Summary: We need to take time to understand that Satan has used (and will continue to use) religion as a means of separating people. Once we do that, we will know the battle plan of the enemy and through Jesus be victorious over the enemy.

Exposing the One World Religion

Revelation Part 28, Revelation 17:5-18 (Daniel 7)


- Last week we began to outline the woman who sits on the beast

-- Discussed her role and importance in John’s vision

-- NOTE: This week is a teaching lesson vice a preaching lesson

- It is important to understand how the religious system will be setup

-- Why? To be able to spot it, identify it, and speak against it

-- Perhaps we can gain enough wisdom to help educate others to avoid it

- Read Revelation 17:5-18

- Pray

Ω Point 1 – The Name of the Woman (v5-6)

- The true identity of the woman is written on her head for all to see

-- IMP: We must understand what she is and what does for a living (deceiver)

-- NOTE: The religious system was set in motion in Babylon and has continued to this very day in one form or another throughout the world.

- Different sermon, but important to recognize this:

-- At the tower of Babel, man tried to build a tower out of rebellion …

-- The Lord scattered humanity by families, throughout the earth

-- These tribes took with them their religious system established in Babylon

-- All religions have similarities because they have a similar origin: Babylon

- The woman represents the entire religious system which seeks to control us

-- IMP: We must understand that this woman represents all that is corrupt

-- The world has believed her lies, and now we see the results of falling for her

- (v6) Two categories of saints: those killed before Jesus, and the martyrs of Jesus

-- Both groups were/are killed by this religion that operates in opposition to God

- APP: John was amazed because up until now, he had not really put this together

-- IMP: This woman has been working on destroying what belongs to God

-- It all started in Genesis 3; and now he sees the destruction it’s caused

Ω Point 2 – The Origin of the Woman (v7-8)

- It’s as if the angel is asking John, “Why are you so impressed with this woman?”

-- Many times, we are impressed with the works of this world as well

-- Anything that removes our attention from the Lord is something that Satan can use to distract us. (Idolatry)

- John is marveling at the woman and the angel tells him not to marvel

-- APP: She is no big deal and that honestly, he should not be impressed with her

- The inhabitants of the Earth will marvel at the beast

-- They will stand in awe of the anti-Christ and be amazed at everything he does

-- Why? B/C he does things in the name of “god” … so “we” must follow

- (v8) anyone who makes conscious decision to not follow Jesus belongs to Satan

-- The Book of Life is mentioned seven times in Revelation

-- Final place: Rev 20:15, “Anyone whose name is not found written …”

Ω Point 3 - The Seven Heads (v9-11)

- Those who have wisdom on a spiritual level must understand this

-- I believe that John is not talking to the average Sunday-only Christian

-- This is for those who would seek after God’s Word to understand/ be changed

-- Next few verses apply directly to those who would seek to know more

-- APP: Get beyond the black text on white paper … what’s the APP?

- IMP: “If you are to understand this enough to apply these words, then being a casual Christian is not going to cut it. We have to study and learn – in order to teach others.”

- The angel is about to describe the meaning of the 7 heads (2 diff meanings)

-- First the seven heads represent 7 mountains:

-- A mountain is symbolic with a seat of power

- We are told the woman sits on these 7 mountains, but why sitting?

-- She’s got control; in short, she is sitting in domination of these 7 kingdoms

- Second, the seven heads represent seven kings

-- We know from the context of Daniel 7:17 that there are 4 kingdoms from Daniel’s time until then end of days …

-- Daniel 7:16-17 says, “I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: ‘Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the earth.

Ω - Those 4 kingdoms are:

-- Babylon (625-539 BC)

-- Persia (539-333 BC)

-- Greece (333 BC- 55 BC)

-- Rome (55 BC-132 AD)

- The 2 Kingdoms that dominated Israel were Egypt and Assyria before Daniel

-- These would make up the 6 till John’s day, where we are told, “One is”, which would be Rome (yet to happen when John was writing this).

Ω - We’ve seen this from a previous sermon (Rev 12) as well:

1. Egypt – they tried to assimilate Israel

2. Assyria - Exiled 10 tribes of Israel and tried to exile Judah

3. Babylon - Destroyed Jerusalem and slaughtered Israel

4. Persia - Attempted to destroy the Jews during the time of Esther

5. Greece - Antiochus Epiphanies, Abomination of Desolation 164 B.C.

6. Rome - Destroyed Jerusalem, over 1.5 million Jews, killed Jesus

7. Revived Kingdom - Future Kingdom during the Time of the Antichrist

- So …. If you are keeping count: 4kingdoms +2kingdoms +1kingdom = 7

-- God’s Word is NEVER confusing, IF we read what it says with spiritual wisdom

Ω - (v11) The other has not yet come would be the 7th of the coming Antichrist

-- The anti-Christ makes an agreement with Israel during first half of Tribulation

-- APP: Satan who will incarnate the Antichrist is the “Eighth” who will be of the 7 kingdoms …. yet distinct because he will be indwelling the 7th.

- The 7th Kingdom is the one world order (aka the revived Roman Empire)

-- This is begun by the anti-Christ, and once he is fully revealed actually becomes the eighth because … he is now his own Kingdom.

Ω Point 4 – The Ten Horns of the Beast (v12-14)

- The 10 horns represent 10 future kings

-- Responsible for turning over all of their power and authority to Satan

- There is no clear understanding of who these nations are at this time

-- IMP: It would make sense to believe these would be powerful nations

-- Why? B/C they have authority/power to give to Satan for his use

-- Daniel 7:24-25 says, “The ten horns are ten kings, who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; he shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings. He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.

- These verses in Daniel are the confirmation of Revelation Chapter 17

-- Lend weight to the final kingdom on this Earth, which is run by the anti-Christ

-- All of these nations are of the same mind, and will be given power and authority to take on the Saints and make them martyrs under Satan’s leadership

Ω Point 5 – The Waters She Stands On (v15)

- The waters that the woman sits on represent everything that we currently see

-- Represents how humanity has been diluted and the focus taken off of God

-- She represents everything that distracts us from living for God completely

-- APP: We have a responsibility to stand against her & stay alert to protect

- IMP: Today we have an obligation to ensure that the Gospel is … preached!

-- There is a promise that the woman described in Chapter 17 will be destroyed

-- But, NOT BEFORE she has consumed the resources of this world (defile’s God)

-- AND taken hostage each person that gives themselves to her (idolatry destroys)

Ω Point 6 – The Destruction of the Woman (v16-18)

- Set this up (final point): Because of the allegiance that the nations of the world have pledged to the Beast, the world will fall under this one religion and Satan will demand worship from every living creature.

- Once the woman has convinced the world to give itself over to her ways …

-- Satan (aka the Beast) will no longer have use for her

-- This is a VERY important lesson for this world (today that is you and I) to learn

- IMP: Satan uses the resources, people, and even the religion of this world to exact one thing – to use them for HIS control over it

- HUGE IMP: Once you are no longer useful to the Beast, you too are discarded

-- APP: Right now, Satan is seeking to use you – he is seeking to take from you anything that he can utilize for his selfish reasons, whereas God is seeking to use you for His Glory!

-- Satan is not your friend … nor is he some kind of “cool, misunderstood rebel”

-- The woman is an idol that the devil used to take our eyes off of God

-- When she has outlived her usefulness she will have her flesh eaten and burned

-- IMP: Irony is that God uses Satan to exact His judgment on His creation!

- APP: The devil’s use of religion is something that he has been trying to do since the beginning of time, and it is important to understand that our church is in the middle of this fight today.

- How can I say this?

-- Do you see around us where the devil has used excuses and nonsense to keep people from working for or being involved in the church?

-- “I’m tired; it’s not my job; I worked at the last event; I have this or that to do …”

-- APP: This is what he does; anything to get you thinking about YOUR wants

- This woman is symbolic of everything that the devil has used against mankind

-- Personally, I think it is time to remove her glamour by exposing who she is

-- The bible uses the word “harlot” to describe her, and I believe it is appropriate

- Our understanding of what she is trying to do is paramount

-- We have things to do today, and its past time that we get involved and get on it

Ω Big Ideas

- It is easy to talk about things in a future tense, but what about today?

-- Over the next few weeks, I would like to ask you to do one thing: PRAY

-- I see potential here to fight against the woman and the Beast

-- To not allow their ways to enter this Sanctuary, this place where we worship

- I want to challenge each that is here today to do the same

CHALLENGE: Take time to seek a renewal, know that Satan has used (and will continue to use) religion as a means of separating people – and then ask God how we can overcome it right here at home.

I believe the nations will grow to hate the woman because of the position she has put them in – but what about us? Do we see how the woman is using us today?

- Are we being dazzled or deceived?

- Have we believed in something / or lived that is not entirely biblical?

- This is the challenge of the church!

- We are called to stand against what is not biblical, and what is not of God

-- Keep watch against the woman that you are not deceived

-- If we will do that the church will prosper (Gospel spread)

-- And we, those following Jesus, will be victorious!

- Next time we will look at the setting up the failure of this world through the final battles that will occur.

- Pray