Summary: Parable is a short story that illustrates a moral point and Jesus illustrates that in the parable of rich fool.

The parable of the Rich Fool

Luke 12:13-12:21


Please turn to Luke 12:13-21.

This is the parable of the Rich fool.

It is the recorded words of Jesus addressing a conflict between two brothers over an inheritance.

The words of Jesus goes much deeper than two brothers arguing because His answer to them addresses other issues they had and we have even today.

He addresses greed.

He addresses when enough is enough concerning material things.

He even addresses success and how it is measured and who measures it.

Let’s see what Jesus tells the brothers and what He is wanting to tell and say to each one of us.

Luke 12:13-21

The definition of a parable is a short fictional story that illustrates moral attitude or a religious principal.

I believe Jesus gave this parable to accomplish both.

Set up

Someone out of the crowd that came to see Jesus somehow got near the front and asked Jesus to settle a dispute between him and his brother. It is not uncommon for people to come to religious experts in that culture and seek guidance on practical issues.

In this culture, the oldest son is to get a double share of inheritance, and this younger brother has disagreed and wanted Jesus to hear his plea.

Jesus interpreted his actions as greed. “Watch out, be on guard against all kinds of greed.”

Jesus then devalues material possessions- “life does not consist in the abundance of processions. 12:15 NIV

Again, looking at the time and the culture will determine why Jesus said what He said.

Jesus had a concern for the poor

Jesus and His disciples had given up everything and lived on day to day wages and the goodness of those that they came in contact with.

We often hear Jesus the Prophet, Jesus the Miracle-worker, but rarely Jesus the Pauper.

We understand Jesus love for the poor, but can we really grasp his stance for material possessions?

Jesus! – tell my brother to divide the inheritance!

Jesus response- “Beware of all kinds of greed.” (Not the answer he wanted)

That culture had haves and have-nots.

Jesus attacked the Pharisee’s as being filled with greed and losing contact with the poor.

So what was Jesus telling them in the parable? What can we learn for our lives today?

Everyday our lives are pulled in so many directions.

The way we think



Obligation to church and other good things.

Pursuit of happiness.

The passage makes us think about “what is important to me?”

The passage is relevant today because most people think today that the most important thing in life is to attain enough money to live the good life.

We are bombarded on TV, you watch how some live their lives and we want our lives to be like that.

I have seen many people’s lives destroyed arguing over what somebody left behind after they died. I think some would turn over in their grave if that was possible if they saw what people did to other people all in the name of greed.

Jesus response to the younger brother is a Jesus classic! “Who made me a judge or arbiter of you?”

Jesus refused to be sidetracked from His mission.

His mission was to seek and save the lost.

He directs his answers to the moral side of man. Be careful, watch out, Be on guard for greed.


How often have we gone to God asking Him to change our situation rather than asking him to change our heart? I would say most prayers to God are – solve this problem God instead of asking His direction.

Ecclesiastes 5:10

“Whoever loves money never has money enough, whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.”

If only Publishers Clearing House would call me

If only I could be the big lottery winner.

The seeking of the comfort life instead of what God has for you.

Malcom Forbes

“The one who dies with the most toys wins.” He has since died and now knows that is not true.

1. When our hearts are focused on the wrong thing- we forget what God has done for us.

There is nothing wrong with money. He didn’t condemn money.

This farmer was a blessed man with a blessed crop, more than he had anticipated. Instead of looking who he could bless- he looked at how he could hoard it for himself.

2. When our hearts are focused on the wrong thing- we leave God out.

(18) “I will do this, I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store my crops and my goods.”

I am not saying that even building bigger barns was wrong. Maybe that was being smart with his money. The problem was that he only thought of himself and was not willing to share.

Nothing wrong with money. In fact, I would want to work for someone who had money because that assures me that I will have a paycheck at the end of the week. Only one time did I work for someone that I was hoping at the end of the week that I would get paid. I got out of that job as soon as possible.

The problem is our heart. The problem is thinking that it is all about us!

3. When our hearts are focused on the wrong thing- we store our treasures in the wrong place.

(20) “But God said to him, Fool, this night your soul will be required of you, then whose will those things be which you have provided?”

Think about that!

The man was called a fool because he put every effort to attain material things here and never sent any treasures on ahead of him.

A fool in that culture were harsh words-

He was a fool because he forgot about God.

He was a fool because he lived as if there was no God to answer too.

He was a fool because he refused to acknowledge that all he had was because God had blessed him with it.

He was a fool because he was never satisfied. He wanted more!


Leo Tolstoy once wrote a story about a successful peasant farmer who was not satisfied with his lot. He wanted more of everything. One day he received a novel offer. For 1000 rubies, he could buy all the land he could walk around in a day. The only catch in the deal was that he had to be back at his starting point by sundown. Early the next morning he started out walking at a fast pace. Well into the afternoon he realized that his greed had taken him far from the starting point. He quickened his pace and as the sun began to sink below the horizon he came within sight of the finish line. Gasping for breath, his heart pounding, he called upon every bit of strength left in his body and staggered across the line just before the sun disappeared. He immediately collapsed, blood streaming from his mouth. In a few minutes he was dead. Afterwards his servant dug a grave. It was not much over 6 feet long and 3 feet wide. How much land does a man need?

Everything we have will one day be left behind. At some point, people will be using and wearing things that was once ours.

“This very night your soul will be demanded of you” that verse translated means “requiring back”- showing us that our lives are on loan from God and one day will be demanded back.

I have to tell you a truth, I don’t talk much about tithing because I think that is something between you and God. I remind you about it once or twice a year so that we can keep going with the things that God has called us too. My understanding of tithing did not come from any preacher or message, because until God showed me and I understood his principal of 90-10, I thought preachers were just wanting my money. What did it for me was a sentence from missionary Jim Elliott.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

When we give what belongs to God- money, time, talents. There is a blessing coming our way.

That is God’s promises. We are giving back what belongs to God, by choice and he blesses our obedience.

When we store up treasure unto God, they cannot be stolen. Rust cannot destroy them. They are interest bearing accounts and they will pay dividends.


The pastor was invited to dinner in the home of a very wealthy man in Texas. After the meal, the host led him to a place where they could see the surrounding area. Pointing to the oil wells dotting the landscape, he boasted, twenty five years ago I had nothing. Now, as far as you can see, it is all mine. Turning in the opposite direction, he said, that too is mine. The visitor patiently waited till he was finished and looking up said, “how much do you have going in that direction?”

How much have you invested going that way?

Last thing;

How do you measure success? Be honest with yourself.

Is it based upon how many things we have?

What we are able to do?

It is by power? What and who do you control?

How much pleasure you are having?

All of these things one day will be gone. You will not be able to take any of that with you.


Erma Bombeck- Rules

1. Never have more children than you have car windows.

2. Never loan your car to whom you have given birth.

3. Seize the moment- The difference between fame and success. Success is mother Teresa. Fame is Madonna.

How does Jesus measure success?

Purpose driven life, purpose driven church, all Christian leadership books tell us it is not all about us- God never said “have your way”

Jesus measures success on did we fulfill our purpose.

Jesus said “life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”

Your barns are full- praise the Lord! It is because of God’s blessing upon you.

He measures success by how much you are willing to give back to others.

I have said it before, God has a bigger shovel than you do, he will never be outdone!

Your purpose is to do what he has called you to do.

To use the resources he gave you to do it. Weather it is time, talents, money or all three.

Our life won’t be measured by God by what we leave behind, but what we send on ahead.


There have been times when we have gone to a high school football/ basketball game and the kids asked for some money to buy candy. I gave them money and they return with some candy. I ask for a piece and their answer is no. Here is what they don’t realize. First- I could take the candy away and eat it myself. Because I am bigger and stronger. Second- I gave them the money in the first place, I paid for the candy so really it is mine. Third- I could have bought so much candy that they couldn’t have possibly eaten it all. Now look at this from God’s view when he blesses us with power and everything else for that matter. 1st- He has the power to take it all away if/when he wants too. 2nd- He gives us everything. 3rd- He can supply endlessly. This goes for our finances, health, and His power.

I am closing, I have no agenda, what is God saying to you this morning?

The poorest and the richest can be far from God. It is not only the rich. Not only those that have an abundance.

It is all God’s. send some on ahead!

John Tilltotson

“He who provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever.”
