. Men of God should be united in our goal (serving God) and in how we execute that service. It should not be about the glory or who gets credit, but about getting the job done. The Gospels record an incident when Jesus was casting out demons. The religious leaders, who should have been rejoicing at what He was doing because they believed in the same God that Jesus did, took offense. They accused Him of casting out demons by the prince of the devils. Jesus asked them how Satan could cast out Satan. He then told them the following as recorded in Mark 3:24-25: “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” You can substitute “kingdom and house” with words like “church; family; men’s group; husband and wife; you name it. Where there is no unity there can be no strength or power. Our kids understand this concept. How many times have they played one parent against another in order to get what they wanted? Sometimes it takes a parent a little while to catch on to what they are doing before they start asking the key question: “What did your mom/dad say?” Before they realized they needed to do this they would give their answer which the child would use to get the same answer from the other parent. In order for a parent to raise a child, there must be some level of unity. The same applies to everything we do that involves relationships.

One of the leaders of the company I work for said that he would prefer that everyone is going in the same direction, even if it is the wrong direction, because if everyone is going in the same direction it is easier to change course when necessary. What he was talking about is unity. Jesus made the following statement in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Jesus can only dwell in the midst when there is unity. The Holy Spirit can move in an environment where there is unity. Men can change the world around them when they are united. Men of God, become united!

II. Called

It is easier to unite together when we can recognize the calling of others in addition to our own. When we consider what it means to be called by God to do something we understand that the “calling” is not a request, but a command. God does not come to us and say “Would you mind doing so and so for Me?” When God calls us to do something in His mind we have accepted and completed the task. Why? Because God knows that before He asks us to do anything He has already made the way for us to accomplish it. He has prepared us or in the process of preparing us and is seeking for us to be willing to walk hand in hand with Him. Remember, because we live in a natural world, God needs us – our hands, feet, hearts, ext, to accomplish His will. Consider what is recorded in Ezekiel 22:30-31. It says “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Thus I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads, declares the Lord God.”

Why did God have to take this action to pour our His wrath? He searched the land and could not find a man to stand in the gap before Him and the land. That term “stand in the gap” means someone who is able to be the go between. Someone who is able to negotiates a settlement between two people – acts as a go between. It carries the meaning of a bridge that crosses a gap to connect two sides. We are the ones who are called to stand in the gap between God and this world. God will not make us do it; He chooses us but we have to accept the call. Think of it like this – all of us have caller ID on our phones. If someone calls us and we do not recognize the number, we do not accept the call. If we see it is someone that we do not wish to talk to, we do not answer the call. This is what we also do with God sometimes. He calls on us to do something that we do not want, desire or see ourselves doing and thus we do not answer the call. In the natural there may not be any consequences that people can place their finger on, but with God there are because God’s callings are not by mistake. He knows exactly what He is doing and who He is calling. So if you believed God has “called” you to do anything – you need to get busy. If you’re not sure if He has “called” you to something just know all of us who serve Him are called to stand in the gap for this world – to bring souls to Him. If you cannot do anything else, start standing in the gap. Men of God who are united, accept your call! Let’s talk a little about leading.

III. Lead

We often talk about leaders and what makes a good leader. God wants us to know this afternoon that our definition of a good leader may not be His definition. Let me give you an example. Our men’s group at our Church is currently reading a book titled “The Man God Uses.” In the book the authors give some examples of men who God cannot use. Here are three examples: 1) Men who know best; 2) Men who put limits on God; and 3) Men who will not listen to God. Now if you consider how we define “leaders” the traits include men who believe they know what is best. It would include men who have no relationship with God but are “natural born leaders.” It includes men who will follow their understanding versus what God may be telling them. You see, we define good leaders by their ability to get others to follow them. This definition leaves a lot to be desired when you’re talking about a man or woman of God who is leading as God leads them. Being a leader costs something and not everyone can lead in the same areas. Some might be able to lead large groups while others might only need to lead two or three individuals. Regardless, if the person is doing what God has called them to do that person will have influence and there will be people who will follow them as they follow God. When Peter talked to the elders about leading the people he said the following in 1 Peter 5:1-3: “Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.”

He asked them to shepherd the flock. To shepherd something means to care for, lead, guide and protect. All of these things we find the shepherd doing as it pertain to their flock. But what is important in these verses is the attitude in which this was to be accomplished. Peter’s humility is discernible in this section and is all the more remarkable because humility was not Peter’s most notable trait in the Gospels. Peter was one who was always willing to stand up and be out front. But he changed and he learned what it truly meant to lead. I think this came through his personal experience when Christ was crucified and he denied knowing Him or being His follower. Jesus had told Peter that he would do this but Peter never thought for a minute that He would ever deny Christ. After doing it three times in one evening and remembering what Jesus had told him, I think this broke him. He saw himself in a totally different light. In these verses Peter is asking the leaders to lead with compassion and not out of compulsion. They were to lead accordingly to the will of God and not seeking anything in return for it. This was crucial because if you’re leading because you’re being paid to do it or for some personal glory, your true motivation will eventually come through and hinder your leadership. Lead as God lead us – through caring for those that God has placed in your charge. Men of God who are united, accept your call and begin to lead! How we should lead bring us to our last word, by example.

IV. Example

Peter says in these verses that how they lead will provide an example to the flock. As Christians remember we are always being watched by someone. Paul gave some keys to being an example when he wrote to Timothy. In 1 Timothy 4:12 Paul tells Timothy: “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” Paul gave Timothy five ways in which he could set an example for the believers of his Church. He told Timothy to be an example in speech. In other words, he was to let the words that come forth from his mouth be words pleasing to God. He was not to use language that was unbecoming of a Christian leader especially when he himself came under attack by those questioning his authority and worthiness to lead because of his age.

The second thing he told Timothy was he was to be an example in conduct. How many times have the conduct of Christians destroyed the testimony of their faith. Timothy was to conduct himself as a man of God and a man of faith. The third way Timothy was to be an example was in how he demonstrated and walked in love. Paul instructed Timothy to be an example of love in how he lived his life and cared for his flock. The fourth way that he was to be an example was in the area of faith. Timothy was not to doubt what God had placed within him and how he was to fulfill it. He was not to doubt his ministry gifts or how God was going to use him. He was to be a man of faith in every area of his life. The fifth way that Paul states that Timothy was to be an example was in purity. In the early New Testament Church, as there is today, there were many ways for a believer of God to reject the cleansing that God had provided through the blood of Christ. Paul told Timothy to be an example of purity – someone rejecting all things that would cause him to be unclean before God. This would include any type of sin which causes us to become unclean. Timothy was to be an example that all of his followers could follow. Men of God, who are united, accept your call, begin to lead and be the example that others can follow in how you talk, your conduct, your demonstration of love, your faith and your purity.


“Men of GOD united, called to step up and lead by example in Church and Community.” If all men are to fulfill this request we must first recognize that God has something for us to do and what He has for me to do will not conflict or compete with what He is telling you to do. If we are to fulfill this request we will need step up and lead – without being ask. If you see something needing to be done, volunteer to do it – or better yet, just do it if you’re able. As Paul told Timothy, we should be an example in our speech – always mindful of the things we say and those listening to us. We are to be an example in our conduct. If our conduct does not edify God we should take a second look at how we are living and ask ourselves if we would want a child following our example of righteous living.

We are to be an example in how we love; walk in our faith; and in purity. Each of these speaks to the example that Jesus gave us as He walked here on earth. He was full of love and His faith could not be measured. Even though He was tempted with the same things we are tempted with and yet He held fast and always maintained His purity.

Men of God of St. Peter CME Church who are called to lead and be an example for others to follow must do so by being united in your walk; your talk; and most important, united around the ministry and vision that God has given to this Church. I sincerely thank you for the invitation to come and share God’s word with you on your day. As I leave you today I want to let you know that the world can take everything from you; your family, possessions and even your life. But there are two things the world cannot take from you: your calling by God and your eternal security. You control how you walk in your calling and never let anyone tell you how to do it.

May God continue to bless and keep you as you fulfill your work.