Summary: What separates Christianity from other world religions? The exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.

Jesus the only Way

Welcome Campuses

I talked about TRUTH and relativism a few weeks ago. If you weren’t here for that grab it out of the bookstore, it goes hand in hand with this sermon. We live in a culture where diametrically opposed truths can coexist.

This creeps into churches, into our doctrine and theology and slowly over time, we are faced with a culture that forces everything to not only make human sense but also says no one can be wrong.

I want to get right to the heart of the issue. I would fail you if we started any other way or wasted anymore time so let’s go!

Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth. Moses who authored the book chose to use the Hebrew word Elohim for GOD in this profound opening verse of God’s word. Elohim is a plural form of the word. Moses does this again in 1:26, Let US make man in OUR own image. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity.

From the beginning of the Bible to the very end we see confirmation that God is the Father who rules all things, Jesus is the Son who saves us and The Holy Spirit convinces and convicts those who call themselves Christians.

Jesus spoke the universe into existence. Colossians 1:16. Friends when Jesus Christ speaks, there is NO debating. You have to first realize that and be ok with that, EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT HE SAYS.

He spoke and all things were created. When Jesus speaks, you need to listen.

You know the battle of Armageddon in the book of Revelation? HUGE battle, right? Wrong. One of the worlds largest armies stands ready to make war with Jesus and His angels…guns, tanks, planes, battleships are at the ready…Jesus rides in and breathes AND DESTORYS THEM ALL. That’s it.

When Jesus speaks, you better listen.

This scripture will change everything. Jesus speaks:

Matthew 11:27(a) Jesus says, “No one knows the Son except for the Father and no one knows the Father except for the Son.” PERIOD

Jesus says in the next part of this verse that NO ONE can know God unless Jesus reveals them to His Father!

If you believe the Bible is the Word of God and you believe Jesus is the Son of God then you cannot get around this statement. Period. JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN. PERIOD.

Remember this isn’t me making this up. Lee talked a few weeks ago on the Bible being the inspired and perfect word of God. We’re called to be God’s messengers not his editors.

The world will tell you this very statement makes me a close minded, judgmental, intolerant, hateful bigot but the Bible tells me it doesn’t matter what they call me because JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN whether you like it or not.

So Kyle, where does this leave other world religions? Which of them believes this about Jesus, if any? So you’re telling me EVERYONE in history that isn’t a Christian is going to Hell?

I see the COEXIST stickers on so many cars. Polish designer Poiter Modo-Zen-iak first designed it for a contest at a museum. Since it has morphed and changed a lot but here’s the basic premise:

C – Islam

O – Peace sign

E – Science/Male/Female

X – Judaism

I – Wiccan Pentangle

S – Ying and Yang (Confucianism)

T – Cross and Christianity

The goal is stated that they are trying to show love for all religions and tolerance for their right to worship in whatever way they see fit. I COULDN’T AGREE WITH THIS MORE. You should be able to practice your faith of choice freely and without hatred! I don’t care if you’re Muslim or Hindu or Jewish or Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon or Christian or a Satanist. I sort of thought we were coexisting just fine?

At least in countries where you’re not killed because you’re a Christian.

So what of all these religions? We make the mistake of thinking all religions are fundamentally the same and superficially different. The opposite is true, all religions are fundamentally OPOSSING of one another in what they teach.

Anyone with a brain knows Microsoft and Apple are very different entities. Just because they both exist in the same market doesn’t mean they say the same things. Same with religions. They all say VERY different things and make VERY exclusive claims.

So one is left with no choice but to say they’re either all wrong or only one is right because they all preach something entirely different. SOMEONE HAS TO BE WRONG. You can’t all say something different and all be right. All their paths cannot lead to God. This will label you as intolerant but don’t for a second give in!

The Christian life needs to show compassion WITHOUT compromising conviction.

1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. 23% of the worlds population. A Muslim (while they have great respect for Jesus) doesn’t believe Jesus is the Son of God. They believe He was a man. A prophet but a man. They do not believe in the resurrection.

Jehovah’s witnesses don’t believe Jesus is God (they’ll try and confuse you on this one). They say Jesus is the Archangel Michael.

Mormons believe Jesus was a spirit baby made between God and Mary. They say that Jesus is a man.

Christian Scientist don’t think Jesus is God. He is a man.

Judaism claims Jesus is a false Messiah. (Messianic Jews an exception Adat Adoni here in town) Salvation through moral living.

Hinduism (1 billion in the world) says Jesus is a god but there are many gods and He didn’t die for our sins or get resurrected.

Buddhists believe Jesus was an enlightened teacher BUT NOT GOD and in Scientology Jesus is hardly mentioned and if He is it is thought that He is not the creator nor did He die for our sins.

New age and Wiccans don’t believe in Jesus being the only way to heaven, denies heaven and hell, etc.

I’m not beating up on anyone I’m stating the facts. HOW CAN THEY ALL BE RIGHT?

They can’t. Either one is right or all of them are wrong.

Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father but by me! Jesus says I AM THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN.

One must first realize all religions are opposed. This is not debatable. By their own admissions. By the Bibles claims for sure.

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in NO ONE other than Jesus Christ. Period.

John 14:6 I am the Way the Truth and the Life! NO ONE comes to God the Father but THROUGH ME. Period. (You got that verse on a card as you walked in)

John 3:18 Believe in the name of Jesus and you won’t be condemned. Period.

John 5:24 Those who believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ pass from death to life. Period.

1 John 5:12 Whoever has Jesus ALONE has life, whoever does NOT have Jesus has death. Period.

Obviously I could go on the entire length of this sermon with verses sighting Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Period. Non negotiable if you are a Christian. Does this mean that we bash other religions? Of course not, does this mean we love them? Yes it does. Does this mean we’re right and they’re wrong, YES IT DOES.

If that makes you uncomfortable then I feel bad for you because you’re missing our on the very thing that our Savior came here to do.

He came to save mankind and He did so with a brutal death and a glorious resurrection. That claim is exclusive to Christianity. Period.

Kyle, how do I know the difference at a glance between Christianity and a man-made religion? Great question.


You can achieve salvation, or “Heaven” if your good works outweigh your bad.

That’s human thinking 101. It shows itself in every other religion outside of Christianity.

When man creates a religion he is his own salvation. When God creates a religion, we need a Savior. Period.

The main question that came in this week (since Jesus is the only way to heaven) was what happened then to all the millions of people that have lived that didn’t have the chance to know or hear of Jesus? Great question.

Remote tribes and cultures before the exploration era or before the internet and global missions, etc. – Theologians and scholars are split on this as scripture is not crystal clear on the answer, nor does it have to be for all Biblical truths to remain as truth.

I will quickly sum it up in easy to understand terms.

The Bible talks of what we call “God’s Special Revelation” and His “General Revelation”. You could say these are how God interacts with us as humans.

His Special Revelation includes the Bible He has given us and the Son He has given us. The Bible and Jesus are obviously how He has chosen to reveal Himself to us.

God’s General Revelation (Natural Revelation) is how God reveals Himself to us through His creation (nature) and through our innate, God-given moral conscience.

Two passages in Romans further explain general revelation: "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Romans 1:20) and "the requirements of the law are written on their hearts" (Romans 2:15). Taken together these passages claim that everyone has an inherent knowledge of God, that this can be clearly known from creation and that everyone also has a God-given moral compass.

The Bible is just not clear on this but I do believe there is support for the fact that each person has a chance to find salvation, no one knows the heart of the individual, no matter what time period or location on the planet they have been given the gift of life.

Kyle, what about children who have died and were too young to know of Jesus, or those with special needs? What happens to them?

2 Samuel 12:23 David had lost a child and seems certain that child was in Heaven. Jeremiah 30:9 and Psalm 132:11 show us David was correct.

Jeremiah 1:5 God tells us He formed us in the womb and I knew you. Take comfort in that my friends. Those of you who have miscarried or lost a child. Those who have had children with special needs.

Look at me please and understand this: Your God knows your heartache. Your God knows your pain. Your God wraps you in His arms and YOUR GOD HAS THAT CHILD waiting for you when you get to Heaven. You will know them and they will know you and you will live, love and laugh with them for all eternity. I believe this with every fiber of my being.

Because we serve a great God who never let’s us go and desires all to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

In the end the choice is ours though.

Christianity is the ONLY religion with a Savior that died for all that you have and will do wrong in your life and He was resurrected to life 3 days later to conquer sin and death so that you may live life with a smile on your face and hope in your heart. That’s Easter. That’s next week. Let’s pray.