Summary: Things were different in the days of Peter. When Peter was around, everybody got healed.

So far we have seen Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. He was blinded for 3 days. God sent Ananias to heal Saul of his blindness. Saul was baptized, and was nourished with food and drink because he hadn’t eaten or drank anything during those three days. Saul immediately began preaching in Damascus until his life was threatened. His disciples helped him escape by lowering him down the outside of the city wall. Saul went to Jerusalem. He met up with Peter and James and continues preaching until another attempt was planned for his assassination. He leaves Jerusalem and goes to Tarsus, his hometown and begins his ministry of preaching to the Gentiles. Because of all this, READ v. 31.

And then we come to our next passage. READ vv. 32-43

Actual sentences found in patients’ hospital charts:

1. When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room.

2. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

3. (after knee surgery) On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared.

4. She is numb from her toes down.

5. Patient suffers from occasional, constant infrequent headaches.

6. Patient was alert and unresponsive.

7. The patient refused autopsy.

These funny mistakes just go to show that Doctors and Nurses are human too. They make mistakes on hospital charts and they make mistakes (occasionally) with things that are more serious. Everything from ordering the wrong prescriptions or dispensing the wrong medications to making the wrong diagnosis and operating on the wrong leg in surgery. It doesn’t happen often… but it does happen. And it only proves that Doctors and Nurses aren’t gods. They’re NOT infallible. And as much as they want to heal everyone that comes in their doors, it isn’t always going to happen!!!

Things were different in the days of Peter. When Peter was around, everybody got healed. There were no mistakes… there was no human error. Whenever Peter came to town there was always a healing.

In Acts 4, you might remember Peter and John healing the crippled man at the Gate called Beautiful. Later in Acts 5, we’re told that “… people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.” AND NOW, here in Acts 9, Peter heals one person and raises another from the dead… not a bad day’s work. In fact - as a result of this display of God’s power, we find that: “All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw (the healed paralytic) and turned to the Lord.” Acts 9:35

AND “…all over Joppa… many people believed in the Lord.” Acts 9:42

Wouldn’t it be great if there were men like Peter around today—men who could just pass by – and their shadow would bring you healing—men who speak a word and you could be cured of any disease in your body—men who could visit a funeral home and raise the dead from the casket.

Now, there are men (in our society) who claim to have abilities like that. They’re called “faith healers” AND they have huge followings. They’ll have enormous revival meetings and there will be a whole line of sick people up on stage. The Revivalist will give a mighty shout. He’ll thump on their head and they’ll fall down. It’s called being “slain in the spirit”

NOW… I don’t get really excited about “faith healers.” I’ve seen how they conduct their meetings… and I’m suspicious about their claims. I’ve noticed their approach is dramatically different than Peter’s was. Think about it. Peter didn’t wait for the sick to seek him out – he went to them. READ Acts 9: 32-33. Peter WENT to the local church, and finding there a man who was a paralytic, Peter healed him. And there was no need for an audience to observe his methods. When Peter raised Tabitha from the dead (v.40) he sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed.

It is noted, of the 37 accounts of healing in the Gospels and in the book of Acts, only 10 occurred with a crowd present, 12 occurred in small groups and 15 were in private settings like the one at Tabitha’s home. In NEITHER of these cases (found in Acts 9) are we told that those who were healed sought the healing. Tabitha was dead. Peter simply saw a need and he met it. He didn’t go thru some dramatic shouting and slapping of the head. There was no example of people being slain in the Spirit.

Now, I realize that the behavior of modern day "faith healers" makes for good theatre - but when I see such men and women go thru their rituals, it shows me that the audience is being manipulated. And I hate it when someone tries to manipulate me (or anyone else). Do people get healed at these revivals? Maybe they do… Maybe they don’t. But that in itself wouldn’t prove these men are from God.

Back in the 18th century, there was a physician named Franz Anton Mesmer who drew great crowds… and he healed many in his audience. But he didn’t mention God or prayer.

At first he would have his “patients” do such things as sit with their feet in a fountain of magnetized water while holding cables attached to magnetized trees.

Later, he began to believe that magnetic powers resided in his own body and he would pass his hands over his patients – and they would be healed.

Why??? Not because he prayed or gave any credit to God.

Most have come to believe that Mesmer accomplished his results through hypnotic suggestion, that without realizing it, Mesmer – through his actions, his voice and his behavior - literally “mesmerized” his patients into self-healing.

So… just because healing might take place at these faith-healing revivals does not prove these men are of God. I’d be a lot more convinced, if these men actually went into a hospital somewhere and visited room after room healing those in the hospital beds.

Benny Hinn, one of best known of these “faith healers” maintained he did just that. He once claimed he emptied a hospital in Canada – but when that claim was later investigated, it was revealed that nothing like it had ever happened. Many of these so-called healers manipulate their supporters for the money they can supply. And they often wear expensive jewelry and live lavish life styles. Fund raising is often at the heart of their appeals.

Remember Robert Tilton? He has had hundreds of people filing lawsuits against him for fraud because he promised them miracle cures and prosperity if they sent him prayer requests along with their money, of course.

One woman claimed that Tilton promised he would pray for her husband & he would be healed IF she would donate money to his ministry. But her husband didn’t get healed the way Tilton promised… HE DIED. AND, after he died she continued to receive letters afterward asking for more donations.

If someone were to ask if I believed in faith healers… this would be my response

I don’t believe in “faith healers”, but I do believe in healing.

I have seen people who have been dramatically healed after the Deacons anointed them with oil. I have seen people who have been healed after people in the church spent a long time in prayer. AND I myself have personally seen God do a miraculous healing.

A pastor relates this true story about healing: A young woman in the church I was serving was having a difficult pregnancy. I sat with the family in the waiting room as she gave birth to a little girl. But, when the nurse came into the waiting room, she had harsh news. The baby’s oxygen count was around 80.

I had no idea what that meant… but her parents did – they were both nurses and they began to cry. They explained to me that if the child’s oxygen level didn’t reach 90 or so she would die. About an hour later, the nurse returned and explained that the baby’s condition hadn’t improved and that they were going to send her to Indianapolis, but that there was little hope the child would survive.

The nurse asked family if they would like to visit with the child before it was transported to Indianapolis. They went in 1st. And after they had said their goodbyes I went in by myself. It was a long room with warming beds on one side of the room… 3 or 4 children were lying there in this ICU receiving the attention of the nurses. Down at the end of the room there was one warming bed all by itself where this child lay.

I approached the bed as the nurse was recording the numbers on the monitors above bed. I was a little uncomfortable and I asked the nurse if I could touch the child.

She said I could, and then left me alone with the little girl. She was laid out, naked, spread-eagled with needles in her arms. I laid my hand on her foot and I began to pray.

I wish I could tell you I had prayed a powerful prayer that day… that I had spoken eloquently with God… and had felt the power of God surging through my hand to her body. But that wouldn’t be true. In reality, it was a fairly pathetic prayer. And as I stepped back from the bed, I remember being a little ashamed. My prayer hadn’t been one of deep faith. In fact, I wasn’t sure if God would heal this girl or not.

But, as I stood there, the nurse came up and laid her hand on my shoulder. Looking up at the monitors, something stopped her. She got all excited and called for the other nurses. Something had changed dramatically in the girl’s oxygen level between the time when she had left there alone and when she had returned.

The baby was healed. Not because I was a healer. Not because I prayed a powerful prayer. Not because I had felt any strange power surging through my body. That baby was healed because God had honored me by allowing me to observe a miracle.

It’s stories like these that convince us that God is still in the healing business. I believe in healing. I have seen it. I have even had a front row seat to observe it 1st hand. I may not believe in healers… but I do believe in healing. BUT even though I believe in healing, I also realize that, just because we pray for healing, that doesn’t mean we’re going to receive it.

Did you realize that when Peter raised Tabitha from the dead… she didn’t rise up from the dead at that time to live forever? She was going to die again.

The day is coming - when Jesus comes again - that Tabitha will rise up from the grave. She will put on immortality. She will be clothed in a new and perfect body.

And she WILL live forever.

BUT… at the time Peter raised her from the dead, she was only receiving a “reprieve”! She would die again!

Now, let me tell you: Sickness and death are UNNATURAL and UNPLEASANT realities of our life here on earth. We were not created to endure such indignities. BUT we live in a sinful and corrupted world, and until Jesus comes again… we’re going to get sick, and we’re eventually going to die.

So… how do we handle that?

One man prayed this way:

"Lord, if it will be to Your glory, heal suddenly.

If it will glorify You more, heal gradually;

if it will glorify You even more, may your servant remain sick awhile;

and if it will glorify Your name still more, take him to Yourself in heaven."

You see, whenever we pray for healing, we should have in mind one thing: THAT GOD BE GLORIFIED THROUGH IT. Nothing else. That was Peter’s motive and so it seems everywhere Peter went, there was healing. And God will do the same today as long as we glorify Him and not seek to gain fame or fortune and the credit.