Summary: This morning we will find that Christ is a better speaker because He has shown us that He does care for us. He has demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners He sent His Son to die for us.

Christ IS Better!

Christ: The Better Speaker

Hebrews 1:1-4


For anyone that speaks publically, whether in a small group setting or in front of thousands, it is essential to make a connection with those you are speaking to. You may have valuable information, you may have the highest college degree and you may even be prepared to present the greatest speech in history, but if you have failed to make a connection, you have failed as a speaker. I recently sent out a letter to all of our Sunday School teachers and part of that letter addressed the Sunday School teachers role as being engaged in ministry and I stated “we, as teachers, can study, prepare and present the best, most researched lesson of all time, but if we fail to make a connection, most often outside the walls of the church, with the student, we have failed in our mission to minister the Word.” As the old adage goes “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”

What God will say to us through our text this morning is important and contains some doctrinal truths that can affect your life. This morning we will find that Christ is a better speaker because He has shown us that He does care for us. He has demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners He sent His Son to die for us. So, as you turn to Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 this morning, hear these Words and apply these truths, for God has made that connection with us through His Son Jesus Christ.

Join me as we turn to Hebrews Chapter 1 verse 1 and stand in reverence to the reading of the Word of God.

You may be seated.

1. Christ Cares Enough To Speak:

God! No defense given. No explanation. No apologetics applied. Simply an assumption from the author that God always was, is and will ever be! Much like the start of the book of Genesis “in the beginning GOD!” (Uncle Kenny…I will not argue the existence of God nor the inspiration of the Bible any more than I will argue this pulpit being made of wood or that the sun is bright. Let me say this morning that it takes someone very special to look around and to deny the very existence of a powerful and Almighty God. I think the word that God uses to describe these special people in the Bible is FOOL! For the fool has said in his heart there is no God. This powerful and Almighty God, that does exist, has done something wonderful, verse one says that “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God SPOKE to our fathers by the prophets” (Vs. 1) What a life changing event for God did not have to speak, He was not lonely, He did not need a new friend, and He was not incomplete without us! Yet He chose to speak anyway! And, He spoke in many times and in many ways, and it has always been about His precious Son Jesus Christ! To Adam it was the seed of the woman. To Abraham it would be through his seed. To Jacob it was revealed that Christ would come through the tribe of Judah. To David the Christ would come through his house. To Micah God spoke of the town of Bethlehem and to Isaiah God said Christ would be born of a virgin. The list could go on and on, God spoke at many times. To Moses He spoke as a thundering voice in the midst of a violent storm. To Elijah He spoke in a still small voice. To Isaiah it was through a vision and to Samuel and Joseph God spoke in dreams. The list could go on and on, God spoke in many ways. And to the Jews this was great news that God had spoken to their fathers through the prophets. I am not one to become jealous when I hear about and see God moving, working, blessing and speaking in the lives of others. In fact I rejoice! That being said, the next verse ushers us into a different ballgame…”but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (Vs. 2) Wonderful that God spoke to others, but even more marvelous that He speaks to us. That He moves in our lives, answers our prayers, saves us, uses us, blesses us, speaks to us. Praise God that He cares enough to speak….to US!

One interesting thing worth noting in this verse is the phrase “created the world” The author is not employing the Greek word cosmos as we understand the word world, rather he uses the word of ages. This is a terrific revelation in that what is being said is that God, through His Son Jesus Christ, created the ages. That is to say the past, present and future…no wonder God tells us not to worry for tomorrow for He created tomorrow! And, since God is not bound by time, as this word implies, He not only created tomorrow, but He is already IN tomorrow!

2. Christ Is Glorious Enough To Shine:

“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high”-Vs. 3 The radiance of the glory of God! Jesus IS His own radiance, He is not like the moon is to the sun with God but He is the SON! This is found in the next phrase “the exact imprint”—explain. Upholds the universe-progressive (David, Ebo, Kathy, Kitty, Millie, Kevin…collapsed on my couch Tuesday night after trying to wrap things up to get to my own Grandmother…PROGRESS! Rom. 8:28. Power (Not Atlas!)-explain-all held together by God THROUGH Jesus Christ-Board of Supervisors (Hindu?!?!) Nature, Science, religion, Self, No evidence-Bow down now or later!

3. Christ Is Powerful Enough To Sit (Vs. 3):

What a tremendous revelation, that Jesus Christ sat down AFTER making purification for sins! He did not go home, wipe His hands of us and move on! He did not give up, throw in the white towel and start over on another planet! He stayed, did what He purposed to do, died on the cross, rose from the grave and after three days He demonstrated to an unbelieving world that you can’t keep a good man down! Then, AFTER the sacrifice was accepted, He sat down. He was not tired or bored; He sat down because He was done! You can’t earn salvation, you can’t lose salvation, it is a gift that has been purchased, paid for, wrapped up and given, it is complete!


Christ IS Better! (Vs. 4):

The book of Hebrews tells us later on that Jesus Christ was made lower than angels for a little time. But, when He rose from the grave He inherited a name that is more excellent than the angels. He is so much more excellent than angels it upsets me to hear people so infatuated and obsessed with these messengers of God. Listen, no offense, but you can have your guardian angel, I’ll take my resurrected Lord and His power any day! For what could an angel do that Christ cannot? What can an angel perform that Christ cannot? What power can an angel yield that Christ cannot? Christ is better than angels! He is a better speaker because He has made a connection with His creation.


Many of us come from families that do not show love like other families. Because of that you may find it hard to love. You may even find it hard to say those words to others. You may be rejected. You may be denied. You may be mocked. You may get hurt or disappointed. What you need to understand today is that God has taken the first step and He said I love you first. And, what He brought into heaven with Him when he rose from the dead was never there before. He brought His nail scarred hands and pierced side with Him to glory, eternal evidence that He is a better speaker because He does care. He is a better angel because He has inherited excellence. As Hebrews will continue to show, in every way, Christ IS Better!