Summary: There is a growing debate among the Christian community, is America a Christian nation?



There is a growing debate among the Christian community, is America a Christian nation? As this argument develops we would like to offer a solution to the opposing view that America is no longer a Christian nation. Some may argue that America is not a Christian nation because the Constitution does not refer to or contain any reference to Christ or Christianity. Also to those who suggest that America was never a Christian nation based on the treatment of slaves. Furthermore, the people who desire to hurt Americans with fear and terrorism. This message will argue the supporting evidence that America is still a Christian nation based on the hearts of our founding fathers, our stance on slavery, and our response to terror.


Founding Fathers

The most obvious reason that America is a Christian nation is the founding fathers view of God and the Christian church. Gouverneur Morris represents the ideas contained in the constitution. It is noted that Morris spoke on the Convention floor 173 times, more than any other delegate. As head of the committee on style, he drafted and was them responsible for most of the wording of the Constitution. Gouverneur Morris had a deep abiding faith in a God who intervenes in world affairs. His faith distinguishes Morris from the deists with their belief in an absentee God. He expressed his faith in God in letters he wrote to George Washington. “I hope in God, my dear Sir that you may long continue to preside.” Morris’s view of Jesus Christ is not easily determined however, in light of his Episcopalian beliefs he had an orthodox view of the Trinity and Jesus Christ. Therefore we may assume that Morris agreed with the doctrine of the church to which he belonged.

An April 17, 1778, letter to his mother shows his faith in God and his willingness to be part of God’s plan:

I look forward serenely to the course of events, confident that the fountain of supreme wisdom and virtue will provide for the happiness of his creatures. Whenever the present storm subsides, I shall rush with eagerness into the bosom of private life, but while it continues, and while my country calls for the exertion of the little share of abilities, which it has pleased God to bestow on me, I hold it my indispensable duty to give myself to her

Late in life Morris declared that “The Almighty will work out his wise ends by means of

human folly,” recognizing that God uses the foolish things of this world for His glory

(1 Cor 1:18-31). He also thanked God for his blessings and concluded, “I descend towards the

grave full of gratitude to the Giver of all good.”

James Madison is called the “Father of the Constitution.” He spent over a half century in

public service. Madison’s realization that government needs power to control the sinful urges

and actions of men were based on the biblical views of nature and man. He knew that rulers possess sinful natures and could not be trusted with too much power. Madison’s political philosophy is best summarized in his statement before the Constitutional Convention that “All men having power ought to be distrusted.”

The “Memorial and Remonstrance,” far from being an anti-Christian statement, was possibly the closest Madison came to publicly affirming Christianity. His point was that Christianity does not need the support of the state because it is not only a religion of “innate excellence” but also a religion that enjoys the patronage of religion and pre-exists human government and is not dependent on human government. A bill to provide tax “ for the support of the Christian religion, or of some Christian church, denomination, or communion of Christians, or of some form of Christian worship” which became law, would give the State of Virginia the difficult and improper tasks of determining what was and was not Christianity. It would need to determine which churches to support or not support.

Alexander Hamilton life reveals a superb lawyer, a patriot who loved his country and loved liberty, and a man with strong Christian convictions. Two things are certain. First, he never renounced the theology he held as a youth. Second, the political principles which were based on his Calvinistic theology-God given natural law and natural rights posed by the sinful nature of man and the need for strong government power coupled with firm law and procedures to restrain the sinful nature of man-formed the basis of his entire political career. His Christian conscience led him to oppose slavery, possible because of the condition of the slaves he saw in the West Indies.

Early in life Hamilton declared that it is our “Christian duty” not to submit to slavery. In fact Hamilton became more outspoken about his Christianity faith. One factor which revived his faith was the French Revolution. France he declared, “The most flagitious, despotic, and vindictive government that ever disgraced the annals of mankind.” Hamilton was concerned that the atheism and lawlessness of France might spread to the United States. He became convinced that the Christian religion provides a much-needed moral and restraint on the people, inducing them to civic virtue. Throughout our history, most of our founding fathers define themselves primarily by their religious beliefs which ultimately shaped the American story.


Another reason why America is a Christian nation is our response to slavery. The bible does not speak for or against slavery however there are some guidelines to consider concerning Masters. The Apostle Paul puts it this way, “Masters treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master.” (Colossians 4:1) The vast majority of slaves worked on plantations. Most of them carry out hard manual labor, and were subjected to threaten with, flogging and mutilation for a wide and constantly increasing variety of offences. Slave women were abused by white men and all men, women and children were more or less abandoned to under nourishment and disease. Slave owners were opposed to any suggestion that their slaves might be taught to read and write.

It took a long time for the missionaries to convince opposition slave owner to instructing slaves in the doctrines of Christianity. Perhaps the American President Abraham Lincoln could provide evidence that slavery was well known: he had been against it for many years. In 1854 he stated, “Slavery is founded on the selfishness of man’s nature-opposition to it on his love of justice.” In a debate stated He went on to say:

It is the eternal struggle between these two principles-right and wrong throughout the world….The one is the common right of humanity, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same spirit that says, ‘You work and toil and earn bread, and I’ll eat it. No matter what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruits of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle.

Untimely the Emancipation Proclamation was the single most important document in history in ending slavery in America. It did not exist in a vacuum, however, and it did not end slavery by itself. Many things led up to it, and many things followed it. When considering if America is a Christian nation, seriously viewing the evidence spoken by the Apostle Paul, there are neither Jew nor Greek, their neither slave nor free, there is no male nor female, for you are all in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

America’s Response to Tragedy

Finally, America’s response to tragedy solidify that we are a Christian nation. As we watch live coverage of the twin towers burned to the ground. Men and women jump hundreds of feet to their deaths. The Redeemer Church ordinary attendance of 2,800 ballooned to 5,400. One report shows that 40 percent of the evangelical churches in New York were filled to capacity. The aftermath of 9/11 was growth spurt for evangelicals in America’s largest city. Ministry was just intense-every meeting and service had more emotion and tears. A great number of people started coming to Church after 9/11 found Christ. Rev. Tim Keller gives hope to those who suffered great sorrow as Keller explained to his weeping congregation on September 16, 2001:

We don’t know the reason that God allows evil and suffering to continue. But we know that the reason isn’t. We know that the reason can’t be. It can’t be that God doesn’t love us. It can’t be that he doesn’t care. Why because He got involved with his Son. Christianity alone tells us that God lost his Son in an “unjust attack.”

One decade after 9/11, the city of New York has a different posture toward Christianity. But there is more to this story than thousands of skeptics shaken with fear responding in faith to the gospel. Much like the Roman roads prepared the way for Christianity to spread in the early days, so also New York’s Christians have seen the hand of providence in the years before 9/11.



There are others who do not believe that we are a Christian Nation. There is validity to this claim which supports the idea that the Constitution does not contain any reference to God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity. The claim is that the Constitution gives no recognition or acknowledgement to Christianity, but it also includes Article VI, which bans “religious test” for public office. The language found in Article VI sparked some controversy, and a minority faction that favored limiting public office to Christians protested. In addition, the First Amendment bars all laws “respecting an establishment of religion” and protects “the free exercise thereof.”

Key founders such as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson opposed mixing church and state. They would never have supported an officially Christian nation. This claim can be justified; however despite the acknowledgement that the Constitution does not contain any reference to Christianity should refer back to our Pledge of Allegiance. The phrase “under God” was inserted and furthermore “In God we Trust” were placed on currency and made the national motto by Congress disapprove the myth that America is not a Christian nation.

There are many Americans who specifically believe that America is not a Christian nation based on; equal justice, equal rights, social injustice, and freedom to worship. There is some validity which exists especially on the black and white racial issue. The Southern evangelical churches ended up on the forefront of defending slavery against Northern abolitionist movements.

Southern churches framed the defense of slavery as a religious cause and the Civil War as a Religious on Supremacy on the basis of Christian doctrine, just as their ancestors did. Christian racism is also not limited to conservative evangelicals. We can find it across the spectrum of Christian denominations. This claim maybe valid but a counter claim can be justified by the fact that many white Americans fought against social injustice of other human beings, regardless of their race, creed or color. In United States of America “All men are created equally.” Rather we accept it or not.

Many nations hate America because we are a Christian nation. Perhaps there is some validity to this claim. It could be perhaps prudent that Muslim believe that the government of America and theirs alike has contributed to perpetual state of poverty, Illiteracy and unemployment. When people’s discontent boils over, rather than assume responsibility, political and religious leaders across the Middle East attempts to deflect the blame, thereby pointing a finger at the West. This claim may be valid however to justify this claim against the opponents would suggest that we are a Christian nation because America is still committed to protect Israel.

“And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curse you I will curse. And in you all families of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). While there are many attempt to terrorize Americans. Americans has an enter strength that draws us closer to our Christian foundation under enormous treats and or fears.


To refute America is not a Christian nation based on the Constitution one must consider history and the heart of our founding fathers. This claim can be defective because the Founding Fathers produced a nation in which religion was, unlike its modern counterpart, a force of liberation and freedom, and perhaps religion was an important part of the lives or American citizens, regardless of race, class, economic status, or political party. There are some flaws when considering America is not founded on Christian principles. The proof for this is somewhat indirect because there are no Christian principles embedded in the Constitution rather; the Constitution is embedded in Christianity. It considers the principles on what America is founded so self-evident it does not even name much less defend them.

Benjamin Franklin wrote:

“Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion”

To refute America is not Christian nation based on slavery or equality must seriously consider the early sixties. This claim can be defected because of the Civil Right Movement. There are some flaws when we consider The Fifteenth Amendment which gave people of any race the right to vote. The right to vote made black Americans an active part of America society and along with the other amendments propelled them into the 20th century searching for the freedom that would not be denied to them. White America played a major role in the movement.

John Kennedy was a diplomatic, determined to stand up for what he believed in, not afraid of a fight. There are lesser known whites who are equally important, Viginai Durr, whose husband was a prominent lawyer, strongly supported the Bus Boycott. Grace Lorch, who during the crisis in Arkansas, came to the rescue of Elizabeth Eckford. James Peck and Jim Zwerg were Freedom Riders. These people and many others are the ones who saw past color and realized that what was being done was wrong and they took a stand, some with their lives.

To refute those who hate Americans and wish to do them harm must consider God’s love for all people. Muslim believes that the government of America and theirs alike has contributed to perpetual state of poverty, Illiteracy and unemployment. This claim can be defected because the very plan of God requires that we love everyone, including Muslims. Many Muslims do not feel that God loves them. They have developed a perception that God is unloving; basically they have grown up in an unloving religion which demands performance to be loved.

There are some flaws to this claim because God is a loving God who requires us to love; He gives His love away as a free gift to anyone who wants it. The problem is we cannot receive of this love without faith in Jesus. Without Jesus it is impossible to receive of the love of God. For God so love the world He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).


Based on the evidence we can conclude that American is a Christian nation. The heart of our Founding Fathers proves that America was founded on Christian principal. America stance on slavery that “All men are created equal” correlates with Galatians 3:28, “There are neither Jew nor Greek, their neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all in Christ Jesus.” Thus our response to those that hate us involves the message that God love them also:

“For God so love the world He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This is important because it resolves the debate is America a Christian nation? The answer is yes, America is a Christian nation based on the fact that we have the freedom to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ without any resistance. So, we as American Christians must continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christian in love. Therefore we must carefully embrace what our nation stands-for, and live our lives according to the Word of God.


Bolton, Brain. "America as A Christian Nation." About Religion and Spiritually , 2014: 27.

Boston, Rob. "Five Reason America is not a Christian Nation." The Alter Net, 2012: 1.

Eidsmoe, John. Christianity and the Constitution. Grand Rapid: Bakers Book House, 1987.

Gabby, Tiffany. "Why Do They Hate Us." The Blaze, 2012: 1.

Kelly, Robert. "The Truth They Held." Catholic Education Resource Center, 1993: 1.

Smith, Roger. "White America's Positive Contribution to the Civil Rights Movement." Black History Site, 2009: 2.

Srake, john. "New York's 9/11 Church Boom." The Gospel Coalition, 2011: 1.

Unless otherwise noted that all Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard version.

Woog, Adam. The Emancipation Proclamation. New York: InsoBase Publishing, 2009.