Summary: What is servant evangelism: It is demonstrating the kindness of God, The Love God, by offering to do some act of humble service, with no strings attached. We never fully know what small act of kindness will touch and transform a life. (Updated July 2023)

For Those not familiar with an Anglican service; there are four Scripture readings prior to the Message. Today's readings are Genesis 22:1-14; Psalm 13; Romans 6:12-23 and Mathew 10:40-42

Jared and his dad were playing a game of catch one afternoon, when Jared asked, ....... "Dad, ... is there a God?"

Joe his father had a string of trite answers racing through his mind. ...... But in the end His Father opted for honesty, .... "I don't know, Jared," ... he replied.

Jared dug a little deeper, ... "If there is a God, ... how would you ... know him?"

"I really have no idea, ... Jared.

I only went to church a couple of times when I was a kid, ... so I don't know a lot ... about those kinds of things."

Jared seemed deep in thought for a few minutes the game of catch ... continued.

Suddenly, ... he headed for the house.

"I'll be right, back, dad" ......he yelled over his shoulder.

"I have to get something."

Jared soon returned with a mylar balloon ... fresh from the circus ... along with a pen ... and an index card.

"Jared, ... what in the world are you doing?" ... His father asked.

He earnestly replied.

"I'm going to send a message to God .... airmail."

Before Joe could protest, ... Jared started writing on the index card:

"Dear God, ... if you are real ... and if you are there...... send people who know you ... to my Dad and me."

Joe kept his mouth shut, ......not wanting to dampen ......his son's enthusiasm.

This is silly, ... he thought he helped Jared fasten the card the balloon's string.

God, ... I hope you are watching, ... he added to his silent petition.

After Jared let go of the balloon, ... father and son stood with their faces to the sky... and watched it sail away. (PAUSE)

Two days later, ... Joe and Jared pulled into a community car wash.

"How much?" Joe asked he neared the line of buckets, sponges, and hoses.

"It's free," ... the guy told him.

"No strings attached."

"Really!" Joe exclaimed.

He was intrigued by getting something for nothing.

"But why are you doing this?"

"We just want to show you God's ... love in a practical way."

It was as if that simple statement .... opened a hidden door ... to Joe's heart.

The look on his face was incredible, "Wait a minute," ... he practically shouted. ... "Are you guys' Christians?"

"Yeah, we're Christians," ... the man replied.

"Are you the kind of Christians .... who believe in God?"

The man could not help but smile, ...... "Yes, we're that kind of Christians."

After directing a big grin at Jared, ......Joe proceeded to tell the story of releasing the helium balloon ... with its message ... only days earlier.

Joe said.... "I guess you're the answer to one of the strangest prayers ... God's ever ... received,". (Pause)

Beloved .... That is the story of a church in Ohio ......that is committed to what is called...... servant evangelism. (Pause)

What is servant evangelism you ask:

Well thank-you for asking.

It is demonstrating ... the kindness of God ... The Love offering to do some act of humble service .... with ... no strings ... attached." (Long Pause)

Jesus in our Gospel reading ......speaks of sharing even a cup of cold water ... which speaks to the practicality ......of living the Christian life.

Christianity ... and our relationship with God ... is personal, ... but it is not meant ... at all ... to be private.

Our life with God a life ....... that is designed to touch others practical ways.

And ... We must be open to sharing God's Love those Practical Ways.

So ... How do we share ... His Love?

(1 Finger) Beloved.... Do the small thing ... to show the main thing: ....... God's Love. (REPEAT)

What would you do with the following challenge?

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night.

You pass by a bus stop, ... in your two-seat car ...and you see three people ... waiting for the bus:

1. An older woman....... who looks extremely frail and is shivering in the rain.

2. An old friend who once ... literally saved your life.

3. The perfect man or woman have been dreaming about ... all your life.

Knowing that there could only be one passenger your car.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride.

This is one of those moral/ethical dilemmas ......that are often used part of a job application.

One like this was on an application ... I once had.

You could pick up the older woman, ... because she seems to be barley holding on.

Or you could take the old friend .... because he once saved your life, ......and this would be the perfect chance repay him.

If you pass up this opportunity, ... you may never be able to find your perfect dream lover .... again.

The candidate who was hired ... out of 200 applicants ......had no trouble coming up with the answer.

I love ... what he shared.

So, ... What was his response?

He simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend, ......and let him take the elderly lady to the hospital.

I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams." (Pause)

Beloved ... Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box." ... Do not put God in a box. (Long Pause)

Jesus challenges his disciples and us in our Gospel reading and in many other places in the Scriptures....... To do the small thing ... to show the main thing: ....... God's Love.

In our text in Matthew 10, ... it is giving ... Even a cup of cold water. (Matthew 10:42)

In John 13, the night before he dies, ... Jesus washes his disciple's feet ... and then challenges them ... to do the same ... and to love others. (John 13:5-10)

Jesus then makes this observation ... on how to know ... who are his Disciples:

Hear God's word BIBLE "Everyone will know that you are my disciples ... because of your love ... for one another." END (John 13:35)

Do the small thing ... to show the main thing: .... God's Love.

We never fully know .... what small act of kindness ......will touch and transform a life.

During my years as a single young man, ... I became a part of a Faith Alive team.

Faith Alive ... is an Anglican organization ......that sends a group of men, ... women, ... and youth to a church ... to share their relationship ... with their Lord.

But the weekend does far more than that; helps the congregation really begin communicating with each other... in a deeper ... and more spiritual level.

During these weekends, ... there is a program not only for adults ... but also for youth ... and for small children.

One weekend my soon to be wife Lee and I ... were working with Children in New York.

Now during the weekend ... I share a story called the Pass to Heaven.

And during the story ... I tear a piece of folded paper ... the pass ... into three pieces ... and at the end ... the pieces of paper spell something ... that is truly ... wonderful.

One little boy asked if I would show him how to fold it ... and how to tare it he could show it his daddy.

I said I would .... only if he promised ... he would not quickly tear the paper ... but would always tell ...the whole story.

He looked up at me with his wide eyes and said .... I promise.

Now At the end of the weekend ... all who participated in the Faith Alive weekend .... Men, women and children.... gather in the Sanctuary.

The Children share a wonderful story ... called the warm fuzzies and... then those in attendance have an opportunity ... to share what the weekend meant to them.

A man stood up and came forward.... He said I was coming this weekend reluctantly ... and with much skepticism.

But my little boy came home last night ......and shared with me a story .... that changed my life.

And I am coming forward tonight .... To give my life to Jesus Christ ... to accept him as my Lord and Savior.

And To be the man ... that God wants me to be.

Beloved......Do the small thing show the main thing...Gods Love.

You never fully know ... how a life will be touched by a small act of kindness .... But God does.

Jesus gives us a hint of the impact of doing the small thing to show the main thing:

In Matthew 25:34-40, Jesus shares these words:

BIBLE "Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' 37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' 40 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'" END

(1 Finger) Do the small thing to show the main thing--God's Love.

(2 Fingers) Realize that this ... "Service power" is not based on who I am, ... but on who Jesus is.... through me.

Now ... we can get caught up in the guilt ......of not doing enough show God's love.

Or feeling horrible ......about how inadequate .... our love might seem.

The challenge is too often ... that we try to love ... under our own power.

Yet the power to share Jesus ....... in practical ways ......comes from Christ Himself.

Paul knew this, ...... even when imprisoned, ......he knew and experienced ... the power ... of Christ at work,

That is why he tells the Believers in Philippi... and us this day...." I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

Salvation and life with God ... is not by my power, ... but by what Christ ... has done. (Long Pause)

A teacher asked his Sunday school class:

"If I sold my house and my car, ... had a huge garage sale .......and gave all my money to the church, ......would that get me into Heaven?"

"No"! ......the children all answered.

"If I cleaned the church every day, ......mowed the yard, ......and kept everything neat and tidy ... would that get me into Heaven"?

Again, the answer was "No"!

"Well," the teacher continued, "then how can I get to Heaven?"

In the back of the room, ... a 5 yr. old boy shouted out, ....... "You gotta be dead"! (Pause)

The young boy was right.... You gotta be dead... dead in Christ Jesus.

And ... accept him as your Lord and Savior.

Beloved......We get into heaven ......not by what we do, ......but by what Christ has done for us ......and what he does ... through us.

Jesus the night before he dies prays for this to happen ... in our lives when he prays:

BIBLE "As you, Father, ... are in me ... and I am in you, ...may they also be in us, ... so that the world may believe ...that you have sent me." END (John 17:21)

The Nike commercials use to challenge us to.... "Just do it!" ....... Just Do It!

Sharing Jesus in practical ways ... with a cup of cold water, ......with a meal, ......with words of prayer, ......a listening ear....... a ride to the doctor ......and in so many other ways a call to ...... To Just do it.

And often the God leads us ... in ways to ... Just Do It.

A few years ago ... when Lee and I lived in Indiana PA I had registered to attend Anglican Assembly In Latrobe Pennsylvania.

But due to the death of my last living uncle ... I traveled to Ohio ... and stayed with my mother-in-law... for the funeral was set for early Thursday morning.

I was going to return quickly after the funeral ... to get back to the ... assembly ... by mid-afternoon.

When Lee and I woke up Thursday morning God told me to ......go visit ... Tim Yowell.

An old friend of mine ... that I had not seen in many years.

I knew from Facebook ... that his wife Laurie ...was in Hospice Care.

After the funeral ... I tried to call him but there was no answer.... I then contacted one of the Hospice locations ... to see if Laurie was there...she was.

As Lee and I were walking down one of the hospice corridors....... Bethany .... Tim and Laurie's daughter who was now in her 30's saw us and from a distance .... and she began singing.

It's Smead... It's Smead... It's Smead O Lord standing in the need of prayer.

When we entered the room ... Tim Jumped up came over and gave me a huge hug ...kissed me and said...I love you brother.

Thou it had been years since we had seen each other...... it seemed that we had never been apart.... Spiritual brotherhood ... is truly for eternity.

Laurie was unable to speak, ... and she mostly slept while we were there ... We prayed...and talked.... but at times the pain for Laurie would be so great that she would squeeze Tim's hand tightly ... and open her eyes.

Tim rose up from the chair and look deeply into her eyes -- the eyes are the windows to your soul -and said... I wish ...... I could see what you are seeing ... my love.... for you are seeing a glimpse of heaven.

Beloved.... God will open doors for us ... But we must rise up ... and walk through them

Do the small thing .... To show the main thing God's Love.

Jesus challenges us to live out our purpose ... not only in the big moments of life, ... but in the little ones as well, ...... even a cup of cold water ... given in his name.

We are called to do the small thing show the main thing.

Simple acts done in love ......seem so small, ......yet when you realize God is at work through them ......they become eternally large.

Remember our Lord's words to us: "Whatever you do for the least of these ... you do to me."

Beloved ... Just Do It!

Do The Small Thing ......To Show The Main Thing: ...... and allow God's love to pour into you ... and then through you ... into the world.

Amen & Amen!

In the first portion of this message I used some Illustrations and supporting text from a Sermon by Richard Burkey Titled "Sharing Jesus in Practical Ways" and I commend it to you.

Help: I retired in November 2017 and am attempting to supplement my income by sharing on Sermoncentral. If this Message has been helpful to you, please consider a nominal donation: Send to The Rev. Jeff Smead 11725 Regent Park Drive Chardon Ohio 44024. Blessed To Be A Blessing.

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