Summary: The Words of Paul to Christian slaves not only give us insight in our own workplace, but a couple of life principles for every aspect of life.


1 Timothy 6:1-2


1.) An old Fanny Crosby hymn begins with the following words:

To the work! To the work! We are servants of God;

Let us follow the path that our Master has trod;

With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew,

Let us do with our might what our hands find to do.

2.) This morning as we continue with our series of messages from 1 Timothy Paul reminds those living under a culture of slavery that our purpose of life is to honour and glorify God in every part of our lives, even if they were slaves.

3.) Though much of the concept of slavery is foreign to us today, the words from Paul to those in that situation give us guidance and direction for our own wok, and also how to glorify God through it.


1.) Paul was writing to Christians living in a slave culture.

A.) Today, it is hard for us to relate to the situation of slavery in the first century.

B.) But in the first century Roman empire it is estimated there were as many as 50-60,000,000 slaves, with some of the larger cities such as Rome, Corinth, and Ephesus having about one third of the population as slaves.

ba.) Certainly such shocking figures, reveal to us why Paul would spend so much importance on the matter of slavery in his writings.

C.) According to a PBS documentary “Most slaves during the Roman Empire were foreigners and, unlike in modern times, Roman slavery was not based on race. Slaves in Rome might include prisoners of war, sailors captured and sold by pirates, or slaves bought outside Roman territory. In hard times, it was not uncommon for desperate Roman citizens to raise money by selling their own children into slavery.”


D.) We need to also remember that slavery in the first century Roman Empire was much different than what comes to our minds for slavery.

da.) Our minds tend to focus more on the slavery movement of the 17-19th. centuries which many times were very inhumane, and where people of different races were treated sometimes as worse than animals.

E.) The slave practice, and movement of first century Rome could have some of the abuses, and terribleness we tend to associate more with the slavery movement, but for the most part it was far better treatment of slaves than those of more modern times.

2.) By the time Paul was writing this letter of 1 Timothy sweeping changes had already been taking place in slavery of the Roman Empire.

A.) at the time of Paul’s writing the practice of slavery in the Roman Empire was already starting to diminish.

B.) There had been many changes brought in that had dramatically improved life for slaves of the first century.

ba.) There was what was called “Manumission”.

bb.) Under manumission, many of the slaves were being set free, and under this new system most slaves would never reach old age in slavery, but were being released many times by 30 years of age.

bc.) Another change was that slaves though considered property, could establish themselves, and come to own property themselves, even other slaves.

bca.) He was also allowed to make investments, and acquire wealth, and even buy his own freedom from slavery.

bd.) Another aspect of first century slavery is that it was not an indication of your social status.

bda.) Instead a slave would be noted by the social status of the slave owner.

bdb.) In fact, in some instances this was a means of elevating yourself in society if you were a slave of someone very wealthy, or of the upper classes.

bdc.) Many times slaves may not necessarily even live at the owner’s property, but might still be able to maintain his own residence.

be.) Sometimes for foreigners and aliens, slavery was a means of becoming Roman citizens.

bea.) After a few years as a slave, they would be freed, and become Roman citizens.

C.) Certainly the Roman slave trade was much different than the terrible things that have happened in more recent centuries including in Canada and the United States.

ca.) That is not to say it was a perfect institution. There were still abuses, murders, maiming, rape, and sexual abuse of slaves, as well as other atrocities that at times.


D.) Certainly the church was a major force in changing and improving the conditions for slaves in first Century Roman Empire.

da.) Just the same, the church never completely outlawed the practice, and I believe a great deal of the reason is that it was so major of an institution that it would have crippled the entire society, and would have immediately brought both the owners and the slaves into complete poverty, and confusion.

db.) In fact in pretty much any society where slavery has been practiced, it is through the preaching of Jesus Christ and the spreading of the Gospel message that slavery has been brought to an end.


In the midst of the First century Roman slave trade, Paul does give some guidelines for the slaves, and really we can apply these even to ourselves in the workplace today apart from slavery.

1.) Christians in that culture were to show respect to slave masters.

A.) 1 Timothy 6:1

B.) No matter how good a slave master would treat his slaves, for many it would be hard to have a good attitude for the slave master, knowing that he owned you.

C.) It has to be remembered that Paul was giving principles to make their life easier, and to show slaves, that even in that situation they themselves needed to live lives that were going to bring glory to God.

D.) One of the things that was happening was that some of the slaves were bringing shame on Jesus Christ, and the Gospel message, by their actions and attitudes towards the slave owners.

E.) in fact used the illustration of slavery to point out our new relation to Jesus Christ.

ea.) That when we come to Christ, we are to consider him as our slave master, and as our owner.

eb.) If a person was owned by another, Paul told them to consider themselves as owned by Christ, and serving Him.

F.) Certainly, even though Paul never directly spoke against the institution of slavery as a whole, he did tell slave owners who were Christians to treat their slaves in proper ways.

fa.) Col. 4:1

fb.) The entire book of Philemon and much of Ephesians also deal with slaves, and proper treatment.

G.) Basically, the approach of the New Testament on slavery is to look at the broader emphasis of our relationship in Jesus Christ, and that He transcends all relationships, and situations of life.

2.) Christians were especially to show respect to Christian slave masters.

A.) 1 Timothy 6:2

B.) Don’t let the common bond you have in Christ, be an excuse for being less honourable with your master, but if anything do even better than expected because of your relationship to Christ.

C.) That is the ultimate goal of every Christian in every aspect and phase of life, to bring glory and praise to God regardless of the circumstances of life.

3.) The principles which Paul had set down here for slaves in first century Rome are principles for Christians to follow today in the workforce as well.

A.) From the principles of the Word of God, it should be the goal and plan of every Christian to be the best employee in the company.

B.) The reason to aim to be the best is not necessarily for the sake of advancing ourselves in the company though that might happen, but to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ.


1.) That God’s name not be slandered.

A.) No matter what our lot in life, or the position of our employment, we are to glorify God, and His son Jesus Christ.

aa.) This is even true when life has brought us good or bad circumstances.

ab.) In every part of our existence we are still to bring honour and glory to Jesus Christ and to recognize Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords within every part of our being.

B.) This includes in the workplace, particularly when we realize that it is God for whom we are working.

ba.) We may be employed by a certain company, and receive a paycheque from a company but ultimately regardless of our profession it is God Himself whom we are working for.

bb.) When we have that perspective, we have a different view of our employment, and of our employers, than what the world will have.

bc.) Col. 3:22-24

bd.) Eph. 6:7-8

2.) That the teachings of Christ would not be slandered.

A.) Our purpose in life is to bring glory to God.

B.) Our lives have to be lived in such a way as to not dishonour God.


1.) Today we have looked at the ancient practice of slavery, and how it affected those in the church.

2.) Certainly, many of the concepts that Paul has spoken of are foreign to us today.

3.) Yet the same principles which Paul gave to Timothy for the church at Ephesus then can be also applied in our own jobs today.

4.) As Paul directed the church of the first century, He also is directing the church of the twenty-first century to honour and glorify God in all that we do in life, including in the work place.

5.) May we leave here today with a determination to bring God the highest of honour and glory from our lives as a gift to Him.

A.) For some this might mean a decision to dedicate your life more fully to Christ in every area.

B.) For others it may mean that God is speaking to you today to turn your life over to Him for the first time.

C.) But for all of us, we need to leave here with a conscious decision to give «Jesus Christ the Lordship in every area of our lives.