Summary: Love and respect God so that all you want to do with your life is obey Him.

Do you want to know how to live with less problems and with less stress? I can tell you. The question isn't if you want to listen. I'm sure all of us are interested in how to live a less problem or stress free life. What I'm going to share with you is easy for me to write. It will be easy for you to listen. The challenge isn't in the delivery of this message or the hearing of it. The challenge will be for you and me to receive it as truth and live it.

Do you want to know how to live a less problem and stress free life? Here's the short answer. Here it is: Love and respect God so that all you want to do with your life is obey Him.

Well you might be thinking, that isn't such a hard thing. After all, I'm here on Sunday morning to worship and learn more about God. Maybe you're thinking loving God and obeying Him is what my life is all about. Do you consider yourself a good Christian person? You should really think long and hard about that answer before you do so.

Actually while you're pondering on how good of a Christian person you may think you are, let's hear a little from the most famous preacher on earth not named Jesus. You can read along in Romans 7:21-25. Paul says, " I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord"

So let's ask that question again. Are you a good Christian person? Because if you are confident in how good you are, then you don't have anything in common with Paul. Paul loves God with all his heart; and because he wants to obey God more than anything he finds himself at war. He doesn't walk around as a miserable person, but he feels miserable when he repents of his sin. He concludes that only through the power of Jesus Christ can he live in obedience to God.

Paul teaches to love and respect God so that all you want to do with your life is obey Him.

There's no way to live in obedience to God unless you're willing to throw down everything you want at the foot of the cross and live for Jesus. (Philippians 3:7-11) And this is the part that is very difficult for all of us. Going to church, attending a small group, volunteering on a ministry team or for a church function, or even teaching Sunday School are all good things to do. But these things don't make you a good Christian person.

I started by asking you a question: Do you want to know how to live a less problem and stress free life? And the answer is to love and respect God so that all you want to do with your life is obey Him. Here's what is most difficult about this answer and it's not the obedience part. It's the love and respect part. Why we obey God is more important that the act of obedience itself.

We'll talk more about this in a minute. For now, let's walk through the reason for why our attitude of obedience is so important.

1. People sin.

If you have kids, you know this to be true. Have you ever tried to tell a two year old NOT to do something they really want to do? What is their reaction? Do we really grow out of this tendency to rebel? Have you been around teenagers much? When I’m asked, “Why does bad stuff happen to people” this is the reason that God shares with us. Because we are sinful and rebellious. People rebel against God and His Word. We have since the beginning.

If you want to take some time to find out what the Bible says, check out these scriptures:

Judges 10:6; Isaiah 30:9-11; John 1:10-11; John 3:19; Hebrews 3:12-15

2. There is retribution for sin.

Retribution means, “just desserts” it’s what we have coming to us for our rebellion. Retribution can also be the reward we receive for being obedient

In the old law Leviticus 26 outlines the retribution both for obedience and disobedience:

According to the Levitical code, if the people obey God's word then He provides the following retribution: rain, there is plenty to eat, His people live in peace, they are protected from wild animals, they defeat their enemies, and their nation will grow strong

But, by this same code, if the people disobey God then He allows these retributions: Incurable disease, the people are run over by enemies, there's no rain, there will be war, and His people will be taken captive

Here are some more Scriptures that speak to God's retribution:

Judges 10:7-8; Romans 2:6-10; Galatians 6:7-8

3. When we are punished for our sin we must become broken and repent

This is what we do. All of us. We all sin and we all endure moments of brokenness. Some people in their moment of darkness will reach out to God for help. This is what the Israelite people did. Some people reach out for the nearest self-help book, or blog, or maybe try to find a celebrity to relate to. Only God can bring the healing you need from your sinful nature. Only God can provide what you are truly looking for.

Please take a moment and read these Scriptures:

Judges 10:9-10; Matthew 3:8; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Hebrews 12:6; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 3:19

4. God loves you through it all. Jesus is the power you need to live forever with Him.

God wants a relationship with you. He has made it possible for you to draw close to Him through His Son, Jesus. God is in the rescue business, this is why He sent Jesus to us. The proud who claim they need no rescue will suffer the most when they die. Humble yourself before God while you still can.

I hope you find some time to read these Scriptures this week:

Judges 10:11-16; 11:32; Romans 16:20; Romans 8:37; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58

You want to know why I'm really looking forward to heaven? Because I won't have to deal with my sin anymore. There won't be consequences for sin.

We just returned from a long vacation. You know what I did? I ate everything I wanted to eat. Guess what, I earned 10 pounds. You might say, that's kind a of weird way to put it, don't you mean you gained 10 pounds? No, I actually mean that I earned the weight because of how I ate. I can justify that I was on vacation. I was just having a good time. But I still have the excess weight. Some might say that an extra 10 pounds isn't going to kill me.

According to the US department of health these are just a few health issues caused by overweight and obesity-related health problems:

Heart disease. High blood pressure. Stroke. Type 2 diabetes. Cancer. Arthritis.

And there's a lot more. So what if I don't do anything about the extra 10 pounds I gained on vacation? What if I just laugh it off and say, "Well, I had a great time." What if I said, "One day I'll get around to doing something about it." What if I continued the lifestyle to eat what I want, when I want? We know what will happen. I don't think I have to spell it out for you.

But people come up with the same excuses for not dealing with their sin. "I'm just having a good time right now." "I'm young and just sowing my wild oats." "One day I'll get around to the Spiritual stuff." Heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer these are things that kill the body, but your sin will kill your soul.

I earned my weight when I ate what I wanted on my vacation. When I sin, you know what the Bible says I earn? death. (Romans 6:23) I deserve death for my sin. The only way for me to go to heaven is to place my faith in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)

Where are you right now? Are you living in sin? Are you dealing with the consequences of a life of disobedience? Do you have a lot of drama in your relationships because you don't have a love for Jesus first? Are you financially stressed out because you can't bring yourself to cut up your credit card? Are you angry, bitter, resentful, jealous, or just plain grumpy? Do you seem to have an insurmountable list of promblems? How is your stress level?

Do you love and respect God so that all you want to do with your life is obey Him?

In the Forward Magazine the teens receive as their take home resource through this quarter the Friday devotional this week says this and I quote, "While all believers even the most seasoned veterans, occasionally slip up, we certainly shouldn't make a habit of doing so. In what areas of your life do you tend to behave more like the world than like Christ?" This isn't just a challenge for our teens. I need this challenge, too. Where in my life do I tend to behave more like the world than like Christ? How about you?

Diana Nyad is a marathon swimmer who just accomplished something no one else ever has. She swam 110 miles from Cuba to Key West Florida, against the Gulf Stream, through some of the most treacherous water on Earth. She swam for 53 hours. Her head, throat and tongue swelled. She threw up almost continuously. She wore a silicone mask to shield her from the venom of box jellyfish. But mostly, she just kept on going. This sport, she has said, "is a microcosm of life itself: there will be pain".

Here's a video of her completing her record breaking swim. As you watch this video think about how it is for a Jesus follower who has endured on earth, who lived a faithful life, who completes their marathon of faith as a genuine follower of Jesus Christ. For those of us who live in obedience will our reception be similar?

Right now do you love and respect God so much that all you want to do with your life is obey him? I hope you will cut out the weight of your sin by giving your life to Jesus Christ. This isn't easy for any of us. I hope you don't put off obeying God and giving your life to Jesus for another day. Today is the day you know you have. Give your life to Jesus.