Summary: Thomas started out as a doubter who quickly changed his skepticism once he saw the resurrected Jesus.


John 20:19-31

1) Overjoyed! (19-20) All the hoopla surrounding the empty tomb happened Sunday morning and now we are in Sunday evening. The disciples had all day to think about what had already happened. They weren’t convinced that Jesus had resurrected, even though they saw the empty tomb and the grave clothes lying there along with Mary telling them she had seen Jesus herself. And after that, Jesus appeared to the two on the road to Emmaus and they came and told the Apostles that it was true. So, as they were pondering all this, Jesus comes through a locked door and stands among them. Does this mean that Jesus didn’t resurrect in bodily form and he was just a spirit? No. Luke 24:36-43. Jesus had a resurrected body. Therefore, it had more capabilities than just a typical flesh and blood body like ours. This allowed him to act like a ghost even though he was not. But we have to remember that before he possessed a resurrected body he came to his disciples walking on the water. And they thought then that they were seeing a ghost (Matt. 14:25-26). 41-they couldn’t believe their eyes. They were overjoyed and amazed but probably still wondering if they were really encountering the resurrected Jesus. John 20:20 “he showed them his hands and side.” Although Jesus was alive and restored he still bore the marks of his crucifixion. As we rejoice in the resurrected Jesus we need to be mindful of the wounds he bore for us. He showed his disciples his hands and side to show further proof that it was indeed Jesus standing there among them, in the flesh. He also rebuked them for their lack of faith. Mark 16:14, “Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.” Jesus didn’t go easy on his disciples for their lack of faith. He rebuked them because they had enough evidence to believe and yet still doubted. Nevertheless, Jesus still made his appearance to them so that they could have further proof. People today have plenty of evidence to believe yet they continue in their stubbornness. Even Christians who have seen the mighty hand of God at work in their lives countless times can have situations where they doubt. Jesus may need to rebuke us for our lack of faith. However, he continues to prove himself to us because he knows our weaknesses. He wants us to believe and be overjoyed like the disciples.

2) Passing the torch (21-23). In verse 19 the disciples were barricading themselves in due to their fear of the Jews. Perhaps they figured that since Jesus’ body was missing they might come after them demanding answers or to silence them lest they spread the news of the absurdity of Jesus coming back to life. In any event, they were afraid. But here comes Jesus in miraculous power trying to show them, yet again, that they need not fear. “I am sending you”. As the Father sent Jesus with a mission of salvation now Jesus was sending his disciples with the same mission. They were going to need Jesus’ power if they were going to overcome their fears and spread his message. 22-this was a special empowering of the Holy Spirit to do the work of Christ. They would be filled with the Holy Spirit 50 days later at Pentecost (Acts 2:4). 23-This doesn’t mean that they had the authority to declare whether someone was forgiven or damned. Jesus is saying that the power of the message they were to be proclaiming was such that those who accepted it would be forgiven but those who didn’t would be condemned. John 12:47-50. Jesus received the message from his Father and now Jesus passes it to his disciples, with the same power. The power of the message of salvation, spoken through the disciples, had the ability to save or condemn depending on whether or not it was accepted by those who heard it. Matt. 16:15-19. Through the Holy Spirit Peter believed in Jesus the Christ. Jesus declares that the church will be built on this same faith. He will hand the keys to the kingdom over to his disciples in the carrying on of the gospel. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and Peter preached the gospel and the church was established. The Apostles were given authority and power and were responsible for setting the rules and guidelines within the church but their authority came not from themselves but from Christ, as they were guided by the Holy Spirit. As Albert Barnes’ commentary states, “It was not authority to forgive individuals, but to establish in all the churches the terms and conditions on which men might be pardoned, with a promise that God would confirm all that they taught; that all might have assurance of forgiveness who would comply with those terms; and that those who did not comply should not be forgiven, but that their sins should be retained.”

3) Doubting Thomas (24-25) 25-the same words Mary spoke to them earlier, and they didn’t believe. Thomas was a doubter. Even with the testimony of his closest companions he still wouldn’t believe unless he saw it for himself. And even then, it wouldn’t be enough for him to see it with his own eyes he would need further proof by being able to feel the wounds with his own hands. Thomas obviously thought that the other Apostles were mistaken; whoever they spoke with, it couldn’t have been Jesus. In a Peanuts comic strip, Charlie Brown is talking with Lucy as they walk home on the last day of school. Charlie Brown says to Lucy: “Lucy, I got straight A’s; isn’t that great!” Lucy in her typical fashion shoots down poor Charlie Brown and says: “I don’t believe you Charlie Brown. Unless you show me your report card, I cannot believe you.” Ever know someone like that? Someone who is always skeptical or questioning everything. “Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see”. Having doubt isn’t always a bad thing. If you’re standing in the checkout line and you read the tabloid cover that claims that Elvis is alive and well on planet Mars you should be skeptical; that would make sense. However, in this case, Thomas’ doubt was not a good thing. Thomas had seen Jesus’ miracles. He had plenty of evidence for Jesus’ validity. Plus, I’m sure the other Apostles had proven themselves as people who didn’t go around making up stories. Despite all these factors Thomas still refuses to believe when the disciples tell him that they had seen the risen Lord.

4) Proof positive (26-29) 26-Notice that Jesus waited a whole week before he showed himself to Thomas. Why? Perhaps to give the other disciples a chance to testify further and try to convince Thomas. This would be training for when they would be sent out to spread the gospel and convince others of the proof of the resurrection. The arguments and persuasion tactics they would use with Thomas would be some of the same they would need to use with the rest of Jerusalem. Also the waiting a week could be to establish the regularity of the gathering of the new church (each week on Sunday-the first day of the week-the Lord’s Day). Jesus could’ve appeared to Thomas alone somewhere but he didn’t, he waited until he was rejoined with the rest of the Apostles. I think this highlights something: the importance of staying connected with God’s people and gathering when they gather. Thomas missed out. Had Thomas been with the other disciples when Jesus appeared to them he wouldn’t have doubted; he would’ve been able to share the enthusiasm of the others. When we become detached from the fellowship we miss out. Not that Jesus only ministers to us when we come to church but there is something special that happens here that you miss when you’re not here. Jesus knew Thomas wouldn’t be there the first time. I’d like to think that was weighing on Thomas’ mind as the week went on as he listened to his friends talk about seeing Jesus. Perhaps the doubt started to subside and he entertained the reality of the resurrection. Was he mad at himself for missing the opportunity? Did he wonder if he would get another chance? 27-Thomas was given grace. Jesus didn’t have to make another appearance for the sake of Thomas but he did. Jesus gives some people many opportunities to believe. However, he isn’t obligated to. Thomas should’ve believed on the evidences presented and the testimonies provided but he didn’t. Nonetheless, Jesus is merciful and chooses to provide proof to Thomas. But that didn’t mean Jesus went easy on them (Mark 16:14). 28-“My Lord and my God!” The greatest declaration one could ever make. Thomas went from uttering cynical statements to declaring a faith filled one. It can be like that for some people. They go from skepticism and cynicism to complete belief from the result of one miracle. This highlights the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit revealed to Peter that he was the Christ (Mt. 16:16), the Holy Spirit revealed to Thomas that Jesus was God. 29-“Because you have seen me”. This might indicate that Thomas chose not to respond to Jesus’ invitation to touch his wounds but instead believed by sight. Thomas thought he wouldn’t believe unless he touched Jesus but upon the experience of seeing Jesus in the risen flesh he was overwhelmed with belief. Notice something else that is absent in Jesus’ response-Jesus didn’t correct Thomas when he called him God. Many refuse to believe that Jesus is God. But, as we’ve seen right from the very beginning (1:1), John wants his readers to understand that Jesus is God in the flesh. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”. This is the essence of true faith. Heb. 11:1, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The highest level of faith is in having a firm belief even though we don’t have the visible evidence of Jesus. Jesus basically said that those who never saw him were more blessed for their belief than those who did. And our faith, joy and love for Jesus will not be diminished just because we didn’t have the privilege of being in his presence. 1st Pet. 1:8-9. Blessed are we who have not seen but believe. People will be drawn to want to know how someone we have never seen could fill us with such joy. It is abnormal to have such love and devotion for someone who we don’t have visible evidence of their existence. We do, however, have plenty of inexcusable evidence that gives us hope for one day being in his presence. Jesus has proven himself to us.

5) So that you may believe (30-31) 30-why were they not recorded? 21:25. Plus, we have been given enough to believe; there is no need to mention any more. 31-This is the purpose of this whole book. John wanted to present the evidences and miracles for the purpose of bringing people to the point of belief. He wanted this presentation of the gospel to provide convincing proof that Jesus is indeed Savior and Lord. He wanted people to find eternal life and the fulfillment of life through believing in Jesus. Is that our purpose? Are we committed to living our lives in fulfillment of the great commission-to go and make disciples? Are we giving people convincing evidence and are we providing the tangible proof that Jesus is who scripture claims? We need to share who Jesus is to us. We need to be eager to share the reason for our hope, the reason why we have faith, the reason why we believe what we believe so that others will believe what we have come to believe.

CONCLUSION: At Jesus’ crucifixion there were some people present that loved him dearly. They had to deal with their final vision of Jesus one of seeing a bloody, bruised and battered man hanging on a cross until his dying breath. Not a very nice final memory; not a pretty picture to walk away with. However, those weren’t going to have to be their final memories of Jesus. Jesus resurrected three days later and presented himself to them. They got to see Jesus in a better state than when he had left them previously. They had the joy of not having to have that grotesque image of him on the cross as their final memory. When Jesus came back he wasn’t bruised and bloody he was refreshed and restored. Through his resurrection Jesus showed that he had conquered death. This was in fulfillment of what Jesus told the woman at the well in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies.” If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you too will live. You won’t escape physical death, but you will escape spiritual death. Believe in the resurrection of Jesus.