Summary: Limited objects fulfill their purpose by following absolute rules provided to them by their designer.

Let’s turn to Genesis 2, Genesis 2, Genesis 2. Yes we’re gonna continue from last week. Too bad for our, too bad for our San Diego State basketball team. They lost. They had a great run but they lost. I still love em. Yep-yep-yep-yes. Let’s pray. Chargers lost too.

Lord thank you so much for your faithfulness. Thank you for your word and we pray you bless us today and teach us today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Amen.

Um I was playing pool this week, billiards and I set the balls up, put em in the rack, broke the balls and a ball went in every pocket. We had 6 balls go in on the break. Now you know this is not a true story. So then I went to hit the, hit the 3 in, hit the 3 in and before I hit it in it bounced off the 5 and they both went in. And then I went to go hit the 7 and the cue ball said – Hold up, hold up, hold up. It said – This hitting us against each other is not working out anymore. You know we don’t, we don’t really like you banging us into each other. And then the 7 ball said – That’s right. I’m getting a headache. You keep hitting us against each other and you know and then we got to go in the pocket and fall on each other and then all the balls in the pockets are like – Yeah we agree. We don’t like being in these pockets. We just want to roll around on the green felt and bounce off the nice bumpers. Can you just roll us into the holes without us having to touch each other. And then the cue stick, the pool stick said – Yeah man I got a headache from hitting me against right on top of my head, right here against all the balls. And I’m sitting there thinking and listening to all these balls talk to me and I said – Fellas you don’t have any right to tell me how to play pool. You didn’t create pool, someone else created pool. We made you for this purpose. So all you need to do is just do what you’re told and everything will be fine.

As we continue our series called Who is God? everyone say who is God, we’ve been using this living room and now a pool table as a metaphor to teach us about God and creation and the proof of the existence of God. What we’ve learned is that this living room is a limited object or a created object. It’s limited because it didn’t begin itself. It was began by someone else. And what we learned is that because it’s a limited object it had a first cause. It didn’t cause itself. I think we all agreed a few weeks ago that there’s no way this living room put itself there so it’s caused. Everyone say caused, say created. Same thing. So someone had to create it. So we all, so we saw that 1-Limited objects are caused or created by someone else just like the pool table.

Then we saw that the living room was also designed, say designed. So limited objects are caused by something. Then the living room we also saw and agreed that it was designed by something. The TV was designed. It has a rectangle frame with a screen and it has an ability to make pictures come off on the screen and sound. We have a couch back there. It was designed so you can sit on it with cushions and it’s about the height of when you bend your knees at 90 degrees etc. We have a clock that was designed to tell you time. So we saw that limited objects like this living room, like a pool table, like your clothes, like this building are not only created or caused but they are designed by someone. Then we also saw that because they were designed that they have a purpose and the only place they can get their purpose is from the person that designed it because the purpose is to fulfill the purpose of the design.

And then last week we saw that if a, if a limited object is caused by someone and it is designed by that same someone and the purpose is to fulfill the design who determines the rules that it’s supposed to be used by? Who determines the rules that determine how it’s operated? Who determines the rules on how to use a television? The person who designed the television. Who determines the rules on how to use a clock? The person who designed the clock. Who determines the rules on how to use a couch? The person who designed the couch. Who determines the rules on how you play pool? The person who designed the game of pool.

And so we saw all the things that are limited objects they all had to be caused by someone. They were all designed by someone. They all get their purpose by someone and therefore the only person that can determine how you use it, the proper way to operate it is the person who designed it. And so we looked at all the things that man designed and of course man is the person, if man is the first cause man is the one who designed it, man is the one who gives it the purpose, man is the one who determines how to use it. So whoever created the TV which is Sony or whatever, they’re the ones who tell you how to use it. Whoever created the clock, they’re the ones who tell you how to use the clock. Whoever created the couch, they’re the ones who give you the manual on how to create the couch, use the couch. Matter of fact if you buy a car you get manual on how to use the, how to use the car and it comes from the manufacturer.

So the million dollar question is – Who determines the rules on how to use everything that man didn’t create like you and me? Like animals? Like the universe? The planet? The stars? Who determines how those things are supposed to function? Well it has to be the person who caused it, the same person who designed it, the same person who gives it its purpose and we saw every week that it was God cuz you and I didn’t create ourselves. We didn’t design ourselves. We don’t give ourselves our purpose even though we try but because we don’t understand the full capacity of our design. We can’t possibly know the full capacity of our purpose. That comes from our designer which is God. And so now today’s question is – Who determines the rules?

Now if you look in your notes, if you look in your notes the very top line in your notes there’s an underlined guiding principle for today. It says limited objects which is you and I, the living room, the building, limited objects fulfill their purpose by following absolute rules provided to them by their designer. Everyone say absolute rules. So the pool table doesn’t have the ability to negotiate what the rules are. They’re absolute to the pool table. We’re, the creator of the pool, of the game of pool said – Here’s a ball that’s made of this material. It’s gonna roll and hit other balls and the balls have no say in the matter. The pool stick has no say in the matter. The pool table has no say in the matter because it was created by someone for a very specific purpose.

If you extend that principle, that concept to people then here we are. We are created beings designed by someone else. Certainly if you’re just new to this, let me do a little review. You didn’t design your brain. You didn’t design your endocrine system that produces your hormones, your circulatory system, your skeletal system, your muscular system, your reproductive system, your respiratory system, your nervous system. You didn’t design any of that and none of you I promise, I would, I’m assuming but I think my assumptions correct that none of you have ever seen all that part of your body. You don’t even know what it looks like. You don’t understand how it all works, how it all intertwines with each other. Also the unseen part of our soul, our spirit, how we connect with a person, how we have a spiritual relationship with God we’ve never seen that. It’s beyond us. We, we understand to some degree how it exists but God is the one who understands it completely. So God says – I’m the one who’s gonna tell you how to use it because it’s above your head.

And so we saw last week point #1 in our notes, point #1-That there is in fact a universal moral laws, that universal moral laws exist. Now this goes against what you will learn in your college, at your job, if you watch talk radio, if you watch television that the universal law concept is old fashioned and it’s very one sided and narrow minded, that everybody has to have their own truth and that your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth and you can’t make your truth my truth. That sounds good in theory but how many of you agree by a show of hands that murder is absolutely wrong? Thank you very much. How many of you agree that rape is absolutely wrong? That doing stuff to the little children, little children is absolutely wrong that we see people do? And lying and cheating and stealing? And by the way how many of you would, how many of you would also unanimously say that, that ah dying for someone else is an honorable thing? Yes, yes.

Now these things are not absolute laws because we say so they’re absolute laws because the absolute law maker says so and He happens to make us in His image and our conscience to come from Him and we happen to resonate with His truth most of the time. There is a universal law giver and why is this important? Because everyday you are taught you can believe whatever you want to believe and do whatever you want to do and what I want to encourage you is to step back and think about how ridiculous that is and how you don’t even believe that because if you did you’d drive 95 mph to, down the freeway all the time and not care about anybody. You would lie a little more often. You would do things to people cuz you, if you didn’t think you’d ever get caught and we understand there’s right and wrong, and we understand there’s prisons that people, places where people go when they, when they break laws. But with the, what the devil wants to do and the devil’s gonna teach it to you through culture. He’s gonna teach it to you through the news that you can do whatever you want and believe whatever you want. So #1-There’s universal laws.

#2 in your notes and this is where we’re gonna pick up from today. #2-It says that a universal law giver must exist. Now if there are universal laws, if there are rules so someone had to make the rules. In other words if I, if you, if you walk into a house and there’s a pool table with a, with a rule book on the pool table well somebody had to make the rule book.

How many of you were driving, ever been driving down the street and you see a speed limit sign it says 60 mph? Can I get an amen? Ok let’s say 70, say 70, say 70. You’re driving down the street and you see 70 mph and then you see an electronic sign next to it and it tells you how fast you’re going and it says the speed limit’s 70 and then it says you are driving 75-75-75 and it starts blinking. Matter of fact as you’re driving there it starts to calculate your speed and the, and when it gets to your maximum speed it goes wrong-wrong-wrong-wrong you know it says your speed over and over again and in your mind you are thinking, and it’s a right assumption that somebody put that there and there may be somebody watching me right now and there may be somebody looking on a little-little-little hand held thing saying – That car’s driving 75. Pull them over. If, if that process, thought process goes through your mind you are very intelligent because it is a very accurate assumption that if someone put rules there that they are, there is somebody, that they, if there are rules there and if there is someone there to tell you you’re doing something wrong then somebody put it there. It just didn’t come from nowhere.

And if there are rules for your body which there are by the way. Doctors and scientists will tell you – Here’s good ways to treat your body and here are bad ways. Absolute by the way, absolute.

So if there are rules there must be a little rule giver. Matter of fact I would have bet you every single one of us in this room when we were little kids at some point said – That’s not fair! Well forget that. Everyone in this room probably said that in the last week. That’s not fair! Where did you get that? From God. God is the one who created the concept of right. God is the one who created the concept that that is wrong. God is the one who made the rules.

Matter of fact all you all in here love. We all love. There are rules to love. Ladies can I get a hey if there’s rules to love. Hey and by the way fellas here’s why women are so complicated. I’m gonna tell you and they’re gonna, they’re gonna, they’re gonna prove me right cuz I’m right! This is just right. It’s not, my opinion is always wrong but this one’s right. Ok? Here’s why ladies are so complicated cuz ladies have very specific rules on how to love them. Ladies can I get an amen? But I haven’t gotten to the point. That’s just the, that’s just the preliminary foundational truth. I’m getting to the point here. They have very specific rules. In other words there rules are like this. There are certain people you’re not supposed to talk to. Fellas you know, you need to know there’s certain women you’re not supposed to talk to. It’s not men it’s women. There, there’s, there’s a certain time limit when your lady walks into a room with a new outfit on you have 2.7 seconds to say – That looks awesome! Ladies can I get an amen? And if, if she ever asks you a question about does she look good in something, no matter what you think you say –Honey you look beautiful. Don’t be honest. It’s not a time to be honest. It’s time to be smart. And by the way the rule is the ladies don’t want you to be honest. They don’t want you to be honest. They want you tell them what they want to hear. Can I get an amen ladies? See what I’m saying.

See, but here’s why, here’s why women are complicated. All these rules I’m telling you and there’s many, many more. They won’t tell you those rules. You need to figure it out. You just have to know and if you, and if you just don’t know you’re not the guy. There guy will just know because if you knew that would make you their guy. If you don’t know you’re not the, you’re the wrong guy. You just have to know. So you need to pray. So, so for all you fellas that are wondering –How can I figure my wife out? I, and you know what? Here’s the thing. You’re gonna go home and they’re gonna look at you and you’re gonna say – Honey is he right? Do you have rules? And they’re gonna go… And you’re gonna want her to tell you and she’s gonna go – You have to just know.

Now where does that, where does that whole dynamic come from because it’s international it’s global? It’s global, it’s global. Every relationship, where does that come from? God. Some woman, some woman didn’t just make that up. Some guy just didn’t make up how we do our thing. Right and wrong come from a universal law giver.

Look at Genesis 2. It starts right here Genesis 2:15. Genesis 2:15 says – The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend it and keep it. Verse 16 – The Lord God commanded the man saying – Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in that day you will die.

Here’s what God said- I’m gonna create a man. I’m gonna create a woman and they’re gonna have no sin. I’m gonna create an earth that’s gonna be sinless, no death and I’m gonna put you in the garden man and woman and I’m gonna make a rule. I’m the rule giver. You beak the rule you die. They broke the rules that’s why we die. But I’m the rule giver. God sets the rules. God created us. He created the world. None of us did.

Oh by the way let me go back. We have a nothing jar here cuz I want to give respect to the atheists. We have a nothing jar here because the atheists, the people who believe there’s no God we gave, we gave a consideration that maybe there is no God and nothing caused all this. Nothing gave us our design. Nothing gave us purpose. We’re just here. Well not to, ___ this very obvious point it’s impossible that nothing could have put this living room here. Can I get an amen? It’s impossible. Nothing can do nothing. That’s scientific, that’s pure science. Nothing does nothing. So it’s very impractical, and improvable and impossible for nothing to have given all this order to all this something. So I just want to say that and put that aside for anybody who’s saying – Well what about the no God option. The no God option is, is scientifically, logically impossible cuz if you have nothing you get nothing. You can’t do anything with nothing. There’s no science, scientists in every world, in the world ever in the history of mankind to take nothing and make something. You always have to begin with something and that something that it began with came from God. Hmm. Ultimately.

And so #1-There has to be, if they’re universal laws there has to be a law giver.

And #3 in your notes-The universal law giver must be good. Why does He have to be good? Because if He’s partially, if He’s only partially good that means He’s partially bad. That means He’s ok He’s not good. A partially good God is only a partially good God. The bible says that God is holy.

Matter of fact turn to Revelation 15 all the way to the end of the bible, Revelation 15.

When you have a world that has evil in it because man is a free will person and we choose to do evil. A lot of times people say – Why is there so much evil in the world? Cuz a good God, God is asking the same question. Why are all these people starving? All this food on the earth. Why did God do that? God is asking the same question. I gave you food for everybody. I gave you resources for everybody. I gave you enough love for everybody. Matter of fact I’m so good I sent my only Son to die for your sin and amidst all the evil in the world guess, guess what else I did? I made available to every single one of you an opportunity to be forgiven of all your sin that you don’t deserve to be forgiven of and a way for you to be saved. So I sent my Son to die in your place and He died at no fault of His own. That’s a good God. That’s an absolutely good God. And so you look at the world and you say – Well if we have a such a loving God…. And by the way if He’s all loving and all powerful why is there so much evil in the world? Because man is evil and God didn’t create robots and God’s not gonna get in your way and stop you every time you do something bad. If He did He could make you a robot. He made you a freewill person.

Matter of fact when you have relationship you never want to force someone to love you. You want them to love you because they love you cuz they choose. Matter of fact ladies and I say ladies to men cuz it’s usually this way, ladies if you find yourself having to teach your man to try to love you and say – Well you shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t do this. And he keeps making the same mistake well maybe he is not in love with you if you have to teach em. Maybe he doesn’t want to do it, maybe. God’s not gonna make you a robot.

He’s gonna, I’m gonna give you a choice. You can love me or you can reject me and I’m gonna do everything I can. Matter of fact I’m gonna do the most, I’m gonna do the most self sacrificing thing I can. My son is gonna die for you and there’s no greater way He can prove, I can prove I love you! That’s an ultimately good God. Morals are good. Guidelines are good. Because they’re intended to help us fulfill the intended purpose that God created us and they’re intended to keep us from harm. That’s a good God.

Look what it says in Revelation 15. Revelation 15:3 it says – They sing a song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying – Great and marvelous are your works Lord God almighty. Just and true are your ways O King of the saints. Who shall not fear you O Lord and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. Everyone say holy.

We have, we serve a holy good God that says to us – I am gonna give you all the opportunity beyond what you deserve to be forgiven and have a relationship with an eternal God.

How many of you have ever felt in your life that something very unfair happened to you and it hurt you? Ok. And in the midst of that pain you were saying – God this is not fair. This is not fair. I don’t deserve this and you’re hurting and you’re hurting and all the sudden, and over time you get through that pain and you get through it to where you kind of even forget you’re over it and you’re done with it and you’re through. And then you look back and you say – You know what? I remember that. Matter of fact you have to be reminded of it it’s such a distant memory. But what you do remember is that yeah it did hurt but I also remember and know that it was, it helped me grow as a person. Can I get an amen? Amen but when you were in it it was so horrible. Guess, guess who got you through that? God. Guess who taught you and grew you up through it? God. Guess who brought people into your life? God. Guess who gave you wisdom on how to, how to use it and guess who’s gonna give you opportunity if you so choose to use em, to use those lessons to help somebody else? God. And then you may say – Well why did God do that? He didn’t necessarily do it.

I talked to a young lady today who was crying because of something she pain in her heart and she said – I have pain in my heart because of blank-blank-blank-blank-blank and I sinned. She knows she did it. And I said – Well you know what? And she sinned. Her sin brought her pain. I said – god loves you but you have to repent of your sin. Your mad at blah-blah at you know all this stuff that happened but this stuff happened because you sinned. But God is the one who’s gonna get you through.

Now when people say –Well why does, why do bad things happen to good people? Ah how many of you have ever thought that? Ok why do bad things, maybe the, the, the bad thing happened to the good person you are. Well I’m, unfortunately the answer to that question is this. There’s no good people. Cuz when you say that what you’re saying is – God, and let me clarify what I mean by no good people, when you say that you’re saying – God I don’t deserve this. And what you’re saying is that – I’m a better person than to deserve this pain. I’m sorry. We, all of us in here are sinners that deserve death. When Jesus died He died for our sin. So anything less than death and hell is a good deal. It’s a good deal, it is because, not only that, not only that your sin deserves death and hell and God’s saying – I’m gonna dive you another chance. Matter of fact we are on borrowed time for years. And Jesus said – I died to pay the price for your sin and however long you live you have an opportunity to say – Lord I am sorry for my sin. Please forgive me of my sin. That’s a good deal. So if something happens to you you have to say –Lord this is a merciful result of my sin. You are being merciful to me. Please get me through. You may not understand at the time what’s happening but through, if you look at your history at every time God got you through, He gets you through.

And when we see disasters around the world we have to put the same context on it except in a bigger, a bigger space that more people are suffering but in thee end, in the long run God is the one who’s gonna get us through. God is the one who’s gonna get us through.

#4 and I’ll end with this one. If there are moral laws and there’s a moral law giver, #4 says without a righteous universal law giver morality is meaningless. Ooh! This is tough. If there are no absolute laws then there is no right and wrong. What is a guy said – Listen I want to go around and slap bald headed people. If I see a guy with a bald head on bap! White dude, black dude, Mexican don’t matter I like all shades of baldness. I’m gonna smack em all. Just random, this is a random thought. But jus, just imagine this. So a guy goes around and there’s a guy or girl and just bham, bham-bham-bham-bham-bham smacking all the bald head. Right or wrong? Who are you to say? Who are you to say? And what is the basis of your decision? You? Well who are you over that person? Why can’t they do that? It’s just not right. You can’t say that. What’s the basis of right and wrong to you? Well it hurts somebody. Why is hurting somebody wrong? Who says?

If there’s no absolute right and wrong there’s no absolute right and wrong. Hitler and Mother Theresa are the same. If there’s no basis of right and wrong Hitler and Mother Theresa are the same. And by the way you can do whatever you want, and say whatever you want, and argue any argument you want because it’s your belief against mine and there’s no one to say who’s right if there’s no God. Even in our democratic society people vote and the judge overturns the vote. So it doesn’t matter. It’s not, it’s not a majority rules. It’s not a, it’s not a you know whoever is the strongest muscles win, wins, wins or majority wins. Who decides if there’s no God?

And if there’s no God and there’s no absolute moral right it’s just a free for all and you should do whatever you want. And by the way if there’s no God we’re wasting our time. If there’s no God you will never be rewarded in heaven for your good and here’s, here’s the kicker. All the evil people who rape, murdered, and molested will never be judged in hell cuz there’s no God. They die like you die and I die and we just sleep if there’s no God. If there’s no God we, there’s no such thing as a right and wrong. Woo! Cuz it’s just your opinion against mine.

If you look very carefully at our culture an very carefully how people, you see it on TV and radio all the time, argue their cause cuz it’s all about me. It’s all about me. Now I’m not saying that about me. Our culture, I want what I want when I don’t, when I want it and if I don’t get it I’m gonna sue somebody and I’m gonna defame them in the media or whatever and get my way whether I’m right or wrong. That’s our culture going and you know what that culture says? There’s no God. There’s no accountability. There’s no right and wrong.

Now if that’s true then go for it. But if it’s not true and there’s a God ooh turn to John 5, John 5.

You hear about atheist um they argue that there’s no God and what’s ironic about that and if you’re an atheist watching God bless you. Thank you for watching. We love you. For reals! You can love somebody and disagree with somebody. Don’t you know that? So if someone ever says that you hate them because you disagree with them that’s like the most ridiculous thing in the world. Don’t we disagree with something about everybody we know? So we can disagree with people and love em. But if you’re an atheist and we are as Christians are worshiping absolutely nothing because there’s no God to an atheist. Well if there really is no God then whatever we pray to nothing happens because there’s nothing to pray to. And so just leave us alone. Why argue and fight and make a laws to stop people from doing something that means nothing? And they’re not talking to anybody. Matter of fact if we’re all worshiping something we’re all worshiping nothing and we’re claiming that something is talking to us but it’s not really there maybe we need to have a mental hospital check us out.

But the point is, the point is this is that if there’s, if there’s no God then there’s nothing. We’re just wasting our time. We are literally wasting our time because even though we die being good we don’t, there’s no eternal reward and there’s no eternal judgment on the people who do evil.

So look what it says John 5:24 – Most assuredly I say to you he who hears, this is Jesus speaking, he who hears my words and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment but is passed from death to life.

If you believe in Christ you will have everlasting life. By the way this is a great deal. You’re a sinner. You have done nothing to deserve God’s love, nothing.

My secretary had a baby ah 6 days ago, 5 days ago, I’m sorry last Saturday so 7-8 days ago and, and the baby, the baby is 1 week old. The baby cannot entertain. He cannot get a job. It cannot talk. It cannot clean the house. It cannot do a, it can’t do anything, anything except sleep and go to the bathroom and eat. I held the baby. The baby’s like this. That’s all a baby can do and, and maybe crack its eyes open and then eat and blop and that’s it. That’s it! Yet that mother loves the baby this much, like nothing she’s ever loved.

When God looks at you, you may think you can do something. You can’t do nothing outside of God. God says – I love you. You can’t do anything to make me love you any more.

It says – Most assuredly I say to you whoever hears my word and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment but is passed from death to life. Though here you are this human who is a sinner deserving of death and Jesus says – I will give you life even though you don’t deserve it and even though you can’t earn it!

Look what it says in verse 25 – Most assuredly I say to you the hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the son of God and those who hear will live. For as the father has life in himself so he has granted the son to have life in himself. And look at verse 27 – And he has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the son of man.

Every single person, non Christians are gonna be judged and Christians are gonna be judged. If you’re a non Christian and you don’t have Christ God’s gonna say – You, you, your sin was never forgiven so I’ll have to judge you and you will be cast into everlasting darkness in hell. We don’t want that to happen to anybody. So a good God gave us a very good message to give to you. You don’t need to be, you don’t need to be condemned. You can be forgiven but it has to be according to His rules cuz He’s the rule maker.

If you’re a Christian you’re gonna be judged as well and what He’s gonna judge you for everything you said, everything you’ve thought and He’s gonna reward you accordingly and the reward you get for heaven are gonna be used to glorify Him. So the rewards aren’t for you. It’s all about Him. The more rewards you have the, the different, the, thee, thee ah different, the rewards you get are gonna distinguish your worship experience in heaven from someone else. But it’s still gonna be a worship experience.

But the point is if you’ve never asked Christ to forgive you, you are guilty according to His rules. You have, you have driven over the speed limit and you are busted. But what He’s saying is – Listen I can take your ticket and clean it for you. I won’t hold you accountable for your sin. I will let my Son Jesus pay for your sin when He died on the cross. But the only way that can happen is if you ask Him to forgive you of your sin and you surrender your life to Him, and you say Lord, to the Lord – Lord I’m surrendering my life to you. I want to live according to your rules, according to the power you will give me when I, you put the Holy Spirit in my heart. That’s what I want God cuz I can’t do it on my own. I’m a sinner.

So in a minute we’re gonna pray and bow our heads and pray and here’s what I want you to think about. The bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and the penalty of sin is death. We have all broken the rules and we don’t have the power within ourself to overcome our sinful nature and stop breaking the rules. God wants to forgive us and empower us in the context of a relationship with Him to live in obedience to Him and to inherit eternal life. You can’t do it on your own. That’s the rules. Now you may think you can, you can’t. Let’s all bow our heads and pray.

Lord we thank you that you give us evidence of your existence so clearly. In all the things that are made we can see your visible attributes, your love, your creativity, your wisdom, your power but you also have given us clear evidence that there’s a right and wrong and there are consequences to right and wrong. We see those consequences as disease and broken relationships, in pain but we thank you that you sent your Son to pay the price for our sinfulness, for our rule violations. He died on the cross and rose from the dead and because you are an eternally good God you have given us once again an opportunity to be forgiven for all the rule violations we have committed. You have given us an opportunity to have a relationship with you the God that we sinned against, the God whose rules we violated and because you are an eternally good God you have graciously loved us even though we turn our back on you every day.

If you realize that God has loved you and if you want to ask Him to forgive you of your sin, if you want to ask Him to grant you eternal life and you want to commit yourself to following His rules pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart. Pray:

Dear God, I believe that I’m a sinner. I believe that my sin is wrong. I believe I have violated your rules. Jesus please forgive me of my sin. Please come live in my heart and be my Savior, and my Lord, and my God. I surrender my life to you. Thank you God.

As our eyes are closed and our heads are bowed in a minute I’m gonna ask you to stand up. If you’re watching online I’m gonna ask you to stand up as well if you prayed that prayer. By standing up you are giving a public testimony that you surrendering your life to Jesus. Jesus said – If you’re ashamed of me before man I’ll be ashamed of you. Walking with God is something we do in public and it’s gonna start today right here. Standing is also a form of resurrecting, rising up to a new life. So eyes closed heads bowed if you prayed that prayer just stand to your feet and acknowledge God’s forgiveness in your life. God bless you. Very good. God bless you. Very good. God bless you.