Summary: Who do you perceive Jesus to be? Every person can develop an accurate perception of Jesus by taking three steps: determining who Jesus really is, discovering why he came, and deciding to put their faith in hi

Welcome to Freshwater. We are one church in multiple locations committed to making healthy disciples and we are glad that you are here on Easter weekend.

I heard a story about this kindergarten teacher who wanted to teach her students about self-esteem. She said to her class, everyone who thinks they are dumb, stand up. She didn’t think anybody would stand up and she would make the point that no one was dumb. After a few seconds Jonny stood up and she said, so Jonny, you really think that you are dumb? Little Jonny said no-maam, I just didn’t want to see you standing there all by yourself.

Think about this question: What is your perception of Jesus? Have you ever had that experience that when you thought you knew somebody then something happens and reveals that you didn’t know them at all? Something surfaces that just rocks your perception of who you thought they were.

One popular example right now might be Miley Cirus. Apparently she is much different in person than the Hanna Montana character she played on the Disney Channel. A lot of young girls who idolized her have had a lot of questions about this one.

Maybe you had a friend who you thought you knew well and then they did something that revealed a completely different person than you thought you knew. When I was growing up I idolized Kevin. He was several years older and I wanted to do everything he did. My perception of him was that he had it all together. He played guitar in a band, he had the cool bike, he even walked cool. Turns out Kevin wasn’t as content with his life as I thought he was. I remember the day when my mom walked into my room and told me that Kevin tried to commit suicide. The news rocked my world because I perceived him to be everything I wanted to be.

Then there are situations where you run into the complete opposite. You might know someone who is completely humble and easy going and only later find out they more influential or popular than you thought.

The truth is there are people who we think we know who turn out to be someone completely different than who we perceived them to be. Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised and other times we are sadly disappointed.

What is your perception of Jesus? Who do you perceive him to be? I believe that every person can develop an accurate perception of Jesus by taking three steps: determining who Jesus really is, discovering why he came, and deciding to put their faith in him.

The first step we need to take to develop an accurate perception of Jesus is to 1. Determine who Jesus really is. When Jesus walked this earth people had different perceptions about who he was. Some people perceived Jesus to be a good person. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record an event in Jesus life when a man approached him asking “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” This man perceived Jesus to be a good teacher, a wise man who could offer decent counsel.

Others perceived Jesus to be a good person because he healed the sick and the lame. The scriptures give multiple examples of Jesus giving sight to the blind, legs to the lame, and curing leprosy.

Today many people still think Jesus was a good man and that’s it. They think he lived a god life and died a good man.

Others perceived Jesus to be a bad person. The Pharisees certainly thought Jesus was a bad person. On one occasion the Pharisees were so offended that Jesus healed a man with a deformed arm on the Sabbath that they actually plotted to kill him.

“14 But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.” Matthew 12:9-13

The Pharisees didn’t just dislike Jesus, they hated him. Jesus also claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life. This offended people back then. Jesus said:

“6 I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6-7

People who believe that all religions lead to the same god are still offended by this claim and think Jesus is a bad person for making this claim. They say: “isn’t that a little arrogant, to claim to be god?” If you are not god then it’s very arrogant. But since Jesus is God, then it’s not arrogant, it’s accurate.

Just like all roads don’t lead to Rome, all planes don’t land in Paris, and all trains don’t lead to Texas, all religions don’t lead to the same God.

Jesus miracles proved his message and his resurrection proved his power. Jesus told his followers that he was going to be crucified, buried, and resurrected. He made these claims before it happened and told his disciples he was the dying for the sins of the world.

What is your perception of Jesus? Is he a good person who lived and died? Is he a bad person for claiming that he is the only way to heaven? Who is he?

The second step we need to take in order to develop an accurate perception of Jesus is to discover why he came. 2. Discover why he came. Jesus came to save us from our sins. Let me give you an example of what this means.

For the most part I am a law abiding citizen but I have received a few speeding tickets over the years. You might not have any speeding tickets but if you have ever even gone one mile an hour over the speed limit you have broken the law. And if you have ever broken the law you are an outlaw. An outlaw is anyone who goes outside the law. If you have ever used God’s name in vein you are a sinner. If you have ever lost your temper or lied or selfish you have sinned. Paul wrote: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.

Jesus came to save sinners like me. One of the biblical authors is Timothy. He recognized he was a sinner and wrote:

“15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” 1 Timothy 1:15-16

When I was in the military my sergeant said to me: “Braland, I like working with you.” I said “why is that?” He said “because you are bigger than me and when we get shot at, I’m going to stand behind you.” Although funny, I think he was serious.

God’s plan all along was to send his Son into the world to take a bullet for us. That is why Jesus is our substitutionary atonement. He took a bullet for us to prove how much he loves us. He did it by dying on the cross for our sins so we don’t have to. That is why he came.

Jesus makes it possible for us to know God personally and be made right with him. His death on the cross removes our outlaw status and brings us into good standing before God. We are forgiven, saved, redeemed, sanctified, loved, extended grace, and accepted.

Peter wrote:

“3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1:3

Easter celebrates this. The resurrection proves that Jesus is the savior. If we don’t discover why Jesus came then we will never understand why we need him. Who do you perceive Jesus to be?

The third step we need to take in order to have an accurate perception of Jesus is to decide to put our faith in Him. 3. Decide to put faith in him. It’s one thing to know who Jesus is; it’s another to embrace it. An accurate perception of Jesus involves acknowledging that he is Lord.

We are not putting our faith in a good teacher, we are not putting our faith in someone who has unfounded claims of divinity, we are putting our faith in the Lord of the universe, the creator of the cosmos, the forgiver of sins, the resurrected Savior, the giver of hope.

This is what Zacchaeus did. Zacchaeus is one person we read about in the bible who was worldly rich and spiritually poor. He longed to find meaning and purpose in life and his money couldn’t buy it and his sins prevented it.

“9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:9-10

Zacchaeus put his faith in Jesus because he knew he was lost and needed a Savior. This is what the Apostle Paul did. This is what Timothy did. This is what I did, this is what so many others have done.

What will you do? Who do you perceive Jesus to be? And what are you going to do about it?

My perception of Jesus is that he is the savior of the world. His is who he claimed to be and did what he planned to do. He came from heaven, performed miracles, raised the dead, fed the multitudes, and died on the cross, bearing our sins in His body so that we might believe Him, trust Him, find peace and purpose in him, and someday go to heaven to be with him. He took a bullet for me on the cross and was resurrected to life proving he is Lord.

But what about you? What is your perception of Jesus? Have you determined who he is? Have you discovered why he came? Have you decided what to do about it? If not, are you ready to make the decision to follow Him? An accurate perception of Jesus is that he is Lord and Savior. He is the Christ, the promised Messiah. He is the forgiver of sins, the king of kings and lord of lords.

Maybe you think you need to fix your life before you believe. Nope. God wants to have a relationship with you right now. Maybe you think there are things you can’t deal with right now. That’s OK. Invite Christ to be in your life and let him help you. Maybe you know someone who claims to be a Christian but in reality they are a complete hypocrite. In reality, we are all hypocrites to some degree. Right now it’s not about them, it’s about you and Jesus. You might have gone to church for years but never really embraced Jesus for who he is.

The Apostle Paul told a group of people who were just like us how to put their faith and trust in Jesus. God inspired him to write that we don’t have to be perfect to come to him.

“8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Then he gives us a call to action. He tells us how to become a believer.

“9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10

Easter is the celebration of the reality of the resurrection. Will you decide to follow Jesus? If you are ready, I will lead you in a prayer and you can pray it in your heart. Right now you know what you need to do.

“God, thank you for loving me. I know that I have sinned against you. I believe that Jesus is Lord and that he willingly died on the cross for me. And I believe that he is resurrected from the dead. Right here and now I put my faith and trust in Jesus. Thank you for your gift of eternal life and a better life. Amen.”