Summary: The word of God reveals that the end time before the coming of the Lord will be characterized by great apostasy.


Beloved, You are welcome to the hour of THE TRUMPETER. Remember, It is a moment we are sharing the UNDILUTED word of God, preparing the saints for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's a moment we also looking at the amazing facts happening in the world today and understanding them in the light of the revealed word of God. We also use this medium to warn the unbelieving world about the fast approaching judgement of God

In today's episode of the trumpeter, we are going to look at a vital topic and facts which will shock you, and point you directly to what the Spirit of God is revealing and saying to this final generation. Really, there is no time to spend and to waste. Everything is pointing to the final consummation of the age.

Before we commence fully, let us pray.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Our Lord and our God, we sincerely thank you for the provision of your word. Your word is truth and life. It is purified seven times and exalted above your name. May you use this word to change lives and give direction to my listener. Bless us as we share in the depth of your knowledge and lead us in the path of your righteousness.We are weak, you are strong. As we decrease, may you increase. Thank you Lord for this privilege and grace through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

The subject today is "THE GREAT APOSTASY"

1st Timothy chapter 4 verses 1- 3

“But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by them that believe and know the truth”

Again 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 to 4

“I charge thee in the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus, who shall judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables”

Finally, the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 12

“And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold”

When you hear the word "apostasy", What is it?

a. It is an act of defection

b. It is a state of backsliding, heresy, or abandoning the truth

c. It is a total desertion or departure of the real way ( especially in a religion)

So,From the places, we read we discovered many things about the hour mankind is living in today. Friend, this is the time the Word of God is talking about- the time of great apostasy. Apostle Paul charged his son in the faith- Timothy, to preach the undiluted truth of God’s word, having seen that a time comes when men would no longer care for sound doctrine, rather pursuing shadows. Mark that word "sound" which means, not every word from the mouth of some people are sound. It may look like truth but not whole truth. You know these days, we have many orators and charismatic players. Some are smart and we think they are anointed.

My Brothers and Sisters, The word of God reveals that the end time before the coming of the Lord will be characterized by great apostasy. I mean, a great falling away from the original, orthodox teachings of the faith. People should choose their way. Truth shall be a rare commodity.

In 1st Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 to 3, the Word of God gives us a few pictures of the apostasy. You are hearing many teachings these days. The Spirit of God now speaks expressly that majority even, people inside the church, though clapping their hands and shouting ‘Amen’ like a thunder, shall depart from the faith and getting married to seducing spirits and satanic doctrines. Friend, there is satanic doctrines going around now. The reason why you may not have seen it,is maybe, you have no original. If you have an original, when you see fake or counterfeit, you will know it. Some people are now speaking lies in hypocrisy. In as much as they get their daily bread through manipulation, threat and intimidation, they care not. No wonder, we see confusion here and there.Why? many people are moving around with consciences already seared with hot iron.

In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3, the Word of God made us to understand that the falling away precedes the revelation of the world dictator, the man - Antichrist. He will be a tormentor and his short reign will be operation brutality.

Friend, why am I saying all these things, " I don't know what you are believing today or where you put your leg? Remember, I told you in one of our past editions of the trumpeter, "It is not everywhere Bible is opened is where God is" Today, in some places, it looks as if to say, " the more you look, the less you see" Our Master, Jesus Christ prophesied also that " many people shall fall away" and the latest news shall be " the love of many shall grow cold"

What are we not seeing or hearing today?

The more the days, the more, the betrayal in every institution. The more the days, the more the delusion. No wonder, Apostle John in the book of Revelation revealed the state of the seven churches (Asia Minor) in the area of Modern day, Turkey and the letters of Jesus Christ to them. You should know that these letters represent a panoramic prophetic survey of the church in history. Please, may you follow us when we shall treat these churches one after the other. You should know that the last church that will precede the Rapture of the Church in Revelation chapter 3 is the Church of Laodecia. A church that is neither hot nor cold, the church of materialism and prosperity. The church that has chased the owner outside His house. So, He remains outside knocking continuously. A church that is busy doing her own thing. A church that received the sharpest rebuke. A church that is poor in the midst of her riches, miserable in her miracles, naked upon all her decorations and flamboyance, blind in the midst of her breakthroughs. Oh!Lord, save this Laodecian Church. Friend, this is our church today. After the rebuke by the owner of the church, Jesus Christ,please read the following verse, that is Chapter 4 verse 1 and see where the Church were asked to come up higher. That's the Rapture of the Saints.

“After these things I saw, and behold, a door opened in heaven, and the first voice that I heard, a voice as of a trumpet speaking with me, one saying, Come up hither, and I will show thee the things which must come to pass hereafter”

This is the age of great apostasy!

From what is going on now, you can see why end times church will be weak according to Apostle Paul. The same thing is seen about the end time society. In 2 Timothy chapter 3, he mentioned some characters that shall be seen in the latter days as he described how society will fall apart. He added, the reason will be people " holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power" Have you seen it, friend? Mark that word " a form of godliness" Yes, the name of the person may be in the church, activities going on all the time and other things. The Bible calls all these things "form of godliness" Are you not seeing some leaders in the church patronizing native doctors, committing abomination at the sacred places? Some after singing in the church, yet continue to live with a man or woman, not his or her spouse. People parading themselves as Christians, yet refuse to live according to the standard of God. When you want to show true christ life or to ask the Holy Spirit to save a soul, they say, Nooooo- please, are you still believing the same old things. You don't have to go too far. Must you be fanatical? Afterall,God understands. Friend, the Word of God is saying to you through this medium---You are an apostate.

Remember, God has a sure foundation, having a seal. If you are calling on the name of The Lord... Depart! from iniquity. Are you denying the power which produces peace, righteousness and justice today?Please, repent before it becomes too late.

Do you know that some of these essential beliefs are eroding down gradually now while some are being subjected to an unparalleled assault from within the Church itself? The Bible says that in the end times, people will mock the promise of the Lords return. What is so shocking is that most of the mockery is coming from within the Church. I heard one leader of a denomination say, " Are you sure this Jesus is coming again really? Friend, You can doubt your doubt. Whether you believe it or not, He is coming back any moment from now. If the first advent was a reality- that's the Christmas you celebrate - I don't care the date or minute of his birth, then the second advent is a capital MUST.

All these thoughts are giving way to these unprecedented rise in apostasy today. You hear many news going on worldwide. Some people are no longer reading Bible to believe and obey but to be analyzed, dissected and criticized. A western man came up during the discussion about the same-sex marriage said, "We wrote the Bible and have the authority to re-write it"

Oh! I thanked God they wrote meaningful thing at the beginning. He must know that the Holy Spirit is the author of the scripture and "en- engrafe, en- grafe meaning, :what is written, is written" No man can change it. Thank you Jesus!

Friend. I don't know where you are standing?

The Trumpeter is saying, this is the final hour.

For you to know some of these great apostasy in circulation today, then listen,

Do you know that the issue of the salvation of mankind through faith in Christ Jesus is now giving way for salvation through works only. That’s why people must bring something. I mean MUST before they are prayed for? After praying for an aged woman, she asked, Sir, How much should I pay for the prayer to work? You should not blame her for that is what she is taught in her denomination by some fast guys --- I mean some businessmen at the pulpit.

Well, I do say, people are yet to see things. The scriptures cannot be broken.

There was a Bishop in New Jersey by name John Spong who wrote a book in which he stated that Virgin Birth is a myth and fallacy from the pit of Hell. He denies the miracles of Jesus, denies the resurrection, denies the second coming, argues that Paul and Timothy, David and Jonathan were gay lovers. He has become so enamored with other religions that he has announced he will no longer witness to those caught up in the spiritual darkness of pagan faith!

We are talking about great apostasy.

The new teachings of many world mega-preachers today are that Christ is no longer the only way to eternity. There are other ways. This is called Chrislam. So, you can enter into heaven through many channels. One popular Christian leader was quoted as said " even Atheist and Moralist have guarantee of eternal life after here" Now, you can see anyhow people in a round table with Christian representatives. Few years ago, many of them were invited in the world prayer rally and to join in praying for world peace. That day were terrible as you see all world religions calling their deities and the conclusion said by the Christian leader. All the participants echoed ‘Amen’ and everyone was happy.

My friend, when heaven is closed for a generation, you shall witness dust everywhere. There are dust everywhere now. I mean satanic doctrines in the air. People are manufacturing their doctrines because only few seeks for God of heaven. Some of our Media- preachers are not helping matters either. I think, it is in the television does not make it genuine. In short, the fastest heresy and falsehood is spread today from some media houses. Afterall, the devil said in one of his latest interviews through his demon and agent that he is controlling the earth today through Internet, media and contemporary music industry. I think he is true to some extent. I say, to an extent but not all because I know that important facts can be gotten through Internet while some educational performances can be obtained through good media outlets for instruction, impartation and correction.

One man, Norman Peale- some years ago said in a program "It is not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God. I have mine. Afterall, I found peace in a Shinto Shrine... I have been to Shinto shrines. And God is everywhere"

Another popular preacher said that the leaders of the Reformation Movement made a mistake in centering their theology around God instead of man. He said that Christ is too pompous. Afterall, "The cross sanctifies the ego trip. In other words, Jesus had an ego. He, Jesus said " if I be lifted up, will draw all men to me" Wow, What an ego trip He was on!

Have you seen it? What blatant blasphemy- to accuse the one who was the very essence of humility of being an egotist!

What about the New age movement and their teaching going on today? One said that the red lipstick is the blood of Jesus Christ. The teaching of God looks at the heart not physical appearance has made it an impossibility now to differentiate some Christian assemblies from night club. But I think some of these people saying these things do go to the market to buy a fruit and how do they prefer a better one,if not by choosing one with a ripe color outside. My Brother and Sister, The outside also have their message to communicate. Nocturnal meetings with satanic dress and wears must be differentiated from Christian pattern. Salvation is free but not cheap.

Are you deceived already?

Few years ago, on the eve of the lent, a revered Bishop held a press conference. He announced that it was traditional for Christians to give up something during the forty days of lent. He then dramatically announced that he had decided to give up Bible reading. He went on to explain he was going to devote his time during lent to reading the Koran, because he felt like the other religious book would make him, "more compassionate, and more human"

Now, many people are denying the infallibility of the Bible, the unique authority of God, the validity of the Gospels account of the life and teachings of Christ and His uniqueness as the only savior.

Some of these apostasy are also found at the grass root level in our local assemblies. A minister wrote in his church advert, " to hell with Church. If Christ were nailed on the cross with all the blood, of course, people with pierced body parts are welcome here" He was referring to tattoo boys and girls.

Thank God for some faithful men of God who saw this final century. One of them, William Booth who lived between 1829-1912 predicted that the Gospel would not fare well in this hour. Let me quote him,

"In the new century, that is now, much of the church would be preaching Christianity without Christ, Forgiveness without repentance, Salvation without regeneration, heaven without hell"

That's exactly where we are today.

Friend, Are you giving up your hope? Because others are throwing in the towel and so you are adopting the attitude, if you can't beat them, join them"

No, you don't have to do that, if you are a real child of God.

Be strong and keep your garment pure, for He that should come, must come for He shall not tarry.

So,If you are a sinner hearing my voice- maybe in your room, in the church or in the bus traveling. Today, may be your last day here. And you know, to close your eyes here is to open it in a second in the other side. Don't be confused with what you are seeing here on the earth. Let me tell you, earth is not beautiful to compare with the everlasting glory to be revealed. It is just a trash and a shadow. So, give your life to Jesus Christ. You will not die forever. As go about your normal business now, lay hold on things which stays permanent,and that is eternity in Christ waiting for you.

I will give you an opportunity now to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. If you are ready, he is ready to accept you now. I mean, now.

You can follow me in this simple but mighty prayer and believe it with your heart. For with your mouth, you confess that Jesus Christ is The Lord and with your heart, you believe.

Now, say after me.

"Lord Jesus, I come to you today by faith. I'm a sinner and I can't save myself. I have heard your word and discovered that I need your mercy and forgiveness. Come into my life and be my Lord and personal savior.Forgive me all my sins. I reject self and the world,and hereby promise to worship you sincerely. Thank you Lord for saving me today. Amen

I now pray for you

Lord, I pray for my listener who had prayed this prayer now. Please accept him into your kingdom. Forgive all iniquities and transgressions and give him or her a new life to live for you. Thank You Lord for we pray in Jesus Name. Amen

My friend, thank you for the new life you have received in Christ Jesus today. Congratulation! and begin to study the word of God on daily basis and ask for deeper revelation and insight from His Spirit. If you want a place to begin, You may start with the gospel of John, and also fellowship with other believers in Christ for your growth.

In the other hand, I pray for the businesses and careers of many people who heard my voice today. Oh Lord, Enlarge their coasts and every satanic partnership against them be dismantled. They are blessed in the city and in the field according to your word. Heal all sicknesses tonight through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Thank you Lord.