Summary: A series to encourage prayer in our daily lives.

Introduction: Prayer Goes Against The Grain

Its unnatural to us

From birth we have been learning self-sufficiency

One way to make my son, really mad right now

Is to do something for Him, that He knows He can do himself

So, for a long time, we have been trying to do it on our own

Prayer flies in the face of those deep-rooted values

Prayer is attack on our self-sufficiency

It is foreign to our pride

And yet somewhere, someplace, all of us reach the point

Of falling to our knees, bowing our heads and fixing our attention

On God and talking to Him

And it’s because we desperately need these 2 things

I want to talk to you about this morning....

1. God’s Presence

We pray because, we understand by intuition or experience

We understand that the most intimate communion w/God

Comes only through prayer

Ask people who have faced tragedy or trial,

Heartbreak or grief, failure and disappointment

Ask them what happened when they reached that breaking point

And they fell on their knees

And poured out their hearts to God

People will say, “I can’t explain it but I just felt that burden lift”

“I can’t explain it, but there was a peace that came in the room”

“There was a calm, a comfort. I knew that God was w/me.”

However they say it, they’re saying the same thing

The presence of God came

Will God calm the storm? I can’t tell you that

But He will calm you! Every single time!

This is clearly seen in Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I want to tell you

Entering into the presence of God

Is the greatest experience we can have

Its the greatest place we can be

That is our aim every time we gather together on Sunday

It will give you strength for another day

It will give you courage, reassurance and hope

It will give you grace and mercy

It will provide your every need!

Close Relationship:

For many people, prayer is not their strong suit

I began taking time to pray

And my prayer life has been transformed

The greatest fulfillment has not been the list of the miraculous answers to prayer that I have received

Although thats wonderful and amazing to me

The greatest blessing is the substantive difference

In my relationship with God

And when I committed myself to prayer

I didn’t know that was going to happen

People who don’t pray are casually connected

Think about people who don’t get together and talk much

They more so have a connection thru a mutual friend

Momma prays, I call the Pastor and he prays for me

But people who pray committed to prayer

With their Heavenly Father

They know Him

God has revealed Himself to them

He is breathing life into their spirit

The presence of God in your life will change your life

Mark my words, that will be the most fulfilling part of your prayer

Even more so than the answered prayers

You are sure to receive

Fellowship with God, your Heavenly Father

A close relationship with Him is worth more

Than any physical blessing

2. Channel For God’s Power

Through prayer God gives us His presence

And that is the first reason people fall on their knees

But there is a 2nd reason

People are drawn to prayer because they know

That God’s power flows primarily to people who pray

So, Prayer 2ndly is a Channel for God’s Power

The Bible overflows with passages teaching that our

Almighty, All Powerful God is ready, willing and able

To answer the prayers of His people

The miracles of Israel’s Exodus and entering the Promised Land

Were all answers to prayer And great testimonies to God’s power

So were Jesus’ miracles of calming storms, providing Food, Healing the sick, raising the dead

As the Early Church formed and grew and spread

God answered the believers continued prayers

Someone has said, When we work, We work

But When we pray, God works

How amazing is it to think that

His resources, His power is available to praying people

Who are convinced to the core of their being

That God can do what He said He can do

God’s power can change circumstances and relationships

It can give us strength to face another day

It can heal emotional and physical wounds

Remove obstacles on your job, in your home

Jesus said All Power in Heaven and Earth is given to me

So I just believe that there is nothing too hard for God!

Nothing that His power can’t extend to,

Nothing He can’t reach

Nothing He can’t touch,

There’s nothing too big for Our God!

Hands Raised To Heaven:

This passage in Exodus 17,

I’ve gone back to many times in my life

And I want to share it with you today

Its one of the most persuasive passages that prayer matters

In Exodus 17,

The Amalekites came to attack the Israelites in the Wilderness

Moses calls in his right hand man who was his most capable

Who was his most capable military leader, Joshua

After their meeting they decide that Joshua is going to

Choose the best men that they have

And they’re going to fight the Amalekites, they’re not going to run

But here’s what Moses is going to do

He’s going to go up on the Mountain Top with God

Mountain Tops were very significant in the Bible

They were a place to get alone with God

A place to pray and to enter His presence

To make your petitions known

Moses was going to go up on the Mountain Top

With some godly men, Aaron and Hur

And they were going to overlook the battle field

They were going to pray

They were going to pray for victory, for protection and blessing

And they were going to lift up Moses’ staff in faith for victory

So Joshua agrees

He would rather have their Spiritual Leader

Up on the Mountain w/God rather than on the physical battlefield

Moses, Aaron and Hur were going to do Spiritual Battle

While Joshua and his men were going to do Physical Battle

What happens of course is that when Moses’ hands are stretched toward Heaven in prayer and faith

Joshua’s troops prevail in battle, fighting w/a divine intensity

That overwhelms the Enemy

But when Moses’s hands became weary in being lifted

He dropped his hands the Bible said and simply viewed the battle,

To his horror, the tide of the battle shifts right before his eyes

Joshua’s troops are being struck down

The Enemy is gaining a Foothold

Moses stretches his arms toward heaven again

In prayer and faith

Bringing the matter before the Lord

Immediately the battle’s momentum shifts back to Joshua & Israel

And once again they are driving back the Enemy

Then it clicks with Moses

He must keep his arms stretched toward heaven

If he wants to open the door for God’s Power on the Battlefield

Moses discovered that day that God’s Victorious Power

Is released thru faith and prayer

And in my life, I have experienced the very same thing

When we are willing to invite God into our daily life

And our daily challenges and battles

We will experience His Victorious Power

In our home, in our relationships, in our church

Whatever area it is needed!

It may come in the form of an idea, renewed strength, a blessing out of nowhere, a new attitude toward your family

Or maybe even an outright inexplicable miracle

However it comes, know this- His power is released thru prayer!

Keep The Power Flowing:

The other side of that equation is sobering

When Moses put his hands down and just watched the battle

The Enemy began to prevail

How many times, do we stop praying

And the Enemy begins to prevail

The tide begins to shift

God will not send His power to someone who has given up

To someone who thinks they can handle it on their own

Without God

Prayer-less people cut themselves off from God’s power

The result is that familiar feeling of being

Overwhelmed, Overrun, Beat Down, Pushed Around & Defeated

Too many times, we let the Enemy nearly overtake us

Before we turn to God in prayer

That’s why we must Keep the Power Flowing

Keep that valve of prayer open

That’s why we have First Tuesday Prayer & Fasting

To start the Month off right, to keep that valve open

Once Moses made that connection between prayer & power

He spent the rest of the day with his arms up

His arms got weary but he had help,

He had Aaron and Hur holding his arms up

As long as their arms were up in faith believing

God’s power flowed to them

And needless to say, Israel won the battle that day!

Thats what I’m asking you to do

Join me in praying

Join me in being people who pray!


Are you weary of praying? Do you feel that your prayer is ineffective?

Do you wonder if God is really listening?

Just lift up your hands in faith and in prayer

I don’t know about you, but I have things I need to pray about

Challenge you to be a Prayer

First Tuesday

Commit to them

All year