Summary: Jesus' teaching closes Mark chapter 4 by revealing to us the truths of the Kingdom of God and the importance of having faith. However, if we aren't willing to do what Jesus has called us to do, can we really ever have faith in the storms of life?

Faith in the Storm

Mark 4:21-41


- Jesus is demonstrated in this book as a “servant”

-- Key verse: Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

- Last time we saw one of the most important parables of Jesus’ ministry

-- The parable of the sower is a representation of what we should be doing

-- It is clear from Mark 4:20 what Jesus tells us what we MUST realize


- Very important for Christians to remember this CRITICAL lesson:

-- If we are not hearing, it’s because we’ve closed our ears off

-- If we are not accepting, it’s because we’ve chosen our way instead of God’s

-- If we are not producing, it’s because we’ve told God that it isn’t our job

- Today we see continue to see Jesus teaching to those who’ve come to Him

-- The application of what Christ calls us to do is APPLY what we’ve HEARD

-- We are going to finish Mark 4, but we will break it up into two parts today

- Read Mark 4:21-29

∆ Point 1 – Light is Needed (21-25)

- Lamps provide light and give us guidance as we live life out daily

-- IMP: God’s word is a challenge to our way of thinking, EVERY TIME

-- APP: We need to approach God’s word and look for how it applies to us

-- Remember, parables make us ask, “What do I need to change in my life?”

-- Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

- Jesus teaches us in this something common; but often misunderstood

-- IMP: Would you bring a light into the house only to hide it? Of course not!

- Light provides many things to different people:

-- 1) Ability to not be hurt when traveling at night

-- 2) Serve as a navigational method for the boater/fisherman

-- 3) Comfort in the darkness when we may be afraid

-- 4) Provides plants the ability to grow, etc. IMP: LIGHT IS CRITICAL!

- Jesus says, “Pay attention!” (v23) I’m telling you what you need to know

-- (v24/25) This is a warning to them: What you do you will receive back

-- IMP: Your life is not your own and we can’t focus on just ourselves anymore!

--- This goes against everything society says … but freedom in Christ is worth it!

- APP: If we are to ever succeed, we’ve got to be willing to stop taking control

-- We have to be able to admit that God’s ways are better, and He knows outcomes

TRANS: This includes our faith and knowing that God is ALWAYS working

∆ Point 2 – Sowing Matters (26-29)

- In discussing life, Jesus uses (again) a very common topic: Farming

-- Everyone at this time has farmed something, somehow, somewhere

-- His speaking to them allows them to see the need for impact immediately

-- The challenge is: “Do WE see where we need to be impacted?”

Jesus says (v26) “this is what the Kingdom is like …”

-- He speaks directly to the importance of sowing seed into good soil

-- It’s the application of giving the Gospel to other people that matters

-- APP: Life is NEVER going to be about what YOU can get out of it

-- APP: Jesus, likewise, is NEVER to be approached like a vending machine

- IMP: Too many preachers teach today that God just wants to give you something

-- This creates in us an attitude of entitlement, and of self-centeredness

-- This attitude is one of sin, and needs to be put in check immediately

-- Why? B/C we miss the application of Mark 1:15: REPENT and BELIEVE

- Crops grow because of the work that the farmer does initially

-- The farmer (us) spreads the seed, and then his job is basically done

-- The growth and the production is then out of the farmer’s (our) hands

-- The harvesting is what God allows us to do … and that’s a privilege! (IMP)

-- Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” He knew it wasn’t about HIS efforts!

- APP: Jesus says (v29) we harvest because it is ripe and the time is NOW

-- Your role in this is to go and harvest! We must first stop though by sowing

TRANS: Sometimes our faith seems weak & Jesus addresses this

- Read Mark 4:30-41

∆ Point 3 – Exploding Faith (30-34)

- v30, Once again Jesus talks about the Kingdom (not about His own desires)

-- He doesn’t focus on advancing an agenda, but on honoring God

- Mustard seeds are tiny, small seeds that as the Bible says, grow to huge plants

-- See slide for example of the seed and then what God produces

-- God takes the smallest seed and creates from it a HUGE tree (v32)

-- APP: When God says He will do things, He does them up amazing!

- Remember (v34) Jesus told us why He teaches in parables

-- This is from Wed night: Re-read Mark 4:12

-- APP: Some people are just not going to get it …

-- Those are the ones who’ve decided to not hear, accept, and produce

-- Therefore, Jesus dives deeper with those who want to hear more (v34)

- Today, we have an opportunity to learn more and to experience Jesus more

-- IMP: But we have to want it … to desire it … just like the Disciples did!

-- They cherished their time because they were constantly asking for “more”

-- APP: The desire they had to know more was evident: They STAYED with Him


∆ Point 4 – Calming the Storm (35-41)

- (v35) We see Jesus wanting to spend time away from the crowds

-- We’ve seen this before: it is merely an opportunity to rest

-- APP: He is fully God, but also fully human and people are taxing

- What happens next is probably one of the most important lessons we have

-- Jesus, riding in a boat on this lake, takes time to sleep

-- There is no way of knowing what lake they are on

-- But as info, the Sea of Galilee is 64 sq. miles wide (it is not a small little lake)

-- If they were to cross that he would definitely have time to sleep …

-- So the time to get from here to there was probably a while … so he naps

- Meanwhile, while they are traveling, a storm brews up which is very common

-- If you ever get out in the middle of Lake Martin you can experience the same

-- This storm shakes the boat, it rattles the Disciples, and they begin to panic

- (v38) You’ve brought us, don’t you care … MEANING: DO something!!

-- Even though these men are walking / living with Jesus, they fail at this also

-- APP: They are approaching Jesus asking “what can He do for me …”

- (v39) The rebuke is for the Disciples benefit, to calm them to focus

- (v40) THIS rebuke is for them … and let me tell you: IT IS HARSH!

-- After all this time, you are STILL playing this game of being in charge …

-- You still think this life is about you and your needs, don’t you …

-- Will you ever stop thinking about yourself and learn what’s around you …

-- You are with me, the One you call Lord, and yet you think you’ll die …

-- “Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46)

- (v41) shows how they, even as Disciples, fail miserably to comprehend Jesus

-- They miss the rebuke, and their focus is on what He did – not Who He Is!

-- IMP: They are still looking only at what Jesus is able to do …

-- And in that, they totally miss the reason He is there (again, see Mark 1:15)

TRANS: It is right here where we will stop and sum this up …

∆ Big Ideas

-- 1) The key to overcoming the darkness is turn ON the light! It’s important!

-- 2) The kingdom of God is NOT about asking: “What can God do for me”

-- 3) The smallest amount of faith can bloom into a huge result, IF we exercise

“The Jesus Boat” – Rev Shane Bishop

When we first receive Christ, we are offered an invitation to ride on the Jesus Boat. We don’t have to do a thing; just enjoy the summer breezes blowing through our hair, the warm sunshine on our faces and the cool spray of the misty water over our bodies. Jesus provides the boat, mans the sails, steers, navigates and even provides Diet Cokes and sunscreen…it is fun to ride on the Jesus Boat. We think we could just ride on the Jesus Boat forever.

Then one day Jesus says, “Why don’t I teach you to sail this boat?” We don’t much like the sound of that offer because we like riding on the boat (remember the free sunscreen and Diet Cokes?) but he has done so much for us that we accept. Together we look at charts, listen to weather reports, calculate wind direction and man the sails. This is a close and rich time with our savior and we grow to love it. We think we could be the first mate on the Jesus Boat forever.

Then one day Jesus says, “Why don’t you take a group out today?” I am taking another group on another boat and I think you are ready. We say, “Lord I want to hang out with you. I like it when we do things together.” He says, “I will always be with you and the things I taught you will serve you well. He hands us a single book of navigation, shakes our hand and smiles warmly. “I believe in you,” he says. People begin to get on the boat and we offer them free Diet Cokes and sunscreen. We think we could just captain a Jesus Boat forever.

Then one morning, Jesus calls. A hurricane has engulfed the region; the rain is pounding, the wind is blowing and the seas are swirling and dangerous. We say, “Don’t worry Jesus I won’t be taking your boat out today. In fact, I’ll just stay in and get some sleep while this thing blows over.” But Jesus says, “Get up. Put on your rain gear. Get the boat ready. You will need to utilize everything thing I have taught you. There are people stranded in these troubled seas and you are going out to save them.” It is then you realize…that is why Jesus invited us to ride on the boat in the first place.

• God has not called us to a pleasure cruise…God has called us to the Coast Guard.

• God has not called us to a Caribbean vacation; God has called us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

• God has not called us to ride the storm in safety; God has sent us into the hurricane!

-- 4) When you are in the boat with Jesus, WHO are you afraid of?

- Pray