Summary: To share a lesson of how we are somewhat alike and somewhat different than the bullfrog as Christians.

I have great news for each of you today. As many of you know, I made a pond at the parsonage shortly after our arrival to Leon 4 years ago. I have given several sermons and illustrations over the years about our little pond. It has really turned into a neat fun hobby of mine.

One thing that has really amazes me is how God has revealed several Godly lessons in my life around the pond. What I want to share with you this morning is the latest lesson that God has shared with me.

I have always been fond of frogs but my most favorite of all frogs is the Bullfrog. As far back as I can remember, I was always trying to catch these long legged frogs. As a small boy, I would spend hours upon hours, hunting for them. I just wanted to catch them and make them my friends.

Since the very beginning of our pond, I longed to have a bullfrog make our pond their home. Finally, after four years, I am proud to share with you that we not only have one Bullfrog that has taken up residence at 515 North Olive, but we now have two that have moved in.

Growing up here in the United States, I am almost certain you have either heard the loud call of the bullfrog or have actually gotten your hands dirty exploring the ponds for these incredible frogs. The American Bullfrog is by far the largest of the North American frog species. They can grow up to 8 long and weigh up to 1.5 lbs. No wonder, I wanted to try and catch some of these large frogs!

As night rolls around you may hear the sounds of mooing cows coming from your local pond or favorite lake. Donft worry, there is no need to call Farmer Joe down the road and let him know Betsy the Cow escaped again. You are most likely listening to the wonderful chorus of a bullfrog! Incidentally, this gmooing-likeh sound is why they are called bullfrogs. Only the male frogs are capable of creating this cow-like sound. I guess even in the wild world, the males are loud and obnoxious!

Speaking of being obnoxious, the male bullfrogs are very territorial and will fiercely guard their land from intruders. I suppose they wouldnft have liked the 8 year old me coming after them with my grubby little hands. I guess that is why they always jumped into the water and denied my friendship.

The lesson I wish to share with each of you today is how we are somewhat alike and somewhat different than the bullfrog as Christians. My first point is revealed as we take a look at the bullfrog's habitat.

A Bullfrog's Habitat

A. Bullfrogs require permanent bodies of freshwater for survival. They are well-adapted to a number of freshwater habitats, including lakes, streams, ponds, rivers, marshes, swamps and sloughs. Bullfrogs tend to prefer calm, warm waters. They can be found in a number of diverse biomes--such as forests, grasslands or mountains--as long as a body of water is nearby.

1. Throughout the centuries since the death and resurrection of Jesus, the church has often had a difficult time in agreeing with each other. There are obviously many Christian denominations. Sometimes things like church traditions and differing biblical interpretations seem to get in the way of unity.

2. Bullfrogs live in several places, whether it's a pond, a lake, a river or even a stream. The truth still stands that a bullfrog is a bullfrog. It doesn't't matter much as to what body of water they live in. Just because one frog lives in a pond and one lives in a lake, doesn't change the fact that they both are bullfrogs.

3. Just as we dwell here at LCC and Bart, Mary and little Johnny dwell at the Methodist Church, doesn't't change the fact that we are all Christians. But more times than not, sometimes we view others in other Christian denominations as if they are not Christian.

4. Friends, this is a very unfair depiction of our brothers and sisters in Jesus. Just because another Christian denomination worships differently, plays different music, baptizes differently, or even takes communion differently; simply does not make them any less of a Christian than us. We need to realize that Jesus desires all Christians to live in unity.

5. What does the Bible say about unity? There are many passages to gain an understanding of what Christian unity should look like. Let me just share a couple with you.

The English Standard Version, Acts 4:32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.

The NIV, Philippians 2:1-3 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

6. I truly believe with my whole heart that Jesus isnft too concerned on how a Christian denomination performs baptisms. Even though I do personally believe that we should do baptisms by submersion because I believe that's the way Jesus was baptized.

7. But does this make me not like minded with another Christian denomination? No, being like-minded isn't about baptisms; it's about the fundamental truths. Jesus is the one and only Son of God, He paid the price for all of our sins and rose again. Whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

8. According to the Scriptures, itfs not about that. Itfs about having the same love and Love is Jesus Christ Amen.

- So, Bullfrogs, even though we dwell in the pond of LCC, this doesn't change the fact that we are not the only Christians in Leon. Believe it or not, there are other Christians that are like minded in Leon, they simply hang out at a different pond.

Itfs true that we all hang out at different watering places but what about our diet?

A Bullfrog's Diet

A. Did you know that Bullfrogs are opportunistic carnivores that will eat any food source that is small enough to be caught and swallowed? Generally bullfrogs eat insects, fish, crawdads and amphibians; some have been known to consume small mammals as well as birds. Simply put, a bullfrog will eat anything it can shove down its throat.

1. This is something very cool about the bullfrog. He doesn't't care about what it is, how it tastes, or even how big it is. The bullfrog is going to attack it and go for it. The bullfrog understands that he needs to survive and his only way of surviving is to eat.

- Listen to a verse in the Bible from a man that wasnft a Bullfrog but his name has been famously link to a bullfrog through song,.. can you guess who it is? That's right, "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog"

Jeremiah 15:16 When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.

2. This verse is simply telling us that it doesn't't matter if we like a particular verse or not. Doesn't matter if it tastes good going down or even if we are hungry or not. We need to take every part of Godfs Word and swallow it into our very lives in order to survive and grow.

VIDEO: "Bullfrog Eats Mouse"

- My point here is this, I would assume that eating a mouse is not too tasty; but does the Bullfrog care? Nope, you see; the bullfrog simply eats no matter what it is eating. It knows that itfs essential to its survival and just like in the video. The bullfrog is eager to eat whatever its master is providing. The bullfrog knows that the food is from the master and so, he eats it. Not even having a second guess, the bullfrog rushes to the food and devours it, ready for more.

3. This is a valuable lesson for each of us as well. The truth is that there are some verses in the Scripture that doesn't seem to tasty to me. In fact, some can be very hard to swallow. But I know that it is from the Master and it has to be good for me. We can't pick and choose what we want to take in.

4. We need to be prepared at all times to devour the Word of God that He provides. It doesn't't matter if we think we will like it or not, it is from the master and that's good enough.

5. In the video, did you notice that the bullfrog was sitting by the edge of the tank? He was sitting there waiting for whatever his master had for him. Thinking about this, Ifm sure this particular bullfrog had been hand fed by his master for quite some time.

Illustration: I have been hand feeding the bullfrogs in my pond now for a couple of weeks. But, I can't get them close to me as this frog was in the video. I am building a slow relationship with them. I stand a good distance away from them and toss June Bugs, grasshoppers, or whatever else I can find to feed them. And then I sit back to watch them eat.

6. Building the kind of relationship with them to where I can get closer to them will take time and patience. It will take their trust in me that I am not their enemy and that I am there to help them.

7. This is the kind of relationship that God desires with us as well. He desires us to get closer and closer to him in order to have a stronger relationship with Him as He feds us spiritually. His desire is the same I have for those Bullfrogs in my pond. To see them grow stronger, to have a great happy life, to survive and thrive.

8. God is patient with us as well. His hand is right above us and he is trying to feed us. It is up to us if we will receive or not. It is up to us if we will get closer to Him or not.

Conclusion: Are you willing to get closer to Him today? Are you willing to swallow whatever it may be that God offers you? God is not our enemy; He is our friend that has a desire to build an everlasting relationship with each and every one of us. I suggest that we HOP TO HIM AND OPEN UP WIDE.