Summary: Mission, Purpose, Disciple Making

Matthew 28:16-20 August 7, 2022


I’m 62 years old. I gave my life to Christ 3 months before my 18th birthday. If you want to know my story listen to my testimony on our web site...."The fire that burns away the clutter.", but even though I didn’t surrender to Jesus until I was almost 18 I was raised in the Church. As Matt Proctor, Ozark Christian College President says, “I was a B.U.I.C.K. (Brought Up In Church Kid). I was in Church and Sunday School almost every Sunday, VBS and Church Camp were part of almost every summer. I know the books. I knew the really important stories. I had been taught a biblical view of life.

And I’ve been involved in ministry in one way or another for 44 years. Since I was 18, traveling around and sharing my testimony, internships at Hill N Dale and in Florida while in school, then youth ministry and children’s ministry for the first 7 years after Johnson.

When I was younger, first in ministry, I wanted to have great programs, the most exciting week at camp. I wanted to fill children’s ministry went super fun activities. I remember doing a “Journey through Hell” on Friday night at camp so maybe a lot of students would give their lives to Christ.

I came up with catchy names, innovative strategies. I wanted big numbers, large crowds and exciting events. My view of successful ministry was driven by how well these events went and how many people attended.

I still care about numbers, because each number is a very real and important eternal soul.

But, I’ve learned something vital, a secret to successful ministry that I wish I could go back and tell my 23 year old “Walk through Hell” organizing self. Here it is:

You will not impact this world through the crowd. It will be through the few. It won’t be a program that is important, it’s people you mentor

Jesus is so different than most success driven preachers and leaders.

Jesus wondered through the streets and by-ways of Israel and Samaria looking for the few. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, He wasn’t casual about it. He didn’t meander about with no purpose, like it wasn’t important. Jesus knew His mission would involve a revelation. It would not revolve around the masses, or multitudes. It wasn’t a program. The world would be turned upside down by a few “radical” followers.

What Jesus intentionally set out to do was to teach a few disciples to think like Him, love like Him, serve like Him. Jesus would pour himself into these few so that they could impact the world. That’s why.


Fast forward with me to Jesus' prayer in John Chapter 17, it’s right before the cross. These words of God’s son are spoken to His Father just hours before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. And He recounts His ministry on earth to His Father in heaven by saying.

JOHN 17:1-4

“I have brought you glory by finishing the work you gave me to do.” (v. 4)

And then He describes the work, and it’s shocking! He doesn’t list all his miracles, even raising Lazarus from the dead, or the sermons He preached. He doesn’t talk about the crowds that came out to hear Him, 1,000s and 1,000s.

Instead, He talks repeatedly about His disciples. These small band of followers God had given Him from out of the world. LISTEN, they were the work God had given Him! These few men, 12, no wait, now 11 were quite literally His life.

Look at the affection and the investment He has made in their lives: Look at what He says about these followers in His prayer.

1. “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.” (v.6)

2. “I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.” (v.8)

3. “While I was with them I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me.” (v.12)

4. “For them I sanctify myself that they too may be truly sanctified.” (v.19)

Jesus lived for them. While on earth He spent more time with them than anyone else.

How amazing is this, at the end of the Son of God’s time on earth, as He prepares to pay for the penalty of all mankind’s sin on a cross, He has staked everything on His relationship with 12 men. In fact in the middle of His prayer He says “none has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that scripture would be fulfilled.” (v. 12)

These 11 guys were the small group responsible for carrying on everything Jesus had commanded! That’s quite a gamble huh?

After His prayer in the Upper Room Jesus is arrested, beaten, and crucified. He is then buried in a barrow tomb. 3 days later He rises from the dead, and He appears to the women and then these disciples. Scripture teaches He spends 40 days with his followers after the resurrection and then one of His final moments is captured in Matthew 28.

MATTHEW 28:16-20

And intentionally spending His ministry life with these 11 men, after a cross and a victorious resurrection, Jesus tells them, even those who doubted:

“Now you go do the same thing I did with you, with others.”

The Apostle, the foundation stones upon which the real Church would be built are giving their strategy: “GO MAKE DISCIPLES...IN THE SAME WAY I MADE YOU!”

Here’s an important question for Cornerstone Christian fact for any Church that bears the name of Jesus:


Well, that’s easy. We need to get as many people as possible here on Sunday mornings so they can hear Rick’s awesome messages!

And I’d share with you, the preacher’s name might be different, but the unspoken goal is the same. Let’s make our services warm, attractive and let’s have a powerful speaker.

I heard someone at the North American Christian Convention say these words...”If our members will just invite their friends to the environment we create, then we can take care of the rest.”

That might even work if we provide quality music (traditional and contemporary), challenging, entertaining messages, a few paid ministers.

Here’s the problem with that being the barometer for success...It’s unscriptural.

The goal for Jesus’ Church is never for 1 person or a few to be equipped and empowered to lead as many people to Christ as possible. Jesus commissioned all of God’s people to be equipped and empowered to lead as many people as possible to Christ.

Jesus never intended to limit his invitation to the most effective communicators, the most brilliant organizers, the most charismatic leaders. Instead, the Holy Spirit is the giver of gifts. Appointed as Jesus would have them be given out.

Becoming the right church is dependent on using all the “wrong people.” We have the habit of operating like the world in the church. Often our leaders are selected by many of the same standards of the world. Here’s a question I would ask everyone who desires a place of leadership, me included.

Are you making disciples intentionally? How?

Shouldn’t that be one of the most important qualifications since it’s the reason we exist?

People are the only method God uses to “communicate the message of Christ.” “Faith comes by hearing the message of Christ.” Romans 10:17

I don’t believe that will primarily happen on Sundays. Occasionally we invite, unconverted friends or family to church, or get them involved in our student group or small group, and the Holy Spirit breaks or cuts their heart in regard to sin, guilt and judgment.

But the book of Acts records these words about the Church we’re supposed to be modeling:

“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)

God’s people from Cornerstone sharing Jesus, sometimes with words, but every day with their lives causing the Kingdom to grow, but if you go fishing in a swimming pool where there’s no fish, day after day, don’t be surprised you never catch any.

People sharing Jesus with other people, daily (Monday-Saturday), that’s our calling here at Cornerstone.

Here’s the problem. Most of us don’t know how to make disciples, or don’t really want to know.

Here’s how you make disciples: “Discipleship is relational.”

It takes time, it’s messy, and there are 3 key ingredients:


Disciple making is not a call for people to come to our’s a command for you to go into their world.

It’s intentional...when Jesus says “GO” it’s intentional, in fact it’s assumed by Jesus. This verb literally means “As you are going into the world make disciples.”

You and I are going to go into the world, it’s not a choice, it’s an assumption, with our school, our teams, our community groups, and friends.

Jesus says, “Be intentional...disciple making isn’t a program. Disciples are made through relationships from out of this world. When we are in this world we are a witness. Jesus says be a “good one” be my witness.

The first step of disciple making is to “set Christ apart as Lord of your heart and then you can always be prepared to give a reasonable hope you have within you with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15,16)

Every day we will be trying to fulfill our mission, “GOING” is a choice.

Why is Baptism included? Well, first of all Jesus included it...not me or a denomination. Scripture teaches that baptism isn’t a ritual or an act. It’s a pledge according to 1 Peter 3:21. It’s a death, burial and resurrection according to Romans Chapter 6. It’s for the forgiveness of sin and to receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:38. They heard the message about Christ....believed it and were convicted, Peter's response on the birthday of the church was "Repent and be baptized"....everyone of you....and 3000 responded.

Baptism...literally “Baptidzo.” Baptism is a public picture of what is happening in our private heart. We have died to self. We are buried into Christ. We are resurrected to new life. It's the first thing Jesus commanded us to do as we make disciples because new life begins with our death burial and resurrection. The newness of life we are to walk in according to Romans 6:4 is only possible because we died to sin and have been raised to new life through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

If you have not died and been reborn to new life how can you communicate to others how to do so, or the starting place?

Listen to how one of the first evangelists named Phillip makes disciples

Acts 8:26-40

Jesus commanded us to do it, Peter and Paul talked about it's importance spiritually, and in one of the first encounters of disciple making Phillip stops the chariot for a man who responds to the message to include it.

Going, and Baptizing, are both essentials in making disciples but they must be followed by something just as crucial...TEACHING.

For example, suppose while you were going in the world you shared the gospel message that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and came back to life, defeating our greatest enemy death, and someone responds “They believe this truth, they repent of their sin, they confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, and you baptize them, NOW WHAT!? Good luck buddy, hope you discover God’s Word and plan on your own. See ya! You might laugh, but many times people aren’t effectively taught after they’re caught.

The most effective way according to Jesus: They will learn to pray, watch you pray. They will grow in God’s Word as you help them understand its truth. And as they leave the nursery, less dependent upon their spiritual mother of father, you and God challenge them to connect within the Family of God, The Church. Doing this raises the bar in our own Christianity and it makes us “reproducers” instead of “receivers.”

Going, baptizing, teaching, requires an intentional choice in our lifestyle. It takes time, it’s costly, it’s humbling, it’s scary but, it’s the most rewarding life you’ll ever have because it’s being obedient to the call of Jesus. It’s our purpose for living!

And a lost world which includes our family and friends remain lost unless we are obedient

Let’s pray.